• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Nov 22, 2010
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  1. Aug 30, 2018
    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is not only Kanye's greatest album, but one of the most beautifully crafted and meticulously made albums of all time, with no downtime and a constant sense that absolutely everything involving it was planned and refined. From the high, grandiose pianos of Dark Fantasy accompanied by the simple question "Can we get much higher?" to the intense Bon IverMy Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is not only Kanye's greatest album, but one of the most beautifully crafted and meticulously made albums of all time, with no downtime and a constant sense that absolutely everything involving it was planned and refined. From the high, grandiose pianos of Dark Fantasy accompanied by the simple question "Can we get much higher?" to the intense Bon Iver backed finale that is Lost in the World/Who Will Survive In America?, to its running message of the decay and death of the high life of fame and celebrity, absolutely nothing about MBDTF feels like an accident. Kanye hit it out of every park in the world simultaneously. Expand
  2. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Power is the only track I liked. Esperava mais. Gringos vão se lascar, modafocas. Abraços. Expand
  3. Sep 1, 2018
    Being his most grandiose album to date, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is a sonic masterpiece and puts Kanye West's artistic prowess on full display.
  4. Jan 22, 2020
    Went back and listened to this and do not believe it has aged well. Not on par with earlier work.
  5. Jun 4, 2019
    Despite its pornography cover, Kanye shaped his most creative album in his career, beyond the boundaries of Hip Hop, and into the mix of every genre of music. Best rap album in the decade.
  6. Jun 8, 2020
    This album is very overrated. People will say this is the greatest record of the 2010s, but it just isn't. TPAB is way better. The beats on this thing is for the most part pretty great, Dark Fantasy is probably my favorite Kanye song of all time, but sprinkled across this thing is corny lines, and by the end, there's a lot of mediocre tracks like Hell of a life and Blame game, and quiteThis album is very overrated. People will say this is the greatest record of the 2010s, but it just isn't. TPAB is way better. The beats on this thing is for the most part pretty great, Dark Fantasy is probably my favorite Kanye song of all time, but sprinkled across this thing is corny lines, and by the end, there's a lot of mediocre tracks like Hell of a life and Blame game, and quite frankly, the second half of Runaway is just annoying, and Kanye's verse on that track isn't that great neither. Great comeback though Expand
  7. May 31, 2021
    an MASTERPIECE. thank you for reading......................................
  8. Nov 29, 2021
    The end result is a body of work that pushes hip-hop in a bold new direction and puts Mr,. West back at the forefront of the culture once again.There is no question that this album is a game changer. It's Kanye West's greatest work.
  9. Dec 10, 2018
    Top 5 (hip hop) albums of all time. Period.

    Listening to this album feels like a watching a movie, with its maximalist and bombastic production, verses full of pop-culture references, and amazing guest performances. Favourite tracks: Dark Fantasy, Gorgeous, Power, All of the Lights, Monster, So Appalled, Devil in a New Dress, Runaway, Blame Game, Lost in the World. Least favourite
    Top 5 (hip hop) albums of all time. Period.

    Listening to this album feels like a watching a movie, with its maximalist and bombastic production, verses full of pop-culture references, and amazing guest performances.

    Favourite tracks: Dark Fantasy, Gorgeous, Power, All of the Lights, Monster, So Appalled, Devil in a New Dress, Runaway, Blame Game, Lost in the World.

    Least favourite tracks: -
  10. Dec 12, 2018
    jesus **** christ. sometimes im not in the mood for runaway because im not in the mood to cry. power is poetry, devil in a new dress is my favorite kanye song, and lost in the world is the best song for some moods. you heard that penentury chances bar, it made me get an erection that i had to get drained by medical professionals.
  11. Feb 7, 2019
    MBDTF is an album where Kanye's reinvention is phenomenal, and the break he took in Hawaii is that of almost miracles. This album captivates hip hop and music for all of its great elements, classical, modern and contemporary. The only issues are slight shortcomings on the last 4 tracks of the album. However the songs from dark fantasy through Runaway there is not a single fault to point out.
  12. Mar 2, 2019
    At its base, "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" tells the tale of Kanye West's inner battle with his own fame, presented through phenomenal production and presentation, but at its surface, it's just so much more that one could not even begin to describe it's excellence through a mere review alone. The Groundbreaking strides that West makes still remain unrivalled today and it remains aAt its base, "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" tells the tale of Kanye West's inner battle with his own fame, presented through phenomenal production and presentation, but at its surface, it's just so much more that one could not even begin to describe it's excellence through a mere review alone. The Groundbreaking strides that West makes still remain unrivalled today and it remains a thorough exemplary of 21st-century art. Expand
  13. Mar 12, 2019
    This album changed:
    My life,
    My perception of real, complete music
    My thought of there is never being a perfect rap album
  14. Jan 23, 2020
    Parece ser que ahora se vota con poca puntuacion los albumes que creemos que nos lo merercen.
    Gracias fans de Kanye
  15. Apr 2, 2019
    This album is great and deserves all the praise! Has many great tracks such as Runaway, Power, and Monster. Defintely worth listening to!
  16. Apr 25, 2019
    Personally, I think all of Kanye's albums are amazing. But this album is easily his magna opus. Everything is amazing about this album.
  17. Feb 17, 2021
    Requires some listening to fully be understood but is totally worth it. Your perseverance will be rewarded by the discovery of insane and beautiful lyrics. The samples used all along are awesome. This clearly is a hip-hop/rap album but it also offers moments to get closer to opera-style, impressive electric guitar riffs, a lot of piano, R&B, clapping, pop and beautiful choirs. This is anRequires some listening to fully be understood but is totally worth it. Your perseverance will be rewarded by the discovery of insane and beautiful lyrics. The samples used all along are awesome. This clearly is a hip-hop/rap album but it also offers moments to get closer to opera-style, impressive electric guitar riffs, a lot of piano, R&B, clapping, pop and beautiful choirs. This is an album that lets the silence have its own room in the record. Overall production is terrific. There are a lot of guests (and a lot that are not even credited) but they all surprisingly find their own place and manage to differentiate from each other. Kanye created an unique balance between long tracks (8 out of 13 are longer than 5 minutes) and short ones (2 out of 13 less than 2 minutes long).

    I honestly can't put higher than an 8.5/10 because some passages sound really unharmonic to me even if I listen to this again and again. In conclusion I have nothing more to say that this album is truly powerful, consistent, clever and varied.
  18. Sep 9, 2019
    I agree that this is the greatest album of the 2010s, but there are better album than this I would listen too tbh. The first time I listen to this, I thought this is one of Kanye west's best album and best hip-hop album of all time, but later on, there are like 3 tracks that i thought it was meh after listening to it a lot, the rest of the tracklist I like.

    Dark Fantasy - 6/10 Gorgeous
    I agree that this is the greatest album of the 2010s, but there are better album than this I would listen too tbh. The first time I listen to this, I thought this is one of Kanye west's best album and best hip-hop album of all time, but later on, there are like 3 tracks that i thought it was meh after listening to it a lot, the rest of the tracklist I like.

    Dark Fantasy - 6/10
    Gorgeous - 7/10
    POWER - 10/10
    All Of The Lights (Interlude) - 10/10
    All Of The Lights - 9/10
    Monster - 9/10
    So Appalled - 8/10
    Devil In a New Dress - 9/10
    Runaway - 9/10
    Hell of a Life - 6/10
    Blame Game - 5/10
    Lost in the World - 10/10
    Who Will Survive in America - not count/10
    iTunes Bonus Track
    See Me Now - 9/10

    My Beautiful Dark Fantasy is still one of the best hip-hop/rap albums of 2010s
  19. Jun 7, 2019
    This album is Kanye West at his best. From the production of the album to the features that cross genres. This album is it.
  20. Jun 25, 2019
    Best album of the decennium. Not a single bad song can be found on the album. I would give it a 100 if I could!
  21. Jun 29, 2019
    Best Rap album of all time. Kanye West is at his creative and artistic peak, he’s an **** yet he’s lovable, he’s thoughtless yet thought provoking. It’s truly a one of a kind piece of music.
  22. Jul 30, 2020
    Magnífico. El mejor álbum de Kanye. El disco más relevante de la década junto con To Pimp a Butterfly de Kendrick Lamar.
  23. Jul 13, 2019
    Przede wszystkim wbrew opiniom niektórych krytyków, którzy twierdzą, że MBDTF było powrotem Kanye do rapu nie jest to do końca prawdą. Tak, 808s był albumem popowym, ale nie był wyznacznikiem nowej drogi obranej przez Ye, a raczej pojedynczym projektem, zlepkiem pomysłów które musiał z siebie wyrzucić, a nijak nie pasowały one do rapowej otoczki.

    Kiedy w końcu pojawił się długo
    Przede wszystkim wbrew opiniom niektórych krytyków, którzy twierdzą, że MBDTF było powrotem Kanye do rapu nie jest to do końca prawdą. Tak, 808s był albumem popowym, ale nie był wyznacznikiem nowej drogi obranej przez Ye, a raczej pojedynczym projektem, zlepkiem pomysłów które musiał z siebie wyrzucić, a nijak nie pasowały one do rapowej otoczki.

    Kiedy w końcu pojawił się długo wyczekiwany album... jaki to był wstrząs. MBDTF to nie kolejna odsłona rapowej gry Kanye Westa, to nie kolejny "wielki" hip hopowy album. Chociaż słowa, które chcę napisać mogą zabrzmieć jak fanboystwo, mogą wzmóc czujność u niektórych i tak to napiszę - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy to TEN album. Album do którego zmierzał cały gatunek i wszystkie eksperymenty Ye, jednymi słowy najlepsze, najważniejsze hip hopowe dzieło jakie powstało. Pierwsze dwa albumy Kanye Westa wyniosły hip hop z ulic na salony, piąty album Kanye Westa nadał hip hopowi rangę najprawdziwszej sztuki.

    Album łączy w sobie wszystkie dotychczasowe osiągnięcia Westa, wszystkie mocne strony poprzednich albumów, od figlarności TCD, głębi LR, przystępności Graduation, emocjonalności i eksperymentalnego podejścia 808s.

    Liryczne Kanye West stworzył dzieło bardzo kontemplacyjne, głębokie i intymne. Występuje tu jako filozof i błazen zarazem, mówi o rzeczach wzniosłych, jednocześnie bywając do bólu obsceniczny. Porusza tematy upajania się hedonizmem, bogactwem i władzą jaką ze sobą niosą, a zarazem zagubienia i emocjonalnego wypalenia. Spanie z setkami kobiet, uczucie tęsknoty i wyrzutów sumienia wobec tej jednej, bycie jednocześnie superbohaterem i łajdakiem.

    Niezwykle pomysłowe beaty/sample, gitary w gorgeous, 21st century schizoid man w Power, niezwykły beat w Devil in a New Dress, Runaway z aranżacją na pianinie i kodą z przesterowanymi wokalami, które upodabniają je do brzmienia gitar był w stanie stworzyć tylko Ye, a to tylko część niezwykle barwnego mikroświata jakim samo w sobie jest MBDTF, popowy odpowiednik kaplicy sykstyńskiej.
  24. Jul 25, 2019
    Même en 2019 , je continue à écouter cet album !
    C'est tellement bien travailler, n'en parlons pas de la vidéo de 34min waouh!
  25. Aug 2, 2019
    I’ve listened to the greatest album of all time since it’s released and the way this album makes me feel is beyond words. I literally listen to this album every single day. I **** you not. Front to back everyday. While having a life might I add. I can listen to it on repeat and never get tired of it. Such a great moment in history. This will always be a part of my life forever.
  26. Aug 24, 2019
    Kanye just shows his brilliance over and over again. Recovering from the loss of his mother and being socially outcasted, he releases this masterpiece of an album to prove he is one of the greatest artists of all time.
  27. Aug 26, 2019
    I'm not a huge fan of hip-hop but this album is an exception. It's clearly flawlessly arranged, the lyrics brilliantly showcase emotions of the artist and, in my experience, this is his best work and the best of what the genre can offer.
  28. Jan 23, 2020
    Way better than anything Cringenem has put out last decade and will always be regarded as one of the best albums to date
  29. Aug 31, 2019
    i just can't stand it... the kanye 's art. IT'S hard for me to understand and fall in love so just peace and love
  30. Mar 3, 2022
    this is a phenomenal album in every aspect, through out time it was become more and more enjoyable to listen to and was instantly a classic when it was released
  31. Jan 22, 2020
    Easily, the best album of the 2010s and a contender for the best hip-hop album of all time! Timeless classic that has aged very well.
  32. Oct 25, 2019
    Probably the best Kanye's album, the one that he worked the hardest on, the best thing about it is, even if you didn't like some song on it (somehow) you will still remember it. Ungodly production.
  33. Jan 25, 2020
    just doing my part.........................................................
  34. Jan 24, 2020
    This album defined the 2010s and will be a staple in hiphop‘s history books. An outcast of society at the time, this album was the rocket that launched Kanye to rise up from the ashes. A flawed human being in many ways, he takes us to the depths of his very being and challenges every musical boundary in hiphop and pop music. Soon we will come to realise how this album set the standard forThis album defined the 2010s and will be a staple in hiphop‘s history books. An outcast of society at the time, this album was the rocket that launched Kanye to rise up from the ashes. A flawed human being in many ways, he takes us to the depths of his very being and challenges every musical boundary in hiphop and pop music. Soon we will come to realise how this album set the standard for hiphop and pop music in the years to come. A masterpiece from arguably the greatest and most fearless artist of our generation. Our generation’s Beethoven - A misunderstood geniuses. Expand
  35. Jan 23, 2020
    A true masterpiece, showing the story of West's character in the modern world and having amazing production combined with awesome lyrical content throughout.
  36. Oct 29, 2019
    The greatest rap album ever made bar none. Absolutely phenomenal front to back. Nothing else to say.
  37. Jan 23, 2020
    It is legendary and really unnecessary and child like that all the eminem stans Rate it this low just to get Eminem’s **** album higher.
  38. Nov 2, 2019
    Short and Sweet Description: A Masterpiece, no skips on this album. It’s beautiful.
  39. Apr 24, 2022
    HAHAHAHA MAN! Com'on, this is art. This is pure art. I can't define this album in words. Kanye really put on this world, the best album of the 21th century. The person who say this album is trash have only 2 definitions: 1st - Wants attention 2nd - dumb and crazy af

    Literally the album with 0 skips. I can hear this for my entire life.

    Ye da goat no cap
  40. Dec 23, 2019
    His best album, i have listened to it literally hundreds of times. I would say it is the best of this decade.
  41. Dec 23, 2019
    Best kanye album ever hido gongu djudydhdhddyhdhdhfhf going flop polit GOOGL djdj djdj hsp
  42. Dec 26, 2019
    In one of the few perfect 10s of this decade, Kanye West seemingly hits everything musically on MBDTF. The production, features, lyricism, and beats make for a beautiful and conflicting listening experience. Arguably the most complete musical album of the 10s’, definitely deserves and will receive listens for years to come.
  43. Jan 2, 2020
    This album is a classic! From the instrumentals to the verses and even the features themselves, this album will definitely stand the test of time and is, in my opinion, one of the greatest(and most important) albums to ever come out.
  44. Jan 10, 2020
    EASILY the best hip hop album of the 2010’s. I’ve never heard another album like this, it’s so different and amazing.
  45. Jan 28, 2020
    Didn't like the album. Kinda sucked. Good beats, if you like banging your heads on a fridge. And auto tune is way to abundant.
  46. Jan 24, 2020
    Pure trash. This defines how not a rap album should be. After listening my ear are bleeding.
  47. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The best **** album rap of the history, **** Drake I don't have more for write. Expand
  48. Jan 22, 2020
    What is this. Sorry, but it very very bad. I think, so i want to play in basement and garage door openers to play in
  49. Jan 22, 2020
    This album is fantastic. This is my second favorite hip hop album ever, behind only TPAB. The way Kanye brings together different styles of production, features, instruments, etc to create this grand album is astounding. This album is a quintessential magnum opus and represents the most important moment in Kanye’s career. The big middle fingered apology that is MBDTF solidifies his personaThis album is fantastic. This is my second favorite hip hop album ever, behind only TPAB. The way Kanye brings together different styles of production, features, instruments, etc to create this grand album is astounding. This album is a quintessential magnum opus and represents the most important moment in Kanye’s career. The big middle fingered apology that is MBDTF solidifies his persona and what he would mean to the music industry for years to come. He knows he’s a bit of an **** but he is 100% unapologetically Kanye West. While he isn’t always the best lyricist, he has some of his brightest moments on this album, and there aren’t any lyrics that make me cringe or want to stop listening. He gets deep enough to boast about his lyrical ability (especially on Power) but he also does a good job of making his messages pretty easy to understand. Every feature does their part, besides maybe the Fergie verse on All Of The Lights, which might be my only true criticism to the album. I genuinely enjoy the album all the way through. Expand
  50. Jan 22, 2020
    This album is a game changer for hip-hop history, it might not be anythhing like this in an artistic level, maybe you don´t consier it because of th eguy who made it, maybe if it was made by other rapper you would undoubtebly amazed by this work. best album of 2010s
  51. Jan 22, 2020
    Best album of all time, best production/lyricism in the history of rap albums. Completely evolutionary and before it’s time
  52. Jan 22, 2020
    I don't wanna hear Kanye Talk, where at the bars?. The best past is Nicki Minaj
  53. Jan 22, 2020
    The combination of grandiose instrumentals mixed with the brash but broken lyrics makes this album a lyrical, musical, and overall masterpiece. After becoming one of the most hated celebrities after the VMA incident Kanye replied with an album so perfect and so Kanye that, for at least a little bit of time, he was forgiven. The album contains hit after hit with my only criticism being thatThe combination of grandiose instrumentals mixed with the brash but broken lyrics makes this album a lyrical, musical, and overall masterpiece. After becoming one of the most hated celebrities after the VMA incident Kanye replied with an album so perfect and so Kanye that, for at least a little bit of time, he was forgiven. The album contains hit after hit with my only criticism being that it ends on sort of a lower note. Where the album really shines, however, is the features. Nicki Minaj on Monster is phenomenal, and Rick Ross on Devil In A New Dress and Pusha T on Runaway are excellent as well. The album hits its climax on Runaway, a 9-minute epic, yet is still able to continue at a high level. Expand
  54. Jan 22, 2020
    My favorite album of all time and easily the best. This record has everything that its needed. Flawless production, top tier lyricism , amazing features , hooks etc.
  55. Jan 27, 2020
    Album sounded good for about a month. Same with most albums critics praise, but after a while, the hype dies down and you realize you got caught up. Can't stand it at the moment.
  56. Jan 22, 2020
    One of the greatest albums in music history. PERIOD. Production on another level, great songwriting and some of the best feature verses in history.
  57. Mar 11, 2020
    I just simply say that this is the greatest hip hop album of all time. This level of production was never seen before.
  58. Jan 23, 2020
    Could be Kanye’s greatest album of all time and possibly the 2010’s the only exception being TLOP. These songs hold an amount of grandiose and class with beautiful productions and driving into this dark fantasy is truly interesting and it all works amazingly.
  59. Jan 22, 2020
    Amazing production, great guests, Kanye killed it. Runaway and devil in a new dress are amazing.
  60. Jan 22, 2020
    Honestly one of the greatest albums you will ever hear, amazing songs from start to finish
  61. Jan 28, 2020
    Not a good hip hop album by any means. Simplistic rhymes and garbage production.
  62. Jan 22, 2020
    This album changed my life, truly a piece of modern art and the peak of Kanye's career
  63. Jan 22, 2020
    perfection perfection perfection. one of the best albums ever and i don’t care what anyone has to say because i’m not changing my mind.
  64. Jan 22, 2020
    There are no skips. Absolutely none. Almost every song on here is 8.5 and above
  65. Jan 22, 2020
    One of the greatest albums in music as a whole. A redemption story for the books as Kanye re-enters the limelight after the Taylor Swift incident at the 2009 VMAs with an album full of production and verses of the highest level.
  66. Jan 22, 2020
    After being in serious hot water after countless problems due to his behavior, Kanye West had no choice but to release a masterpiece to save his career. So he did that.
  67. Jan 22, 2020
    Greatest album of the last 25 years. Set up to define the 2010s and should be considered Kanye’s magnum opus
  68. Jan 22, 2020
    Kanye released one of the greatest albums of all time in MBDTF, and it's a shame Eminem fans are attacking its score because he consistently drops horrible ****
  69. Jan 22, 2020
    MBDTF changed the way I listen to music. It is, in my opinion, one of THE best albums of all time.
  70. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Worst album i ever heard. Really corny lines throughout the album. Utterly just full of .... Expand
  71. Jan 22, 2020
    This album is very good. Made Kanye the man he is today. At a time when Kanye was stripped of what he had, he had music. Kanye put forward all of his effort and made sure everyone knew what he could do.
  72. Jul 25, 2020
    It's the greatest album of the 21st century. Kanye is a musical genius. The production is just amazing.
  73. Jan 22, 2020
    One of the best albums of all time! MBDTF is the peak album in Kanye’s discovery composed of stacked features and produced by some of hip hops best.
  74. Jan 22, 2020
    An absolute masterpiece that cannot be spoiled by any amount of Eminem stans
  75. Jan 23, 2020
    Album of the decade. Undoubtedly Kanye’s greatest album. A demonstration of the pure artistry we’ve come to expect from Mr West.
  76. Jan 23, 2020
    Kanye's magnum opus. The production to this day is unmatched, and the features are all top notch. Difficult to fault, definitely worth a listen.
  77. Jan 23, 2020
    Best album of the decade. Runaway is easily my favorite song of all time, even for how long it is
  78. Jan 28, 2020
    Pure trash. I hate the sound of most of the songs here, i don't know maybe because we all have different type of music but this one's a trashy album. This should've never existed in the first place. Just pure trash, not even hating.
  79. Jan 23, 2020
    By far Kanye’s best work to date, every track is fantastic. Arguably the best album of the decade
  80. Jan 23, 2020
    One of my favorite albums of all time from one of my favorite artists of all time.
  81. Jan 23, 2020
    amazing production with great lyrics and features to push the message ye wanted to send. goat
  82. Jan 23, 2020
    best rap album ever made, a tru masterpiece i love kanye and everything he made, and my beautiful dark twisted fantasy is nothing but pure art
  83. Jan 23, 2020
    Eminem fans you should be banned on here. This is more than a hiphop album, this is a creative masterpiece that will never be achieved again
  84. Jan 23, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sorry Eminem, but this is the best album I ever heard. I am very sorry eminem, I’m VERY SORRY MAN. Expand
  85. Jan 25, 2020
    Very good album, the best ever. Kanye is a creative genius and it shows in the production of mbdtf
  86. Jan 23, 2020
    AMAZING album! amazing underrated lyricism and amazing production and features, some small missteps like the blame game skit but other than that a perfect album
  87. Jan 23, 2020
    Decade defining album of the 2010s. Controversial and influential. GOATED. Beautiful production and sonically appealing.
  88. Jan 23, 2020
    This is truly a masterpiece. I made this account just to leave this review as Eminem Stans don't seem to get the point of the song "Stan" by Eminem. This album goes through the darkest parts of Kanye's psyche, with beautiful songs with amazing production and great guest verses. Truly the defining album of 2010.
  89. Jan 23, 2020
    this album is gorgeous. probably Kanye’s best work and is definitely a musical masterpiece.
  90. Jan 23, 2020
    One of the best albums of the decade and of the entire music history.
    Kanye's comeback to the mainstream world Made album.
    This lp has an outstanding production from the begining to the end of itself.
    The lyrics are just dime examples like Devil in a new dress, POWER and Gorgeous show the lirically skill Kanye has.
  91. Jan 24, 2020
    This is one of the most well produced album from Kanye. The lyrics are clever and the features worked really well, but the only problem I have with this is the second half of the album, So Appalled is a track that lowers the energy of the album as it comes after a hard track like Monster. Devil in a new dress is a good track and Rick Ross has good flow that goes well with the beat. RunawayThis is one of the most well produced album from Kanye. The lyrics are clever and the features worked really well, but the only problem I have with this is the second half of the album, So Appalled is a track that lowers the energy of the album as it comes after a hard track like Monster. Devil in a new dress is a good track and Rick Ross has good flow that goes well with the beat. Runaway is easily one of his best songs and well produced track. Hell of a life is a song that bored me after multiple listens isn’t good and the only part I enjoyed was the chorus. Blame game is a ok song but the end goes on after a while and gets boring pretty fast. Lost in the World is well produced track and a good use of the features on the track. Overall I feel like this album could have been one of the best Kanye albums but some of these song lowered this album quite a bit. Expand
  92. Jan 25, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Very Disappointing album, wish kanye would make good music again only listened to this because my brother would play it every day Expand
  93. Jan 28, 2020
    Kanye the goat I love Kanye I love yeezy they are very very very very nice and I love Kim kardashian
  94. Jan 28, 2020
    Petty has to get matched with petty. Recent reviewers should hopefully know what I'm talking about
  95. Jan 28, 2020
    Wack if they wanna be petty. We can be stupid petty. Let’s see how this goes
  96. Jan 28, 2020
    Was never a big kanye fan but decided to give this a chance and I'm still not a big kanye fan.
  97. Jan 28, 2020
    This is pure trash. When he will pay Moby for copyrights? When he will start to do music? This is worst than bieber's music.
  98. Jan 29, 2020
    I would rather drag my balls through 10 miles of broken glass than listen to this album.
  99. Jan 30, 2020
    I guess kanye should stick with designing shoes and stop doing music
  100. Jan 31, 2020
    ooOooooooOoooooh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeup this was the best album of all time

Universal acclaim - based on 45 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 45
  2. Negative: 0 out of 45
  1. Uncut
    Sep 19, 2012
    West is far from rap's deftest lyricist but his neurotic grandstanding is compelling and often pretty funny to boot. [Feb 2011, p.84]
  2. Sep 17, 2012
    There is no question that this album is a game changer. It's Kanye West's greatest work.
  3. Mojo
    Apr 20, 2011
    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is genuinely a great record. [Feb. 2011, p. 108]