• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Jan 6, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Kerrang!
    Jan 11, 2017
    There's a monochrome coolness to everything and a slick, minimal production. There's a newfound calmness and thoughtfulness noticed in the band's songwriting. [14 Jan 2017, p.50]
  2. Jan 6, 2017
    A little bit cocky at times, sure, but with the tightness to back it up, Night People feels like the band’s most natural and accomplished step so far.
  3. Jan 6, 2017
    Crammed with skyscraping melodies and moments of spine-tingling poignancy, it stands them in the best possible stead for packing out stadiums and headlining festivals in the near future. They’ve fulfilled their side of the bargain with these 10 songs.
  4. Alternative Press
    Jan 6, 2017
    What remains on Night People is anthemic enough to keep people listening. [Feb 2017, p.82]
  5. Q Magazine
    Jan 17, 2017
    It's an album that suggests You Me At Six are trapped between three, possibly four, different idea of who they want to be. [Mar 2017, p.115]
  6. Jan 12, 2017
    It’ll sound great blaring from the car radio at rush hour, but you’ll find more darkness and complexity in Twilight fan-fic.
  7. 60
    Cliched rock band they might be, but the problem lies more with the fact that they used to be bloody good at it. Night People is a painfully disjointed album that shows a band at an impasse, unsure about which direction they want to go in.
  8. Jan 17, 2017
    You Me at Six still seem to have little originality or depth to offer.
  9. Jan 9, 2017
    There’s barely a convincing lyric in the album and by the end you’re wondering whether the title itself has been chosen based on the sheer novelty.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 19
  2. Negative: 2 out of 19
  1. Jan 9, 2017
    The album is great.
    What more can be said?
    The release of the title track showed us that You Me at Six were going in a different direction
    The album is great.
    What more can be said?
    The release of the title track showed us that You Me at Six were going in a different direction and maturing in a way that other rock bands will learn from. Their pop-like sounds in Night People create a modern ambiance and shows that they're not just your "generic rock band".

    All personal feelings aside, you can't NOT love this album if you were a fan since the release of their debut album, "Take Off Your Colours". They've finally achieved that raw alternative sound that so many bands strive for.
    Full Review »
  2. Nov 28, 2017
    It's a good album, despite all the butthurt fans who want 'their' band to produce the same **** continuously. Some pretty underwhelming andIt's a good album, despite all the butthurt fans who want 'their' band to produce the same **** continuously. Some pretty underwhelming and almost bad songs in here, but some others which are powerful, striking, and groovy. Night people, take on the world, and spell it out are all awesome songs. Others like make your move and give are good. The rest are Meh or bad to me. Definitely a worthwhile album though with some really good pieces. Full Review »
  3. May 16, 2017
    There’s some nice power to be found here and there, especially for fans of borderline emo music from the 2000’s, but with the lack of anyThere’s some nice power to be found here and there, especially for fans of borderline emo music from the 2000’s, but with the lack of any great melodic hooks, there’s nothing too memorable or noteworthy. My Score: 104/180 (Okay) = 5.8/10 Full Review »