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Generally favorable reviews- based on 28 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 28
  2. Negative: 4 out of 28
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  1. Nov 14, 2019
    I give it 1 point because Starlight is the only song that I feel matches the greatness of the first 2 albums. Metal galaxy isn't a bad album but it's just such a disappointment. It's easily their most "pop" influenced album and not just by sound but in song structure also. The random exciting wtf moments, unusual song structures don't exist anymore, the speed metal element is only there onI give it 1 point because Starlight is the only song that I feel matches the greatness of the first 2 albums. Metal galaxy isn't a bad album but it's just such a disappointment. It's easily their most "pop" influenced album and not just by sound but in song structure also. The random exciting wtf moments, unusual song structures don't exist anymore, the speed metal element is only there on 1 or 2 songs and the mix for most of the album makes the songs sound even less heavy. Let's not forget the awful auto tune they put on Su-metal's voice on some tracks which we all know she doesn't need. I'd give it a 6.5 as there are some cool moments within each song but then I remember people even thinking it's as good as the first two albums so my score of 1 stays. I hope they revert back to their old ways but I doubt they will with future albums Expand
  2. Oct 12, 2019
    OBS: live a lot of the songs are actually really good, but the studio version is a different story...
    Out of 14 songs I don't really enjoy 5, they are either too slow or just bad composition. In the studio version the 4 songs with a lot of electronica were mixed So that they the electronica is very overpowering, but live the songs are good, but I wouldn't call this album a masterpiece
    OBS: live a lot of the songs are actually really good, but the studio version is a different story...
    Out of 14 songs I don't really enjoy 5, they are either too slow or just bad composition. In the studio version the 4 songs with a lot of electronica were mixed So that they the electronica is very overpowering, but live the songs are good, but I wouldn't call this album a masterpiece compared to the other ones, I feel like only 4 songs live up to that standard.
    If you watch them live I'd say this album is probably a 6,5 but the studi version is more like 4 or 3, I hope they release live versions. I also agree with the other reviewer that the only people who would give this album a 10 would be the hardcore fans, us who mainly like them for musical purposes only will probably find this album to be pretty meh. It feels like they have run out of creativity with the music, and they're hiring westerners that usually create mediocre pop music. While the previous albums were fun or really metal, this one goes to the extremes and not in a good way, the metal feels underwhelming. There are songs that are funny to listen to because of how bad they are, too! I recommend watching them live though, for sure. The best songs Aon the album are overall worth it, but I really hope they stop messing this group up. And just to make it clear, I'd say their previous albums are like 9/10 while this one in terms of studi version is honestly 3/10 or something. Edit: it's been a while and I don't really find any of them more memorable than the few boos I like from previous albums,tbh. Maybe if you like such easy metal, I have ended up liking extreme metal recently so lol, it's way too much pop and electronica to be metal tbh it's weird compared to their others which were fresh and new... Yeah I don't recommend this one it's like a st. anger to real metalheads that used to like their previous music lmao

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. 65
    It’s a fine line to walk between variety and novelty. Metal Galaxy dances along this line in admittedly very fun way, but that fun is at the expense of true depth and soul.
  2. Oct 16, 2019
    Babymetal are still at their best when they hover around their initial idea—harnessing the energy of metal and J-Pop into high-flying hybrids. ... Otherwise, Metal Galaxy teems with embarrassing gimmickry.
  3. Classic Rock Magazine
    Oct 15, 2019
    Wonderfully schizophrenic and shamelessly populist, this is prime Babymetal. [Nov 2019, p.81]