• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2014
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1494 Ratings

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  1. Aug 28, 2014
    What do I need to say? This one is a trash to my ears. Ariana's debut is so much better than this. "My Everything" is so appealing to the media to be successful. Ariana didn't care what is the quality of the R&B music and she just sang **** and **** with so many featuring.

    It's like Lily Allen said... Peoples are so desperate to be on the Top and are forcing the fans to be together even
    What do I need to say? This one is a trash to my ears. Ariana's debut is so much better than this. "My Everything" is so appealing to the media to be successful. Ariana didn't care what is the quality of the R&B music and she just sang **** and **** with so many featuring.

    It's like Lily Allen said... Peoples are so desperate to be on the Top and are forcing the fans to be together even if all don't like ones of others.
  2. Aug 26, 2014
    Yours Truly, álbum de estreia da Ariana Grande, não foi um maravilhoso álbum. Honeymoon Avenue é a melhor do álbum e precisou de Khristopher Riddick Tynes, Leon Thomas III, Antonio Dixon, Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, Thomas Lee Brown, Travis Sayles, Victoria McCants, Roahn Hylton Dennis "Aganee" Jenkins e Maurice Wade para ser composta e mesmo com um batalhão, Ariana nem mexeu um dedo naYours Truly, álbum de estreia da Ariana Grande, não foi um maravilhoso álbum. Honeymoon Avenue é a melhor do álbum e precisou de Khristopher Riddick Tynes, Leon Thomas III, Antonio Dixon, Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, Thomas Lee Brown, Travis Sayles, Victoria McCants, Roahn Hylton Dennis "Aganee" Jenkins e Maurice Wade para ser composta e mesmo com um batalhão, Ariana nem mexeu um dedo na letra da música que é não é digna. Frases como "meu coração está preso no para-choque do carro" destrói e decepciona qualquer um. My Everything, apesar de ter elementos muito semelhantes em suas batidas e outro batalhão para compor todo o álbum, é um pouco mais agradável e fácilmente esquecível. Best Mistake é a melhor parceria e pelo menos ela participou da composição. Why Try é digna, mas falhou por ter muita repetição e não ter composto nada também. Voz incrivel, mas Yours Truly soa de forma bem mais agradável. Expand
  3. Oct 31, 2015
    Sure, Grande does have talent...in acting. In music, it's just...bleh. This album is another ploy by record label executives to gain a cheap buck off of untalented musicians.
  4. Jan 15, 2019
    Sorry, Ariana. This is the worst album of yours. The singles are just obnoxious.
  5. Sep 14, 2014
    Great voice, absolutely garbage music. What is this girl thinking wasting her talents on such crappy music. She is toted as being the next Mariah Carey. Sorry, but she's nowhere near the caliber of artist that Mariah is. There are a few good moments on this album e.g. My Everything, but most of the rest falls short. If Ariana wants to succeed as an artist she needs to release betterGreat voice, absolutely garbage music. What is this girl thinking wasting her talents on such crappy music. She is toted as being the next Mariah Carey. Sorry, but she's nowhere near the caliber of artist that Mariah is. There are a few good moments on this album e.g. My Everything, but most of the rest falls short. If Ariana wants to succeed as an artist she needs to release better music than this. Sorry. Expand
  6. Sep 30, 2015
    +2 for great vocals by Ariana Grande.
    The lyricism of this album is abhorrently terrible, composing mostly of "na na na". The production is generic as can be, and the feature appearance from Iggy Azalea is abysmal.

    Do not purchase this album. Instead, buy a Mariah Carey album for the same experience but with slightly better lyricism and much more unique musical production.
  7. Jan 11, 2020
    Absolutely not‼ ariana, make us a favor, don't you ever release something like this.
  8. Aug 25, 2014
    Such a huge disappointment from Yours Truly, that album was a masterpiece. My everything sounds like generic pop music that you hear on on the radio on a daily basis. I was expecting great things from this album, as Ariana is a very talented artist but I was highly mistaken. I also noticed that Ariana has not written any of the songs on the album excluding the into, this is not a bad thingSuch a huge disappointment from Yours Truly, that album was a masterpiece. My everything sounds like generic pop music that you hear on on the radio on a daily basis. I was expecting great things from this album, as Ariana is a very talented artist but I was highly mistaken. I also noticed that Ariana has not written any of the songs on the album excluding the into, this is not a bad thing but it just proves that she just wanted to go down the the radio friendly music route instead writing genuine beautiful music. Expand
  9. Jun 3, 2019
    Le falta algo a este álbum es insípido no transmite nada al parecer no hay nada bueno en el
  10. Jan 10, 2020
    Pese a tener grandes sencillos My Everything es por lejos uno de los peores álbumes en la carrera de Ariana. Mínimo tendría que tener calificación en AMARILLO
  11. Jul 29, 2020
    This album is a trashy candy pop sound track full of showing off money riches and no depth, sounds pretty generic, and the albums just bad, this might be her worst album ever, I hope those kids understand that this album also sounds identical to her previous album, pretty boring and weird production, Ariana should learn to write her own song instead of using as many ghost writers asThis album is a trashy candy pop sound track full of showing off money riches and no depth, sounds pretty generic, and the albums just bad, this might be her worst album ever, I hope those kids understand that this album also sounds identical to her previous album, pretty boring and weird production, Ariana should learn to write her own song instead of using as many ghost writers as possible, make her fans feel sad and disappointed and I pretty sure, there are nothing unique about Ariana in this album, 7rings is another catchy song but it’s so plai Expand
  12. Nov 30, 2020
    It’s bleh. Seems like she doesn’t care about her image maturing. Same thing over and over. I just don’t like it. Feel like I’m listening to the same song all over with different lyrics.
  13. Sep 12, 2014
    Ariana Grande's My Everything is the epitome of manufactured corporate pop. This album is garbage. She is a mediocre singer at best. As for her song writing abilities, she has none. Her label did all the work. She just showed up in the studio for 2 days to record songs written and composed for her by other people. She does not write or compose any of her music. All of her songs haveAriana Grande's My Everything is the epitome of manufactured corporate pop. This album is garbage. She is a mediocre singer at best. As for her song writing abilities, she has none. Her label did all the work. She just showed up in the studio for 2 days to record songs written and composed for her by other people. She does not write or compose any of her music. All of her songs have anywhere from 4 to 10 writers. She is listed as a co-writer, even though she doesn't write anything, to give her false credibility. The lead single "Problem" is the worst pop song since Rebecca Black's Friday. The rest of the album is just as bad. Every song sounds the same. They are all generic bland typical pop songs that you hear on the radio. If you love garbage like Justin Bieber, One Direction, and Rebecca Black, you will love this album. If you love non-manufactured real music, you will not like this album. Expand
  14. Oct 17, 2015
    No me gusta este álbum :/ Lo encuentro muy básico y comercial, realmente, no me gusta Ariana, ojala mejoré, y pues, no me gusto este álbum ni el otro, pero pues normal, tiene buena voz (:
  15. Jun 7, 2016
    i know that every stupid Ariana's fan will dislike this, but this album isn't great, banal and without originality, you can't deny this, go listen real music, not **** like this
  16. Oct 29, 2022
    Wow. A heartfelt piece of work. Her most heart wrenching album. Ari puts all her feelings into this album
  17. Aug 24, 2019
    Lixo de álbum
    Péssimo, péssimo, péssimo. Sem sombra de dúvidas é um dos piores álbuns que já ouvi. Lembras bobas e infantis, sem conceito, nada de importante pra história.
  18. Aug 25, 2019
    this album comes off as corny and trying so hard to be edgy. Grande's vocals couldnt save the album from the messy production and lyrics.
  19. Aug 25, 2019
    This seems like a Trump poop LMAO she sounds like a rat biting her lame ass fans
  20. Aug 30, 2019
    this is just as bad as her other albums. her fans really cant get brave LOL
  21. Aug 31, 2019
    humiliating that this was a comeback album from what supposedly a highly anticipated return from the ponytail girl
  22. Jan 10, 2020
    Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kakakakkakaka jajajajajjajajajajjaja yyyyyyyyyyy lol lmao
  23. Feb 18, 2020
    Nice voice ariana but sorry i didn’t like your album............... good job........
  24. Jul 26, 2020
    one word. TRASH. The album is so very annoying. She have no talent. DONOT BUY THIS TRASH.
  25. Jan 13, 2021
    basic pop sound. bothing new, just made for the radio. such a waste of time and talent
  26. Aug 29, 2020
    My Everything by Ariana Grande isn’t just a disease. It’s a pandemic coming to end the globe.
  27. Sep 13, 2020
    Boring, dime a dozen pop fabricated on the current tendencies of the charts.
  28. Oct 23, 2020
    I wanted to like this and have it be more than just generic pop music but i don't and it isn't.
  29. Oct 30, 2020
    O nome poderia ser my everyfeats q é o que só tem nesse álbum, uma verdadeira bagunça cheia de feats
  30. Nov 17, 2020
    A generic music album tailored for the general public consumption, nothing special about it.
  31. Jan 6, 2021
    By the end of listening to this I found myself screaming "Please make it stop!". So that's a no from me.
  32. Mar 20, 2021
    This album is eh.. so so.. . this album is not good. Sorry but reals.
  33. Oct 16, 2021
    Ariana Grande hasn't changed: she still can't write. The only difference is she is paying for her writing credits now. Awful.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Sep 23, 2014
    The metallic fingerprint of Auto-Tune is all over My Everything, even the vocal trills that start off the album.
  2. Sep 10, 2014
    My Everything is so concerned with making a palatable pop singer, it has watered down its subject to the point of tastelessness. It is pop music Bud Light.
  3. 60
    My Everything isn’t quite everything, but it’s enough.