• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 18, 2022
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  1. Jan 30, 2023
    Um álbum experimental que soa igual mas ao mesmo tempo diferente durante todo o seu percurso. As mudanças bruscas nas músicas e a estética única do álbum fazem dele o álbum mais produzido de 2022
  2. Feb 14, 2023
    The production on this is a rare experience. From the “El Mal Querer” concept album, to the “Motomami” experimental, Rosalía outdoes herself. The Motomami album artwork, tracklist, tour, and era is something everyone needs to pay attention to.
  3. Feb 23, 2023
    AOTY, Reina, un álbum impecable y una gran experiencia musical escucharlo, el mejor álbum de todo el 2022
  4. Feb 25, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es un viaje a sonidos y sentimientos , tomar tiempo para escuchar cada canción . Una montaña rusa . Expand
  5. Feb 26, 2023
    Es un álbum que revoluciona completamente la música de habla hispana con muchos sonidos nuevos, ritmos poco explorados en español y con muchos sentimientos en el que podemos ver mucha diferencia en sus canciones pero integrándolas de buena forma sintiéndose así un álbum muy completo y variado que se puede escuchar en cualquier momento
  6. Mar 5, 2023
    Rosalía's has forever changed the landscape of music forever!!! Rosalía's music is grounded in her flamenco background, it sways from pop to jazz, and is inflected with hip-hop and reggaetón beats, her music even features elements of bachata and salsa! She has bridged the gap between western and latin music! Experimented with new exciting sounds!!!
  7. Mar 14, 2023
    Fresco, innovador y lleno de sorpresas.
    La verdad MOTOMAMI se nos vino con todo y es un respiro fresco para la industria musical en español.
    Siendo un giro fresco e innovador.
  8. Mar 21, 2023
    Un álbum que cambia vidas y por supuesto, hecho por una ARTISTA que vive por y para la música
  9. Apr 16, 2023
    This album proves that Rosalia is a visionary and that she can dive into any genre and do it flawlessly, bringing us an album that feels unique and blends the mainstream with the experimental in a beautiful way. 9.5 out of 10.
  10. Apr 24, 2023
    2 years in and this piece of art still amazes me. Production, vocals, instruments, everything. Rosalia is the definition of an ARTIST.
  11. May 13, 2023
    There are genuinely no albums like MOTOMAMI. I can't remember the last time an album's sound, versatility, aesthetic, and visuals captivated me in such a way. From the lustrous piano on tracks like "HENTAI" and "COMO UN G" to the gritty bass "SAOKO" and even more busy moments like chiptune on "BIZCOCHITO" and "CUUUUuuuuuute" with a Kate Bush interpolation, it's so insanely refreshing toThere are genuinely no albums like MOTOMAMI. I can't remember the last time an album's sound, versatility, aesthetic, and visuals captivated me in such a way. From the lustrous piano on tracks like "HENTAI" and "COMO UN G" to the gritty bass "SAOKO" and even more busy moments like chiptune on "BIZCOCHITO" and "CUUUUuuuuuute" with a Kate Bush interpolation, it's so insanely refreshing to see an artist, especially Rosalía blend these sounds and vibes so seamlessly into one album... or perhaps two since it's considered a double album. The duality stands predominantly on its own, setting the tone for the overall concept.

    Expecting more flamenco and folk from the predecessor, El Mal Querer, I must admit my mind (and ears) were blown upon the first couple of listens. On its release date, MOTOMAMI and Crash by Charli XCX came out, and I told myself I would listen to Crash first, only to have Rosalía lock me in a chokehold the entire day. The experimental influence was there; I streamed SAOKO so many times, I'm surprised it hasn't fallen off my rotation yet. HENTAI, though a timid ballad about riding... a bike... ends with deconstructed drums that brashly run in and out my ears. It also has very personable and vulnerable moments, like G3 N15, which, I did not like at first. But somehow, each track has its own personality that shines through. DIABLO got me through a rough winter and finals season, the minute-long title track acts as a laidback but exciting interlude in my playlist and DESPECHÁ (although a deluxe track) got me through my summer. I will admit, the deluxe tracks don't add anything new or super exciting, it's the thought of new content that counts, and I will gladly accept it despite it not being up to par with the rest of the album. Pardon my lengthy review but this album truly deserved it. MOTOMAMI you will always be famous.
  12. May 19, 2023
    Podría asegurar que es el álbum perfecto, no hay más que decir MOTOMAMI es el disco de la deacada
  13. Jul 24, 2023
    Este es sin duda el mejor álbum del 2022, un increíble disco con una excelente experimentación de sonidos y emociones. Sin duda supero a su anterior álbum, El Mal Querer. Es increíble como Rosalía crece, evoluciona y transforma en cada proyecto, definitivamente una de las mejores artistas que tenemos.
  14. Mar 18, 2022
    Sus dos primeros albums fueron geniales. Aquí hace un ejercicio de ir a ninguna parte y con muchas peores ideas que en sus trabajos anteriores. Y lo peor que ya no tiene solución. Letras escritas como si fuese una choni y una producción muy floja.
  15. Mar 19, 2022
    Not a die fan of Rosalía but this album is dope.
    Didn't like the singles too much but tehy make more sense now as a whole.
    Interesting & refreshing album indeed.
  16. Mar 27, 2022
    Amazing . La Fama issssssa BOP. chickeeen chicken teriyakiiiiiii Rosalia did a excellent job with this album. She did that.
  17. Apr 4, 2023
    Rosalía has released one of the most innovative and artistic albums of 2022. The production style of "MOTOMAMI" is refreshing, angular, and rewards repeat listens. I fell in love with how abstract and interesting the songs sound. Highlights for me include, "BIZCOCHITO", "HENTAI", and "LA COMBI VERSACE". I've never really been into Spanish music, but this record is just so innovative andRosalía has released one of the most innovative and artistic albums of 2022. The production style of "MOTOMAMI" is refreshing, angular, and rewards repeat listens. I fell in love with how abstract and interesting the songs sound. Highlights for me include, "BIZCOCHITO", "HENTAI", and "LA COMBI VERSACE". I've never really been into Spanish music, but this record is just so innovative and amazing, it's on my top list for 2022. Expand
  18. Apr 19, 2022
    Trazendo uma mistura de gêneros e conceitos um tanto quanto peculiares, ROSALÍA nos leva a uma experiência extremamente interessante com seu novo álbum 'MOTOMAMI'. Com colaboração de Arca, grande produtora, o álbum nos mostra uma nova fase na carreira de ROSALÍA, como vimos em 'DIABLO'. Da agitada 'SAOKO' até a tranquila 'COMO UN G', a artista mostra sua versatilidade em produções, letrasTrazendo uma mistura de gêneros e conceitos um tanto quanto peculiares, ROSALÍA nos leva a uma experiência extremamente interessante com seu novo álbum 'MOTOMAMI'. Com colaboração de Arca, grande produtora, o álbum nos mostra uma nova fase na carreira de ROSALÍA, como vimos em 'DIABLO'. Da agitada 'SAOKO' até a tranquila 'COMO UN G', a artista mostra sua versatilidade em produções, letras e estética, o que faz com que agrade um grande número de pessoas. Destaque, por exemplo, para 'G3 N15', faixa dedicada a sua avó e nos traz lembranças de coisas que já passaram e devem ser refletidas.

    ROSALÍA inicia seu novo projeto cantando "eu me transformo". E prova isso, já que 'MOTOMAMI' é um novo passo em sua discografia.
  19. Mar 19, 2022
    The production is outstanding! Her voice is something else, she may not have the best range but the texture is exquisite! She may have some problems about where the lyrics will go but with the sound you’re not gonna notice that little bleak..
  20. Jun 10, 2022
    Would be perfect if chicken teriyaki and la fama weren't there. And I was wishing more tracks such as bulerias and motomami which wasn't much is a little dissapointing. CUT: SAOKO HENTAI CANDY MOTOMAMI
  21. Mar 22, 2022
    Game changing on spanish music scene, so much sounds from past and nowadays experimental, great record.
  22. Mar 19, 2022
    MOTOMAMI is such a wicked vibe!! I only wish I knew enough of the language to fully understand the moods and meanings of each of these tracks...

    I saw someone say, this is Rosalia's Yeezus, and while skeptical, I really found that to be a perfect framing. This is an artist, who at the top of her career, will risk losing catchiness or mainstream appeal, to instead explore new sonic
    MOTOMAMI is such a wicked vibe!! I only wish I knew enough of the language to fully understand the moods and meanings of each of these tracks...

    I saw someone say, this is Rosalia's Yeezus, and while skeptical, I really found that to be a perfect framing. This is an artist, who at the top of her career, will risk losing catchiness or mainstream appeal, to instead explore new sonic boundaries and genre bending influences, which I find to be highly respectable...


    Giving this a solid 9
  23. Mar 22, 2022
    wow Rosalía seriously surprised me with this work so good and so revolutionary for her musical panorama, very good album, its only deficiency would be the lyrics of some songs that do not imply something
  24. Mar 20, 2022
    Ante tanta expectación mundial que tenía Motomami y las duras críticas que estaba sufriendo el disco debido a los singles ya lanzados, por fin hemos podido escuchar el proyecto completo.
    Y sin esperarlo, Rosalía nos ha regalado un proyecto perfectamente pulido junto a su propia atmósfera artística con la dualidad de Moto y Mami. Moto posee una potencia y agresividad que sorprende a los
    Ante tanta expectación mundial que tenía Motomami y las duras críticas que estaba sufriendo el disco debido a los singles ya lanzados, por fin hemos podido escuchar el proyecto completo.
    Y sin esperarlo, Rosalía nos ha regalado un proyecto perfectamente pulido junto a su propia atmósfera artística con la dualidad de Moto y Mami. Moto posee una potencia y agresividad que sorprende a los oyentes procedentes de El Mal Querer (aunque nos daba un avance en ¨De aquí no sales¨ junto a sonidos violentos como el de las propias motos) como en Bizcochito, o en Bulerías, donde se experimenta una mayor potencia en el flamenco normativo. Por el otro lado, Mami proporciona una sensibilidad al disco y nos proporciona una faceta más personal de la autora donde destacan ¨Como un G¨ o ¨Delirio de Grandeza¨. Aunque si hay que hablar de una canción en específico es de G3 N15, que nos enseña los miedos más ocultos y que hacen emocionarnos por una extraña sensación de pérdida.

    La distribución de las canciones es algo peculiar, debido a que no siguen un orden en concreto ya que Rosalía quería aportar una experiencia parecida a una montaña rusa de sentimientos, y aunque es verdad que lo consigue, algunas sensaciones se rompen por el cambio al inicio de la siguiente canción (como el paso de G3 N15 a Motomami). Y no solo pasa en el paso de canción a canción, sino que el propio track (como en Diablo o CUUUUuuute) hay una transición de una belicosidad a un pacifismo profundo, aunque en estos casos si consigue la bipolaridad buscada. También cabe destacar el buen inicio del álbum junto a Saoko, para explicar la nueva era creativa, y finalizar con Sakura , para demostrar que la Rosalía de El Mal Querer no ha desaparecido, sino que se ha transformado.

    Gracias al resultado podemos ver su faceta experimental y sus ansias de buscar nuevos sonidos y experiencias musicales . Y así Rosalía ha conseguido reinventar lo reinventado en este nuevo disco, consiguiendo dar sentido a estructuras asimétricas y mezclar géneros, como un bolero junto a un sample de Vistoso Bosses. Sin miedo, ha conseguido experimentar y arriesgar con nuevos tonos, dotando al disco de una producción perfecta junto a sonidos que se van de los cánones ya establecidos. Y aunque El Mal Querer ya pertenece a la cultura musical de este siglo y es considerado uno de los mejores discos de la historia de la música, me voy a atrever a confesar que Motomami deslumbra algo más, y aunque no he encontrado una razón en específico, es inevitable pensar que la valentía a la hora de evolucionar en lo admirado ya por todos, puede que haya aportado un aire fresco que no sabíamos que necesitábamos de ella.

    Lo que sí me ha quedado claro al escuchar el álbum es que pase lo que pase en el futuro Rosalía no va a defraudar.
  25. Mar 18, 2022
    Es un álbum muy interesante y a la vez novedoso dentro de lo que conocemos como Rosalía. A sabido crear una línea que conexiona todas las canciones independientemente de que pase de reggaeton a flamenco o un tema R&B con toques underground. Rosalia nos ha demostrado una vez más que es una artista que apuesta por la experimentación sin miedo alguno, demostrando que no hay que encasillarlaEs un álbum muy interesante y a la vez novedoso dentro de lo que conocemos como Rosalía. A sabido crear una línea que conexiona todas las canciones independientemente de que pase de reggaeton a flamenco o un tema R&B con toques underground. Rosalia nos ha demostrado una vez más que es una artista que apuesta por la experimentación sin miedo alguno, demostrando que no hay que encasillarla en un género concreto, al igual que sucede con el álbum que no podemos clasificarlo en un género o en varios géneros concretos porque nos presenta temas los cuales son inclasificable por la complejidad que tiene. Los temas escuchados de manera sueltanos deja un sabor agridulce, pero cuando escuchamos el disco de una tirada nos da una obra con buena composición y sonidos muy actuales y traicionados que suenan bien entre sí haciendo que se nos quede un muy buen sabor. Puede que con este disco Rosalía nos esté diciendo que en un futuro igual se atreverá a lanzar un disco totalmente underground. Sin dudas es uno de los mejores lanzamientos musicales en lo que llevamos de año, y aspira a ser uno de los discos del año.

    TOP 5:
    1. G3 N15
    2. CUUUUuuuuuute
    5. DIABLO
  26. Mar 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lo que me gusta de este álbum es que vemos como fusiona muchos géneros musicales de una forma muy cohesiva y las letras. Expand
  27. Mar 18, 2022
    Achei um álbum experimental mas com uma boa estratégia musical, que prende o ouvinte com as diferentes sonoridades e formas de músicas, um álbum muito bom na minha forma de ver ! Recomendo
  28. Mar 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El mejor álbum del año, mucho mejor que El Mal Querer. Es un álbum totalmente diferente a lo que puedas escuchar y cada canción tiene su propia armonía y no se parece a ninguna otra. Expand
  29. Mar 19, 2022
    MOTOMAMI is a concept album Very well thought out, the new sounds and the way in which the voices are distorted and more make it a very sensational album, even though it has a small problem with the "Motomami" song, where the lyrics are very repetitive, but it's sticky, In general, the album is very good, it has its very Latin pop part, "Bulerias" with a Spanish essence and "Delirios deMOTOMAMI is a concept album Very well thought out, the new sounds and the way in which the voices are distorted and more make it a very sensational album, even though it has a small problem with the "Motomami" song, where the lyrics are very repetitive, but it's sticky, In general, the album is very good, it has its very Latin pop part, "Bulerias" with a Spanish essence and "Delirios de grandeza", with its very Puerto Rican flow, those mixes are very good, "Diablo" is a song that in I personally love it, the way in which the distortion of voices and others was handled. Expand
  30. Mar 19, 2022
    Quisiera decir que no hay canciones malas pero por ahí veo 2 que no me terminan de agradar y otras 2 que son como interludios, todas las demás son increíbles, el mejor álbum de 2022 hasta ahorita
  31. Mar 19, 2022
    Motomami, it's a great album, I look at it from an experimental point of view, it's very difficult to manage to mix so many genres in a single song and make it catchy, I feel that Rosalia wanted to express and show all her haters that she She is not just any performer, I wanted to let them see that she is an artist and Motomami is the expression of that.
  32. Mar 20, 2022
    Después de El Mal Querer podía haber hecho más de lo mismo o haberse vendido y haber hecho pop "más simple". Pero no ha hecho ninguna de esas dos cosas: ha cogido el toro por los cuernos y ha decidido hacer lo que le ha salido del c*ño, mezclando estilos, diferentes estilos compositivos, distorsionando su voz, los instrumentos, etc. Añádele unos visuales (diseño, fotos, videos...) que sonDespués de El Mal Querer podía haber hecho más de lo mismo o haberse vendido y haber hecho pop "más simple". Pero no ha hecho ninguna de esas dos cosas: ha cogido el toro por los cuernos y ha decidido hacer lo que le ha salido del c*ño, mezclando estilos, diferentes estilos compositivos, distorsionando su voz, los instrumentos, etc. Añádele unos visuales (diseño, fotos, videos...) que son absolutamente maravillosos y ¡boom! 5 estrellas. Expand
  33. Mar 20, 2022
    It is a pretty good album, a lot of variety in genres from ballad to experimental music, few skip songs but overall it is really good
  34. Mar 22, 2022
    Everything about this album is so beautiful and fantastic, from her vocals to the lyrics and the quite experimental production. Love the whole 'moto/mami' theme throughout the project. Give it a listen if you haven't, definitely gonna be one of my faves this year.
  35. Mar 20, 2022
    I love the Album, sounds are unique and different to everyone now, I was a little skeptical when I listen Chicken Teriyaki , but when I listened the whole albums , my opinion changed, I really loved it.
  36. Mar 21, 2022
    Nuevos sonidos, totalmente diferente a los esperado de ella. Ha decidido probar nuevas formulas y le ha salido redondo. Nos ha callado la boca. La musica son sonidos, vibraciones, sentimientos y ella lo ha conseguido. Algunas canciones con letras absurdas para nosotros, pero con ritmos pegadizos y nuevos. Otras canciones con letras más profundas que acompañan a la base a la perfeccion.Nuevos sonidos, totalmente diferente a los esperado de ella. Ha decidido probar nuevas formulas y le ha salido redondo. Nos ha callado la boca. La musica son sonidos, vibraciones, sentimientos y ella lo ha conseguido. Algunas canciones con letras absurdas para nosotros, pero con ritmos pegadizos y nuevos. Otras canciones con letras más profundas que acompañan a la base a la perfeccion. Felicidades rosalia por el discazo! Expand
  37. Mar 21, 2022
    MOTOMAMI es un reflejo del crecimiento artístico de Rosalia, en el cual conllevan diferentes géneros: pop, bachata, reggaetón, experimental, flamenco y más…de la mano de las nuevas tendencias sociales, en un mismo álbum encontramos uno de los más álbumes más vanguardistas de los últimos años. Bien lo menciona Rosalia, “El Mal Desear”, con la mayor fuerza de feminidad de si misma expresa suMOTOMAMI es un reflejo del crecimiento artístico de Rosalia, en el cual conllevan diferentes géneros: pop, bachata, reggaetón, experimental, flamenco y más…de la mano de las nuevas tendencias sociales, en un mismo álbum encontramos uno de los más álbumes más vanguardistas de los últimos años. Bien lo menciona Rosalia, “El Mal Desear”, con la mayor fuerza de feminidad de si misma expresa su fuerza y gracia en este álbum. Expand
  38. Apr 7, 2022
    es una gran experiencia de sonido, un concepto fuerte e original. Hay canciones que no se entienden como Diablo, pero fuera de eso es un gran proyecto en buenas manos
  39. May 22, 2022
    Special experimental sounds with rosalia’s unique soft voice. things i hate are interlude and lyrics that so weird.
  40. Dec 27, 2022
    this album is the best thing I've heard in a while, good **** there's possible chance it's returnable.
  41. Jan 9, 2023
    MOTOMAMI revela la superioridad, la genuinidad y desnudez de una mente, talento y voz como la de Rosalía. Este álbum no solo es el mejor álbum español; es el mejor álbum del año, algo que se veía venir desde un principio.
  42. Dec 28, 2022
    THIS ALBUM IS AMAZING. Rosalia showed us that she cannot be pinned down to one genre in this truly eclectic and sonically diverse masterpiece. My Spanish is not that great, so I can only comment mostly on the actual music, and it is amazing. The different sounds from the reggaeton (Saoko), to flamenco (Bulerias), and the more intimate songs (Hentai and G3 N15), and the more upbeat andTHIS ALBUM IS AMAZING. Rosalia showed us that she cannot be pinned down to one genre in this truly eclectic and sonically diverse masterpiece. My Spanish is not that great, so I can only comment mostly on the actual music, and it is amazing. The different sounds from the reggaeton (Saoko), to flamenco (Bulerias), and the more intimate songs (Hentai and G3 N15), and the more upbeat and playful (Motomami, Bizcochito) truly show Rosalia's range and versatility. This album was nothing short of amazing, and (in my opinion) it truly puts Rosalia at the forefront of musicians of this generation. My only gripe with the album is that some of the songs are too short, and I wish they went on for longer, so I would not have to press repeat so often. Expand
  43. Nov 29, 2022
    I was not sure if I'd enjoy this album, but I ended up loving it almost as much as El Mal Querer. She's a force to be reckoned, and she's here to change music history.
  44. Dec 22, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A truly wild and beautiful album. I have heard from other critics that this album reminds them of a latin pop version of Kanye West’s “Ye”, and i have to say I do see the resemblance. The opener “Saoko” is my personal favorite track off the record, the booming distorted piano and the jazz break make this a truly fun and surprising listening experience that sounds nothing like i’ve ever heard before. Another extreme highlight is track six “Hentai”. As I listened I fell in love with rosalía extraordinary voice as she gracefully glides over the simplistic piano of the cut, and suddenly gunshot like drums come rushing in and give this gorgeous song even more life and beauty then I ever could have imagined. “MOTOMAMI” is a must listen of this year. From the skull rattling base of “Cute” & the title track “Motomami”, to the grand finish “Sakura”. “MOTOMAMI” is a nearly perfect album front to back and is possibly my favorite album to come out of this year, extremely excited to see where Rosalía goes next. Expand
  45. Feb 7, 2023
    AOTY. Truly best Spanish album of all time, Rosalía never misses——————————-
  46. May 17, 2023
    Un gran disco, algunas canciones pueden ser accesorias, pero los temas principales y el conjunto son de 10. Destacan: La Fama, Hentai, G3 N15 y Sakura
  47. Jun 20, 2022
    I have no Spanish whatsoever so no notion what this about in a lyrical sense. Musically it is an excellent pop record. Contemporary sounding yet feel like it will age well. The production is organic enough that it sounds like it will stand the test of time. Well put together and sounds well written. Even if I have no idea what is being said, it sounds great.
  48. Mar 18, 2022
    When the album started with a reggaeton beat I got a little scared. (im not a big fan of raggaeton, due to the oversaturated generic music the genre contains). But was happily surprised the first track got me engaged. Finally some fresh reggaeton. First half of the album contains some stinkers. CHICKEN TERIYAKI sounds like your average uninspired reggaeton track. The Weekend's verse on LAWhen the album started with a reggaeton beat I got a little scared. (im not a big fan of raggaeton, due to the oversaturated generic music the genre contains). But was happily surprised the first track got me engaged. Finally some fresh reggaeton. First half of the album contains some stinkers. CHICKEN TERIYAKI sounds like your average uninspired reggaeton track. The Weekend's verse on LA FAMA got to be the weakest minute the album contains and BIZCOCHITO isnt very strong either. But man does this album contain some sonically interesting and amazing music. Expand
  49. Mar 18, 2022
    I was on a reddit thread for this album reading about ot before it dropped in my timezone where I read someone liken MOTOMAMI to Yezus which I couldn't fathom then but now wholly agree with. Rosliá return is a fantastic hard edged pop ride. It's a departure from her breakthrough flamenco sound but it's a welcomed evolution. One that bravely ventures where we haven't seen her go before.I was on a reddit thread for this album reading about ot before it dropped in my timezone where I read someone liken MOTOMAMI to Yezus which I couldn't fathom then but now wholly agree with. Rosliá return is a fantastic hard edged pop ride. It's a departure from her breakthrough flamenco sound but it's a welcomed evolution. One that bravely ventures where we haven't seen her go before. Every song here is above really good(including hentai which i love) and it's a constant thrill to hear her innovate with such a familiarity . The breathtaking Pharrell laden title track is a short sultry mantra whilst my second favorite track "cute" is a weird arca inspired celebration. It's difficult to pin down exactly what makes this album so powerful but what i have no difficultly knowing is that it will stay in the public conscious for a long long time Expand
  50. Apr 9, 2022
    Me parece un muy buen disco, que se atreve a hacer cosas y experimentar con sonidos rarísimos pero que encajan increíblemente bien.
  51. Apr 8, 2022
    Q de ''que reinona'', y el quiera decir lo contrario N de ''ni se te ocurra ni pensarlo''
  52. Mar 19, 2022
    Before you know it, you’ve already reached the end of the record and are left stunned by Rosalía’s vocal abilities and production quality. If some tracks are so far out there, it’s hard to pinpoint what’s exactly going on, ¾ of the album is absolutely stellar. A great risqué work of art from one of the most acclaimed new Spanish superstars.
  53. Mar 18, 2022
    Motomami is honest, insightful and emotional. The combination of reggaeton, experimental pop and piano ballads contribute for a very interesting dynamic.
  54. Apr 11, 2022
    I enjoyed this album very much, and I find myself coming back to it a lot. Rosalia offers a wide variety of sounds, beats, vibes, and emotions throughout the project. From heavy hitters such as "Saoko", "Bizcochito", and "Diablo", to yearning, vulnerable cuts such as "Hentai", "G3 N15", and "Como Un G", there is a large selection of moods and energies reflected on the tracklist. "DelirioI enjoyed this album very much, and I find myself coming back to it a lot. Rosalia offers a wide variety of sounds, beats, vibes, and emotions throughout the project. From heavy hitters such as "Saoko", "Bizcochito", and "Diablo", to yearning, vulnerable cuts such as "Hentai", "G3 N15", and "Como Un G", there is a large selection of moods and energies reflected on the tracklist. "Delirio de Grandeza", however, has caught my attention the most from my first full listen. "La Fama" is another shiner, with The Weeknd adding a nice zest to the song. Overall, the powerful vocals and diversity from song to song make for an exciting ride. Expand
  55. Apr 8, 2022
    Rosalía's third studio album "MOTOMAMI" – 8 out of 10.

    My favorites:
    "LA FAMA"
    "COMO UN G"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    April 8, 2022
  56. Mar 18, 2022
    Motomami (Rosalía, Marzo 2022)
  57. Mar 18, 2022
    I love this album, definitely Motomami could pave the way in music. The sound it's so fresh!
  58. Mar 18, 2022
    Tras El Mal Querer Rosalía se dejo una barrera a superar muy alta, Motomami es un album diferente, con un sonido que a veces llega a ser algo repetitivo pero con una producción a destacar. Mami es la parte mas profunda y a mi pareser la mas interesante, mientras que Moto es un poco mas genérica pero también muy disfrutable si eres amante del genéro
  59. Mar 20, 2022
    me ha sorprendido, me esperaba un álbum que fuese meme, pero he estado escuchándolo 2 días seguidos (omitiendo chikenteriyaki, hentai y bizcochito)
  60. Mar 20, 2022
    Motomami experiments with several genres and mixes reggaeton, electronica or flamenco among others and still sounds cohesive. It's not a perfect album, but a really good one indeed. I feel that with Motomami, Rosalia doesn't want to take herself so seriously like in her previous work. This album is a really smart move.
  61. Mar 27, 2022
    Motomami is the best album by Rosalia. It can show her versatility and show that she can do experimental things. So ****
  62. Apr 7, 2022
    Es un buen álbum con sus altos y bajos, lo que sobresale es la producción de Rosalía que es muy experimental, por lo cual muchas personas pensaran que es un mal álbum. Tiene ritmos interesantes y una gran excentricidad propia de Rosalía. Un buen álbum, no me parece que el mejor del año, pero al menos top 10.
  63. Apr 15, 2022
    Una propuesta que suena bastante desorganizada hasta que se desmenuza cada track y se entiende el universo sonoro en el que está sumergido. Una vez entendidas las reglas del álbum, se puede apreciar que su desarrollo sobre esas bajadas de línea establecidas es impecable.

    Hace que muy poco suene como mucho y va desde lo más profundo de su corazón hasta lo más banal de su cuerpo
    Una propuesta que suena bastante desorganizada hasta que se desmenuza cada track y se entiende el universo sonoro en el que está sumergido. Una vez entendidas las reglas del álbum, se puede apreciar que su desarrollo sobre esas bajadas de línea establecidas es impecable.

    Hace que muy poco suene como mucho y va desde lo más profundo de su corazón hasta lo más banal de su cuerpo moviendose al ritmo de un reguetón experimental.
  64. May 13, 2022
    Loved the experimental aspect of the album, might possibly be one of the best Latin Albums of the past decade.
  65. Oct 26, 2022
    Muy buen disco, consigue ser muy escuchable a pesar de ser una locura a nivel musical. No tiene ni pies ni cabeza y aun así ha conseguido ser disfrutable para el público general, muy recomendado.
  66. Apr 25, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. La verdad me pareció un buen disco aunque es cierto que el uso de sfx cambia mucho lo que se quiere llegar a decir y demostrar pero las letras y la sensación que transmite es, al menos en su año de publicación, de las mejores. Expand
  67. Mar 18, 2022
    "Motomami" is a sonic mess, but a fun one indeed. I prefer Rosalía in flamenco mode; nevertheless, her sophomore effort is an interesting and genre-bending album with the potential to be a grower. Some of these songs are gonna be awesome live!
  68. Mar 26, 2022
    Not generally a fan of this type of music but it was pretty great.

    Needed a lot less 'The Weeknd' though, can't stand his talentless ass.
  69. Mar 18, 2022
    With artists like Rosalía, critics can't seem to place themselves in an objective middle ground. It's either a 10 or a 0. But after repeated listens, it becomes evident that beyond the great singles and superior production, there are many half-cooked ideas that don't fully connect in a round, cohesive album. Rosalía and her producers are capitalizing on the "exotic", something that anWith artists like Rosalía, critics can't seem to place themselves in an objective middle ground. It's either a 10 or a 0. But after repeated listens, it becomes evident that beyond the great singles and superior production, there are many half-cooked ideas that don't fully connect in a round, cohesive album. Rosalía and her producers are capitalizing on the "exotic", something that an occidental/northamerican/white audience love to love.
    It's not as good as critics will tell you, it's not as bad as haters will complain. A well deserved 7.
  70. Apr 9, 2022
    Buenos sonidos pegadizos y acordes a la época, pero una lírica excesivamente metafórica y que complica la comprensión del álbum.
  71. Mar 31, 2022
    Motomami de Rosalia is not quite perfect as they say but it manages to be a good experimental album
  72. Mar 19, 2022
    Me parece un álbum muy bueno pero es exagerado ponerlo tan alto no es ni cercano a la perfección
  73. Mar 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El álbum es súper experimental y no apto para gente que no escucha musica fuera de lo común, tiene canciones muy buenas buenas y super bailables. Expand
  74. Mar 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amei as músicas: como um g, candy, diablo e l combi Versace. Vocais e produção com qualidade.
    Apesar disso esperava mais da Rosalía e esperava um álbum mais coeso também, parece que ela tentou fazer tudo e agradar a todos nesse álbum.
  75. Mar 22, 2022
    I loved the journey listening to this album across different genre and tons of unique sounds and types of music. Some of those sounds are horrendous and extremely annoying to listen to, though. Her uniqueness and quirkiness can annoy me at times. It seems to be a me thing looking at others opinions.
  76. Nov 7, 2022
    Such a cohesive album, but since' El Mal Querer' set the bar high it's not easy to fall in love with any other albums of hers.
  77. Aug 2, 2022
    The most impressive part of this album is how experimental it is and how great the production is. However the lyricism of the album falls flat for me, a lot of the lyrics being blatantly corny. The production is impressive but for some reason still over half of the tracks still end up non enjoyable for me.
  78. Mar 30, 2022
    [ bad ]

    adjective, worse, worst;(Slang) bad·der, bad·dest for 36.
    not good in any manner or degree.
  79. Mar 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un gran disco que roza la grandeza del artista. Rosalia ha querido experimentar y alejarse un poco más del flamenco cuando hablamos de sonidos en general. Lo más destacado para mi, Bulerías y Candy Expand
  80. Mar 19, 2022
    Sounds fine but that's not enough c'mon people she's just says random things and expects that sounds mistycal
  81. Apr 8, 2022
    Realmente tiene buen ritmo, pero siempre he considerado que buenas canciones no solo son buenos ritmos, la letra no me satisface para nada. Pero he de admitir que las canciones son muy pegadizas.
  82. May 17, 2022
    Un album que deja mucho que desear, solo 3 o 4 rolas son buenas las demas son recicladaas y malas
  83. Aug 21, 2022
    this spanish singer has shocked the western culture with her art, but she lack of herself. She could be more creative, her voice shall need to adjust the tempo and tune. but all basically sounds the same.
  84. Mar 20, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. i love you queen no other could ever do the same, delírios de grandeza soty Expand
  85. Mar 20, 2022
    Con ritmos sin sentido, cero coherencia lírica, MOTOMAMI se ha convertido en el álbum más sobrevalorado en lo que va de el año, famoso porque es fácil de aprender, porque te genera vistas en tiktok, y por temas sexuales, nada más.
  86. Mar 20, 2022
    Uno de los mejores álbumes que podrá tener el 2022
    Rosalía como siempre innovando y callandole la boca a las personas que la criticaron sin sacar el álbum
  87. Mar 19, 2022
    Ever since I heard about the concept of this album, I felt like it was a hit or miss; Rosalía was going to either make a great job or she was going to make something impossible enjoy, and after listening to the album I can say it is both a hit and a miss. The first seven tracks are amazing. She did a great job with those. They are very catchy. While listening to them I felt like dancingEver since I heard about the concept of this album, I felt like it was a hit or miss; Rosalía was going to either make a great job or she was going to make something impossible enjoy, and after listening to the album I can say it is both a hit and a miss. The first seven tracks are amazing. She did a great job with those. They are very catchy. While listening to them I felt like dancing right there on the spot, and when a song makes you feel like that the very first moment you listen to it, you know you are listening to a good song. But then, after these seven songs the album gets weird, but not weird-good, if you know what i mean; some of the songs make you wonder what are you even listening to, however, I have to say that I feel like i could end up liking some of these songs; I don't really see that as something impossible to happen, I´ll just wait and see. Overall, Rosalía did a good job with this record. Expand
  88. Mar 20, 2022
    I know this album is supposed to be different,indie,but at some songs it sounds too bad. Rosalia has one of the greatest voices of all time,but this album shows that a cat falling over the stairs can also be music. Not recommended
  89. Mar 18, 2022
    Nothing is the same after listening this. A full complete piece of art, deconstructing the mainstream music as we know
  90. Mar 19, 2022
    Motomami es un álbum sin duda espectacular. Como decía Rosalía, presenta una dualidad increíble en dónde podemos sentirnos delicadxs y frágiles, nuestra parte mami pero también duras y valientes, atrevidas como moto
  91. Mar 20, 2022
    Melhor álbum lançado no ano e na década até agora!!! Experimental, louco, atemporal, revolucionário e futurístico. Vai marcar uma nova era no mundo da música.
  92. Mar 21, 2022
    Just another reggaeton album. Nothing special, just a mix of old Latin music and good voice, but nothing special.
  93. Apr 12, 2022
    Pura innovación. Es de esos discos que no comprendes la primera vez que escuchas. Pero, con cada escucha, te va enganchando más y más. Una gozada.
  94. May 13, 2022
    Increíble lo que viene logrando Rosalía como artista del momento, elaborar un álbum minimalista repleto de diversos géneros que van variando compositivamente lo hace sin duda un álbum excepcional, en definitiva, tiene una larga trayectoria musical por delante
  95. Jun 29, 2022
    Motomami is maybe an over hyped album. Rosalia somehow does right with the experimental sound, it's appreciated the risk taken on rare melodies and rhythms. Apart from that, the lyrical base sucks in every single way. it's not understandable even being a Spanish native. Rosalia just recorded the first ideas she had with no coherence. So, it's acceptable if lyrics are the least of yourMotomami is maybe an over hyped album. Rosalia somehow does right with the experimental sound, it's appreciated the risk taken on rare melodies and rhythms. Apart from that, the lyrical base sucks in every single way. it's not understandable even being a Spanish native. Rosalia just recorded the first ideas she had with no coherence. So, it's acceptable if lyrics are the least of your priorities as a listener. Expand
  96. Jul 17, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album is not my type, some singles are actually really good but the whole album is not for me, so I'm giving it a 5.

    Favourite Track:
    La Fama (with The Weeknd)
  97. Aug 22, 2022
    One of Rosalia best album yet! Repeat and replay value is amazing. I will listen again.
  98. Mar 31, 2022
    I don't understand how professional critics can praise an album where they don't understand what is being sung. The musical evolution is not only the rhythms but also the clear vocalization of what is being sung, in order to find meaning in the songs.

Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. May 26, 2022
    MOTOMAMI is experimental in a way that does not sacrifice function over form. These songs have a pop purpose: they are fragmented, but they are laid in catchy hooks and enthralling beats. MOTOMAMI doesn’t fail to entertain.
  2. Mar 24, 2022
    In taking bits and fragments from both her previous work and that of her contemporaries, Rosalía has fashioned an album rife with the contradictory sounds, lyrical themes, and artistic impulses of the past and present.
  3. Mar 21, 2022
    With a little help from an impressive array of collaborators and producers that include heavyweights like Pharrell Williams, El Guincho and Frank Dukes, Rosalía takes clear and complete control of her voice by getting her ideas across without being too caught up in them.