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  1. Jul 25, 2017
    This is definitely the album of the year. Despite the large number of songs and varied sound, this album sounds complete. The themes that Lana touches on in the lyrics are deep and go beyond her own relationship. So, "God Bless America ..." is a hymn for all women of America living in the era of Trump, and in "Coachella - Woodstock in my mind" the singer is concerned about her country'sThis is definitely the album of the year. Despite the large number of songs and varied sound, this album sounds complete. The themes that Lana touches on in the lyrics are deep and go beyond her own relationship. So, "God Bless America ..." is a hymn for all women of America living in the era of Trump, and in "Coachella - Woodstock in my mind" the singer is concerned about her country's difficult relations with North Korea. "Lust for Life" is the deepest and most considered album of Lana Del Rey. Expand
  2. Jul 25, 2017
    Transitional album. Lana knows what to do and how to do it. She's back and she is cooler than ever. Heroin, 13 Beaches, Tomorrow Never Came, Cherry, In My Feelings, White Mustang and Get Free are the best in the album.
  3. Jul 25, 2017
    Un álbum mas que increíble, es un álbum lleno de amor, paz y tranquilidad en este momento tan catastrófico por la cual pasan muchos países. Tan fenomenal que te puedes perder en el, sin necesidad de estar en las drogas.
  4. Jul 25, 2017
    Lust For Life es un álbum lleno de sorpresas, desde que comienza la primera canción es casi imposible dejar de escucharlo y una vez termina, a darle play una vez más.
  5. Jul 25, 2017
    Love this album! Lana never disappoints and well worth the wait. She has a lot of aspects of her previous albums in this one. Plus, something new. Love Lana,
  6. Jul 25, 2017
    Graças a Deus o melhor álbum do ano sim, a voz da rainha tá perfeita, tá um vozão da porra, quem gostou enaltece e quem não gostou não ouve. O tesão pela vida da vivo e se Deus quiser não vai ser esquecido no churrasco. Obrigado por esse mês dona Lana!
  7. Jul 25, 2017
    The best album that i heard including Born To Die, Honeymoon, Ultraviolence, Kill Kill, Sirens and other best . that's cool that singers like Lizzy exist.
  8. Jul 25, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me encanta, tan solo 13 beaches es hermosa y hace contraste con cherry le canta al amor y desamor a sentirse sola pero también acompañada hizo colaboraciones y eso no lo había hecho al menos en algún álbum, me encanta. Expand
  9. Jul 25, 2017
    Awesome Album ! Loved it in all ways, lana finally left her confort zone and entered kicking it in all ways possible, Hope she wins an emmy award for her work, she definetily deserves it.
  10. Jul 25, 2017
    Como sempre, Lana Del Rey surpreendeu. Consegue trazer novos elementos a sua musica sem deixar de lado a sua essência. Esse album é um dos melhores lançamentos desse ano, sem duvidas.
  11. Jul 25, 2017
    Uno de los mejores álbumes de Lana por mucho, sus sonidos son diferentes, pero nunca sin perder la esencia de ella misma, las colaboraciones se acoplan bastante bien al concepto del álbum.
  12. Jul 25, 2017
    Lana is faithful to her era born to die, this is a sensitive work with excellent collaborations, especially with Asap Rocky, is very exotic and with the sensuality that characterizes it.
  13. Jul 25, 2017
    Lana con questo album si è superata e porca puttana non sbaglia un cazzo di colpo, la amo. Vogliamo parlare dell'intensità di certe canzoni? HALSEY E KATY MI DISPIACE ma ve lo sognate solo di fare delle cose del genere. Non siete neanche la canzone meno bella dell'album (love)
  14. Jul 25, 2017
    Um dos melhores (se não o melhor) álbuns do ano. Todas as letras e instrumentos que compõem o mesmo são incrivelmente bem escolhidos. É provavelmente o melhor trabalho da Lana, uma obra de arte que reúne um pedaço de todos os álbuns passados. Com as letras de todas as músicas se interligando as vezes com o "Born to Die" ou o majestoso "Ultraviolence". Obrigado, Lana, por nos presentear comUm dos melhores (se não o melhor) álbuns do ano. Todas as letras e instrumentos que compõem o mesmo são incrivelmente bem escolhidos. É provavelmente o melhor trabalho da Lana, uma obra de arte que reúne um pedaço de todos os álbuns passados. Com as letras de todas as músicas se interligando as vezes com o "Born to Die" ou o majestoso "Ultraviolence". Obrigado, Lana, por nos presentear com esse álbum. Expand
  15. Jul 25, 2017
    Lust For Life is heavenly and just like her other albums it is like having a piece of Lana's heart. The beautiful melodies and vocals are just wonderful and all the songs blend together perfectly. Each song has a message and if you listen to the lyrics you can hear a story in every song. A lot of the songs relate to the past and to love and many lyrics relate back to old songs she hasLust For Life is heavenly and just like her other albums it is like having a piece of Lana's heart. The beautiful melodies and vocals are just wonderful and all the songs blend together perfectly. Each song has a message and if you listen to the lyrics you can hear a story in every song. A lot of the songs relate to the past and to love and many lyrics relate back to old songs she has written. In my opinion this album is the best of 2017! It's a masterpiece! Expand
  16. Jul 25, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album exceeded my expectations, lana came back with an excellent album, my favorite music on this album is sure to be in my feelings,even with all the songs being wonderful, lana has improved a lot in relation to the other albums Expand
  17. Jul 25, 2017
    Escuché el álbum completo y puedo decir que es uno de los mejores de este año, la producción y como cada canción fue escrito es de otro mundo, al escuchar este álbum te pierdes y en los diferentes temas y la voz de Lana Del Rey es de en sueño y te hace adicto a ella. No puedo estar mas contento con un trabajo musical tan perfecto como este.
    Valió la pena la espera
  18. Jul 25, 2017
    Lana is back and greater. Despite being one of my favorite artists, I used to think she was monotonous due to her using similar topics for all her past albums (dicks, drugs), BUT this album has a different and very refreshing style for The Princess of Alternative. The topic: LOVE. Love to friends, to a special person, to your nation, and self love. Same sentiment, different receptors. OldLana is back and greater. Despite being one of my favorite artists, I used to think she was monotonous due to her using similar topics for all her past albums (dicks, drugs), BUT this album has a different and very refreshing style for The Princess of Alternative. The topic: LOVE. Love to friends, to a special person, to your nation, and self love. Same sentiment, different receptors. Old Lizzy, new places. It is an adorable journey for the listener. I **** LOVE it! Keep up the good work, baby! Expand
  19. Jul 25, 2017
    This is one of the greatest albums of the year, for sure. #BuyLustForLifeOnItunes. A true album with great taste with beautiful meanings. I'll be all supporting you, Lana.
  20. Jul 26, 2017
    Lana saved my life a lot of times. Yes, this is real. If I'm happy, Lana is there, if I'm sad, Lana is there, if I'm angry, Lana is there for me. Her songs are always perfect, and this album isn't different. Thanks Elizabeth, for another masterpiece. I will never get tired of saying that I love you and that you inspire me to keep going and follow my dreams. And I know that even when I soLana saved my life a lot of times. Yes, this is real. If I'm happy, Lana is there, if I'm sad, Lana is there, if I'm angry, Lana is there for me. Her songs are always perfect, and this album isn't different. Thanks Elizabeth, for another masterpiece. I will never get tired of saying that I love you and that you inspire me to keep going and follow my dreams. And I know that even when I so sad that death is a way out, Lust For Life can show me the light... Expand
  21. Jul 25, 2017
    Álbum maravilhoso. Letras marcantes e uma sintonia excelente, provando que esse álbum veio pra ficar. A voz da Lana melhorou, mas continua com aquele toque suave que marca suas músicas.
  22. Jul 25, 2017
    Amazing album, Lana Del Rey just keeps getting better and better, her vocals and lyricism are as gorgeous as ever, Miss Del Rey is definitely here to stay.
  23. Jul 25, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is pure art, just amazing, I'm so in love with her new art. Best album of 2017 for me! Estoy amando todas las canciones de este album, hasta ahora mi favorita es cherry y white mustang, sin duda Lana siempre dando lo mejor para sus fans. Expand
  24. Jul 25, 2017
    This album is so different but so amazing, Lana is back and she's cooler than ever (and look like she is happier). The most important: It was made with love and I love it.
  25. Jul 25, 2017
    En realidad este nuevo trabajo de Lana Del Rey, es totalmente lo que esperaba de ella, muchas felicidades a su gran trabajo, Su regreso es monumental.
  26. Jul 25, 2017
    An album that is worth to listen because of its beautiful sound and lyrics. Lana del Rey always creates a story and an atmosphere of feelings with every album.
  27. Jul 26, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me encanta tu canción y todos tus trabajos, eres una persona increíble y seguir dándolo todo como siempre has hecho. La gente que comenta que tu canción y tu álbum son malos es porque no tienen ni idea de la buena música. Expand
  28. Jul 26, 2017
    I immediately fell in love in Lana new album when i first heard of it. LFL, summer bummer, cherry, 13 beaches, heroin are my favourite songs in the album. Lana is so amazing.
  29. Jul 26, 2017
    Lana is back better than ever, I just couldn't stop playing this album. I hope it gets to the top charts soon and stays there forever, she really deserves it.
  30. Jul 26, 2017
    O álbum é ótimo, tem batidas diferentes do que a Lana já usou, as composições são maravilhosas, a Lana se superou nesse álbum e fez uma coisa diferente do que estamos acostumados. Álbum perfeito!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. 60
    The optimism of Lust For Life is a pleasant surprise, though the album is still painted in the same shades as Del Rey’s previous releases. At times it’s some of her best material, but it seems like a record best experienced in pieces than as a proper whole.
  2. Jul 31, 2017
    While Del Rey’s voice remains firmly at the forefront, the spare arrangements encourage listeners to fill in their own emotional blanks for once.
  3. 80
    Throughout this accomplished, assured new record, Lana manages to repeatedly freeze time and capture those fleeting cinematic moments that make us who we are, while reminding us of who we could be.