• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: Aug 12, 2014
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 459 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 35 out of 459
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  1. Apr 10, 2023
    LP1 is such an interesting album each time I listen to it; the production never gets old and sounds like nothing else out there right now.
  2. Jul 3, 2022
  3. Jun 10, 2022
    Best album from her, slay the versace boots house down, yassssssss fka mama CUT: lights on, pendulum, two weeks and video girl
  4. Apr 8, 2022
    Even if the sex-angst of millennials is not your thing, FKA Twigs can still satisfy, and that is why LP1 (the title oozes confidence) is so special.
  5. Oct 25, 2021
    F*ckng monumental debut. Arguably the best ones of her time. It's a descendant of the sultry brilliance of vespertine and homogenic without being derivative. Her soft achy vocals and simple lyrics convey the desire,ache and bravado of lust mistaken for love. The album begins with the eerie "preface " Which is amply named as it sets the tone for the story she unravels. She equates love toF*ckng monumental debut. Arguably the best ones of her time. It's a descendant of the sultry brilliance of vespertine and homogenic without being derivative. Her soft achy vocals and simple lyrics convey the desire,ache and bravado of lust mistaken for love. The album begins with the eerie "preface " Which is amply named as it sets the tone for the story she unravels. She equates love to self hatred through a famous quote with the aid of Travis Scott ominous male presence. This is the closest to a filler this album could ever get,which is stunning. The cautious"lights on" is an entire journey packed into 4:24min. From distrust of a sexual partner to insecurity. All of this is done with no expense of the musicality. The flute like instruments that begin the song are cut and sharpened throughout the song. The slow burn "two weeks " is so confident and weird u cannot help but join her as she chews up a man for not acknowledging her value. Saying if she wanted him they wouldn't be having this conversation. "Hours" feels like drunk thoughts of a lonely person after a break up. The penultimate opus "pendulum" oscillates just like it's name sake . It feels pathetic in the sense the narrator is trying to sustain or start something with some1 that only she cares for. Her obsession leaves her alone . This song is one in a million. The climax where her voice seems to exolode into shards and fall like stars is what the entire first half had been building into. The experimental serrated "video girl" begins the next side of the album. This side is less about others and more inward leaning. "Video girl" focuses on recognition she experienced from her back up dancer days. "Number" asses betrayal and "closer "praises closeness . The last two are about self love with the last 1 being literal
    Amazing listen. Favourites: pendulum, two weeks,lights on,kicks
  6. Jan 11, 2021
    I discovered 'LP1' (2014) after 'Magdalene' (2019). I note that FKA twigs didn't change much of her artistic approach since. She still perfectly uses her marvelous voice to bring dark and intense themes on the table. On the side she masters electro beats like no one to underline some of her phases, some words, some unspoken emotions. Her songs keep these mysterious and stellar notes.I discovered 'LP1' (2014) after 'Magdalene' (2019). I note that FKA twigs didn't change much of her artistic approach since. She still perfectly uses her marvelous voice to bring dark and intense themes on the table. On the side she masters electro beats like no one to underline some of her phases, some words, some unspoken emotions. Her songs keep these mysterious and stellar notes.

    Hopefully she beautifully evolved to give birth to 'Magdalene' in which I see more rhythm, more emotions and more experience from her.
  7. May 21, 2019
    Just beautiful and out of this world. She is one of those artist that actually have a different image for everything.
  8. Apr 30, 2019
    A stunning debut LP that builds on her formative EPs by evolving and refining past them to create a varied and deeply intoxicating collection of whispered lullabies, confessions and masked threats.
  9. Mar 3, 2019
    FKA twigs surpasses her previous works 'EP1' and 'EP2' with her debut LP 'LP1'. 'LP1' consists of sentimental yet catchy tracks such as "Hours" and "Give Up". 'LP1' is superiorly-produced, and with the use of twigs' whispery, gentle and hypnotizing voice, it is definitely one of the most unique and beautiful albums of all-time.
    Strongest Tracks: "Preface", "Lights On", "Hours", "Numbers",
    FKA twigs surpasses her previous works 'EP1' and 'EP2' with her debut LP 'LP1'. 'LP1' consists of sentimental yet catchy tracks such as "Hours" and "Give Up". 'LP1' is superiorly-produced, and with the use of twigs' whispery, gentle and hypnotizing voice, it is definitely one of the most unique and beautiful albums of all-time.
    Strongest Tracks: "Preface", "Lights On", "Hours", "Numbers", "Give Up"
    Weakest Track: "Video Girl"
  10. Sep 15, 2018
    All the tracks on the album are really good. I have no words for the vocals. Her voice sounds like magic. Totally amazing
  11. Jul 14, 2018
    Beautiful. The choruses are fantastic, and her sound is so unique. She has a incredible and lovely voice. The production is outstanding and so adventurous. Some songs sound a little rushed and underwhelming (just two), but they still have the same qualities that make the rest of the album so incredible.
  12. Nov 30, 2017
    Perfect. Beautiful. Full of emotion. Experimental and a change in R&B. May not be for everyone but for those interested in more experimental artists like Bjork and Kate Bush you may want to check out Twigs' take at Alternative R&B.
  13. Aug 14, 2017
    FKA twigs gives us an album with very beautiful sounds, connected to each other. My favorite tracks are Preface, Two Weeks, Pendulum and Kicks. Nailed it FKA twigs, thank you.
  14. May 13, 2017
    LP1 is not an album. It is a weird twisty dark fun ride. This record is sufficient for listeners to have out-of-body experiences. FKA twigs is no stranger to weird songs that almost sometimes sound nothing like music even, and on her first LP, she follows the same formula on the course of 10 songs, that aren't all mind blowing, but enough to make for a very fun listen. Highlights includeLP1 is not an album. It is a weird twisty dark fun ride. This record is sufficient for listeners to have out-of-body experiences. FKA twigs is no stranger to weird songs that almost sometimes sound nothing like music even, and on her first LP, she follows the same formula on the course of 10 songs, that aren't all mind blowing, but enough to make for a very fun listen. Highlights include 'Lights On', 'Pendulum', 'Hours', and 'Closer'. Great alternative record. Expand
  15. Nov 29, 2016
    It's ridiculous how talented FKA twigs is. A little more than 2 years on from it's release, LP1 still holds up as one of the best albums of this decade. A masterpiece.
  16. Sep 11, 2016
    A monumental start for a irreverent artist whose creativity blows everyone's mind. It is really hard to describe such a deep and immaculate album like LP1, you just get lost between the oneiric atmosphere that she is able to pursuit during this masterpiece.
  17. Feb 2, 2016
    Best debut album of 2014.FKA Twigs is one of the most unique musicians in our time i think.This LP is a perfection.Her breathy vocals matches well with heavy synth sounds.And in this LP she produced most of the tracks."Two Weeks","Video Girl" and "Pendulum" is a perfect trinity for this album.They describe LP1 very well.
  18. Dec 4, 2015
    One of the finest albums of the decade. Twigs' debut LP brings an incredible, experimental sound that is compelling, emotive and distinctively unique. Throughout the tracks we learn about Twigs' gut-punching heartbreak and desperation as she sighs, moans and begs her way through expertly produced songs such as 'Two Weeks' and 'Pendulum'. Every single track stands out, including theOne of the finest albums of the decade. Twigs' debut LP brings an incredible, experimental sound that is compelling, emotive and distinctively unique. Throughout the tracks we learn about Twigs' gut-punching heartbreak and desperation as she sighs, moans and begs her way through expertly produced songs such as 'Two Weeks' and 'Pendulum'. Every single track stands out, including the preface, which is eerily other-worldly. LP1 is one of those few albums that seems able to evoke emotion with every single listen. Expand
  19. Sep 27, 2015
    Some of the best artists are the ones who challenge my perception of what music should sound like, and FKA Twigs did just that with LP1. The first time I heard it I thought it sounded strange and difficult, but upon repeated listens I actually think this is an exceptionally well-written and well-produced album, and the fact that this is just her debut is even more impressive. Twigs hasSome of the best artists are the ones who challenge my perception of what music should sound like, and FKA Twigs did just that with LP1. The first time I heard it I thought it sounded strange and difficult, but upon repeated listens I actually think this is an exceptionally well-written and well-produced album, and the fact that this is just her debut is even more impressive. Twigs has developed such a unique sound that I can only sort of compare her to other artists. She has a dark, slow sound like Banks, but her complex electronic productions are reminiscent of Bjork, although she’s still very much her own artist. I wouldn’t say there are any weak tracks on this album, although it is a very similar style and feel throughout, which can get a bit tiring. Still, this is certainly an album worth checking out, and I’m looking forward to her future releases as well. Expand
  20. Sep 10, 2015
    LP1, Björk influenced in some way, can be relaxing, dramatic and suffocating. It's just as perfect as it can be. I still prefer Björk, thought.
  21. Sep 10, 2015
    This might be one of the best debut albums and in my opinion the best album of 2014, songs like Two Weeks, Pendulum, Give Up and Video Girl are gems and also the song Kicks is an amazing closing track.
  22. Aug 14, 2015
    "LP1" Is definitely my favorite album of 2014! Every track on this album is ambitious as well as intriguing and innovative. FKA Twigs deserves much more recognition for this work of art.
  23. Jul 29, 2015
    This album is by far the best album of 2014 because of its rich, dense and complex production textures that make it feel like the listener is trasported to her world of trying to find stablitly, but that doesn't stop her from experimenting with sound, voice and feeling. An incredible debut and definetly an artist to watch and take note of. (And this is only just the beginning.)
  24. Apr 30, 2015
    LP1 by far is the best R&B/Electronic album of 2014 hands down. Listen to it and you'll see. It's full of jams that you will enjoy, which is the majority of the album. So... Go check it out.
  25. Feb 4, 2015
    FKA Twigs taps into something that has been held and spun and embodied by Kate Bush and Björk, and it is beautiful. Seemingly gentle at first, it comes out as privately passionate, in that hair raising, skittish and exquisitely excited atmosphere of infatuation.
  26. Jan 31, 2015
    While this album surely deserves praise for its experimental and extremely creative production and style, personally, this album has too much experimentation and not enough melodic elements that would make this album more enjoyable. There are a shortage of hooks or melodies that prevent me from going back to this LP after the first listen. However, twigs is a promising artist and I lookWhile this album surely deserves praise for its experimental and extremely creative production and style, personally, this album has too much experimentation and not enough melodic elements that would make this album more enjoyable. There are a shortage of hooks or melodies that prevent me from going back to this LP after the first listen. However, twigs is a promising artist and I look forward to her future projects. Expand
  27. Dec 28, 2014
    FKA Twigs with LP1 is more than music, is art. The power of a woman that has your sexuality secure, pure and naturally. In this album feelings are mixed with sensuality, pure feelings and pure sensyality. It's baically genious.
  28. Dec 18, 2014
    You have a great voice, when you listen to this album will not skip any track, you just turn everything in the right amount! "LP1 " deserved a chance to win a Grammy, I'm not okay with that.
  29. Dec 12, 2014
    FLAWLESS isn't even the word for this album - FKA twigs' 'LP1' is a musical journey through creative lyricism, innocent (but strong) vocals, and beautiful production! From the dark, haunting 'Preface' intro - all the way to the closing song 'Kicks', you will NEVER have to skip a track.
  30. Nov 13, 2014
    Even if it came out merely months ago, FKA twigs' debut LP1 has become one of the most deliciously darkest and most sensual albums of the decade without ever feeling forced or even slightly insincere.

    Though her songwriting hasn't quite matched the artistic brilliance of her visual art, her sex-as-a-metaphor lyricism, beautifully controlled vocals and sensual tone are one of LP1's most
    Even if it came out merely months ago, FKA twigs' debut LP1 has become one of the most deliciously darkest and most sensual albums of the decade without ever feeling forced or even slightly insincere.

    Though her songwriting hasn't quite matched the artistic brilliance of her visual art, her sex-as-a-metaphor lyricism, beautifully controlled vocals and sensual tone are one of LP1's most embracive—and yet at times, uncomfortable—qualities. Especially in comparison to her contemporaries in the art, most recently Lady Gaga and Beyoncé—Lady Gaga's 2013 singles "G.U.Y." and "Do What U Want" were half-smart and though Beyoncé's latest critically acclaimed self-titled LP uses sex to accompany its many self-empowerment themes, it came off as less calculated.

    Not since Björk's 2001 masterpiece Vespertine has an album made sexual themes so personal, lyrically, musically, and sonically. "Lights Out" discusses trust ("When I trust you, we can do it with the lights off"), "Two Weeks" discusses desire ("Pull out the incicor, give me two weeks, you won't recognize her"), and "Video Girl" discusses one's own indenial that the protagonist's partner could be cheating on her with... well, herself ("Is she the girls from the video?"). Or it could be, I'm not completely sure.

    LP1 is an electronic landscape of all sorts of sounds, such as the pitter-pattering drums on "Pendulum"—best remembered on last year's "Water Me", a highlight from her previous release, EP2—and even more frequently, her vocals make up for a majority of the sound effects throughout, whether they're chopped up, pitched up and down, or drowned in reverb. If LP1 had any notable flaws, it's that twigs' already soft vocals often feels overwhelmed or threatened by the production.

Universal acclaim - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
  1. The Wire
    Dec 15, 2014
    That the album works so well is less a testament of Twigs's charisma and talent--real as those may be--than it is the limitless possibilities of well-paid freelance teamwork. [Nov 2014, p.63]
  2. Sep 30, 2014
    There are some excellent tracks here--‘Lights On’, ‘Two Weeks’, ‘Pendulum’--and her talent is obvious, but the men at the production desk could perhaps have been braver.
  3. Q Magazine
    Aug 28, 2014
    Uncanny. [Sep 2014, p.108]