
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. All these happy concessions, along with the strong emphasis on instrumental interplay, give Mudcrutch the feeling of a true band effort, and even if it's not perfect--it is indeed possible to amble and ramble just a little bit too much--it's thoroughly winning because of its imperfections, as this is music that's all about cruising down the back roads on a sunny nostalgic day.
  2. Mostly, Mudcrutch works for everyone: fans, the members who were left behind fame-wise, and Petty himself, who gets to look like a good guy for giving them a taste of what they missed.
  3. It's rock the old-school way--born of real-time collaboration and realized with heaps of joy and sweat.
  4. Mojo
    The Mudcrutch reunion is a refreshing tweak to the comfy old Petty band chemistry. [July 2008, p.108]
  5. No, the sound isn’t all that different from what Petty does with the Heartbreakers, but the Mudcrutch album has the looser feel you get from old buddies jamming for kicks.
  6. Mudcrutch is a grand old slice of classic country rock that not only serves as Petty’s finest work in almost a decade but is a mighty fine incentive for any long-defunct group with a hankering to dust off the drama and head back into the studio to quit their harboring and just go for it.
  7. The songs are mythic Americana: With help from his bandmates, Petty creates a vivid cast of road dogs, strippers and junkies that conjures Gram Parsons' Bible-haunted Southerners and Robert Hunter's cosmic Westerners.
  8. Mudcrutch might be about wrapping up unfinished business, but there's plenty of new life in this old, thankfully resuscitated band.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 2 out of 19
  1. Oct 6, 2016
    Great fusion of classic Heartbreakers' rock with a taste of Petty's Florida homeland. This country-infused record is a lot of fun, my onlyGreat fusion of classic Heartbreakers' rock with a taste of Petty's Florida homeland. This country-infused record is a lot of fun, my only complaint would be that the album has a few too many filler tracks, it would be a tighter album if they cut it down to maybe 12 tracks. My favourite tracks are "Scare Easy" "The Wrong Thing To Do" "Bootleg Flyer" and "Lover Of The Bayou". Full Review »
  2. SusanD
    Dec 7, 2008
    Great Album!
  3. FredF.
    Aug 22, 2008
    Very country, very good. Shady Grove is one of the better songs I've heard in a long while.