
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Mojo
    Feb 22, 2018
    Literary, rockin' and still pathologically possessed of above-par tunes. [Apr 2018, p.96]
  2. Feb 20, 2018
    For the most part, too, it’s an absolute joy, an urbane, witty, extremely catchy selection of three minute ditties, superbly well-written and expertly arranged.
  3. Feb 8, 2018
    The wry, Chris Difford-esque football analogies in the ailing relationship-related ‘Injury Time’ (“they think it’s all over, it is now”) show Astor has retained a keen sense of humour, yet Dead Fred and the mortality-facing titular track are befitting of a record stuffed with songs intended to both “celebrate and grieve”.
  4. Feb 20, 2018
    Whilst there are a host of influences and references at work, Astor’s delivery and way with a lyric mean that he’s bending those influences to his will.
  5. Feb 15, 2018
    One for the Ghost shows that Astor's creative rebirth wasn't a fluke, and it's good that he's making albums on a regular basis once again.
  6. 70
    Whilst again, as with its immediate aforementioned predecessors, there is a nagging feeling across One For The Ghost that Pete Astor could be still digging deeper into his cupboard of less conventional musical arrangements, there remains a good helping of charming and curious songs that invite return visits and slack-cutting forgiveness.

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