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Generally favorable reviews- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 45
  2. Negative: 7 out of 45
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  1. Apr 27, 2015
    Die Antwoord continues to make raunchy not creative music i feel like "$O$" this the same raunchy **** we heard before. They say Ninja is a "comic character," i find that hard to believe! Die Antwoord's characters that they represent is not comical or original the character traits are gruesome, vulgar, not passionate. I have heard enough
  2. Nov 24, 2010
    I saw this album advertised on a flyer placed inside another album I bought on the same record label as these guys. I figured I'd check it out because it sounded interesting, but unfortunately I can't say I was impressed. I thought that a couple of songs were decent, but overall I'm glad I only streamed the album an didn't purchase it. If someone were to ask me if it were worth buying, II saw this album advertised on a flyer placed inside another album I bought on the same record label as these guys. I figured I'd check it out because it sounded interesting, but unfortunately I can't say I was impressed. I thought that a couple of songs were decent, but overall I'm glad I only streamed the album an didn't purchase it. If someone were to ask me if it were worth buying, I would tell them "No." Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Yet as mere listening the best songs here‑-especially "Fish Paste" and the signature "Enter the Ninja"‑-convey the disturbing comic character Watkin Tudor "Waddy" Jones has created.
  2. Dec 22, 2010
    $O$ is mostly forgettable, not working as either a comedy piece or as actual, you know, music
  3. 50
    $o$ sounds like the most half-baked efforts of Hadouken!, LMFAO and Eugene Hutz.