• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Aug 29, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 289 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 21 out of 289

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  1. Oct 17, 2022
    Third in his successful late career renaissance this controversially constructed album sits comfortably amongst his '97 landmark time out of mind and its '01 sequel love and theft. Its bluesy balladry makes it some of his easiest work to listen to. Cited as a wholly self penned masterpiece questions of credit arose in reference to lyrics and melody which legally were nil and void due toThird in his successful late career renaissance this controversially constructed album sits comfortably amongst his '97 landmark time out of mind and its '01 sequel love and theft. Its bluesy balladry makes it some of his easiest work to listen to. Cited as a wholly self penned masterpiece questions of credit arose in reference to lyrics and melody which legally were nil and void due to the age of the original work. This doesn't tarnish this album though. Modern Times like a wise grandfather talking to his grandchildren, at times exciting, at time depressing, but always undeniably impressive while still not cool. Dylan's most impressive quality is his acceptance of his place as a senior statesman in music whose goal seem to be about maintaining quality as opposed to creating a new energy. Therefore this is not his best record, nor is it attempting to be, but the kids none-the-less would be wise to listen Expand
  2. Nov 28, 2017
    The song "Spirit on the Water" says everything about what this album is - "You think I'm over the hill, You think I'm past my prime, Let me see what you got..." Dylan emphatically proves he's still got plenty in the locker here. Following on strongly from "Love and Theft", this is up there with the master songwriters best work from the last 30 years. 10 tracks of the highest calibre andThe song "Spirit on the Water" says everything about what this album is - "You think I'm over the hill, You think I'm past my prime, Let me see what you got..." Dylan emphatically proves he's still got plenty in the locker here. Following on strongly from "Love and Theft", this is up there with the master songwriters best work from the last 30 years. 10 tracks of the highest calibre and country blues at it's best. His vocals are surprisingly good as an extra bonus on this and the backing band he has here play a stormer as well. For me, this is the last great album Dylan has produced and the last essential one. Expand
  3. Nov 10, 2015
  4. Jan 29, 2014
    An accessible record with master class song-writing, Dylan has never failed at writing a great song. His vocals are painfully gruff, and commands your attention with each track. It's a patient listen, took me a few times to really feel it, and delve my way through each track.

    All In All, Modern Times is a great record, and another one of Dylan's masterpieces. A-
  5. Aug 2, 2013
    The best Dylan album of the 2000s and possibly the best of his career so far. I prefer listening to it on vinyl, Spirit on the Water sounds a completely different song when on vinyl.
  6. Apr 26, 2012
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. In creating 'Modern Times' Dylan has drawn upon traditional American music and has created a conservative album similar to his two previous studio albums. Despite misgivings that may arise from Dylan fanatics who have yet to hear the album and fear that its preservative nature renders the album irrelevant or worst of all boring, it takes just one listen to disprove this. 'Modern Times' is an attempt to make an observation about the state of the current world (hence the title) without making any specific references (except for the infamous mention of Alicia Keys in the opening track that says more about the 64 year old's music from his zenith era than it does of Keys and contemporary popular music ) to society. The lyrics are typical of Dylan in that they are cerebral and in fused with religious themes. However this album is not the mind bender of Dylan's landmark 1965-1966 albums and the lyrics and tunes are more simplistic. The relative simplicity of the lyrics makes this album more commercially appealing than a majority of Dylan's former albums but this doesn't mean that the lyrics have been dumbed down for the sake of a cheap and easy sell to the masses. Instead this means that the album is more accessible than is common with Dylan recordings and that the messages have merely been sugarcoated. Of course not all of the songs on this album detail Dylan's impressions of the world. This album is a combination of songs that are a loose commentary on the world ('Thunder on the Mountain', 'Workingman's Blues #2', 'The Levee's Gonna Break' and 'Ain't Talkin'), songs about relationships ('Spirit on the Water', 'Someday Baby'), a combination of both ('Rollin' and Tumblin', 'Nettie Moore') and a theme that must be close to Dylan's heart at the time of recording; aging and death (Beyond the Horizon). Although all of these themes seem to be entwined with one another across the album particular songs give particualy themes more prevalence than others.The affect that the album impresses upon the listener is that it is expertly done.The tone, the spirit, the singing, the music and above all the lyrics are as engaging and exciting as some of the man's best work.

    My rating: A+ (Perfection)

    Strongest song: Workingman's Blues #2
    Weakest song: When the Deal Goes Down
  7. Jul 15, 2011
    Bought this album while living in California. Every time "Spirit on the Water" comes on, I'm taken right back to those highways that flow into San Francisco Bay. From beginning to end, this is what you've come to love about Dylan. His homage to earlier music is dead on and some of these gems could have been pulled from the 1920s. "Workingman Blues #2" is another highlight and "Ain'tBought this album while living in California. Every time "Spirit on the Water" comes on, I'm taken right back to those highways that flow into San Francisco Bay. From beginning to end, this is what you've come to love about Dylan. His homage to earlier music is dead on and some of these gems could have been pulled from the 1920s. "Workingman Blues #2" is another highlight and "Ain't Talkin'" is already being hailed as another great Dylan work. Pick it up. Expand
  8. Sep 7, 2010
    Not as great as Love and Theft, but Modern Times is a hell of a record. Dylan continues to let us know that he is back; quite a fun album. The times may be a changing but Bobby manages to stay his brilliant self
  9. KenS.
    Mar 1, 2008
    Thunder On The Mountain is by far the best song on the cd. This cd was over rated. Not really up to traditional Dylan standards.
  10. PhillipB.
    Nov 12, 2007
    Dylan is still great.
  11. sbsb
    Nov 12, 2007
    Not the greatest work of Dylan, but certainly a very good album. Dylan never gets old.
  12. EloyG.
    Oct 14, 2007
    This is a very very good disc. it's a classic rock and roll and folk album. Simply Great.
  13. SienaK.
    Oct 10, 2007
    boring, crude toward women
  14. SteveJ
    Oct 3, 2007
    this album has an eternal feel, it does not get old. very in the moment, a great artist with timeless skills.
  15. LH
    Sep 14, 2007
    I like Dylan hes a lyrical genius!!!!!
  16. JanisP
    Jul 31, 2007
    Very enjoyable album, with the mystery and quirks of Dylan making blues even so much more interesting.
  17. Jamesk
    Jul 12, 2007
    C mon guys, ofc if this cd was under the name of an unknown arist he may had a average user rating 2.But c mon he is BOB DYLAN.Whatever he says is like gospel to me.Period._
  18. CB
    Jul 8, 2007
    Great, great album. Like many of his great albums, like New Morning or Slow Train Coming, starts out sounding understated and then gets better with each listening. His best since Blood on the Tracks, Desire, and Slow Train. Don't judge by the first listening; listen again. It's a sleeper. Over the hill? Man's still got the juice.
  19. PhilZ
    Jun 11, 2007
    Clearly the best of the recent trilogy along with Love & Theft and Time out of Mind. Perhaps the best work since Infidels. This is one of Dylan's top half dozen albums.
  20. ArtS.
    Jun 4, 2007
  21. ARthurD.
    Jun 1, 2007
    Man, this stuff is tired and lazy. Move along, nothing to see.
  22. TimC
    Mar 21, 2007
    Lyrically, this is classic Dylan, spinning fascinating tales of the working class (even throwing in the proletariot!) but musically, the album is dead in the water. Dylan's road band come off sounding like a Vegas sidebar act, so smooth they're butter, and it makes it darn near impossible to listen to.
  23. TomB
    Mar 7, 2007
    Always full of meaning..Bob's the greatest...
  24. BronachJ
    Feb 26, 2007
    No where near his best. Sounds laike a tribute to (the greast) J.J. and if I want to listen to J.J. Cale I buy his albums ..... Time Out Of Mind is much better
  25. DavidG
    Feb 23, 2007
    giving dylan a 10 is only because for at least the last 20 years (more) dylan has been addressing a bible based truth that being he is the spokeman for yahweh concerning his bride and her relation with the marriage of god and his people(us)we being the bride for instance jokerman is humanity not .dylan. the waitess in time out of mind again is the bride. enough said i hope you replay some giving dylan a 10 is only because for at least the last 20 years (more) dylan has been addressing a bible based truth that being he is the spokeman for yahweh concerning his bride and her relation with the marriage of god and his people(us)we being the bride for instance jokerman is humanity not .dylan. the waitess in time out of mind again is the bride. enough said i hope you replay some albums , oh the gar dener in 'not talkin' is Jesus... Expand
  26. MikeL
    Jan 29, 2007
    A disappointment. Bob croaks some not very memorable songs you will easily forget unlike any of your favorites from the last 4 decades with only a few flashes of the old brilliance in the lyric department defering to spoon and June rhymes croaky murmured vocals and fillers like a 6 minute Rollin and Tumblin done better by others- on recent albums there would be a couple of songs of jaw A disappointment. Bob croaks some not very memorable songs you will easily forget unlike any of your favorites from the last 4 decades with only a few flashes of the old brilliance in the lyric department defering to spoon and June rhymes croaky murmured vocals and fillers like a 6 minute Rollin and Tumblin done better by others- on recent albums there would be a couple of songs of jaw dropping brillance. Almost a couple times but now wow here.. He's rockin'-in his rocking chair.Wish I bought Clapton and JJ Cale. Expand
  27. AlexS
    Jan 13, 2007
    I dun get y dis bitch is all popular. He sux and he's uglieee!!!
  28. PaulS
    Jan 6, 2007
    When all is said and done this will be recognized as one of the best. He should win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
  29. GregorioB
    Jan 3, 2007
    At first listen I was not as crazy and agreeable with all the hype and build up for this new work from iPod Bob. Having opened the bottle and letting it breath a bit, I would put it right up there with the last two jewels of '97 and '01. After seeing the songs done live, especially 'Nettie Moore', I realized how good this almbum really is, and how much shelf life it At first listen I was not as crazy and agreeable with all the hype and build up for this new work from iPod Bob. Having opened the bottle and letting it breath a bit, I would put it right up there with the last two jewels of '97 and '01. After seeing the songs done live, especially 'Nettie Moore', I realized how good this almbum really is, and how much shelf life it will have for Uncle Bob. His voice has lived a number lives, and he still is able to get it out there and tell us a new story or two! Expand
  30. dave
    Dec 26, 2006
    Dylan has some amazing albums and for critics to give this anything close to a 10 it degrades his truly remarkabe work
  31. ReubenF
    Dec 18, 2006
    A sentimental favourite for Bob Dylan fans who can rejoice that this album represents an excellent return to form. However, in my opinion it does not deserve to be in the top 10 for the year.
  32. RichieD
    Dec 15, 2006
    Not bad for a man in his eighties. Still better than anything his son has ever released. My third favorite Dylan record behind New Morning and Saved.
  33. PeterP
    Dec 6, 2006
    As hard for me as it is to give Dylan anything less than a 10/10, i just really couldnt get into this album. It's just not the same Dylan I grew to love.
  34. kamil
    Dec 3, 2006
    Old king with third very good album. Modern Times is not so vital and funny like masterpiece from 2001 Love And Theft, but form, craft and feeling is in right place.
  35. tryrtyrtrtyrtyrt
    Nov 27, 2006
    he cant sing
  36. SharonD
    Nov 26, 2006
    Another brilliant album from rock's greatest songwriter. I am sick of all these idiots who want to keep Bob frozen in the 1960's. You all need to grow up (and wake up). Older artists can be as relevant and emotionally moving as the younger ones, maybe even more so. It's called experience, which one can only gain with age. People place too much emphasis on youth over Another brilliant album from rock's greatest songwriter. I am sick of all these idiots who want to keep Bob frozen in the 1960's. You all need to grow up (and wake up). Older artists can be as relevant and emotionally moving as the younger ones, maybe even more so. It's called experience, which one can only gain with age. People place too much emphasis on youth over experience in American culture. It's great artists like Dylan who provide an antidote to this stupid notion. Expand
  37. CJS.
    Nov 20, 2006
    Best album in a long time. This really rocks.
  38. DanS
    Nov 19, 2006
    An excellent cd......one of my best. If there were more up tempo songs on it, like track No. 1....it'd be a 10.
  39. Sarah
    Nov 17, 2006
    This is an incredible, incredible album. Workingman's Blues #2 might just be my new favorite song. Anyone who thinks Dylan can't sing should listen to this. I can't believe some people gave it such a bad rating...Dylan is truly incredible. The songwriting is amazing...deals with everything from God to sucking milk out of cows. Amaaaaaaaaaaizingggggggggggggg.
  40. DaveyJ
    Nov 14, 2006
    I didn't know what to make of this album and I sort of shelved it for a while. When I saw Dylan on Nov.2nd I got an instant understanding of the things that I'll never know and only feel. this is what Dylan has been trying to get to with his never ending tour. the record sums up where its at. This tour will stand as on of the best of his career and the album as one of the greats I didn't know what to make of this album and I sort of shelved it for a while. When I saw Dylan on Nov.2nd I got an instant understanding of the things that I'll never know and only feel. this is what Dylan has been trying to get to with his never ending tour. the record sums up where its at. This tour will stand as on of the best of his career and the album as one of the greats of all time!!! of any "artist". The people who don't like it are frankly stupid. Expand
  41. RogerT
    Nov 3, 2006
    outstanding he just gets better can not take it off the player in car and at home
  42. BurtJ
    Nov 2, 2006
    Another disappointment from one of the great minds of the 60s. We should have listened to him fifty years ago when his brain was fresh and he said he had no idea why he wrote his songs.
  43. GDiaz
    Oct 28, 2006
    This is one of Bob's best albums, but I disagree with both 10 and 2 reviews. It is not a masterpiece, but you really cannot dismiss it as "forgettable". I have seen that people single out certain tracks, and my pick as the best are Workingman's Blues #2, Nettie Moore and of course, Ain't Talkin'. That song is wonderful. Some people think this album should be another This is one of Bob's best albums, but I disagree with both 10 and 2 reviews. It is not a masterpiece, but you really cannot dismiss it as "forgettable". I have seen that people single out certain tracks, and my pick as the best are Workingman's Blues #2, Nettie Moore and of course, Ain't Talkin'. That song is wonderful. Some people think this album should be another Blood on the Tracks, but no t even Dylan could top his masterpieces. The lyrics are direct and great, the musicians are top notch, and Bob uses his strained voice to good effect. He may not have a beautiful voice, but he knows how to use it, and that is what makes a good singer, and what made Blonde On Blonde such a thrill in its times. Expand
  44. BiffD
    Oct 26, 2006
    Sounds a little bit too much like Leon Redbone on the slow ones
  45. RonaldN
    Oct 25, 2006
    Sorry, I am a great Bob Dylan fan but this did not impress me at all. I would not have purchased it if I had heard it previously. I really love his earlier works.
  46. edf
    Oct 17, 2006
  47. PierreT
    Oct 16, 2006
    I agree, this is not a 10. Too much hype.
  48. MartinL
    Oct 16, 2006
    This is trivial music
  49. jw
    Oct 13, 2006
    (8.5) Really good. Not "Love and Theft" good, but good. But a note on protest songs: Our political climate is such that the center has completely dropped out. And, given that Dylan is known for going out of his way to avoid categorization, it shouldn't be a shock that he includes only the most opaque references to current events. It's a non-move that can be seen as political, (8.5) Really good. Not "Love and Theft" good, but good. But a note on protest songs: Our political climate is such that the center has completely dropped out. And, given that Dylan is known for going out of his way to avoid categorization, it shouldn't be a shock that he includes only the most opaque references to current events. It's a non-move that can be seen as political, commercial, and musical savvy. (The music DOES matter, after all). However, no honest assessment of this album will yield the word "brave." At present there is a 9,000 pound, bazooka wielding elephant in the room, and Hendrix, Ochs, Joplin, and Lennon are all gone. This is a bad time for our last best voice to be M.I.A. ...Of course I'm 24 and have not yet reached that shade of jade. Expand
  50. KentE
    Oct 5, 2006
    Let me start first by addressing TBone. Bob Dylan grew up in Hibbing,Minnesota, or the "Iron Range" for those of us who know the area. Very working class area, and he himself worked in the mines up there. So yes "Workingman Blues 2" I would assume comes straight from the heart. And it could be him singing about his towns experiences and not his. Spike Lee grew up rich as hell in suburban Let me start first by addressing TBone. Bob Dylan grew up in Hibbing,Minnesota, or the "Iron Range" for those of us who know the area. Very working class area, and he himself worked in the mines up there. So yes "Workingman Blues 2" I would assume comes straight from the heart. And it could be him singing about his towns experiences and not his. Spike Lee grew up rich as hell in suburban Los Angeles and makes movies about the "ghetto" something he knows nothing about, but is that ok, or how about P. Diddy or whatever his name is now I cant keep up, grew up in rich suburban New York and sings about gangster life, even if Dylan isnt singing about his own experiences, which he is, most singers dont. The album is great, it mixes fast up beat songs with slower songs. Lots of musicians today modeled themselves after Dylan. "Workingmans Blues 2" is one of the best tracks, "Aint Talkin" is a highlight as well as "leeves gonna break". Its to bad in todays world we have no good protest singers, Green Day is a joke and so are the Dixie Chicks and even Pearl Jam who at least made an effort to make a decent protest album. I was a little dissapointed by the albums lack of political uproar or backlash at the Bush Administration as Dylan is the master of that, but all in all a great album from a great individual who I can only hope keeps making albums until he dies. Expand
  51. Brian
    Oct 5, 2006
    I love it when people start off a review with "come on people." I love this CD and recognize this as one of Dylans best. He is a much different Dylan from the "times they are a changing" era which is what I love about Dylan. This is his 3rd straight masterpiece and one of his best in 30+ years.
  52. WadeT
    Oct 3, 2006
    Modern Times like a wise grandfather talking to his grandchildren, at times exciting, at time depressing, but always undeniably impressive while still not cool. Dylan's most impressive quality is his acceptance of his place as a senior statesman in music whose goal seem to be about maintaining quality as opposed to creating a new energy. Therefore this is not his best record, nor is Modern Times like a wise grandfather talking to his grandchildren, at times exciting, at time depressing, but always undeniably impressive while still not cool. Dylan's most impressive quality is his acceptance of his place as a senior statesman in music whose goal seem to be about maintaining quality as opposed to creating a new energy. Therefore this is not his best record, nor is it attempting to be, but the kids none-the-less would be wise to listen. Expand
  53. TBone
    Oct 2, 2006
    Come on people. This is not a 10 in 2006. Times they are a changin and this don;t cut it. Clearly he's getting a big pass by the critics for being Bob Dylan. Working man blues? Has he ever really worked?
  54. manolissporidis
    Oct 1, 2006
    maybe not a masterpiece, but definitely an album you can listen to again and again. a perfect musical companion for autumn, winter, spring and summer to come, dylan & band enjoy music like noone else and they show it here!!
  55. aveehMcnelove
    Sep 30, 2006
    And once agin, a 100% pure quality. the words and the meanings all togather, creating this one big beatiful pazzel of words who tells about freedom, forgivness and love. Way the go Bobby!
  56. sl
    Sep 28, 2006
    Another brilliant album in the bob catalogue.
  57. HenryT
    Sep 28, 2006
    People who rate this 10 are living in a fantasy world. His Bobness is a true living legend, no doubt, but there's nothing special here, 12 bar blues that ramble and roll but special it ain't. If this is 10 then what is Blonde on Blonde? Because Modern Times doesn't come within huey of his best recordings. There's one good track the others are just old an follk and People who rate this 10 are living in a fantasy world. His Bobness is a true living legend, no doubt, but there's nothing special here, 12 bar blues that ramble and roll but special it ain't. If this is 10 then what is Blonde on Blonde? Because Modern Times doesn't come within huey of his best recordings. There's one good track the others are just old an follk and blues stock soup. If that's what you're really after there's others that do this better. If you want 'rustic Bob' try 'Good as I've been to you', at least it has charm. Listen again without the rose glasses you'll find the number '4' pops up. Expand
  58. mcnutsmcnuts
    Sep 28, 2006
    Yes, its good but seriously over rated. I don
  59. SrivatsanL
    Sep 28, 2006
    This is a brilliant album by Dylan. His best ever? I dont think so. But for a guy whose career spans 40 years, let us be fair and not compare him with his past, but instead compare with him with others of the present. Taken like that this is a 10/10 album indeed!!
  60. ToddW
    Sep 27, 2006
    Dylan never ceases to amaze. His albums still can make you laugh, cry, think, and try all at once. While I'm not steeped in the musical genres that he samples with aplomb, it's comforting to know that someone still cares enough about his craft to entertain AND educate. There's too little of that in today's "What Have You Done for Me Yesterday?" culture.
  61. sorenh
    Sep 27, 2006
    Present this to someone who does not know who Bob Dylan is, and he will tell you how trivial this piece really is. Dylan has a message, but it is not musical.
  62. emiliog
    Sep 25, 2006
    Lo mejor de Dylan en los últimos años. Un placer escuchar el disco
  63. KenG
    Sep 24, 2006
    The depth and breadth of artistry evident in this disc is astounding. How many more years can he keep this up?
  64. doug
    Sep 24, 2006
    fucking genius
  65. jamesnormann
    Sep 23, 2006
    it is amazing that bobby is still good enough & far ahead enough to get bad reviews.
  66. joeb
    Sep 22, 2006
  67. SethR
    Sep 21, 2006
    awesome. dylan at his finest. 10 GREAT songs!
  68. TylerP
    Sep 21, 2006
    This is one of the best albums i've listened to. Gets my foot tappin and my spirits high everytime! You should all buy it!
  69. AlexF
    Sep 20, 2006
    Yeah, its a good album and I'm happy to see Bob back on the top of the charts; however, at no point will I find myself with one of these tunes infectiously running through my head. At no point will I unconsciously learn all the lyrics to a song, simply by repeated listens. Much of this is like his previous album in terms of tone and style. One of the better albums released in the Yeah, its a good album and I'm happy to see Bob back on the top of the charts; however, at no point will I find myself with one of these tunes infectiously running through my head. At no point will I unconsciously learn all the lyrics to a song, simply by repeated listens. Much of this is like his previous album in terms of tone and style. One of the better albums released in the last few months, but by no means a classic on par with Blood on the Tracks or Blonde on Blonde or even his late-90's surprise, Time Out of Mind. Expand
  70. willd
    Sep 20, 2006
    when the deal goes down will be covered by many,
  71. DavidJ
    Sep 18, 2006
    Only just about OK as background sub-muzak. Utterly undeserving of good reviews. I simply don't care if I never hear this over-praised pastiche again.
  72. aurelios
    Sep 14, 2006
    muy bueno , mejora con cada escucha, sin rabia sesentera pero se degusta como un vino de reserva, saboreando cada detalle.no tiene un 10 porque sino que ¿le pondriamos a blonde on blonde?.
  73. TomS
    Sep 13, 2006
    Can't see what all the fuss is about, and I LOVED Love & Theft: it had a bold, edgy, full-bodied, rockin' sound and every song is great and memorable. The people who say he hasn't done anything worthwhile since Desire are just plain mentally-defective. This one, however seems totally amorphous and the songs all tend to run into one another like one big blob of tedium. I Can't see what all the fuss is about, and I LOVED Love & Theft: it had a bold, edgy, full-bodied, rockin' sound and every song is great and memorable. The people who say he hasn't done anything worthwhile since Desire are just plain mentally-defective. This one, however seems totally amorphous and the songs all tend to run into one another like one big blob of tedium. I love Bob so I'll continue to give it another chance from time to time but at this point it seems to me the flood of rave reviews is just desperation for something, ANYTHING of substance, which in the current pure drivel-inclined musical climate, is understandable. Expand
  74. cara
    Sep 13, 2006
    beautiful but also comical
  75. SteinN
    Sep 13, 2006
    I loved this album the first time I heard it the 21.st. of August
  76. TheobaldT
    Sep 13, 2006
    Often regarded as retro rocker whose heydays were the sixties, Dylan has gone real retro: back to the 20's, 30's, and 40's. Western swing, jazz, blues, and the music of the old pop crooners like Bing Crosby et. al. The sound is very acoustic, crisp, and clear. An album for the island.
  77. TimW
    Sep 11, 2006
    At first listening perhaps not as note-worthy as say High-Way 61 and Blood on The Tracks, largely due to not having a "hit" song or straigth-faced "memorable" Dyan song; Modern Love appeals to your sensibilities over listening, or be it time; and materalises as substantial recording of Dylan, who in his 60s still has was it takes and does not look as rediculous as this year's At first listening perhaps not as note-worthy as say High-Way 61 and Blood on The Tracks, largely due to not having a "hit" song or straigth-faced "memorable" Dyan song; Modern Love appeals to your sensibilities over listening, or be it time; and materalises as substantial recording of Dylan, who in his 60s still has was it takes and does not look as rediculous as this year's Rolling-Stones concert tour. Dylan does have to be sexy--Mic Jagger!--in his 60s. He has but fulfill the promise of a blues siinger and muscian and song -writer. Modern Love gives all that--a graceful overture to blues undertaken by the greatest song-writer of the second half of this century. Gone is Dylan's "absurdism" of the 60s recordings; Dylan delievers straight-forward plays of language and song. Expand
  78. williamm
    Sep 10, 2006
    Mesmerizing! Light hearted, heavy handed,seriously amusing and dizzyingly profound and often in a few short verses.What a rollercoaster ride!
  79. BrianM
    Sep 9, 2006
    There aren't enough adjectives to describe how good this album is. The Man's in amazing voice, the band is incredible....if you're not listening to this, your life is incomplete.
  80. JimG
    Sep 8, 2006
    Dylan matures gracefully. Dylan is doing what he wants and could care less about anybodys opinion of his art. Great CD
  81. howdy
    Sep 8, 2006
    This is an enjoyable Dylan album. A masterpiece it is not. I prefer Muddy Waters' take on Rollin' and Tumblin' to this "smooth blues" version. Too many of these songs suffer from flat arrangements and production; they are lacking in tension or drama. Many of the songs sound like the corniest moments of Love and Theft, e.g. the "Tweedle Dee." The band is a very pleasant This is an enjoyable Dylan album. A masterpiece it is not. I prefer Muddy Waters' take on Rollin' and Tumblin' to this "smooth blues" version. Too many of these songs suffer from flat arrangements and production; they are lacking in tension or drama. Many of the songs sound like the corniest moments of Love and Theft, e.g. the "Tweedle Dee." The band is a very pleasant Americana roots outfit, but where's the musical edge? While I like this album, I really don't understand the over-the-top reviews. For later period Dylan, I prefer Infidels, Time out of Mind, Oh Mercy and Love and Theft over this album. But those albums have some truly great songs. I still can't pick out one truly great song from this new album. Still like it, though. Expand
  82. ErlingO
    Sep 8, 2006
    He still does it. It becomes better with each playing. B.D. rules.
  83. LawrenceP
    Sep 7, 2006
    An instant classic. Dylan just gets better and better. There is more wisdom in Modern Times than in other artists' entire careers.
  84. jackL
    Sep 7, 2006
    im bringing down the ratings
  85. PaulM
    Sep 7, 2006
    Excellent !!! Just Excellent !!!
  86. Mars88
    Sep 6, 2006
    his voice is wonderfully worn, and fit very well with the songs. great great great great.
  87. TimR
    Sep 5, 2006
    best album I have heard in years, I especially liked the first 6 tracks -- I was expecting something good but not this good...buy it you won't be disappointed regardess of your thoughts on Dylan -- if you are a Dylan fan you will be overwhelmed.
  88. BobT
    Sep 4, 2006
    This a brilliant album and it exemplifies why Dylan is in a class by himself.
  89. ChristianZ
    Sep 3, 2006
    Holy . . . This is great music! I just sat back and let it wash over me. Dylan isn't just on a roll; he's like a phoenix. Time Out of Mind ruminated on death, Love and Theft sounded the prophecies, and now Modern Times combines those elements into a brand new sound for modern music. This is an album that ranks with his best. Yes, Blonde on Blonde, Bringing it All Back Home, Holy . . . This is great music! I just sat back and let it wash over me. Dylan isn't just on a roll; he's like a phoenix. Time Out of Mind ruminated on death, Love and Theft sounded the prophecies, and now Modern Times combines those elements into a brand new sound for modern music. This is an album that ranks with his best. Yes, Blonde on Blonde, Bringing it All Back Home, Highway 61, Blood on the Tracks, all of them. Listen to Modern Times back-to-back with any of his best and you will be converted. If it's true like he said that he's in his middle years, then long, long may he live! Expand
  90. BenE
    Sep 3, 2006
    flows perfectly from start to finish, spellbinding.
  91. KevinC
    Sep 3, 2006
    Look at the list of all-time high scores and tell me straight up that Dylan isn't being robbed. I'm not disputing the genius of those records, just baffled that this disc is getting less than 5-star reviews all-around. Come on, if Stankonia is a 97 no way in hell is this album less than a 97 as well. Just an awesome record of fans of good music regardless of genres or labels.
  92. FrankD
    Sep 3, 2006
    10 great songs. Not a weak song on the whole CD. Dylan in great voice. Band is great. I love the way the CD starts with the intro to Thunder on the Mountain.
  93. JimN
    Sep 2, 2006
    surprisingly the hype about this as the end of a trilogy of releases is not completely inplausible. this will be worth its many times I will listen and relisten to it.
  94. R.L.
    Sep 2, 2006
    One of the best albums to come out in the last 20 years! And incredibly, it's only a shade less entertaining than the "Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum" record.
  95. JamesD
    Sep 2, 2006
    Modern Times is another triumph for Bob Dylan and his best since Oh Mercy. There's no use trying to compare this album to his 60s masterpieces, this is a completely different period in Dylan's life/art. Instead of the psychedelic poetry of Blonde on Blonde, he is using the down to earth prose of traditional blues. What he did for pop/rock by combining meaningful lyrics and Modern Times is another triumph for Bob Dylan and his best since Oh Mercy. There's no use trying to compare this album to his 60s masterpieces, this is a completely different period in Dylan's life/art. Instead of the psychedelic poetry of Blonde on Blonde, he is using the down to earth prose of traditional blues. What he did for pop/rock by combining meaningful lyrics and poetry with popular music, he is now doing with blues. The NOW magazine review above is a disgrace. We don't alll have to agree on politics, religion or music, but some people obviously do not understand Dylan or the folk/blues tradition. Yes, Dylan is "borrowing" from traditional blues and folk music, JUST AS HE DID IN THE 60S! Blowin in the Wind and every folk song he wrote borrowed music and lyrics from older folk songs. The same is true of the blues. Blues singers borrow music and lyrics and build upon them and they keep passing the music down from one generation to the next. Dylan is now a major bridge in Blues, bringing what appears to be "old timey" music into a new generation. I know many young people who love Modern Times and because of Dylan they are learning that "old" blues and folk songs are still relevant in these "Modern Time". TAKE THE NOW REVIEW OFF! Before that horrible review was listed, Modern Times had score of 97 making it the highest rated album on Metacritic. It's not right to let one ignorant and obviously off the mark review reduce the score of this great album. At least include more of the hundreds of good reviews to balance it out! Expand
  96. JBN
    Sep 2, 2006
    Everybody, please... GET A GRIP. Look, I love Bob Dylan's work as much as, maybe more than the next guy. A lot of the best songs ever written came from him... unfortunately, none of them are on this album. Sonically, it's basically 'nice'. The playing is smooth, his band is as good as ever, but frankly it's all quite predictable. He's made a career out of Everybody, please... GET A GRIP. Look, I love Bob Dylan's work as much as, maybe more than the next guy. A lot of the best songs ever written came from him... unfortunately, none of them are on this album. Sonically, it's basically 'nice'. The playing is smooth, his band is as good as ever, but frankly it's all quite predictable. He's made a career out of using references to old folk and blues music, and he's not about to change that. The difference is that in the past, he used to use those references to SAY something - be it something social, personal, poetic or otherwise. He's always surrounded himself with excellent musicians, but in the past they were there to back him up, to help him make the biggest impact - for me, the lyrics have always been the main attraction. That's exactly the problem. On Time Out Of Mind, he had something to say - he was reflecting on mortality, on love, on the world at large, and doing what he does best: giving new insights into these things, telling you something you didn't know, or making you think about things in a different way. Love & Theft had some nice songs on it too, but little in the way of genuine masterpieces. He sounded like he was having fun, and that was enough for the album to be a classic of sorts. Not so Modern Times. This is simply LAZY - there isn't a single song that seems to be really *about* anything - mainly he uses tired, cliched, recycled blues lyrics and idioms to basically say either "babe, I love you" or "my woman done me wrong", OVER and OVER again. Sure, Nettie Moore is quite enchanting, mostly due to an understated, moody backing by the band - but one can't help but think that songs like "Someday Baby" could have been real classics on a par with "Leopardskin Pillbox Hat" or "Outlaw Blues", in the hands of the Dylan of the past - the one who was vital, energetic, angry, vulgar, eloquent and beautiful. The Dylan we have now seems lazy, complacent and content to tread out the same old lines we've heard done - and done *better* - by a million old blues and folk singers. Still, it's a decent relaxed, foot-tapping front porch album... but let's face it, we expect more from the man who once revolutionised popular music and the art of songwriting. This is NOT a masterpiece, and NOT one of his best albums by a LONG shot - in fact it's not even one of the best blues albums released in recent years - check out Watermelon Slim for some old-timey blues with genuine vitality. Must try harder. Expand
  97. warsawX
    Sep 2, 2006
    If this album would have appeared under an unknown songwriter
  98. blatzm
    Sep 1, 2006
    Fantastic album, better than "Love and Theft," blah blah blah...I just want add to the other comments here by saying there is something terribly wrong with the CD pressing of this album. When it went through the mastering process, they made it far too loud, making the bass and drums distort. The review copy, which leaked onto the internet before the CD was released, sounds amazing. Fantastic album, better than "Love and Theft," blah blah blah...I just want add to the other comments here by saying there is something terribly wrong with the CD pressing of this album. When it went through the mastering process, they made it far too loud, making the bass and drums distort. The review copy, which leaked onto the internet before the CD was released, sounds amazing. I'd suggest waiting until Sony fixes this problem before purchasing. Expand
  99. T.S.
    Sep 1, 2006
    The Album of the Year!
  100. ChadM
    Sep 1, 2006
    Great album. What can you say. It's Dylan and he seems to be hitting his stride again. I think this is a better effort than love and theft, which was solid in it's own right. Great mood music, a must have for any moderate Dylan fan.

Universal acclaim - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. Uncut
    Love And Theft was quite unlike any other pop album--apart, that is, from Modern Times, its direct and audacious sequel. [Sep 2006, p.72]
  2. Intriguing, immediate, and quietly epic, Modern Times must rank among Dylan's finest albums.
  3. It's hard to hear Modern Times' music over the inevitable standing ovation and the thuds of middle-aged critics swooning in awe. When you do, you find something not unlike its predecessor, Love and Theft.