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  1. Jan 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is a masterpiece! Those Kinda Nights, Leaving Heaven, Stepdad, Farewell, Unaccommodating, Darkness are my favourites!! Expand
  2. Jan 28, 2020
    This album is the equivalent of the Eminem show of this decade (2011-2021). It's like he keeps evolving and changing for the better with each album since Recovery. The beats are top notch, choruses sang by Em are mostly good with some exceptions (I'm looking at you Stepdad). He's got beasts of rap for his features: Royce 5'9", Black Thought, Anderson Paak, Q-Tip and a few others.
    This album is the equivalent of the Eminem show of this decade (2011-2021). It's like he keeps evolving and changing for the better with each album since Recovery. The beats are top notch, choruses sang by Em are mostly good with some exceptions (I'm looking at you Stepdad). He's got beasts of rap for his features: Royce 5'9", Black Thought, Anderson Paak, Q-Tip and a few others.
    The diversity on this album is insane, he's got a song for everything! You'll find straight bangers (Godzilla, Lock It Up, Yah Yah), woke/sad songs (Darkness, No Regrets, Leaving Heaven), playful songs (Those Kinda Nights, Little Engine), story-telling (Stepdad), songs where he just flexes and responds to criticism (Marsh , Premonition, You Gon Learn).
    This album is a real master piece and one of Em's greatest projects so far.
  3. Jan 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Em obviously still got it he is one the best lyricist ever his rhyme scheme and flow is just crazy. Mf always saying he is not the best because **** from the hood dont listen to him and **** dont nobody give a **** about that fact of the matter is he is the best because if you put him against any dude from the "hood" he will absolutely murder them and that's a 100% fact. Expand
  4. Jan 28, 2020
    A work of art, truly a masterpiece in hip hop, showcasing the unique talent from rap's greatest lyricist
  5. Jan 28, 2020
    Dude, This album is pure **** fire , Eminem went Dracarys mode in this **** Every feature is top-tier, Royce outdid everyone though with his lyrically amazing verse in You gon' learn. And-Her-Son-Pac was so smooth. Get it, Beavis ? ha-ha.
  6. Jan 28, 2020
    One of the best albums Shady has ever released. A perfect combination of old school Eminem combined with new Eminem.
    This album proves Eminem is a lyrical genius and one of the greatest wordsmiths of all time
  7. Jan 28, 2020
    This album brings back good memories and has soms dope bars, the lyrics shocked me.
  8. Jan 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Simply brilliant, this album has the perfect combination of beats and high tier lyricism Eminem really worked on this album and it shows Expand
  9. Jan 28, 2020
    This album is fire. Its been on repeat for me since i bought it on amazon..
  10. Jan 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album by Eminem I’ve ever heard!!!!! I highly recommend it to real hip hop fans Expand
  11. Jan 28, 2020
    This album is a masterpiece!
    I think this is his gift for his fans who waited to long for SS to get out of the closet.
  12. Jan 28, 2020
    Absolutely phenomenal. Limitless bars, speaks the truth and talk about real issues. An absurd amount of word play and some insane double and triple entendres
  13. Jan 28, 2020
    Great Album! Eminem is a genius. The word schemes, and double, triple entendre's are insane. People don't want to give Eminem the great he deserves for being the best lyricist in the game. Unfortunately people want to down play his talent by saying he's only big because he's white. Hip-hop isn't a color it's a culture. This album is amazing, and the more you listen to it the more you hearGreat Album! Eminem is a genius. The word schemes, and double, triple entendre's are insane. People don't want to give Eminem the great he deserves for being the best lyricist in the game. Unfortunately people want to down play his talent by saying he's only big because he's white. Hip-hop isn't a color it's a culture. This album is amazing, and the more you listen to it the more you hear the different word schemes. One of his best albums in my opinion. Expand
  14. Jan 28, 2020
    Not surprised by the lyrical genuine that Em showed in this album, it is just a continuation of what he started doing back in 2013 upon the release of the MMLP2 (which is my favorite by him). Music To Be Murdered By is definitely a top 5 Em album.
  15. Jan 28, 2020
    BEST EMINEM ALBUM EVER!!!! This album has a little bit for every type of rap fan. especially fans of the true foundation of what made rap special. clever witty writing at the very highest level, storytelling, comedy, and music to dance to. If you do not like this album then you are just one of those people today that go out of their way to hate on Eminem because he is a white rapper thatBEST EMINEM ALBUM EVER!!!! This album has a little bit for every type of rap fan. especially fans of the true foundation of what made rap special. clever witty writing at the very highest level, storytelling, comedy, and music to dance to. If you do not like this album then you are just one of those people today that go out of their way to hate on Eminem because he is a white rapper that raps better that any other rapper in history and is controversial. The best thing about his music is that he's not affraid to push the boundaries in fear of not sounding like everyone else and actually gives you something that is a breath of fresh air after listening to rap that plays on the radio blending together all day long for months on end until he releases another album that pushes the culture in a new direction. You guys can hate all day long but you can't take away this man's musical talent and what he has contributed to the culture in his career that spans over 20 years now. Expand
  16. Jan 28, 2020
    Good album, 'You Gon Learn' is my favourite track of the album, however with 2 or 3 skippable songs and no real lead singles or songs that feel are big I dont think it matches his previous calibre or work.
  17. Jan 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Awesome bars are crazy have to listen in 3D if that makes sense because everything has double meanings Expand
  18. NFX
    Jan 28, 2020
    This is an album that has been on replay constantly. Always deciphering new bars every listen.
    Not an Eminem 'Stan' but this album has elements of various parts of Hip-Hop, from tracks like Unaccommodating, You Gon Learn, Yah Yah, Lock it up, No regrets which shine a light on new & older artists. This is a SOLID Album.
  19. Jan 28, 2020
    Great album, regardless of how much people try to downplay his talent this man can still rise to the occasion and prove critics wrong. Eminem is still the greatest!
  20. Jan 28, 2020
    Well I’m back to listening to the real slim shady. Never thought I’d like so many songs in an Em album.
  21. Jan 28, 2020
    From the Intro (Premonition) to the outro (Alfred) the album is full of music that makes your emotions on a roller coaster. Some of the Artists featuring with Eminem in this album - Royce da 5’9”, Ed Sheeran, Juice WRLD, and many more. If you have 30 seconds to spare listen to the last 30 seconds of Godzilla and you will feel the power. Loved the album. Have it on repeat.
  22. Jan 28, 2020
    Every facet of what makes Eminem an incredible artist is center stage on this album.
  23. Sep 7, 2020
    Screw these critics. MTBMB is an absolutely classic and it takes weeks to decipher the complex lyrics in this album. Critics who have taken to comment here have listened to the album once and jumped to conclusions so none of it matters.
  24. Jan 28, 2020
    Another great album from rap god
    New style mixed with old rage
    Beat makin and flow was amazing
  25. Jan 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. **** awesome Expand
  26. Jan 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Great to hear Eminem embracing a more modern sound with some of the production choices. For much of the album he sounds more comfortable in his delivery, and seems to be less reliant on the choppy flows that made Revival such a grating listen. While some of his cornier bars were actually quite entertaining, he’s at his most painstakingly cringeworthy on the hooks. Some tracks such as ‘Marsh’, I found genuinely entertaining until he compared himself to a field and said he’s an extraterrestrial. I think the highlights on the album were when Em was just enjoying himself rather than trying to impress or prove a point. The fast rapping at the end of Godzilla ruined the track for me. Everyone knows he can do it but just because it sounds good, doesn’t take away from the fact that he squeezes in pure nonsense, aware that no one can criticise it if he says it too quickly for them to understand. In similar vein,, hearing another song about Em’s tumultuous upbringing feels like fam service, going back to Em’s edgy, cringey worst as you have to endure a 45 year old man whining about parental issues like an angsts 16 year old. Expand
  27. Jan 29, 2020
    Some incredible features and top-notch lyricism. Most of the songs are delightful in this one, though there are some that are not that memorable. Not that they're bad, it's just that they're not that good. And it stands out when the rest of the material is excellent. I This is the best we've seen from Slim Shady in years!
  28. Jan 29, 2020
    Amazing content!
    Delivery is flawless flows are impeccable beats by dre and everything a stan wants
  29. Jan 29, 2020
    Being an independent artist myself, I look up to a lot of other artists. Eminem being one of them. From a lyrical perspective, this record is gold. The craft that Eminem has clearly mastered over the 20+ years in the industry is prominent, and as always at the forefront is the same “I don’t give a fxxx” attitude that we have come to know and love. With tracks featuring artists from allBeing an independent artist myself, I look up to a lot of other artists. Eminem being one of them. From a lyrical perspective, this record is gold. The craft that Eminem has clearly mastered over the 20+ years in the industry is prominent, and as always at the forefront is the same “I don’t give a fxxx” attitude that we have come to know and love. With tracks featuring artists from all perspectives of the music world such as Skylar Grey, Young MA, Anderson Paak, the late Juice World, and even Ed Sheeran (the only song I wasn’t really in love with, although I see why it was put on the album) make for a very time travelish ride back to the days of “role model”. The connection to Alfred Hitchcock was done beautifully, and if I had to compare this record to Kamikaze and Revival (I loved both) I would have to say this is best of the three. And if I have to say something about the “reverse stans” it’s listen deeper than the words before you put it in a box. Eminem has never and will never care about the negative criticism that surrounds him. It only gives him more fuel to put out content that we as fans love. Music to be murdered by is a true example of that. Expand
  30. Jan 29, 2020
    It’s amazing! The best combination of Em and Slim. Fantastic flow, fascinating rhymes, amazing lyrics! Thank you, Em, I love you
  31. Jan 29, 2020
    The album is beyond incredible and reminds me of old Eminem yet still has new Eminem which is like the best thing ever. It’s just overall, genius.
  32. Jan 29, 2020
    Concept is Amazing ......,..........................................................
  33. Jan 29, 2020
    It's the best in whatever way you map it. The era going on doesn't value artists and that's a fact.
  34. Jan 29, 2020
    It's so weak how these losers are going out of their way to drop Em's score! Like talk about haters who hate their own existence!
  35. Jan 30, 2020
    Все-все, мы тебя поняли, дед, ты крут, угомонись уже и начни делать хорошую музыку, а не диссы на всех подряд, задолбал.
  36. Jan 30, 2020
    Fantastic album,very much a mix of kamikaze and relapse imo, stepup from previous albums
  37. Jan 30, 2020
    EMINEM > RAP SALUTE FROM KUWAIT he is the best also people will keep hating him ايمنم عمكم ياكلاب
  38. Jan 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The lyrical depth of these songs goes far beyond what most people would even care to look in to. On top of that the beats go hard and his flows change through the songs so it never sounds repetitive. I enjoyed this album more than Kamikaze Expand
  39. Jan 31, 2020
    The GOAT can never be taken down, Eminem is the GOAT and will always remain the Greatest...
  40. Feb 2, 2020
    It sounds like someone is digging a hole. A nod to Slim Shady? Only em can what what Em does.
  41. Feb 1, 2020
    This album is a highly lyrical trip in which Eminem displays a masterful versatility of flows and great beat selections. One of his very best albums and an instant classic! I saw some people organized an effort to give the album a 0/10 because they didn't like how highly the album sat, you people are the definition of pathetic.
  42. Feb 1, 2020
    Finally some fire ass music sick of those mumble rappers. Royce da 5'9 is one of the most underrated musicians.
  43. Feb 2, 2020
    Best album of the year! No Regrets, Godzilla, Heaven, Darkness...Every song is a a banger
  44. Aug 7, 2021
    Great album. His best album since Relapse.
    Best songs: Darkness, Lock It Up
    Worst songs: -
  45. Feb 2, 2020
    This release is a culmination of every Eminem release up to this point! What a masterpiece.
  46. Feb 20, 2020
    this album is fire i don't know why people brag about hooks! he doesn't have the best hooks but rapping it's not about that, rhyme schemes,cadence,punchlines etc ..... are another dimension
  47. Feb 3, 2020
    great like always, your music always needed and welcomed #hiphopEinstein#GOAT
  48. Feb 3, 2020
    Music to Be Murdered By is Eminem's best album since The Marshall Mathers LP 2. The album is very consistent, great beats and great lyrics FIRE Hooks.
  49. Feb 3, 2020
    With fun and interesting flows and great feature acts and a homage to Juice WRLD this album is sure worth your time. Wheather em is rapping about a Las Vegas gun man or going to the club. He never fails to land the punches and bars
  50. Feb 3, 2020
    This album is a classic.
    Gives us a taste of The Eminem Show vibe and the MMLP rage whilst sprinkling a new Slim Shady above it. Love it
  51. Feb 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The old and the new come together, and is awesome. I feel like Em is a little bit lost in this new trap world, but when he comes together with other artist that are familiar with it, well... Shot gets crazy! Expand
  52. Feb 3, 2020
    I cant stop going back and listening to every song on this album. I was worried it would be like his last 3 albums but man its not. Its not like his old stuff either. Its like a new EM, love it!
  53. Feb 10, 2020
    Highly improved production by Eminem’s standards. In fact, his second best produced album after Relapse, which makes sense as it’s the first time Dre has been involved in production since then. As usual, excellent technical rapping and wordplay, lyricism is on point. Extremely consistent tracklist, despite songs that are “fillers” or that don’t have much content. For the first time sinceHighly improved production by Eminem’s standards. In fact, his second best produced album after Relapse, which makes sense as it’s the first time Dre has been involved in production since then. As usual, excellent technical rapping and wordplay, lyricism is on point. Extremely consistent tracklist, despite songs that are “fillers” or that don’t have much content. For the first time since The Eminem Show, not one unlistenable or sonically bad song. Em also finds himself having interesting content this time, as opposed to his previous album. However, there are some tracks with no content such as Marsh and Lock It Up, with the former slightly bringing the album down. Never Love Again has an absolutely stunning beat switch and is one of his best written songs ever with the consistent metaphors. It’s truly an amazingly written song. Also this album has the best features in Eminem’s discography with the dream collaboration between him and Black Thought finally happening. All features deliver except for Ed Sheeran, who didn’t belong, and Young M.A. The weakest tracks on the album are In Too Deep, Those Kinda Nights, Stepdad, and Farewell from worst to better. The best ones are I Will, Lock It Up, You Gon’ Learn, Darkness, and Unaccomodating from best to slightly less good. Amazing return to form and Eminem’s fourth best album imo. Expand
  54. Feb 4, 2020
    Der Sound Modern geile Texte und starke Gasr Auftritte! !
  55. Feb 4, 2020
    This album is FIRE!!!!! Em out here getting people to dance and listen to bars at the same time. Em never disappoints, he always comes with the clever words, he is sooo witty with it. Giving us lots of different flows something very few MCs can do. They may change flows 2 or 3 times, but Em keeps you entertained with the numerous flows, comedy, suspense, thriller, sneak attack and wordThis album is FIRE!!!!! Em out here getting people to dance and listen to bars at the same time. Em never disappoints, he always comes with the clever words, he is sooo witty with it. Giving us lots of different flows something very few MCs can do. They may change flows 2 or 3 times, but Em keeps you entertained with the numerous flows, comedy, suspense, thriller, sneak attack and word play, rhymes. He is the GOAT of rap. Expand
  56. Feb 5, 2020
    Not the best but a good one album I've heard in a while, I just don't have any idea why is rated so low on Metacritic
  57. Feb 5, 2020
    One of the best albums of the decade. Its got everything. Nice beats, insane wordplay, catchy hooks, its funny and dark, good colabs. This is a masterpiece
  58. Feb 6, 2020
    Anyone who gave this album a bad rating a week or two weeks ago is a wanker. I'm only understanding the album after 3 weeks constantly listening. An absolute masterpiece
  59. Feb 6, 2020
    This is an amazing album. It has a good sound, great raps and a great message
  60. Feb 8, 2020
    Definitely 1 of his best albums, the beat selection was sick and he matched it lyrically. Eminem lives, breathes and eats rap, he always tries to outdo himself and he excels. This one is definitely one of my favorites ❤️
  61. Feb 9, 2020
    The flow and the voice reminds me of early 20s Em which is my favourite, and the beats are delicious. Definitely the one among top 3 of Eminem.
  62. Feb 9, 2020
    The GOAT is back, he’s doing what he does best and that’s rap, haters will always hate because he is the greatest to touch a mic!
  63. Feb 9, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think this album is okay. I didn’t add these songs to my playlist because I feel as this is a really average album. It’s not lyrical especially when he raps fast because his talent over takes the song sounding good. Expand
  64. Feb 12, 2020
    Simply amazing. Every track on this album was a hit I could say this was "a perfect album" because it definitely was. Every track had insane bars with heavy word-play. 10/10 LYRICALLY AMAZING.
  65. Feb 13, 2020
    Greatest album of the whole 21th century, maybe the greatest album of all time, that music existst, say "hi" to all haters.
  66. Feb 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think it was really great he kill enemy's in this album was have a story and Godzilla was a new record every body like that.em rap in this album faster than a rocket and power full than a real Godzilla! ! i Expand
  67. Feb 14, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. muito bom,álbum recheado de críticas e bem exagerado aquele jeitinho do eminem que a gente ama Expand
  68. Feb 15, 2020
    Its a good a album, definitely better than revival, kamikaze, and relapse. The beats are better the features are better flows are great, lyrics, for the most part are also really good. Im glad he has juice WRLD, Don Toliver, and Anderson. Paak as features, Darkness is definitely a masterpiece. Although this albums name is "Music to be Murdered By" he rarely follows through with the theme.Its a good a album, definitely better than revival, kamikaze, and relapse. The beats are better the features are better flows are great, lyrics, for the most part are also really good. Im glad he has juice WRLD, Don Toliver, and Anderson. Paak as features, Darkness is definitely a masterpiece. Although this albums name is "Music to be Murdered By" he rarely follows through with the theme. This album is a step in the right direction for Em. A strong 7 to light 8 for me. Expand
  69. Feb 15, 2020
    One of the Best Em's album. From ,, Premonition'' to,, I Will", every song has high level. Em sounds like he was in 2002. Very good connection between tracks. Flow is amazing. That's all what i can say. Shortly, very good album :)
  70. Feb 21, 2020
    Listen to it. As always theirs some banger songs in there my 2 favorite "those kinda nights" and "Godzilla".
  71. Feb 16, 2020
    Some of Em's finest work. This album is crazy. Schooling the rap game NOBODY do this sh*t like Eminem
  72. Feb 16, 2020
    His skill of rap is so amazing. I think this album will be a benchmark for other musicians when they are making music. This is insane.
  73. Feb 18, 2020
    Classic **** for people that like that 90's lyrical flexing and flow switches people rating this so low have no place reviewing this type of hiphop
  74. Feb 18, 2020
    MTBMB is a great enjoyable well-executed album! It has great features and great beats. Eminem's is lyricism on point. Dope tracks, I love 'em all!
  75. Jul 4, 2020
    let haters hate eminem make music for his fans and to all the haters good job promoting the album
  76. Feb 22, 2020
    An overall good album with some surprising sounds and features I didn't excpect from EMINEM. The album definatly has highs and lows but is a pleasure to listen to. The better tracks in my opinion are: Darkness, Leaving Heaven and Godzilla. Darkness shows that Eminem is still brilliant with the pen, most of the song can be interpreted in two ways, Leaving heaven is a little more emotionalAn overall good album with some surprising sounds and features I didn't excpect from EMINEM. The album definatly has highs and lows but is a pleasure to listen to. The better tracks in my opinion are: Darkness, Leaving Heaven and Godzilla. Darkness shows that Eminem is still brilliant with the pen, most of the song can be interpreted in two ways, Leaving heaven is a little more emotional than most tracks on this album, talking about his dad who passed away recently and Godzilla is some fun fast spittin' by Eminem which remains fun to listen to even if Em doesnt have too much to say. Low points on the album for me are tracks like Those kinda nights with Ed Sheeran, which overall just doesnt sound great doesnt have anything to say and I think the verses dont really match the chorus.

    Overall an enjoyable and really solid project by EMINEM.
  77. Feb 23, 2020
    I`m biased. but the record is fantastic, even though it has mediocre songs like Stepdad or Farewell, the Lp maintain a solid track list, with great lyrics, great production and awesome features. This is what Revival should have sounded like
  78. Feb 24, 2020
    One of the best album's he’s made by far. From all the features and the beets it’s all good. There were a few songs I wasn’t a fan of but most were really good. ESPECIALLY Godzilla that **** was so **** fire
  79. Jul 30, 2021
    This is one of the corniest albums ever made and makes me want to die. Doesn't have a single good song.
  80. Mar 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Really enjoyed the new beats over classic lyricism. Great features but also some more serious songs on the album such as darkness, with a really deep meaning Expand
  81. Mar 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I feel this album would be a lot better if Em stuck to the titled topic. I'll start by saying how great the transition is from Kamikaze to MTBMB -- Premonition even *sounds* like a Kamikaze track! Tracks such as the aforementioned "Premonition (Intro)", "Little Engine" and "Darkness" reminisce a lot better and honestly just fit on the album better than "Those Kinda Nights"... or "Farewell". To be honest, these songs probably shouldn't have been on here. It's tight to hear another Em storytelling song, but it's a bumpy road going from a reuniting of Bad Meets Evil, and Alfred Hitchcock, directly to "River 2".

    I am a great fan of "Darkness", "Godzilla" and "Yah Yah". It's great to see Em using their platform for gun violence awareness, and the storytelling is amazing as usual. The only issue is with the music video, it interrupted the intended direction and spoiled most of the double entendres for me--and the song as a result.

    "Marsh" and "In Too Deep" are structurally opposites--I feel Marsh has great verses, but a bad chorus. In Too Deep, on the other hand, I only listen to it for the chorus and then skip. The rest of the album is... meh. Again, it probably would've been better if Em stayed on topic. If I had to rate both sides, the first side is orders by magnitude better. The album sadly fell apart after "Lock it Up". But seriously, before I write my farewells, how *do* you un-suck a ****?
  82. Mar 4, 2020
    Altogther great album. I listen to it everyday now in full. He has brought it back.
  83. Mar 5, 2020
    The wordplay this guy used in this album was completely something very next level.
    Everytime Eminem comes with a new album, this guy raisesa bar for every other artist in this industry which I seem is unachievable for them
  84. Mar 10, 2020
    Checks every box. Not only one of Em’s best ever albums, but one of Raps best ever albums period. Flawless rap.
  85. Mar 14, 2020
    It's definitely his best album since MMLP2 . it opens perfect continiuse really good and finishes awesome . I think the best tracks on it are leaving heaven. No regrets.and Darkness. Marshal your flow on premonition is flawless. Only problem is the theme of album and skits is really dark but songs don't correctly match it.
  86. Mar 18, 2020
    I haven't been this in love with an Eminem album in quite some time - it's absolutely fantastic. There isn't a song on here that I skip when playing it.
  87. Mar 19, 2020
    Critics are asleep at the wheel on this one. Easily up there with one of his best Albums which puts it up there with one of the best Albums full stop. Get on board almost every song has something and plenty to go back to again and again.
  88. Mar 19, 2020
    Amazing album liked all the songs except 1 song which i find that its not good enough the problem wasn't from em ( lock it up feat anderson peak) the problem was from who featured the song i didn't like the way he sings and i found it awful to hear and the hook not that good in my opinion
  89. Dec 19, 2020
    Masterpiece! This album is amazing. Best beats. Best lyrics. Best features. Eminem is the goat thats a fact. I just don't understand why would someone give anyone's album a 0. thats just the haters with no logical reason to hate. F them.
  90. Mar 24, 2020
    It's a great album but people sleep on it because he is old. Just because of his age like for real! Especially for that Stepdad song. People said he's too old to rap like that. Goddammit listen to the song! I think it's a great album but he needs to change his style rn. And stop rapping so fast all the time. It's time to change new stuff like you always do but you've been rapping choppyIt's a great album but people sleep on it because he is old. Just because of his age like for real! Especially for that Stepdad song. People said he's too old to rap like that. Goddammit listen to the song! I think it's a great album but he needs to change his style rn. And stop rapping so fast all the time. It's time to change new stuff like you always do but you've been rapping choppy and fast for a couple years now. That Leaving Heaven song was trash. Ranking his albums for me (even tho we need to give time this album but as of now):

    1. MMLP
    2. TES
    3. SSLP
    4. Relapse
    5. Kamikaze
    6. MMLP2
    7. MTBMB (has the potential to be 6 or maybe 5)
    8. Recovery
    9. Encore
    10. Infinite
    11. Revival

    Now let's wait for the next BME album. I think he is in the right path rn unless he works with ed sheeran and skylar grey and any other pop bs. We want to hear rap on BME album OK? I think they'll drop a classic album. In DaBaby's voice: let's goooooo.
  91. Mar 29, 2020
    Even though the last few tracks on the album are somewhat boring, the rest of the album is pretty solid. My favourite tracks on the album would have to be Those Kinda Nights, Darkness, and Stepdad
  92. Apr 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s just great idk what elase to say his bars are great and he doesn’t appeal to be edgy at all it’s the theme of his album if you actually looked Expand
  93. Apr 9, 2020
    Amazing ! Best album since the Marshall Mathers lp2
    Which just shows it doesn't matter how old he is he’s still good
  94. Apr 15, 2020
    Ducking incredible shady at his finest ! I been a fan of rap since 1988n love Shady n this was perhaps the best hip hop album of all-time!!
  95. Aug 16, 2021
    MTBMB is possibly the best Eminem release since Marshall Mathers LP (About just as good as Relapse) I really like the Alfred Hitchcock interludes, gives the tracks an ominous feeling. Most of the tracks are very good, a couple of things though.
    He has way too many songs rapping about toxic relationships, Farewell is god awful. (I know "Never love again" is just one big double-entendre
    MTBMB is possibly the best Eminem release since Marshall Mathers LP (About just as good as Relapse) I really like the Alfred Hitchcock interludes, gives the tracks an ominous feeling. Most of the tracks are very good, a couple of things though.
    He has way too many songs rapping about toxic relationships, Farewell is god awful. (I know "Never love again" is just one big double-entendre about drugs, but still). Those kinda nights is also annoying.
    The second half of the tape is just as good as the first. Overall a very pleasant album. The Posse cuts are some of the best tracks on the album.
    For his next album, i wish Eminem would do a more conceptualized album
  96. Apr 22, 2020
    His best since relapse, this album slaps wooooow ! I love his flows on it and how it sound
  97. Apr 23, 2020
    Love it! Still the best rapper in the industry. Top song: Lock it (ft. Anderson Paak).
  98. Apr 28, 2020
    So many People be hating. Barology school sent me here for good reason. Great album
  99. May 4, 2020
    This album takes at least a year to break down all the bars ! These rhyme schemes in addition to amazing flows and beats make you high!
    With this album , understand the genius is easy...
    This album is better than Recovery or even MMLP!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Feb 11, 2020
    He clearly cares about his output, but “Music To Be Murdered By” is, unfortunately, another mixed bag of tricks, propped up by lyrical acrobatics and underwhelming production.
  2. 70
    If they look hard enough, any artist could find criticism of their work online. That’s sort of the curse of the Information Age. But not everyone overreacts quite as much as Eminem does. But if his fears grow tiring, his lyrical ability can still give you something to admire, even if the album is somewhat uneven.
  3. Jan 27, 2020
    It is not, strictly speaking, a good record—Eminem hasn’t made one of those in a decade—but it boasts enough technical command and generates just enough arresting ideas to hold your attention.