
Universal acclaim - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. There’s no suppressing the fact that, ironically, in loosening up and stretching their wings they’ve become a little more earthbound. Where once they conjured up the sound of, um, glaciers drifting across the surface of the moon, occasionally here it lapses into the sound of a wheelie bin being dragged across HMV’s backyard.
  2. Things just go from mad galloping gobbledigook to spongy sentiment.
  3. 60
    Sadly the album’s latter stages revert to type, as Jónsi Birgisson’s quavering choirboy falsetto illuminates glacially paced piano and strings. All achingly lovely in a Coldplay-meets-Clannad way, of course, but Sigur Ros play too safe when they clearly have much more to offer than misty-eyed Celtic abstraction.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 106 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 97 out of 106
  2. Negative: 1 out of 106
  1. DayneB
    Oct 21, 2008
    Exceptional... where takk, hvarf/heim, () and agaetis had mostly one kind of emotion, this invokes them all; joy, sadness, love, triumph, Exceptional... where takk, hvarf/heim, () and agaetis had mostly one kind of emotion, this invokes them all; joy, sadness, love, triumph, beauty, reflection, solitude... Sigur Ros sound like they are finally having fun while doing what they do best. And the results speak for themselves. There are "4minute pop-songs" (those who find this as a negative need to get over yourselves), epic soundscapes (see festival and ara batur) and plenty of moments that reveal themselves as precious with each additional listen. This album sounds the most unique since Von, is both spontaneous and focused which has been missing in their oeuvre so far. Full Review »
  2. Vincent
    Jun 25, 2008
    This band never fails to surprise with the standard of music even if it does wander little from the band's delightful template. It truly This band never fails to surprise with the standard of music even if it does wander little from the band's delightful template. It truly is one of the very best bands of our times. If you can't see the beauty on offer here, then you may not actually be alive. Long live Jonsi and co. Beautiful! Full Review »
  3. Jul 9, 2019
    Plenty of breathtaking moments on this from Jonsi and co. I do think the first half of this album is noticably stronger than the second but itPlenty of breathtaking moments on this from Jonsi and co. I do think the first half of this album is noticably stronger than the second but it also demands more attention from the listener. Overall - Sigur Ros deliver on their majestic albeit it established sound. The majority of tracks start slow and build up to a big cresendo, a trick used here more often than on any previous record and possibly a little overused. Generally, this is highly recommended and sounds unlike most stuff you will here. Full Review »