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Universal acclaim- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 37
  2. Negative: 1 out of 37

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  1. JoshK
    Nov 6, 2005
    This album has captured my imagination. Only recently have I even heard of Super Furry Animals, and already they have become one of my favorite groups. Despite the fact that I like ther Guerilla album better, this album is still well deserving of a perfect score, for its grace and perfection. The type of music is just to my liking. A mixture of electronica and pop rock, with a very This album has captured my imagination. Only recently have I even heard of Super Furry Animals, and already they have become one of my favorite groups. Despite the fact that I like ther Guerilla album better, this album is still well deserving of a perfect score, for its grace and perfection. The type of music is just to my liking. A mixture of electronica and pop rock, with a very talented vocalist, who has, in my opinion, an extremely sexy voice. Expand
  2. Alex
    Feb 6, 2006
    Another comment here asks "Are they ever going to make an album that is less than brilliant?" Unlikely.
  3. MrsCairnsy
    Oct 5, 2005
    What's not to like? Beautiful melodies with strange lyrics, multilayered sounds, diverse influences, a bit edgy, typically impeccable SFA quality control all add up to a wonderful album. The best bit? How good these songs sound live. SFA OK
  4. kinopl
    Sep 17, 2005
    best album of the year so far. Down beat melodies sweet and obscure- most sincere SFA album to date. Definitely their more coherent probably their best. metacsore low, pls revise it!
  5. ceciliat
    Sep 19, 2005
    there's a big research behind this album (expecially in the territory of classic and folk music), melodies u can't forget and lot of luv
  6. SteveW
    Sep 23, 2005
    As relaxed as Phantom Power but with enough interesting noises tucked into the mix to make it much more enjoyable. If your audio system can play SACD's seek out the hybrid SACD version (not for sale in the US, but you can order it from amazon co UK). The 5.1 mix is one of the best I've heard. (My favorite multichannel mix, if you need a measuring stick, is the Flaming Lips' As relaxed as Phantom Power but with enough interesting noises tucked into the mix to make it much more enjoyable. If your audio system can play SACD's seek out the hybrid SACD version (not for sale in the US, but you can order it from amazon co UK). The 5.1 mix is one of the best I've heard. (My favorite multichannel mix, if you need a measuring stick, is the Flaming Lips' uber-playful DVD-A of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots). Expand
  7. JoeyL
    Dec 3, 2006
    This is probably the best album they've made. It's mature and absolutely beautiful.
  8. BrianD
    Oct 14, 2005
    Takes a few listens, but it is certainly worth the effort. Are they ever going to make an album that is less than brilliant?
  9. SamuelL
    Sep 13, 2005
    The poor reviews are depressingly short sighted. This is an album I could see persisting for decades to come. It takes a while to sink in, but that just makes the discovery of all the intricate melodies and new territories (for SFA) even more rewarding.
  10. RichardS
    Sep 13, 2005
    A work that washes over you rather than attacks you from all sides, but all the more beautiful for it. The perfect record for those late-night hours.
  11. BobX
    Sep 13, 2005
    SFA drop the silliness for a serious and beautiful album that really resonates. Those looking for their famous silliness will not like it much. Those who always saw that underneath the gimmicks there were serious and great songs will be dazzled at what is their most honest attempt at straighforward music. A very beautiful album and possibly a career of a very expansive career.
  12. Shanus
    Sep 15, 2005
    Super Furries can do no wrong! Soon they will take over the world! Mwah-haha!
  13. JohnG
    Sep 19, 2005
    You just can't predict them. Theres no point in even thinking about it. So don't, accept it. Just magic. Again.
  14. PatrickK
    Sep 14, 2005
    Is it just me, or does the metascore for this seem way too low? I mean, there are only four reviews under 80... and three 100's. Just saying. In any case, this is one heck of an album from one heck of a band. Seven discs later and they're still going strong. I really don't think there are many other bands so consistently good and inventive.
  15. JimD
    Nov 24, 2005
    Anyone who likes SFA and doesn't think this album is great should listen to it at least 20 times before giving it a rating. I wasn't all that impressed after the first couple of listens, but now I have to say its one of my favourite albums of all time. If it didn't have "The Horn" on it, it would be a perfect album.
  16. LawrenceP
    Sep 17, 2005
    A very strong release with some really unforgetable songs from one of the most solid bands of the last 10 years.
  17. matta
    Sep 14, 2005
    The first couple of times that I went through Love Kraft I was disappointed a little. It sounded okay, but it seemed like the songs were a little underdeveloped and weren't as interesting overall as the Furries last two albums. Subsequent listens have proved that initial reaction wrong by a long shot. While this album is very different from both Phantom and Rings(a maybe just a notch The first couple of times that I went through Love Kraft I was disappointed a little. It sounded okay, but it seemed like the songs were a little underdeveloped and weren't as interesting overall as the Furries last two albums. Subsequent listens have proved that initial reaction wrong by a long shot. While this album is very different from both Phantom and Rings(a maybe just a notch below both), it is a beautiful album and is probably the Furries most personal album to date. Give it a few listens to grow and you won't be disappointed. Expand
  18. Tom
    Sep 16, 2005
    A return to form after the relatively boring Phantom Power.
  19. daxp
    Sep 16, 2005
    this is a great album from one of those bands that can just do no wrong.
  20. Gruff
    Sep 15, 2005
    A very good album, although there are 1 or 2 songs that are not great. Having said that, it's definitely a grower.
  21. NiklasP
    Sep 15, 2005
    Very nice one, not at all as experimental as their first ones, but very a very thorough piece of work, filled with puns, hooks, great sound and a fantastic lead man followed by his amazing musical mates.
  22. Diego
    Sep 14, 2005
    Not addictive as previous efforts but still pretty nice.
  23. JamieM
    Sep 30, 2005
    Nah. I love 'em I really do, but this just isn't all that strong. There's a tune shortage here. They've covered it up well, but the killer to filler ratio is well below their average. Cloudberries rocks, mind.
  24. JulianR
    Nov 13, 2005
    This album is merely pleasant. Like on Phantom Power, not much immediately stands out and grabs you. Definitely one of the band's lesser efforts, though still worthwhile. Only the opening track "Zoom!" has me pressing the repeat button. Perhaps their best ever song.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. What could have easily ended up as a boring, stale record -- the sound of a band getting ready for 401(k) land -- is instead the peaceful sound of a goofy band being a little less silly.
  2. Perhaps it's a little disappointing on some level that Love Kraft is merely a very good Super Furry Animals [album], with few surprises outside of its alluring sleekness.
  3. Even by SFA’s lofty standards, the production on Love Kraft is little short of incredible.