• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2014
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  1. Aug 25, 2014
    Another great album by Ariana Grande. Excellent vocals and addictive songs. She decided to venture further in pop compared to the previous album, Yours Truly, and the result was very good.
  2. Dec 24, 2017
    Not as great as Yours Truly. Just a Little Bit Of Your Heart, Love Me Harder and One Last Time make this album good.
  3. Apr 14, 2018
    This album starts off with the heavenly "intro." Then next is the female worldwide hit "Problem," also known as "the best selling female collaboration of all time." Then to beautiful melodies such as "Why Try," "One Last Time," "Best Mistake," "My Everything," and "Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart." These songs contain such well written lyrics that it amazes me. Ariana also appears to showThis album starts off with the heavenly "intro." Then next is the female worldwide hit "Problem," also known as "the best selling female collaboration of all time." Then to beautiful melodies such as "Why Try," "One Last Time," "Best Mistake," "My Everything," and "Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart." These songs contain such well written lyrics that it amazes me. Ariana also appears to show her sexy side with songs such as "Hands On Me," "Bang Bang," and "Love Me Harder." This album is perfectly blended in with Pop and RnB, however this album for me would probably be her third best album. Expand
  4. Jan 10, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. one of his best jobs he has ever had and thank u, Next have more than this puff really bad Expand
  5. May 29, 2020
    Farofa sim, genérico não! Conseguiu me fazer dançar e chorar (e as vezes os dois ao mesmo tempo), eu amei
  6. Jun 1, 2021
    An album full of iconic hits that I still dance to til this day! Loved this pop type of sound but her music has progressed for the better
  7. Aug 26, 2014
    Nota 10 para o novo álbum da Ariana. É mais maduro que o Yours Truly, mas conserva o romantismo de sempre. Parabéns Ariana por esse álbum espetacular.
  8. Aug 28, 2014
    My everything by Ariana Grande is one of the best albums of the year so far. Sounds so good and lovely. This girl never fails. Just A Little Bit of Your Heart and My Everything are the masterpieces, Why Try is so good, and One Last Time should be next single because it's commercial and still a great song.
  9. Aug 29, 2014
    Não fode Ariana, Just um pedaço do seu heart hino, Uma last vez hino, Amor Me Harder hino, Você não know me hino, tudo hino. Rainha, destrói a carreira das inimigas mesmo. Quando flopa tem qualidade, quando hita tem qualidade, até cagando tem qualidade. Bixa, a senhora é destruidora mesmo hein viada
  10. Sep 6, 2014
    My Everything é um álbum R&B e Pop muito bom e bem produzido. Dessa vez, Ariana arriscou um pouco mais fazendo faixas comerciais, e acertou em cheio em algumas partes e errou feio em outras. Be My Baby e Why Try talvez sejam as melhores faixas do álbum, e podem fazer muito sucesso se forem singles mais pra frente. Já Break Free talvez seja a pior faixa do álbum, por ser a mais descartávelMy Everything é um álbum R&B e Pop muito bom e bem produzido. Dessa vez, Ariana arriscou um pouco mais fazendo faixas comerciais, e acertou em cheio em algumas partes e errou feio em outras. Be My Baby e Why Try talvez sejam as melhores faixas do álbum, e podem fazer muito sucesso se forem singles mais pra frente. Já Break Free talvez seja a pior faixa do álbum, por ser a mais descartável e genérica. Mas mesmo assim, o CD é muito bom para se escutar em qualquer lugar. Expand
  11. Sep 21, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Eu amo Best Mistake, melhor música pra mim, espero que ela faça mais músicas assim, e também love me harder, ela fez uma péssima escolha para single, que musica feia p ser single. Expand
  12. Sep 19, 2014
    The sweet and pure voice of Grande is absolutely the shiniest shine in "My Everything". Ballads are extraordinary and is in they when Grande's songwriting talent comes out to light. Soft and captivating melismas give you a nostalgic sensation of the purest quality. But the album is choppy with pop commercial tracks that blacken Ariana's warm voice. Some collaborations should not be in someThe sweet and pure voice of Grande is absolutely the shiniest shine in "My Everything". Ballads are extraordinary and is in they when Grande's songwriting talent comes out to light. Soft and captivating melismas give you a nostalgic sensation of the purest quality. But the album is choppy with pop commercial tracks that blacken Ariana's warm voice. Some collaborations should not be in some songs. Tracks like "Best Mistake", "Love Me Tender", "Just a Little Bit Of Your Heart" and "My Everything" are the highlights of the album. Synthesizing, good for being the sophomore album of "the mini Mariah Carey" Expand
  13. Sep 21, 2014
    Ariana está surpreendendo todos. Ela mistura ritmos e batidas, isso faz com que o álbum se torne maravilhoso. Se ela continuar do jeito que está, melhorará cada vez mais. Eu acredito no potencial da Ariana, ela irá nos surpreender.
  14. Aug 25, 2014
    Just perfect, a mixture of rhythms, that make this album, one of more perfect in the year. It was more commercial than her first, but still with a sonority so much good. Congratulations, Ariana, this album is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
  15. Nov 22, 2014
    Sem dúvidas um dos melhores álbuns do ano. Começamos calmo com Intro, dançamos no meio com Break Free, mais um pouco com Hands On Me e Bang Bang, e finalmente finalizamos com You Don't Know Me, como apenas uma música de fundo enquanto você faz algo. Os vocais da Ariana são menos valorizados do que em Yours Truly porém continua com vocais destruidores que pisam na nojenta da Demi.
  16. Sep 1, 2015
    Ariana's best album, definitely. It's not even close. With up to date production that sounds professional, classy and fresh, this album sounds timeless. With standouts that include Break Free, Break Your Heart Right Back and Hands on Me, you can't go wrong here. And You Don't Know Me is not only the best song on the album, it's also the best song of her career.
  17. Jan 17, 2015
    I love this album! So diverse with its sounds and her vocal range and performance is on point. I love how she experiments with different genres but still has some of her roots in the album as well! A must buy.
  18. Feb 6, 2015
    Quite underrated. This album is more pop than her previous album, but somehow it just works. Problem was clearly a HUGE hit, as it was number two on Billboard for many weeks, was one of the two best selling songs of the year, and broke the record for he fastest song to go to number one on iTunes in only 30 minutes. Bang Bang and Break Free were also major hits, and this albums has alreadyQuite underrated. This album is more pop than her previous album, but somehow it just works. Problem was clearly a HUGE hit, as it was number two on Billboard for many weeks, was one of the two best selling songs of the year, and broke the record for he fastest song to go to number one on iTunes in only 30 minutes. Bang Bang and Break Free were also major hits, and this albums has already produced tens of millions of tracks sold worldwide. But then you also have Love Me Harder, which is dark and sexy and one of the best songs of the year in my opinion. Best Mistake, while not as radio friendly as some of the other songs, is one of the album's greatest treasures. Songs like One Last Time and Why Try show off Grande's untouchable vocal ability and really prove why she deserves all the success she's had these past two years. Love this album a lot. Expand
  19. Aug 30, 2014
      比起制作部分几乎由Babyface和Harmony Samuels全包的《Yours Truly》,《My Everything》的风格显然有些杂乱,但这并不妨碍它带给我接二连三的惊喜。之前看到制作人名单的时候我很担心这会是一张烂俗舞曲专辑,但事实证明A妹是有魔力的,无论是One Last Time还是Love Me Harder都让我见识到David Guetta和Max Martin发挥出了难得一见的制作功力;但找来一大堆作曲和制作造成的最大负面后果,就是除了首曲Intro和结曲My Everything算是首尾呼应了以外,整张专辑我基本没听出丝毫的曲目编排,整体性和连贯性都很差。  比起制作部分几乎由Babyface和Harmony Samuels全包的《Yours Truly》,《My Everything》的风格显然有些杂乱,但这并不妨碍它带给我接二连三的惊喜。之前看到制作人名单的时候我很担心这会是一张烂俗舞曲专辑,但事实证明A妹是有魔力的,无论是One Last Time还是Love Me Harder都让我见识到David Guetta和Max Martin发挥出了难得一见的制作功力;但找来一大堆作曲和制作造成的最大负面后果,就是除了首曲Intro和结曲My Everything算是首尾呼应了以外,整张专辑我基本没听出丝毫的曲目编排,整体性和连贯性都很差。
      开篇的Intro像一首催眠小夜曲,在轻柔的提琴伴奏中A妹轻吟浅唱,承诺牵着手将你带上一段通向夜空的旅程;但正当你安心准备迎来一场舒缓的daydreaming时,却被突如其来的萨克斯一个巴掌扇醒,这段欢快中带点挑逗意味的前奏宣告着一次静+闹无限杂交的聆听体验正式开始,Problem这首已经被大家听烂的首单无需多言,流畅的旋律加上“没了你我就少了个麻烦”的主题成就了一首质量上乘的pop rnb舞曲,也标志着A妹不再是Your Truly里那个只会唱甜曲儿的小姑娘;接下来的One Last Time是个人最爱之一,这首歌如果紧接在Intro后面过渡效果会非常完美,“Feel like a failure, cause I know that I failed you”“Can’t you forgive me, at least just temporarily”,各种押韵而又虐心的歌词让人感同身受,当verse 2中“And I know and I know and I know that you got everything, but I got nothing here without you”随着结尾处上扬的旋律第二次响起时,情感丰富的本人眼眶都有点湿了。。。不过光这些是不够让这首歌脱颖而出的,此曲最大的亮点是伴奏部分对钢鼓的运用,尤其是有着疏密有致的节奏和清新音色的bridge把此曲的制作水准直接提高了一个档次,使其脱离了一大片有歌词没制作的苦情歌的范畴;再下来的Why Try,A妹在略带中国风的旋律中告诉我们:“感情中每个人都可能同时扮演着天使和恶魔,疼痛让人成长,何必试图避免?”于是我们迎来了专辑中最大的pain in the ass——本来是个人之前无限洗脑的励志舞曲Break Free,轰轰隆隆的前奏一出来就让这张专辑基本和“整体”“连贯”“流畅”这几个词彻底说拜拜了,倘若此曲的专辑版稍加用心,加上一段由轻柔到爆炸的过渡性前奏,想必听起来会既顺耳又过瘾;第六曲Best Mistake,A妹用第一次如此低沉的声音唱着“天荒地老,海枯石烂,爱你永不变”,略显悲凉的歌词加上一贯优美的旋律依然富有动人的感染力;接下来的三首歌见证了全砖制作水平的高峰:Be My Baby迷之中国风再现,90年代江南小镇风花雪月般的氛围让人如痴如醉;Break Your Heart Right Back,A妹在偷偷摸摸的俏皮鼓点中玩起了报复负心汉的小游戏;Love Me Harder,chorus部分伴奏中若隐若现的电吉他riff实属画龙点睛的高光时刻——这三首也是专辑中唯一连接不那么突兀的部分;接下来的A Little Bit of Your Heart是全砖中各方面都最无聊的一首歌,过完一遍之后再无兴趣;很多人觉得难听的Hands On Me则是我的最爱之一,A妹对如此浓重urban风的歌曲的第一次尝试效果让人惊喜,既表现出了黑女的魅惑又保留了一丝白妹的清纯,“put your hands on it put your hands on it”部分高低错落的合成器效果+鼓点简直让人欲罢不能,全身动到停不下来;最后的My Everything有着真挚动人的歌词,不幸的是清汤寡水纯钢琴伴奏的歌曲从来难以打动我。。。
      至此专辑结束,我的感觉就像是吃了一块流行乐千层五仁月饼,杂乱无章鱼龙混杂的各种馅料让人无法好好品味它们各自的独特味道;但我仍然“吃”得津津有味,因为当今乐坛有着不俗制作水准的流行“乐饼”已经越来越难得一见。单是One Last Time,Break Free,Be My Baby和Hands On Me几首歌,就坚定了我继续做A妹脑残粉的决心,同时也让大家看到了她无限的versatility。也许这样的转型会导致乐评的下滑和黑子的增加,但至少小妮子用这张专辑向所有人证明了:自己绝不会是流行乐坛中的昙花一现,小心了,一位未来天后正在自己的道路上快速成长呢。:)
  20. Sep 23, 2014
    Ariana's sophomore album is pretty good. It has some really good tracks, in addition to Problem and Break Free, One Last Time and Why Try are very good as well. There are some obvious fillers on the track as well. But her voice shines.
  21. Feb 4, 2015
    this is amazing yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, ary made this album a work of art, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssss
  22. Aug 25, 2014
    In this album, we can see an Ariana more ''mature'' but still innocent, personally I think it looks like that. I'm not an Ariana fan, but this album is absolutely-what-people-have-to-listen-now. It's time to leave the ''twerk'' behind, and listen people with talent.
    The magical Ariana's voice makes this album have sense.
    Songs like ''My everything'', ''One Last Time'' produced by David
    In this album, we can see an Ariana more ''mature'' but still innocent, personally I think it looks like that. I'm not an Ariana fan, but this album is absolutely-what-people-have-to-listen-now. It's time to leave the ''twerk'' behind, and listen people with talent.
    The magical Ariana's voice makes this album have sense.
    Songs like ''My everything'', ''One Last Time'' produced by David Guetta, ''Why Try'' Co-wrote by Harry Styles, ''Break Free'' Feat. Zedd, ''Love me Harder'' Feat. The Weeknd, really stand out in the album. Congrats Ariana, you will be on top of the charts for long.
  23. Aug 25, 2014
    Album incrível, com vocais impecáveis e letras doces e sexys. Ariana mostra que cresceu como artista e vai continuar crescendo, um album com uma mistura de pop, r&b,dance e hip-hop(por parte das parcerias).
  24. Aug 25, 2014
    I'm not gonna start describing track by track because that's so boring. Ok , the first time I listened to Yours Truly I was completely shocked , I couldn´t believe that a girl like Ariana could have created an album like that, a stunning album. Since then I started loving Ariana's music. When I first listened to my everything , I was like oh yes! it's amazing , I finished the album and itI'm not gonna start describing track by track because that's so boring. Ok , the first time I listened to Yours Truly I was completely shocked , I couldn´t believe that a girl like Ariana could have created an album like that, a stunning album. Since then I started loving Ariana's music. When I first listened to my everything , I was like oh yes! it's amazing , I finished the album and it was amazing from the very beginning til the end. Guys , it's an amazing album , Ariana has made a revolution in pop music , maybe it's not that acclaimed , but I'm pretty sure it is better than any Britney, Katy , Selena album. Ariana's voice is from another world.
    Best songs : why try , love me harder ,break your heart right back , break free .
  25. Dec 16, 2014
    Great album, all your tracks are completed, leaving the album be tedious, I do not need to comment much on the vocals of Ariana who are wonderful, one of the best albums of the year obviously has the songs that lower a bit the concept of album, principalemente the deluxe version of that for me should not exist, but the music quality can overcome these, a great album to listen to whenGreat album, all your tracks are completed, leaving the album be tedious, I do not need to comment much on the vocals of Ariana who are wonderful, one of the best albums of the year obviously has the songs that lower a bit the concept of album, principalemente the deluxe version of that for me should not exist, but the music quality can overcome these, a great album to listen to when you're alone.
    Highlights: Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart and Why Try
    Lows: Cadillac Song and Too Close
  26. Dec 18, 2014
    This girl has an amazing voice, my god, this great CD, Ariana and not any teen artist she and bigger than that she's a diva, I love this cd. people will be amazed still thing is fat
  27. Feb 6, 2015
    Apesar de não ter sido melhor que o Yours Truly, esse disco é uma evolução pra Ari em termos pop. A intro é o maior highlight, difícil tirá-la do repeat.
  28. Oct 5, 2014
    Admittedly, this has to be one of the tracklists with the most featured artists and producers in this modern era, if not ever. But, these features were never able to overpower the true artist under the spotlight. The introduction was a brilliant device to distract listeners from what was to actually be expected in the album. Though Pop brilliance such as Problem and
    Admittedly, this has to be one of the tracklists with the most featured artists and producers in this modern era, if not ever. But, these features were never able to overpower the true artist under the spotlight.

    The introduction was a brilliant device to distract listeners from what was to actually be expected in the album. Though Pop brilliance such as Problem and Bang Bang were the heart of this album, but the true jewel was her ballad track Just a Little Bit of Your Heart and her Up-tempo Deluxe Track You Don’t Know Me. Nevertheless, the rest of the tracks offered a mature approach to music and reflects the growth in Ariana’s music.

    Ranging from R&B to Pop to Electronic to Reggae-like music. Is there anything Ariana didn’t offer in this album? Cashmere Cat’s track, Be My Baby was a beautiful attempt at crossing R&B and EDM and the result did not disappoint. Though some tracks were obviously better than the other.

    I definitely don’t have a problem with this album being the only album on my phone and repeating it all day long. The variety on it, the vocals behind it, the talent featured in it. Definitely an album to stay.

    The flow of this album keeps the listener on an exciting ride, not allowing any expectations to be formed. The only flaw in this album was the fact that an up-tempo song came right after a calm and soothing Intro. Closing the Standard Edition with My Everything was a brilliant move, swaying the listener away from the album`.

    EXTRA – Final Say
    My Everything is a huge leap in Ariana Grande’s career. Most of the positive reviews here are given based on the fact that she’s shrugged off her “Mariah Wannabe” persona. Pop’s newest princess is set to slay and has proven that she has no intention whatsoever to build a career based on another person’s talent. Ariana is her own woman and no one can say otherwise and we are definitely proud of her for doing just that.
  29. Oct 6, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A essência do álbum é demonstrar o que a cantora propõe ser o seu tudo, isto é, a música, e com esse conceito vem toda uma heterogeneidade, onde o R&B, EDM, Pop, entre outros, tem vez. As parcerias supostamente também provam de um sentido, tratam da junção de conceitos, e da união e universalização artística que dão sentido a um gênero coletivo, e em todas elas Ariana Grande se mostra como protagonista, porém, sem deixar de abrilhantar e dar vez a aqueles (as) que escolheu como colaboradores (as). O álbum, por fim, é um lance norteado por revoluções, com letras maduras, consistente produção, potencias e reais hits, e é claro, uma excelente interpretação por parte de Grande, com os seus vocais virtuosos. Expand
  30. Oct 17, 2014
    She has a voice that can give you goosebumps. And you can just tell that a lot of hard work was put into writing and recording all 12 songs. My one gigantic complaint, and this applies to a lot of singers these day(key word being singers as in song) is that Ariana decided to totally ruin 5 of the songs by having some guy with a annoying monotone voice interrupt the song and start talking.She has a voice that can give you goosebumps. And you can just tell that a lot of hard work was put into writing and recording all 12 songs. My one gigantic complaint, and this applies to a lot of singers these day(key word being singers as in song) is that Ariana decided to totally ruin 5 of the songs by having some guy with a annoying monotone voice interrupt the song and start talking. Not singing, just talking in an extremely annoying voice. The most annoying is by some guy who goes by the name of Big Sean , but they were all irritating. There are plenty of songs out there with some guy talking, but I want songs that have singing. It's especially annoying in Grande's case since she has such a great voice. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Sep 23, 2014
    The metallic fingerprint of Auto-Tune is all over My Everything, even the vocal trills that start off the album.
  2. Sep 10, 2014
    My Everything is so concerned with making a palatable pop singer, it has watered down its subject to the point of tastelessness. It is pop music Bud Light.
  3. 60
    My Everything isn’t quite everything, but it’s enough.