
Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
  1. His decision to stray from his usual blend of impish party tunes and extended jingles for the latest summer blockbuster constitutes one of the most ill-advised career moves since MC Hammer went gangsta.
  2. Sure, sanitary party jams like "Switch" will get the PTA meeting rocking, but there's just no getting around Smith's insipid rhymes.
  3. The flow is intact, the rhymes are well written, and even though Smith hasn't crossed that line from pop friendly into hardcore gangsta... he's definitely a bit more rugged this time out.
  4. Entertainment Weekly
    A CD packed with the sort of undeniable pleasures only the most churlish thug could deny. [15 Apr 2005, p.78]
  5. His nice-guy-with-a-retrograde-flow shtick is fast running out of steam.
  6. Somewhere along the way, Smith lost his musical appeal, be it via constant, blatant commercialism or simply a decline in skills. Now, it seems, he's found the qualities that made him such a joy in the first place; the only question remaining is whether anyone is still listening.
  7. The lamest album that'll be released this year.
  8. Some of the playful songs are as joyously boisterous and willfully corny as anything in Smith's past, making Lost and Found an entertaining and thoughtful album for young kids and their parents to listen to and talk about.
  9. Blender
    It's ultimately unconvincing. [Jun 2005, p.115]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 57
  2. Negative: 11 out of 57
  1. Nov 1, 2012
    The album Lost And Found by Will Smith is real nice. Especially the songs "Party Starter" and "Switch" are cool. Overall it's pretty variedThe album Lost And Found by Will Smith is real nice. Especially the songs "Party Starter" and "Switch" are cool. Overall it's pretty varied and promises hours of full music enjoyment. Full Review »
  2. MusicLover
    Oct 21, 2007
    People underrate Will Smith enormously, but the first hip-hop album I ever heard was Big Willie Style & since then, I've been hooked to People underrate Will Smith enormously, but the first hip-hop album I ever heard was Big Willie Style & since then, I've been hooked to hip-hop. This album is just as awesome as Big Willie Style was (and still is). He's got range in subject matter, flow, beats. He comes at every song differently. This album kept me on my toes beginning to end. Full Review »
  3. allanb
    Aug 12, 2006
    This is a great album. It is really starting to make me mad how people have been criticising Will. Who are they to criticise.