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  1. Sep 8, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lust for life is such an iconic album even just the idea of Lust For Life but can we talk about the collaborations on that album?? A$AP rockey play boy carti stevie nicks sean ono lennon tue weekend just iconic Expand
  2. Aug 8, 2023
    Weirdly underrated. LFL is an album created for the fans, so it talks about general meaning and topics, not necessarily Lana's life. Which for some, made the album less enjoyable, for me, made it interesting. I think her writing really goes hard on this, and the references to herself and other on this one really payoff.
  3. Apr 6, 2023
    Probably her worst album. I dont hate it, i just wouldnt lisent to this again. It feels so much like if she mixed 200 styles put it in a randomized blender and put it out. I like some songs but most of the songs just feel not right.
  4. Mar 30, 2023
    i honestly love this album, it has a nostalgic feel to it and it bring back
    many memories for me to be honest.
  5. Mar 29, 2023
    That's the album that made me stop listening Lana for a few years. The lyrics are full of clichés she already explored to the maximum and the production is really boring and repetitive. Her low point here.
  6. Mar 26, 2023
    Um álbum delicado e sutil, ainda que meio esquecido não deixa de ser uma obra prima. Destaques para os feats que deixam o álbum melhor ainda
  7. Mar 24, 2023
    Lana Del Rey's album Lust for Life explores contemporary topics through a long album with rappers and trip-hop beats.
  8. Mar 19, 2023
    M A S T E R P I E C E

    A Living Legend.

    Best music ever.
    Greatest poet ever.
    Greatest songwriter ever.

    Lana Del Rey is the God!
  9. Feb 22, 2023
    Songs like “Cherry” and “When the world was at war we kept dancing” are some of the best she’s ever made, but it gets lost towards the end but it picks back up when you get to the song “Heroin”. Overall a fun listen.
  10. Feb 3, 2023
    Her fourth album is also amazing! There are so many good tracks on this album that is so meaningful!
  11. Jan 11, 2023
    A different album in terms of genre for Lana del Rey, but personally it is her most monotonous album with COCC
  12. Dec 7, 2022
    sinceramente, de primeira eu n gostei desse novo estilo da lana, mas depois fui me acostumando e gostando muito do album, porém n me agrada mais tanto como os outros
  13. Nov 15, 2022
    Some people just don't understand Lust for Life. It's an art and pushes you to keep living, keep loving, and keep trying. It reflects the bitterness and contentment of life and that's what getting to experience life feels like... you feel a craving, desire, will, and lust for life.
  14. Oct 15, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. She turned into a witch living inside the H of the Hollywood sign to create a bewitching album. She finally reunited with some of her friends making this the first record to have collaborations (took a while). And damn, she came up with everything: The Weeknd, A$ap Rocky, Playboi Carti, Stevie Nick and Sean Ono Lennon. (She even dragged G-Easy in live concerts and we love her for that.)
    Another thing to highlight is the notable switch in the topics. This time, she didn't shut her mouth about her politic opinions, speaking up in various songs about the decaying state of America, feminism, climate change and the horribles of war. She really digs out into social problems which are still very relevant 'till this day. The other essential change is inside of her, trying now to approach to the kind of happiness everyone looks up for. And here, she portraits the moment she really decides to start pursuing it and do the effort to make a change for life. No more blackness, From today, into the blueness.

    For the most part a light and fun record to listen to, specially because the sound leans more towards pop. But in the other half, it contains very important and strong lyrics that should be read carefully what she's saying.
  15. Aug 25, 2022
    At 72 minutes this record is meandering and inconsistent. It's at it's best when Lana is at her most adventurous such as the tragic hip hop of "groupie love ",dinister depths of "Cherry" or the narrative epics "heroine", "tomorrow never came"&"Woodstock :Coachella in my mind". Those songs feel exciting and fresh. The title track is a cool and sultry but "Loves" motown adjacent crooningAt 72 minutes this record is meandering and inconsistent. It's at it's best when Lana is at her most adventurous such as the tragic hip hop of "groupie love ",dinister depths of "Cherry" or the narrative epics "heroine", "tomorrow never came"&"Woodstock :Coachella in my mind". Those songs feel exciting and fresh. The title track is a cool and sultry but "Loves" motown adjacent crooning bests it as the best single. But unfortunately there's a flux of sings that play like empty ballads with barely any thought,poetry set music(eg. 13 beaches, get free,while the world was at war,god bless America and change ). Expand
  16. Aug 22, 2022
    Es un álbum muy experitamrntal de lana del rey, del cual las mejores canciones son en solitario
  17. Aug 22, 2022
    This album is vibes. Vibes vibes vibes. It’s so cool, and this era was so well worked. Love the vídeos of this era too.
  18. Aug 22, 2022
    Lana del rey proving her talent for alternative pop once again, and returning to her rots of hip-hop.
  19. Aug 21, 2022
    THE BEST PRODUCED ALBUM EVER... loves it a lot... Lanita is great and so special
  20. Aug 21, 2022
    Um álbum que de fato nos trás um desejo pela vida, um desejo ardente de viver e de ser quem nós realmente somos. Obrigado por essa dádiva Lana!
  21. Aug 21, 2022
    To this day, I still don't know why people hate this album. It shows that Lana is willing to explore different genres and production.
  22. Aug 21, 2022
    Honestly, this is my least favorite Lana Del Rey album. The title track was beautiful, her collab with Abel (The Weeknd) is her most beautiful collaboration yet. White mustang is a song, I felt like I've been looking for in my whole life.
  23. Aug 21, 2022
  24. Aug 21, 2022
    this album is capable of changing your state of mind in 1 hour and 12 minutes
  25. Aug 21, 2022
    Gosto muito das músicas desse álbum, porém o álbum como um todo, nem tanto. Acho que ele se perde entre tantos gêneros. Mesmo assim, a Lana consegue cumprir a proposta de causar desejo pela vida, com as músicas um pouco mais esperançosas e flertando com a redenção. Além disso, a vida não é uma só, então esse álbum deveria mesmo ter muitos gêneros.
  26. Aug 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wow, I love trap / hip-hop Del Rey so much, one of her most complex album to listen and to understand I really love it Expand
  27. Aug 20, 2022
    Lana Del Rey and Stevie Nicks alone was earth shattering. A tame album and not too deep, Lust for Life stuns all who truly listen.
  28. Aug 20, 2022
    AOTY again lana and abel are soul mate regarding there vioce and compose vibe Lust for life,the title track, is top of the top,they should feat more and make more music babies.heroin and white marzda kinda boring yet others are 10 to 10
  29. Aug 20, 2022
    nossa lana tudo com você é na base do talento, aclamação, legado, méritos, sucesso, atemporalidade, hits marcantes, impacto cultural, uma verdadeira lenda.
  30. Jul 8, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. For a 16-track album, Lust for Life can drag out that little too much with songs that are on for too long and songs with such long titles, that it's work to even name your favourite song. Bloated and dull at times, Lana Del Rey manages to make some songs standout, while some barely come into mind when you're asked about a specific song. Imagine you get asked what "White Mustang" is, you know instantly because of the lyrics and its rhythm and deepness. However, imagine if you are asked about "Heroin", you'd probably be like, "well it's the closing track", and that's all you say. Get what I mean? Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. 60
    The optimism of Lust For Life is a pleasant surprise, though the album is still painted in the same shades as Del Rey’s previous releases. At times it’s some of her best material, but it seems like a record best experienced in pieces than as a proper whole.
  2. Jul 31, 2017
    While Del Rey’s voice remains firmly at the forefront, the spare arrangements encourage listeners to fill in their own emotional blanks for once.
  3. 80
    Throughout this accomplished, assured new record, Lana manages to repeatedly freeze time and capture those fleeting cinematic moments that make us who we are, while reminding us of who we could be.