• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 17, 2005
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 484 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 39 out of 484

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  1. kirstyh
    Sep 22, 2005
    best yet
  2. OodM
    Sep 20, 2005
    Very ordinary. Cigaro was leaked prior release, BYOB was pre-release single, track one is an intro, radio/video and old school hollywood are utter shite! Which leaves six songs, weak if you ask me.
  3. dukstar
    Sep 20, 2005
    Simply astonihing !!!!
  4. Tom
    Sep 5, 2005
    This album rock man, its my favorite.
  5. SomeGuy
    Sep 5, 2005
    a good enough album, but quite a big dissapointment compared to Toxicity and Steal this Album, its just not written a well
  6. RichardL
    Sep 4, 2005
    Such a wonderful experience. From the incredibly pop (B.Y.O.B. and Old School Hollywood Baseball) to the more conventional S.O.A.D. songs - if you could ever describe S.O.A.D. conventional. But if you rank David Gray or Texas as your favourite artists, then it's probably best to avoid this.
  7. juliac
    Sep 1, 2005
    hi,people i am not a native english language speaker,so i apologies for any misunderstanding(in sense or spelling). to talk about SOAD from an east european country almost globalized is not so easy! but i'm listening music about thirthy years,and this group makes me hear again something important in the music history.this people have something important to say,and they do it in an hi,people i am not a native english language speaker,so i apologies for any misunderstanding(in sense or spelling). to talk about SOAD from an east european country almost globalized is not so easy! but i'm listening music about thirthy years,and this group makes me hear again something important in the music history.this people have something important to say,and they do it in an amazing way. in their times,other groups did the same,doors in USA,sex pistols and joy division in UK,and many others in many moments wich were relevant in the last century.but i didnt expect to hear now ,between the violent pornography of this century,a group having such a strong message,and the power to express it in a good musical way. carrying the history of their past,on any level you want ,system of a down seems to me to be the most important group of our times,and i am happy this is happenning in my lifetime. Expand
  8. juliac
    Aug 31, 2005
    hi,people i am not a native english language speaker,so i apologies for any misunderstanding(in sense or spelling). to talk about SOAD from an east european country almost globalized is not so easy! but i'm listening music about thirthy years,and this group makes me hear again something important in the music history.this people have something important to say,and they do it in an hi,people i am not a native english language speaker,so i apologies for any misunderstanding(in sense or spelling). to talk about SOAD from an east european country almost globalized is not so easy! but i'm listening music about thirthy years,and this group makes me hear again something important in the music history.this people have something important to say,and they do it in an amazing way. in their times,other groups did the same,doors in USA,sex pistols and joy division in UK,and many others in many moments wich were relevant in the last century.but i didnt expect to hear now ,between the violent pornography of this century,a group having such a strong message,and the power to express it in a good musical way. carrying the history of their past,on any level you want ,system of a down seems to me to be the most important group of our times,and i am happy this is happenning in my lifetime. Collapse
  9. ianac
    Aug 30, 2005
    amazing...i can listen it everyday
  10. BarbF
    Aug 27, 2005
    SOAD is simply the best rock band out there right now. Their energy is unsurpassed & their songs make a powerful political statement. Bush should download BYOB on his IPOD.
  11. steveu
    Aug 26, 2005
    this cd owns you posers
  12. Addison05
    Aug 24, 2005
    LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT can`t say much more then I LOVE IT "Mezmeries" is the best album they have done I think so far if not the best it is up there
  13. TristanV
    Aug 23, 2005
    system of a down is the best band right now and this album is incredible. all of the tracks are great and are very well done
  14. JamieM
    Aug 21, 2005
    Chris C must be deaf! This DOES NOT deserve a 1! a. MCR sound nothing like SOAD b. You can't sing, can you? c. SOAD aren't a horrible band. d. "Pathetic goth losers" don't listen to them (probably, I wouldn't know). e. If they did, that wouldn't make the music bad, it would mean people listen to it. 10/10; that is all.
  15. Johnr
    Aug 20, 2005
    This a good rock album, but technically its not a good System of a Down album. Over the years, SOAD has vastly improved in their musical ability, but all the while their ability to write innovative songs has lost its oomph. They seem to be suffering to a similar fate that KoRn is going through. Don't get me wrong, this is a great album and has many great memorable songs, but to SOAD This a good rock album, but technically its not a good System of a Down album. Over the years, SOAD has vastly improved in their musical ability, but all the while their ability to write innovative songs has lost its oomph. They seem to be suffering to a similar fate that KoRn is going through. Don't get me wrong, this is a great album and has many great memorable songs, but to SOAD fans it may seem a little closer to the punk end of rock. I just wish they could combine the harmonies of this album and the moving lyrics of Toxicity for their their next album. Expand
  16. ChrisR
    Aug 18, 2005
    SOAD is the best band out there, without question, they just keep getting better and better after every album. My favorite band..
  17. mikemike
    Aug 15, 2005
    Awsome band, awsome record!!!!
  18. Andrew
    Aug 9, 2005
    "Mezmerize" is so thrillingly insane, so captivating, so bizzare, that I can't help but gush with glee each time I hear it. The album clearly deserves all the critical praise it's garnered. Many metal heads have been trashing the record, saying it's too "poppy". Well, sorry guys, but I didn't realize that actual riffs, vocals other than grunts and some conceptual "Mezmerize" is so thrillingly insane, so captivating, so bizzare, that I can't help but gush with glee each time I hear it. The album clearly deserves all the critical praise it's garnered. Many metal heads have been trashing the record, saying it's too "poppy". Well, sorry guys, but I didn't realize that actual riffs, vocals other than grunts and some conceptual brilliance meant "pop". Mezmerize is a sort of combination of glam, rock opera and hard metal, and SOAD are never afraid of incorporating influences from other genres. Brilliance, brilliance, brilliance! Expand
  19. AlbertoM
    Aug 4, 2005
    Simply outstanding. Toxicity was great but Mesmerize shows the band has evolutioned 10000 steps further. They've got the same attitude towards music Faith No More had. And, from my point of view, that's one hell of a compliment.
  20. AleksandraK
    Jul 25, 2005
    The best album of the best group!!!!
  21. MarkM.
    Jul 20, 2005
    System of a Down are an awful band and this latest album is no better, they have no sense of beat and have no idea about anything to do with music other than repetitive chords, pointless lyrics and a bass player that shows is totally unoriginal the only good member is the drummer he is the only one with any talent. I dont know how the offspring and red hot chili peppers can be rated lower System of a Down are an awful band and this latest album is no better, they have no sense of beat and have no idea about anything to do with music other than repetitive chords, pointless lyrics and a bass player that shows is totally unoriginal the only good member is the drummer he is the only one with any talent. I dont know how the offspring and red hot chili peppers can be rated lower than this tripe. Expand
  22. KurtO
    Jul 17, 2005
    This is the first System of a Down CD I've purchased, which I did based on the fact that it got "universal acclaim". I'm not at all disappointed. I like every song on the album, except the "This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song", which blows. Although they could certainly use more variety in their songs, they seem to have perfected their style of metal and the This is the first System of a Down CD I've purchased, which I did based on the fact that it got "universal acclaim". I'm not at all disappointed. I like every song on the album, except the "This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song", which blows. Although they could certainly use more variety in their songs, they seem to have perfected their style of metal and the album is quite enjoyable. I respect them because they don't just scream like some bands (i.e. Mudvayne) but they combine musical talent with their aggressive music. Daron Malakian is a very talented songwriter. Expand
  23. LauraM
    Jul 16, 2005
    this album just took me by suprise, its just amazingly amazing *pass out from greatness*
  24. DislocatedDrummer
    Jul 13, 2005
    Well this is a pretty good album. There is only one problem though. They are doing stuff that is really really new to all system fans. They are doing like this pop-like rock almost. Im not saying for them to keep everything the same but i would like to see them do a little more metal than they are doing. If they start to do stuff like those gay faggy emotional rock bands that all of those Well this is a pretty good album. There is only one problem though. They are doing stuff that is really really new to all system fans. They are doing like this pop-like rock almost. Im not saying for them to keep everything the same but i would like to see them do a little more metal than they are doing. If they start to do stuff like those gay faggy emotional rock bands that all of those popular highschool kids listen to(which they arent now, dont get me wrong) then i will be mad. Bottom line this is a good CD and system of a down is my favorite band. Expand
  25. KevinJ
    Jul 13, 2005
    The only metal band worth listening to. Most metal is pretty dumb and a bit pointless in my opinion, because there was very little innovation and every song sounds the same. Metal was sort of like reggae to me before SOAD, if you've heard one song, you've heard them all. Then a little band called System of a Down comes along with serious musical ability, reason to innovate, The only metal band worth listening to. Most metal is pretty dumb and a bit pointless in my opinion, because there was very little innovation and every song sounds the same. Metal was sort of like reggae to me before SOAD, if you've heard one song, you've heard them all. Then a little band called System of a Down comes along with serious musical ability, reason to innovate, great voices, and a MESSAGE, and they released half an album that is simply genius. If the other half is as good, this album will go down in history as legendary. The funny thing is that by innovating, which is rare in metal, they are now the best-selling metal band in the world and so good at what they do that, if the other half is as good as this, will render every other metal band utterly obsolete. WITHOUT SELLING OUT! Sorry, diehard metal fans. Expand
  26. SianmuP
    Jul 10, 2005
    One of tthe release of he things i liked most about soad is Toxicity. That album kicked ass and probably my second favorite metal album of all time. After their third album, i thought they would release a huge album that would send them into the top 5.The build-up was huge but the album was lacking in the end. Mesmerize was a great album but I'm a little disappointed with them as One of tthe release of he things i liked most about soad is Toxicity. That album kicked ass and probably my second favorite metal album of all time. After their third album, i thought they would release a huge album that would send them into the top 5.The build-up was huge but the album was lacking in the end. Mesmerize was a great album but I'm a little disappointed with them as there were too many dud songs on the album. Good but disappointing so 8. Expand
  27. rhysa
    Jul 8, 2005
    best album out in the last two years by far. it even tops queens of the stone age's new album and that's fuckin sayin something because queens are tits. of all major alternative rock bands who have made a comeback lately including slipknot, queens, NIN, foo fighters, mudvayne, american head charge, prodigy, audioslave, the hives and the tea party, system's new album is by best album out in the last two years by far. it even tops queens of the stone age's new album and that's fuckin sayin something because queens are tits. of all major alternative rock bands who have made a comeback lately including slipknot, queens, NIN, foo fighters, mudvayne, american head charge, prodigy, audioslave, the hives and the tea party, system's new album is by far the greatest. it both rivals and defeats all of the afore mentioned band's full albums, and it is a mere half of the total new album set to be released by system this year which is truly fucking amazing. mezmerizing you might say. i can see that this album will go down in history as one of the great albums of all time, to sit alongside the beatles, even. 10/10 Expand
  28. VictorE
    Jul 8, 2005
    there are some try-hard metal fans out there but many of them do not accept whats hot and whats not. System of a down are a brilliant band and anyone who rates them lower than 9/10 are deemed to not be true metal fans. Go back to your charts and soothing ocean noises while we hard-rockers will get the most out of out cd players and mp3 players.
  29. Daniel
    Jul 8, 2005
    The thing that seperates system of a down from any other band is their ability to be a heavy metal band and not go beserk with the riffs. It makes them a good group to listen to. The album was too short but good thing its a double album as hypnotize is sure to be as good including the song 'defy you' which i already have on my computer. SOAD's release of BYOB was a big one The thing that seperates system of a down from any other band is their ability to be a heavy metal band and not go beserk with the riffs. It makes them a good group to listen to. The album was too short but good thing its a double album as hypnotize is sure to be as good including the song 'defy you' which i already have on my computer. SOAD's release of BYOB was a big one indeed and lifted a few heads to thinking that perhaps system of a down are a little more serious now than in 'Steal This Album'. Mesmerize was a slight let down in comparrison to Toxicity but it is still one of the best albums released in the 21st century and will remain fresh for a least another 3 years. Expand
  30. CarolynQ
    Jul 7, 2005
    Love it! Too short, but looking forward to the 2nd CD in the fall.
  31. BenC
    Jul 6, 2005
    I've been a SOAD fan from the start. It's different, bands progress, get over it. This album gave me a lot of enjoyment, it explores some pretty strange melodies and beats, as they always do. Get lost with your 'real rock fans' not liking this thing. What kind of a crappy little club is that? Count me out. Great album, can't wait for the second half. Note: I've been a SOAD fan from the start. It's different, bands progress, get over it. This album gave me a lot of enjoyment, it explores some pretty strange melodies and beats, as they always do. Get lost with your 'real rock fans' not liking this thing. What kind of a crappy little club is that? Count me out. Great album, can't wait for the second half. Note: didn't like the last two songs as much. there are lots of albums that have two songs I don't like on though. Expand
  32. zippitydoodah
    Jul 6, 2005
    Nothing like it! Totally innovative and original. What a unique sound!
  33. sklarw
    Jul 4, 2005
  34. TJMac
    Jul 1, 2005
    Fresh, spectacular sound. Good enough for an excuse to buy new speakers an rock out.
  35. declanm
    Jul 1, 2005
    This album doesnt come within a mile of toxicity is so disappointing and as for letting the guitarist sing what where they thinking he cant sing period also this album is wayyyy to commerical to be accepted by real rock fans sell your souls like all the other commerically acceptable bands
  36. MattG
    Jun 29, 2005
    I love this CD! SOAD has done it again! BYOB has the perfect mix to make the frantic songs that all SOAD lovers enjoy. Those who don't like this CD simply of the frantic sound shouldnt be listening to system of a down at all becouse that's what their music is. Never a dull moment.. Way to go SOAD!!
  37. Liberal
    Jun 29, 2005
    People can be most blind to the true meaning of this album. It isn't poppy for the sake of Commercial Music, in fact it's not really poppy at all. Although some of there songs have a different beat the old System music, it's new, it's fabulous, and they pull it off. By pointing out the wrong in this society, they pull off another great album.
  38. Matiam.
    Jun 28, 2005
    the only reason system is sayin that stuff about charles manson is because if the americans can cause hysteria during the war, why cant he? system of a down definetly deserves a ten out of ten they are the new break through band of the new rock age!!!!!!!!!!!
  39. EiffelLast
    Jun 28, 2005
    I've always been a SOAD fan but I must say I was a little disapointed by this album. It's too poppy ! I like them when they're frantic, when the melodies and textures of their songs change unexpectably, when the chorus are filled with guitars (more than one, please !) and when Serj sings alone (although I don't mind a little Daron every now and then). Except for a few I've always been a SOAD fan but I must say I was a little disapointed by this album. It's too poppy ! I like them when they're frantic, when the melodies and textures of their songs change unexpectably, when the chorus are filled with guitars (more than one, please !) and when Serj sings alone (although I don't mind a little Daron every now and then). Except for a few great songs (BYOB, Cigaro, This cocaïne...), the album is not great. Some parts of songs are real good though (Revenga would be a great song if it were not of the chorus; the same is true for some part od Old Statue, Old School Hollywood sounds great despite the keyborad and I enjoy Violent Pornography, but again the chorus is not so good), but all in all, I don't think the album deserves all the praise it received. Certainly not a classic. Expand
  40. EricB
    Jun 28, 2005
    Even the the most hardcore SOAD fans might not like this right away, but it grows on you and I can't stop listening to it. I just wish they would have used the sound they started out with on their original EP.
  41. johnnyM
    Jun 27, 2005
    this album is amazing, i dotn care wut u ppl think about the lyrics. the beats are sweet, the songs are well edited, man this thing is downright amazing......buy this album and ull be happy with it.
  42. MikeW
    Jun 27, 2005
    I agree with the kid who says Fugazi are truer to hardcore than this MTV-ready, bullshit frat boy rock. Whoever says Fugazi have no claim to hardcore better check their fucking history. While Fugazi transcends hardcore by mixing various musical genres to create their distinct music, they were founded by some of the pioneers of the 80's hardcore and straight-edge movement. Their I agree with the kid who says Fugazi are truer to hardcore than this MTV-ready, bullshit frat boy rock. Whoever says Fugazi have no claim to hardcore better check their fucking history. While Fugazi transcends hardcore by mixing various musical genres to create their distinct music, they were founded by some of the pioneers of the 80's hardcore and straight-edge movement. Their influence, combined with those of predecessor bands Rites of Spring and Minor Threat, can be heard in just about every screamo and hardcore band that ever existed. This poser band is dogshit, the other kid was right to name drop, and those so-called hardcore bands you listen to wouldn't exist without people like Ian McKaye. Expand
  43. HanyK
    Jun 24, 2005
    Great album, with great lyrics on many important topics.
  44. geard
    Jun 24, 2005
    awesome cd if you dont agree try actually absorbing thier music
  45. JasonX
    Jun 22, 2005
    Okay Jon K. if you find them so evil. Why are you even looking at these reviews let alone giving them a 5. For everyone else, this is a great album from a terrific band who tend to get people like Jon K all upset when they do not bother to really invest in the whole story.
  46. heinerl
    Jun 22, 2005
    absolutely damn rocking with very different styles of music included! keep it metal :D
  47. JonK
    Jun 21, 2005
    Who cares if it's good or bad? These idiots strongly support the release of Charles Manson, a major whacko responsible for a whole bunch of whackos who cut the baby out of a nine-month pregnant woman and then stabbed her to death about 30 times. Sure, give them your money.
  48. JimmyJ
    Jun 21, 2005
    fugazi hardcore? whoa you have no idea of what you're talkng about, stop name-dropping seriously, makes people look extremely ridiculous
  49. ReynaK
    Jun 21, 2005
    i love it!! its da bomb dude tottally!!!
  50. tonip
    Jun 20, 2005
    this is a great album, different from anything that's out there. Can't wait for the next one
  51. BrandonN
    Jun 19, 2005
    this is the best i love them iwould do them i i was a girl
  52. JeffS
    Jun 17, 2005
    I really dont understand how this band could have garnered such high marks. Absolutely no substance to their music. At the very most their sound is novel at first listen...but nothing more than that.
  53. rustym
    Jun 17, 2005
    absolutely crazy, hardcore, insane beauty mixed with creeping emotion and crawling worthiness. best rock album ever created
  54. MChapman
    Jun 16, 2005
    Seriously I thought toxicity was a bad song, that is until I heard BYOB... how do shite bands like this get airplay and good hardcore bands like Fugazi get passed over? The rest of the album sucks the big one too. Do the world a favor and stop listening to radio. It's also completely absurd that these idiots get pissed off about corporate america when they are signed by Sony Music, Seriously I thought toxicity was a bad song, that is until I heard BYOB... how do shite bands like this get airplay and good hardcore bands like Fugazi get passed over? The rest of the album sucks the big one too. Do the world a favor and stop listening to radio. It's also completely absurd that these idiots get pissed off about corporate america when they are signed by Sony Music, part of one of the most disgusting industires (music). Expand
  55. jacobb
    Jun 16, 2005
    this is one of the best cd that they have it kicks ass better then the album steal this album and as good as the album toxicity
  56. KelleyW
    Jun 15, 2005
    Wonderful, a great album.
  57. JeffC
    Jun 15, 2005
    Awesome. Best rock album in years!
  58. SeanB
    Jun 15, 2005
    SOAD are the greatest band in the world. I've never heard so much talent in a four man band.
  59. matte
    Jun 15, 2005
    the best album since toxicity, not a bad track on the whole album....cant wait for hypnotise
  60. MattM
    Jun 14, 2005
    Awesome album. I can't believe anyone could say that this is repetitive! I haven;t listened to much metal since my teen years but this just blew me away. Will go close to being album of the year. Its like someone put the band in a room with The Mars Volta & Steve Vai & they procreated this wild proggy beast! Incredible stuff...
  61. BrianaM
    Jun 14, 2005
    who else compares!? System of a Down kicks major ass! This is deffinetly by far their best album yet, and Im sure that Hypnotize will be even more impressive. :)
  62. Zonko
    Jun 14, 2005
    It's just plain boring, they're selling out to all this anti-america shit, and just sound plain boring.
  63. WangChung
    Jun 13, 2005
    A great album, not SOAD's best but still lives up to all the hype with its unprecedented sound and crazy lyrics, the only thing to really complain about is Daron did most of the lyrics, cant wait for Hypnotize.
  64. RobertE
    Jun 13, 2005
    Mezmerize is hopefully a sign of things to come in the stagnant metal genre.
  65. MichaelB
    Jun 13, 2005
    The band had a lot to live up to after 2 killer albums... and they did!
  66. jeremyg
    Jun 13, 2005
    I love this new cd I think it's there best yet.
  67. GaborA
    Jun 13, 2005
    Like most mainstream rock bands SOAD is listenable song for song. However, songs are so repetative that the albums are indigestable. Even by the end of a single song after hearing that dumb chorusfor the tenth time its too much.
  68. NemyhL
    Jun 12, 2005
    I have been following SOAD since they gained radio play with Toxicity. That album, although capturing a band on its way to greatness, seemed repetitive in some places back when first listened. Upon hearing their self-titled first album, I began to see the pattern. The release that really made me fall head over heels was Steal This Album. Though it seemed to be just a collection of I have been following SOAD since they gained radio play with Toxicity. That album, although capturing a band on its way to greatness, seemed repetitive in some places back when first listened. Upon hearing their self-titled first album, I began to see the pattern. The release that really made me fall head over heels was Steal This Album. Though it seemed to be just a collection of leftovers from the Toxicity sessions, it also seemed like the album that SOAD really wanted Toxicity to be. What I can happily say is that it seems with Mezmerize, they have continued down a road of their own choosing. This album is energetic, catchy, thoughtful at times, trite at times, but overall truly captures what is important: SOAD loves making music and they like to make it their own way. Expand
  69. jacyw
    Jun 11, 2005
    Okay so They are my favorite band and i've only recently gotten into metal. I used to be so heavy on rap and SOAD was the only band i would listen to. Thye are so amazing, daring and just all togther NOT afraid to try anything. I recently read the article in Guitar Weekly on Daron Malakian. It was so cool to look at the inner workings of the SOAD and i love the whole band but i would Okay so They are my favorite band and i've only recently gotten into metal. I used to be so heavy on rap and SOAD was the only band i would listen to. Thye are so amazing, daring and just all togther NOT afraid to try anything. I recently read the article in Guitar Weekly on Daron Malakian. It was so cool to look at the inner workings of the SOAD and i love the whole band but i would have to say Daron is my favorite because he writes most of the songs. And they almost always have a meaning and I love that they sing and play about what's real! My favorite album so far is Steal This Album but Mezmerize is absolutely amazing. Expand
  70. Spongeee
    Jun 10, 2005
    This album is great, bar none. Fast, quick, powerful, and musical. There is a hand full of bands out there that can play their instruments this well and as a unit. These guys know how to play and could take most bands out, easily. All other hardcore bands are flat compared to this...but theyre not "white" (but Armenian) and have a sense of rhythm unlike most white people. haha. forget all This album is great, bar none. Fast, quick, powerful, and musical. There is a hand full of bands out there that can play their instruments this well and as a unit. These guys know how to play and could take most bands out, easily. All other hardcore bands are flat compared to this...but theyre not "white" (but Armenian) and have a sense of rhythm unlike most white people. haha. forget all the haters. Steal this album if u cant afford it. Oh yea, lyrics rock!!! Expand
  71. RobertT
    Jun 10, 2005
    Best album I've heard in years. Incredibly refreshing. Track 6 is utterly out of hand. I like the reviews by people saying they don't understand SOAD or that other "real" music is better. No offense, that other "real" music is the reason metal/rock is tired and no longer relavent. It says nothing and people are on to it. Same tired dudes screaming the same tired stuff. SOAD Best album I've heard in years. Incredibly refreshing. Track 6 is utterly out of hand. I like the reviews by people saying they don't understand SOAD or that other "real" music is better. No offense, that other "real" music is the reason metal/rock is tired and no longer relavent. It says nothing and people are on to it. Same tired dudes screaming the same tired stuff. SOAD raises the bar. Say alot and in new ways at loud volumes. Keep it up boys. We need you. Expand
  72. GinoM
    Jun 10, 2005
    Would you people not. I am so very sick of S.O.A.D. talk. Particularily talk of the band in a serious light. Fact of the matter is "System of a down is a cheesey pop rendering of experimental metal with an overdose of political angst of which rests in plain sight. Shut it.
  73. Matt
    Jun 9, 2005
    Hard hitting political messages in a time when the U.S. is in big trouble because of Bush.
  74. Pablo
    Jun 9, 2005
    There's a reason why late 90's nu-metal bands like Korn, Limp Bizkit, Deftones etc. are gone and forgotten: because they a. couldn't play their instruments & b. they were afraid to try new things. SOAD's new CD breaks lots of barriers of what "metal" can be and what it can sound. And this is coming from someone who hates almost all metal. Very good album. My only There's a reason why late 90's nu-metal bands like Korn, Limp Bizkit, Deftones etc. are gone and forgotten: because they a. couldn't play their instruments & b. they were afraid to try new things. SOAD's new CD breaks lots of barriers of what "metal" can be and what it can sound. And this is coming from someone who hates almost all metal. Very good album. My only problem with it is that the guitarist things TOO much on it. When he was doing the occasional chorus on previous albums, it was fine. But when he's taking A LOT of the vocal time away from the great Serj Tankian, it gets annoying. Expand
  75. ytjnhnjymytjyhjnyjnyhgjmdtjmsxthnv
    Jun 9, 2005
    this album is best for ever
  76. rodgerl
    Jun 9, 2005
    Not as well done as Toxicity, but a worthy followup - songs are hit or miss
  77. GregS
    Jun 8, 2005
    Definitely a surprising album from SOAD, though i could've already guessed they would've taken this kind of approach after Steal This Album! (my least favorite of the 4) It's something about Mezmerize that makes you want to keep coming back for more. Truely a great and original cd...though i believe Malankien was allowed to sing a lot more than he should have... Question! Definitely a surprising album from SOAD, though i could've already guessed they would've taken this kind of approach after Steal This Album! (my least favorite of the 4) It's something about Mezmerize that makes you want to keep coming back for more. Truely a great and original cd...though i believe Malankien was allowed to sing a lot more than he should have... Question! and Sad Statue are my favorites of the album. It may surprise the hell out of old SOAD fans the first time around. To be honest i hated it, and would've given it a 2...it did eventually grow on me. As hypnotic as the songs are, it's hard to believe anyone would hate this album completely. thanks, and rock on- Expand
  78. JamesC
    Jun 7, 2005
    System of a Down is an aquired taste, which is why so many people don't like the music. I found it funny the person who said this album was terrible and then admitted that they hadn't even heard the whole thing. At first I thought this album sounded a bit strange myself, but the more I listen to it the more I enjoy it. You get used to the crazy lyrics and appreciate how awesome System of a Down is an aquired taste, which is why so many people don't like the music. I found it funny the person who said this album was terrible and then admitted that they hadn't even heard the whole thing. At first I thought this album sounded a bit strange myself, but the more I listen to it the more I enjoy it. You get used to the crazy lyrics and appreciate how awesome the songs sound. Expand
  79. Ryencoke
    Jun 7, 2005
    Not their best, but one of them. Katherine W. You're an utter moron.
  80. Josh
    Jun 7, 2005
    That SOAD inspires sheer hatred in some listeners and pure lust in others is testament to their artistic integrity. Mezmerize is a crackerjack album wih few if any dead spots. The riffs on Ravenga, BYOB, Question! and Statute alone are worth teh price of admission. Add to that the novel use of Armenian melodies and two-part harmony and the band presents a package you simply can't That SOAD inspires sheer hatred in some listeners and pure lust in others is testament to their artistic integrity. Mezmerize is a crackerjack album wih few if any dead spots. The riffs on Ravenga, BYOB, Question! and Statute alone are worth teh price of admission. Add to that the novel use of Armenian melodies and two-part harmony and the band presents a package you simply can't find anywhere else. I'd like to see Serj return to primary lyric writing/singing duties, but if a songwriting maestro like D Malakin wants to mix things up, than who am I to complain. Kudos, SOAD! Expand
  81. KatherineW
    Jun 7, 2005
    System of a down and the people who like them make my head hurt. I like hardcore music... but this is not even music. I really have never understood how people could actually like these guys?!?!?!?! BYOB or whatever that song is called is dreadful. I cant listen to the whole thing and i cant imagine the rest of the cd being good what so ever... i have only heard a few songs but they were System of a down and the people who like them make my head hurt. I like hardcore music... but this is not even music. I really have never understood how people could actually like these guys?!?!?!?! BYOB or whatever that song is called is dreadful. I cant listen to the whole thing and i cant imagine the rest of the cd being good what so ever... i have only heard a few songs but they were horrible. and what ever you other people say... toxicity was also NOT a good song... i think that this is a joke band whose joke got misunderstood and people took them as serious. Expand
  82. hollowaxis
    Jun 7, 2005
    the only good thing thatcan be said about this record is that it has some moments that sound musical.but i cannot fathom why this average band gets so much praise.maybe it is because i am not an angry 13 year old who hasnt discovered real music. i am an angry 21 year old, and i like my kicks more intelligent and varied than this mindless crap.
  83. Katie
    Jun 6, 2005
    !!S.O.A.D.!! What Happened!?! Toxicity was SOO much better musically and lyrically. I think Daron needs to back off on vocals a lot. This 50-50 thing they've got goin isn't working out. I hope they find themselves again before they put out another album like this. I Love S.O.A.D. but this album is just heartbreaking to listen to.. I'll give them a 5 because I love them, but !!S.O.A.D.!! What Happened!?! Toxicity was SOO much better musically and lyrically. I think Daron needs to back off on vocals a lot. This 50-50 thing they've got goin isn't working out. I hope they find themselves again before they put out another album like this. I Love S.O.A.D. but this album is just heartbreaking to listen to.. I'll give them a 5 because I love them, but if they were any other band I'd give this album a 1 or 2. Expand
  84. CoreyP
    Jun 6, 2005
    I love the album. It is SoaD, love'em or hate'em, they do their own thing, something other bands should think about doing. While I still think Toxicity is the best SoaD album, this one is a very, very close 2nd. Every song has a hook that only System can pull off. A rock opera in every song.
  85. MarcB
    Jun 5, 2005
    I first heard B.Y.O.B. about two weeks before its release...It was just getting me warm...I was ready for another about-36-minutes-bang-your-head-in-the-wall!!! I find BYOB,Question, old school hollywood and the great finale, Lost in hollywood (A SLOW?!?). To be honest the rest of the album kicks ass for the sound and the presence of rubin behind the console...But its just the same riffs I first heard B.Y.O.B. about two weeks before its release...It was just getting me warm...I was ready for another about-36-minutes-bang-your-head-in-the-wall!!! I find BYOB,Question, old school hollywood and the great finale, Lost in hollywood (A SLOW?!?). To be honest the rest of the album kicks ass for the sound and the presence of rubin behind the console...But its just the same riffs of toxicity mixed up togheter. I'm still gonna get myself hypnotysed this fall. Expand
  86. Gregg
    Jun 5, 2005
    This album is amazing, all i can say is 'it's a violent pornography, choking chicks and sodomy!!!
  87. Beav
    Jun 4, 2005
    The guitars are great, I love the fast sound. But what happened to the little nuances like the oom-pa-pa in Peephole? Almost non-existant. The guitarist taking over some of the singing? Questionable at best. This is an over-simplification of their style, smashing a complex molecule into a couple atoms. It's missing part of what makes them THEM. Maybe 9/11 and the aftermath killed The guitars are great, I love the fast sound. But what happened to the little nuances like the oom-pa-pa in Peephole? Almost non-existant. The guitarist taking over some of the singing? Questionable at best. This is an over-simplification of their style, smashing a complex molecule into a couple atoms. It's missing part of what makes them THEM. Maybe 9/11 and the aftermath killed something in them as well....? Expand
  88. ÁlvaroF
    Jun 4, 2005
    Just incredible and different.
  89. MarkD
    Jun 4, 2005
    It will be nice to hear the companion album to this. Excellent.
  90. Czar
    Jun 3, 2005
    Talk about mashing together lots of styles of heavy music and coming up with something absolutely cool. I am not a big traditional metal fan but this really gets the blood pumping.
  91. NACHSA
    Jun 3, 2005
  92. LeoLeo
    Jun 2, 2005
    This is a fantastic album.Its songs are very fabulous. BYOB is the best song of the disc!!!
  93. TapanJ
    Jun 1, 2005
    Hey raymond that gave it a 1, your a fucking idiot
  94. MalexandreY
    Jun 1, 2005
    Best since Toxicity.
  95. AdamC.
    Jun 1, 2005
    In an age where cock rock still dominates the airwaves, it is so refreshing to experience an album as spontaneous, unpredictable, and satisfying as Mesmerize. Ironically, this needed relief comes from an album with a whole song that brags about the virtues of having a big cock. At a blistering 36 minutes, this album passes over you in the blink of an eye. There are more curveballs and 180 In an age where cock rock still dominates the airwaves, it is so refreshing to experience an album as spontaneous, unpredictable, and satisfying as Mesmerize. Ironically, this needed relief comes from an album with a whole song that brags about the virtues of having a big cock. At a blistering 36 minutes, this album passes over you in the blink of an eye. There are more curveballs and 180 degree angles on this album than on most other current albums twice as long. Many praises sung to SOAD for not only creating an album that restores faith in current hard rock, but also keeps it interesting, even after 20 listens. Expand
  96. CoReY
    Jun 1, 2005
    I just don't understand..i liked toxicity..but i can't even listen this one from beggining to end...
  97. JohnP
    Jun 1, 2005
    This sounds like a cross between the Faces of Death Orchestra as conducted by Kip Winger and Don Rickels. When my dog was castrated he made sounds similar to noise I heard on this record. Repeated spins prove that, in fact, castrated dogs were part of the recording process. How cool! How utterly groundbreaking! The best album of all time!
  98. [Anonymous]
    Jun 1, 2005
    So brutally stupid it's almost beyond belief. The love for this band is bewildering.
  99. panos
    May 31, 2005
    Warning: Its not an experiment but a full assault to all your senses. Heavy, aggressive, melodic. Its a powerfull mix of punk and heavy metal dedicated to all the people that are still have a rebel teen beat in their minds. All the others will (thankfully...) pass away. Screw them!
  100. AlexanderS
    May 30, 2005
    This albums is a reamin of many metal bands and genres, even SOAD itself, it becomes tedious sometimes, but songs like "Video Radio" and "Sad Statue" make the album worth, there's a big change in the lyrics, not a bad album, only we expected more, and i can't wait six months for it

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. You'll be left wondering why other bands aren't so daring.
  2. Mezmerize doesn't fail to be unique.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    It's heavy and hooky. [20 May 2005, p.73]