• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Dec 14, 2010
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 81
  2. Negative: 16 out of 81
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  1. Jun 17, 2015
    I see Thriller as the album of a lifetime, because of its lyrics, choreography, production, and the swag it came with. This album really revolutionized the music world and even till this day Thriller has been embedded into society for what seems like a millennium. The singles that made Thriller so great are often times remixed, covered, and choreographed, because of their unique andI see Thriller as the album of a lifetime, because of its lyrics, choreography, production, and the swag it came with. This album really revolutionized the music world and even till this day Thriller has been embedded into society for what seems like a millennium. The singles that made Thriller so great are often times remixed, covered, and choreographed, because of their unique and exquisite lyrics. You will at least hear one of the songs from Thriller wherever you go. At like concerts, sporting events, talent shows, music auditions or dance auditions, house parties, clubs, and many more. One thing that sets Thriller apart from most hit albums is that it still resonates with its fan from back in 1982, and what’s even more compelling is that it probably gained more fans from people who weren't even born in the time of Thriller’s release. And that’s due to the great production that went into it. The fact that Thriller probably has more fans that are probably 25 years old or younger just goes to show how the greatness of Thriller never faded away, which makes it as special as it is. This is what made Thriller so special and influential, because it had that lasting effect that most albums just don’t have, and the funk will never fade Expand
  2. Mar 17, 2022
    if anyone has this to sell, please contact me at jackkmurph27@gmail.com or through discogs. desperately need to add this to my collection. will pay up to €100 for it.
  3. Jun 27, 2020
    É um álbum muito bom que faz nós lembrarmos do Michael Jackson.
    Conseguiu trazer algumas musicas muito boas como Hollywood Tonight e Hold my Hand
  4. Jan 26, 2023
    Hello, this is a default review because i'm forced to use 75 characters. I'll edit this review in the future talking about the game, don't worry ;)

    My final rate is: 10
  5. Dec 17, 2010
    MJ's b-sides and throw away tracks are better than most current artists' A material. That said, "Behind The Mask" and "Breaking News" "Hollywood Tonight" and "I Can't Make It Another Day" are excellent and worty of inclusion on any of Jackson's previous albums.
  6. Dec 24, 2010
    I have always been a huge fan of MJ and when the Estate said they were releasing new music from MJ I was really worried that tracks he may or may not have finished or released in the first place may somehow diminish the public's view of what a great performer he was. I purchased this CD and tried my best to listen to it as I would any other CD. With Thriller being the best CD ever I wouldI have always been a huge fan of MJ and when the Estate said they were releasing new music from MJ I was really worried that tracks he may or may not have finished or released in the first place may somehow diminish the public's view of what a great performer he was. I purchased this CD and tried my best to listen to it as I would any other CD. With Thriller being the best CD ever I would rate it at a 10, Bad 9, Dangerous 8, History 8, Invincible 8 (I realize that it was not as well received as the others but I love this CD and believe many are missing out if they did not give this one a fair shake). Invincible had some tracks with the Bad and Dangerous style but also had a couple of R&B style tracks that was a style he showed more on Off the Wall (8). I think people need to first remember that the estate put this CD out and so I view this CD as Volume 1 of the MJ unfinished library. I did not expect the CD to flow like one put out by any artist because who knows if MJ would have used any of these songs let alone put them on the same CD. So listening to this CD as a taste of some of the tracks and sounds MJ was working on for the past 30 years I will say I have not stopped listening to this CD. It really brought a smile to my face when I heard the second track, Hollywood Tonight, because it starts off with MJâ Expand
  7. Apr 25, 2011
    This maybe a generous review if you compare it to the likes of Thriller and Bad, but what you have here is 10 songs which could've been. Maybe not to the perfection of how Michael himself would've wanted it but its certainly a very enjoyable album for any MJ fan! Behind the Mask, Gone Too Soon, Hollywood Tonight and Best of Joy for me are the highlights stringed together with enjoyableThis maybe a generous review if you compare it to the likes of Thriller and Bad, but what you have here is 10 songs which could've been. Maybe not to the perfection of how Michael himself would've wanted it but its certainly a very enjoyable album for any MJ fan! Behind the Mask, Gone Too Soon, Hollywood Tonight and Best of Joy for me are the highlights stringed together with enjoyable songs. Still a must for any MJ fan! Expand
  8. Apr 10, 2012
    An 8/10 score for Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, is an 8/15 to any other singer and artists. Here is an album full of Jackson's passion for music. It shows his best vocals and his greatness in bringing wonderful music. I would have rated it 10 if it did not include Neyo and Akon in the recording. It would have been better if all the tracks were only sung by Jackson himself. All in all,An 8/10 score for Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, is an 8/15 to any other singer and artists. Here is an album full of Jackson's passion for music. It shows his best vocals and his greatness in bringing wonderful music. I would have rated it 10 if it did not include Neyo and Akon in the recording. It would have been better if all the tracks were only sung by Jackson himself. All in all, Michael is a fit posthumous album to Jackson. It would leave us craving for more. P.S. Sony will distribute 10 posthumous albums in the near future which will include Jackson's unreleased songs. Expand
  9. Jun 16, 2012
    You know those albums that take your heart away from the first time you hear them? "Michael" is one of them. From the first to the last song in the album you can feel the the amazing voice of Michael Jackson along with simple sweat beats that will take you to a different dimension. When I first heard that this album will be released after Michael's death I didn't have high expectations forYou know those albums that take your heart away from the first time you hear them? "Michael" is one of them. From the first to the last song in the album you can feel the the amazing voice of Michael Jackson along with simple sweat beats that will take you to a different dimension. When I first heard that this album will be released after Michael's death I didn't have high expectations for it, but it turned out to be one hell of an album and a perfect closure to Michael's career. Expand
  10. Dec 16, 2010
    I am very open to the newer material of Michael Jackson - my favourite albums of his are his last three (in order) Dangerous, HIStory II and Invincible - but 'Michael' is not to a standard that Michael Jackson would accept. It's OK and enjoyable to an extent, but almost all the slower songs apart from the lovely album ending 'Much Too Soon' feel like filler, whereas in Invincible theI am very open to the newer material of Michael Jackson - my favourite albums of his are his last three (in order) Dangerous, HIStory II and Invincible - but 'Michael' is not to a standard that Michael Jackson would accept. It's OK and enjoyable to an extent, but almost all the slower songs apart from the lovely album ending 'Much Too Soon' feel like filler, whereas in Invincible the ballads were a special showcase. Considering I love Jacko's venture into Jack Swing, my favourite tracks are the striking 'Breaking News', the wild 'Monster' and especially Jackson's version of 'Behind The Mask', which sounds like the oldest song of the bunch. Definitely buy if you are a fan of Michael Jackson and, like me, just want to hear anything the greatest artist of all time has left us with. Expand
  11. Jan 6, 2011
    I'm a big fan of Michael Jackson and I was very excited about his posthumous album "MICHAEL". But disappointed after it's release as it dint reach it's expectations. MJ's vocals are the only thing I like in this album. The music composed for this album is a big drawback for it. It reminds me of MJ's previous albums. Also some lines are frequently repeated in some tracks making them boring.I'm a big fan of Michael Jackson and I was very excited about his posthumous album "MICHAEL". But disappointed after it's release as it dint reach it's expectations. MJ's vocals are the only thing I like in this album. The music composed for this album is a big drawback for it. It reminds me of MJ's previous albums. Also some lines are frequently repeated in some tracks making them boring. The album isn't a total disaster though as it gives a different experience compared to the rest. Expand
  12. Jun 6, 2014
    This album is not sound of pop-king,but it is new modern tracks.And i can't absolutely say that vocal belongs MJ.Basically, album is not bad.Hit tracks-Behind the mask,Holywood Tonight,Hold my hand.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Q Magazine
    Feb 1, 2011
    The problem here isn't sullying Jackson's memory and reputation: he was perfectly capable of doing that himself. The problem is that Michael simply isn't good enough. [Feb. 2011, p. 108]
  2. Jan 13, 2011
    Jackson's progressiveness and laser-aimed focus on perfection was always the foundation of everything he ever did and resonated through every song he ever made....Given the patch-work necessary to piece Michael together posthumously, it's impossible to imagine that this is a collection of songs Michael intended to deliver.
  3. Jan 11, 2011
    Who knows whether the notoriously megalomaniacal Jackson would approve of this album-people on both sides of that argument have valid points-but as a start-to-finish collection of songs it's more enjoyable and less filler-stuffed than anything he's released since Bad, a minor miracle given the circumstances.