• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Jun 2, 2023

Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Uncut
    Jul 17, 2023
    90s alt.rock influences proudly displayed. [Sep 2023, p.24]
  2. Jun 26, 2023
    The less you know about how unfun Bognanno’s life sounds like it’s been while she wrote and recorded Lucky for You, the more pleasure there is to be had here.
  3. Jun 8, 2023
    A near-perfect album if there ever was one.
  4. Jun 5, 2023
    Muddy mixing can’t entirely sink her compositions—lead single “Days Move Slow” is among the best rock songs of the year—but several other tracks take on water. It’s heart-wrenching to imagine how much better these songs would be, how much more worthy of showcasing Bognanno’s maturation as an artist, had she presided solely over production.
  5. 90
    Undoubtedly Bully’s best album yet, Lucky For You is the culmination of growing up and dealing with the shit stuff; death, the world, etc. But it never wallows in the mire. Instead it jumps up, hair flying wildly, and sticks a middle finger in the air, ready to kick out the jams.
  6. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 1, 2023
    Rip-roaringly emotionally vivid stuff with myriad tropes and devices cherry-picked from the rich tapestry of alt.rock past. [Jul 2023, p.87]
  7. Jun 1, 2023
    The result is a catchy, cathartic experience that feels fun, even while wading through themes of loss, shame and eventually acceptance.
  8. Jun 1, 2023
    Her artistic identity is on full display with each individual talent reaching a height we haven’t seen from Bully, and it appears there is no ceiling to hold her back.
  9. Jun 1, 2023
    Bully’s new album, Lucky For You, is her finest work to date. Never before has Bognanno crafted a record so consistently captivating, able to fire on all cylinders even in its quieter moments.
User Score

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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 1 out of 3
  1. Aug 31, 2023
    This album rips! Riffy guitars with great melodic hooks plus the benefit of production that is dynamic and elevates the songs. May be myThis album rips! Riffy guitars with great melodic hooks plus the benefit of production that is dynamic and elevates the songs. May be my most played album this year and that says a lot considering what a strong year it is in music. Full Review »
  2. Jun 16, 2023
    I never thought that I would feel my energy tank filled as quick and awesomely as now, hearing this new album from Bully. Expectations wereI never thought that I would feel my energy tank filled as quick and awesomely as now, hearing this new album from Bully. Expectations were there in "SUGAREGG" (2020), but never this high. There is true quality, true power, true excitement, real energy and so much more to enjoy in here. This is a strong one for the future classics and hopefully there are enough people out there willing to give this power pop/rock a change, it doesn't let down, it actually lifts up and empowers the soul uniquely. My heart is still pounding fast, and I might re-listen this for a third time. I'm just really surprised.

    (I do feel its spot in my top is just a little unfair for how brief it is and how safe it plays, still it is a complete shocker).
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