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  1. May 20, 2017
    I wanted to like this album so badly. I grew up with Linkin Park, their first three albums being a large part of my early experience of music. So I won't deny that I am among the crowd who would love another Hybrid Theory. That said, I recognize that that is an unreasonable thing to ask of LP. I respect their desire to explore new territory, but their new sound just feels so limp. WhenI wanted to like this album so badly. I grew up with Linkin Park, their first three albums being a large part of my early experience of music. So I won't deny that I am among the crowd who would love another Hybrid Theory. That said, I recognize that that is an unreasonable thing to ask of LP. I respect their desire to explore new territory, but their new sound just feels so limp. When Thousand Suns came out, I liked most of the album, but was furious that they chose to end the album with an acoustic guitar song, something I would say seemed severely out of place on that album. LP seems to have continued in that direction, considering that so much of OML has such a slow, soft sound to it. I want to like this, but I just can't. It is lacking in personality, the only album that I remember liking whatsoever was Sorry for Now, which is a 7 at best. I wish that if LP has to change their sound so drastically, at least let it be fun. Fine, don't give me another album to headbang to, but at least give me something I could dance to and have fun with. One More Light is an album for when you want to sit around and contemplate stuff, and I can't imagine being more dissapointed in LP than getting a short album (only 35min, 10 songs) that is so lacking in personality. It doesn't rock, it isn't fun, the only word I'm left with is limp. Expand
  2. Jun 23, 2017
    It is hard to write bad review for long time my favorit band but lets try:
    If You are old linkin park fan / nu metal / rock then you will find nothing in this album absoluty nothing it is 100% pop music. If you like pop then 3 maybe 4 points there are better singers/bands in this category.
  3. May 19, 2017
    @adunkhan there is nothing wrong with people on the internet.
    They want to go pop, ok i can respect that. i liked all albums thus far. but really be honest and listen to the quality of the poppy songs. its really bad. i forced myself a couple of times out of respect to listen the album back and forth.
    its bad pop music, the annoying high pitched voice sample technique they use in a
    @adunkhan there is nothing wrong with people on the internet.
    They want to go pop, ok i can respect that. i liked all albums thus far. but really be honest and listen to the quality of the poppy songs. its really bad. i forced myself a couple of times out of respect to listen the album back and forth.

    its bad pop music, the annoying high pitched voice sample technique they use in a couple of songs is highly annoying.
    LP really needs to reinvent itself after this album, maybe switch record label, get a midlife crisis, anything to do an 180 to get out of this crap.

    gave it 3 points for the guts. should be 1
  4. May 28, 2017
    The mind-numbing melodic pacing and extremely ugly synthetic textures summed up a disastrous attempt to sound fun and market friendly. My Score: 61/180 (Bad) = 3.4/10
  5. May 19, 2017
    Linkin Park a nu metal rock band, that exploded on the scene back in 2000, come almost 20 years later and things couldn’t be much different. Now let me start off this review by saying I do not begrudge them for changing their style or going pop, as I infrequently listen to the Bee Gees so I am no stranger to the pop scene, however the problem lies with the fact that nothing here is uniqueLinkin Park a nu metal rock band, that exploded on the scene back in 2000, come almost 20 years later and things couldn’t be much different. Now let me start off this review by saying I do not begrudge them for changing their style or going pop, as I infrequently listen to the Bee Gees so I am no stranger to the pop scene, however the problem lies with the fact that nothing here is unique at all, there is no flavour, it is too over produced.
    The album opens up with “Nobody Can Save Me” , it sets up what people can expect from the album, it starts off with generic pop sounds and it really does sound like Owl City, not a great start.
    Now we come to “Good Goodbye” perhaps the most frustrating track on the album, genuinely the first half is good, the chorus is quite catchy and Mike’s rapping is pretty good but it only feels like Mike as gotten started when in verse 2 and 3 they decide to get Pusha and Stormzy to rap, totally killing the track. Mike is the rapper this IS NOT Fort Minor he should have done all the verses here.

    Up next "Talking to Myself", the only track where you here the guitar and thus I clinged on to the song as much as I could. Best track on the record but that isn’t saying much.

    “Battle Symphony” is next and it is okay, just a generic beat and a boring chorus really let down the track, the title alone had sooo much potential.

    “Invisible” is up next, it is generic as it gets, just repeating the same word over and over and it is a chorus, yawn, come on LP you are much better than this.

    “Heavy” is next and again is conforming to generic pop trend of getting a female vocalist. Song would be much better with just Chester.

    “Sorry for now” is another frustrating track where the drop of the song is a bunch of annoying sounds like a kid just slamming his hand on a keyboard, again so much potential just RUINED! Lyrics and Mike’s singing are solid just ruined and let down by the drop.

    “Halfway right” again is generic as all hell, nothing gripping here and they now added a bunch of “nananananana’s” again just conforming to generic pop trends.

    “One more light” is a powerful song just ruined in this album, It would have worked MUCH better in an album with hard rock, but in a pop album it just doesn’t work, the song itself is good and solid vocals by Chester.
    “Sharp Edges” is a pretty good track if I am honest no complaints here but just like the title track this would have been a perfect way to end a rock record not a pop-y one.
    Overall vastly disappointing album, Linkin Park have lost their identity, it is like buying your favourite snack brand and then finding they changed how they made it and now it just tastes like all the other brands. Too overproduced, not enough band involvement, lacks unique-ness and memorability, generic beats and cheesy lyrics ruin this album.
  6. May 19, 2017
    Opinionless sheep support whatever LP puts out and then they call themselves "true fans" / Open-minded people who don't listen to only one kind of music judge this fairly regardless of their previous music style. / Haters are just gonna hate it no matter what. / Personally, I think it has some decent catchy songs, however it's nowhere near as unique and well-rounded as some of theirOpinionless sheep support whatever LP puts out and then they call themselves "true fans" / Open-minded people who don't listen to only one kind of music judge this fairly regardless of their previous music style. / Haters are just gonna hate it no matter what. / Personally, I think it has some decent catchy songs, however it's nowhere near as unique and well-rounded as some of their previous albums. Expand
  7. May 21, 2017
    bad goodbye to old Linkin Park and hello to this new Pop trash band
    so weak, so boring,wasted time & money,
    weak & disappointed & flat
    i surprise why they choose this slow pop style
  8. May 23, 2017
    Is it LP ? Is it music ? I want to see more guitars please , don't destroy your group , plese ........................................................
  9. Jul 18, 2017
  10. Jun 22, 2018
    Really, Linkin Park? If you had to go to pop music, does it have to me the most overdone cookie-cutter genre electropop? The album's not terrible throughout, with the Coldplay-esque 'Talking To Myself' being the top track but you've got Chester's awful vocals in the excellently terribly-acclaimed 'Heavy', the cringe mess 'Good Goodbye' and the pure tropical noise of 'Sorry For Now'.Really, Linkin Park? If you had to go to pop music, does it have to me the most overdone cookie-cutter genre electropop? The album's not terrible throughout, with the Coldplay-esque 'Talking To Myself' being the top track but you've got Chester's awful vocals in the excellently terribly-acclaimed 'Heavy', the cringe mess 'Good Goodbye' and the pure tropical noise of 'Sorry For Now'. Regardless of Chester's death it's still hot garbage. Expand
  11. Nov 30, 2021
    It´s a good album with very deep and sad lyrics. But the pop attempet, although brave, goes wrong. It´s not bad, it just doesn't wronk.
  12. Nov 30, 2021
    It's not a bad album, but it's just not good either. Linkin Park attempts a more pop approach and fails to deliver the message
  13. May 22, 2017
    Absolutely terrible album. Added it to my iPhone through Apple Music to stream in the car on the way to work. Didn't even make it past song 3 before I deleted the album in quiet disgust. The trite lyrics were what got to me the most (feels like they were written by a overly dramatic twenty-something year old and not what I expect from guys into their early forties). Also, even by popAbsolutely terrible album. Added it to my iPhone through Apple Music to stream in the car on the way to work. Didn't even make it past song 3 before I deleted the album in quiet disgust. The trite lyrics were what got to me the most (feels like they were written by a overly dramatic twenty-something year old and not what I expect from guys into their early forties). Also, even by pop standards, this is a piss poor attempt.

    Time to go back to the drawing boards fellas or hang-up the mike and put away the guitars and drum set and retire before you make complete fools out of yourself (although I think with this album the damage is already done).
  14. May 23, 2017
    One More Light is the worst album of the band... Battle Symphony is bearable but all the other songs are horrible, it has no redeeming factors. the bands hypocrisy is so abnocious and it hurts the albums experience even more. its not that i only like their old stuff, but the newest album and the 2 remix albums i loved all of their album. the album and the bands attitude towards the fansOne More Light is the worst album of the band... Battle Symphony is bearable but all the other songs are horrible, it has no redeeming factors. the bands hypocrisy is so abnocious and it hurts the albums experience even more. its not that i only like their old stuff, but the newest album and the 2 remix albums i loved all of their album. the album and the bands attitude towards the fans following this album killed Linkin Park for me. Expand
  15. May 19, 2017
    Linkin Park hasn't "evolved" they've sold out, but because their fans nowadays are the same people who listen to the Chainsmokers, so they'll eat this up. This is just bad, bland pop.
  16. May 19, 2017
    After listening to the album through 3 times the frustration hasn't gone away. I kinda expected a poor release based on the way the band were really defensive prior to release. The stand out song on the album is the second track, ironically titled Good Goodbye... I understand that bands evolve over time but I can't help thinking that they have taken 20 steps backwards in their attempt toAfter listening to the album through 3 times the frustration hasn't gone away. I kinda expected a poor release based on the way the band were really defensive prior to release. The stand out song on the album is the second track, ironically titled Good Goodbye... I understand that bands evolve over time but I can't help thinking that they have taken 20 steps backwards in their attempt to move forward from the metal/ rock roots that they made their name from. I'll be interested to see them play any of these new tracks live, half the band won't actually have any part to play. Mike Shinoda and Joe Hahn playing on their laptops the whole time... Great show.

    Too late for a refund, but at least I can say I tried to like the album.
  17. May 19, 2017
    I've waited until the release to analyse and judge the album with a neutral look on it. And i have to say that is really a shame that Linkin Park decided to tarnish their discography with such a weak album.

    You can't even notice any trace of real instruments being played on the record. Mike and Chester dominated the production of the album and led the group toward a complete pop
    I've waited until the release to analyse and judge the album with a neutral look on it. And i have to say that is really a shame that Linkin Park decided to tarnish their discography with such a weak album.

    You can't even notice any trace of real instruments being played on the record. Mike and Chester dominated the production of the album and led the group toward a complete pop direction.

    With electronic beats taking over the guitarist space, short lenghted songs and even multiple featured guests, Linkin Park clearly shows their intentions with a Radio friendly album that was made to sell-out.

    The only radical change made by the band was to give a middle finger to their oldshool fans that made them successful in the first place. They didn't wanted another Hybrid Theory like the group likes to insist. They wanted an original album with a Heavy sound that only them could make.

    You would think that they were walking toward the right direction with the release of The Hunting Party, but in reality all they wanted to be mainstream like everybody else.

    Mike Shinoda says that the Band likes to innovate and experiment new things each album, but this argument totally backfires when you listen to this album. This is not new, this is not original and this sure doesn't seems like innovation to me. Pop nowdays always sounds the same and One More Light is no different. Linkin Park has betrayed their own roots and fan base with the Band's weakest album yet.
  18. May 20, 2017
    Wow. I an honestly say I am gutted/disappointed/sorry for this album. We all know that LP like to evolve their style, but this is 100% a ppo album! I have a huge range of music that I like but One Direction isn't part of that group. Very sad
  19. May 21, 2017
    Disappointing, especially after a solid record like The Hunting Party. While I'm relatively open minded to musicians experimenting with different sounds and musical styles, LP's foray into a more mainstream pop soundscape only manages to come off as forgettable, awkward, and at times unbearably bad. The songs on this record lack character and personality, and there's nothing minacious orDisappointing, especially after a solid record like The Hunting Party. While I'm relatively open minded to musicians experimenting with different sounds and musical styles, LP's foray into a more mainstream pop soundscape only manages to come off as forgettable, awkward, and at times unbearably bad. The songs on this record lack character and personality, and there's nothing minacious or edgy about this record, qualities that seemed omnipresent in the band's catalogue. Hopefully they can recover from this misstep, ASAP. Expand
  20. May 23, 2017
    Complete trash. This barely carries the iconic sound of Linkin Park. I have nothing against an artist trying to diversify their sound.... but this is straight up POP. This new album is a middle finger to it's core base that supported them throughout the years. They have completely left the genre that MADE them in its entirety.

    The sad thing its not even a good POP album... the only
    Complete trash. This barely carries the iconic sound of Linkin Park. I have nothing against an artist trying to diversify their sound.... but this is straight up POP. This new album is a middle finger to it's core base that supported them throughout the years. They have completely left the genre that MADE them in its entirety.

    The sad thing its not even a good POP album... the only thing selling this album is legacy of their name.
  21. Jun 11, 2017
    A long time Linkin Park fan (aren't we all) checking in. Allow me to begin my experience with One More Light in full by going back a few records. Hybrid Theory was the first CD I ever purchased and holds a special place in my heart. Since that record, I have enjoyed every effort LP has released. I listen to all their works from beginning to end and easily can get lost in the simple, catchyA long time Linkin Park fan (aren't we all) checking in. Allow me to begin my experience with One More Light in full by going back a few records. Hybrid Theory was the first CD I ever purchased and holds a special place in my heart. Since that record, I have enjoyed every effort LP has released. I listen to all their works from beginning to end and easily can get lost in the simple, catchy music LP is known to put out. Their music just flat out rocks. Even when it comes to their softer every fforts, my heart is in it 100%. Fast forward to early 2017 and the song Heavy is released for fans to praise or rage about. I praised Heavy and even the later released Battle Symphony. LP stuck to their arena rock sound and put some pop flavor in it that went down very well in my opinion so I was still looking forward to One More Light. When the album was finally released, I was disappointed in all the other tracks. The album was drowned in all the post production horrors that make most of the modern day pop music unenjoyable for me. LP lost their crunch and lost their minds. I see that their heart was in the music and they don't want to put out the same music each and every time. I can respect that; they have plenary of music in their catalogue that I can enjoy until the day I die. I won't be revisiting One More Light any time soon. Expand
  22. Jun 26, 2017
    I waited for a month or so to listen to this album. There was feeling inside of me that this album would not only be more of a miss than a hit for Linkin Park, but would finally show a fundamental shift not only in genre, but in their distinct style of music. Unfortunately, I was even more correct than I feared.

    During their musical journey from nu metal to alternative rock, and even in
    I waited for a month or so to listen to this album. There was feeling inside of me that this album would not only be more of a miss than a hit for Linkin Park, but would finally show a fundamental shift not only in genre, but in their distinct style of music. Unfortunately, I was even more correct than I feared.

    During their musical journey from nu metal to alternative rock, and even in their single-album foray into electronic rock, Linkin Park has maintained a sound style that was, if not unique, a staple of the band since their foray from Nu Metal. The use of abstract background sounds, powerful piano melodies and guitar riffs, and, most importantly, experimental and consistently changing vocals, created a sound that allowed for change and shifts in musical direction - and kept its fans coming back even to albums that strayed from its rock beginnings.

    This style changed drastically with 'One More Light'. The powerful guitar riffs and electronic melodies are gone, along with a lot of the drums. The broad range of vocals seen in previous albums are replaced by a consistent, light vocals with none of the heaviness and emotion seen in albums such as 'Minutes to Midnight', 'The Hunting Party', or 'Living Things'. This creates an album that is mostly without vocal variety between songs. While other albums had heavy and light, as well as fast and slow tracks, this one has solely light and slow tracks. And it has an effect - I honestly could not tell in the first few songs that I had moved onto a new song.

    Other reviews had called out Linkin Park for turning decisively into a pop band in this album. I agree, but I think the album is not a boring, forgettable album because of that reason. It is because Linkin Park could not bring any of their old experimentality and unique style to the album. It is not that Linkin Park cannot make a good pop song - “Shadow of the Day”, I would argue, is a pop song, but the powerful vocals, well developed guitar riff, as well as good musical mixing, create a song that is distinctly Linkin Park - but has mass appeal. In this album, however, Linkin Park brought none of their old experimental spirit, which leads to the album sounding like anything else on the popular music scene right now. This lack of experimentality from the normal is highlighted by their handling of collaboration with other musicians in the album. While in other albums, the collaboration with artists of different styles (such as with Rakim in ‘Guilty All the Same’), or with Jay Z, led to a merging of musical genres that, in my opinion, furthered the genre as a whole, their collaboration with artists in ‘One More Light’, such as in ‘’ has little effect on the song. If the song already sounds like something the artist would make, what’s the point of having a collaboration anyway?

    But the sad truth is I think that, underneath the flat melodies and similar-sounding tracks, there really was a foundation that could have been turned into something more than a forgettable album. The song ‘One More Light’ felt like it should have been developed from a light song into a hard-hitting guitar riff and chorus halfway through, but instead kept the same quiet tone throughout. ‘Talking to Myself’ was the opposite - it had a more interesting instrumental part, but was held back by lacking lyrics. ‘Good Goodbye’ felt far too repetitive, but had generally decent vocals.

    In ‘One More Light’, Linkin Park not only left behind its distinct style. It also left behind its individuality. And that may be the sad legacy of this album, if the band does not change course after this disappointing album.
  23. May 22, 2020
    Pathetic album by LP. Never expected a disaster from them. Pop didn't suit them
  24. May 25, 2017
    I have been listening to Linkin Park since they first stormed onto the scene. I've had many debates with people who hated them for whatever stupid reasons. But I can't defend this. I'm all for bands trying new things with their sounds, and I would have been perfectly fine with them trying for a more "pop" sound, as long as they had something interesting to do with it, or if they infusedI have been listening to Linkin Park since they first stormed onto the scene. I've had many debates with people who hated them for whatever stupid reasons. But I can't defend this. I'm all for bands trying new things with their sounds, and I would have been perfectly fine with them trying for a more "pop" sound, as long as they had something interesting to do with it, or if they infused their style with more of a pop sound. But nope, this is a strictly modern pop album, and a very dull one at that. I swear, I've heard more than 50% of this album on the radio in the past year or two from other artists. They have brought nothing new or interesting to the table. So as a "different album" for a band, this feels lazy and uninspired.

    Looking at it as a Linkin Park album, and this goes waaaaay further down. They've thrown everything that made them unique out the window. No screaming from Chester, only a couple of rap bits from Mike. The guitar riffs are either completely absent or are buried underneath all of the pop sounds. As a Linkin Park album, this is far and away their worst.

    I HATE using the term "sellout" and never thought it would be applicable to Linkin Park (as they've been pretty mainstream throughout their career), but it is HARD to listen to this album without thinking that. Because it literally sounds like they were listening to whatever pop music has been big in the past year or two and just copied that. They even brought in help with writing songs from people who wrote for Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. You don't do this stuff without wanting your music to be just like whatever's trending at the time, and that, to me, is selling out. I know how much Chester hates hearing that (as his response to being called that was pretty miserable), but how do you make an album like this, especially following Hunting Party which was a pretty heavy album (and one that I very much enjoyed), without thinking about how people could perceive this?

    I've loved every single Linkin Park album since they started, but this is a bad album. Through and through. There are a couple parts which are ok here and there, but it's hard to differentiate a lot of this album from each other, so those parts get lost. Like I said, I'm all for bands doing what they want with their sound, but that doesn't mean I have to be on board with what they choose. They have brought nothing new or unique to the genre and abandoned the things that made them unique in the process. Terrible album from a good band, hopefully they go back to the drawing board after this.
  25. Jun 1, 2017
    this is so bad..what can o say? Justin bieber fans probably are liking ity but for LP true fans this is actually a joke...after getting millionaire these artists just cant do music anymore ..they get stupid or just dont give a f*** anyways im done with LP this has nothing to do with a change because changing is a good thing..the problem is..they change the music style so...they will needthis is so bad..what can o say? Justin bieber fans probably are liking ity but for LP true fans this is actually a joke...after getting millionaire these artists just cant do music anymore ..they get stupid or just dont give a f*** anyways im done with LP this has nothing to do with a change because changing is a good thing..the problem is..they change the music style so...they will need new fans fore sure, because i liked them because of the music and not of their faces Expand
  26. May 21, 2017
    I really don't think any of us should be surprised that this album sucks. Linkin Park hasn't released anything good since Minutes to Midnight. The Hunting Party did have its share of good tracks, but it still wasn't as good as their glory days of Hybrid Theory or Meteora, but it was better than anything else since Minutes to Midnight. Strangely, after that album and claiming to beI really don't think any of us should be surprised that this album sucks. Linkin Park hasn't released anything good since Minutes to Midnight. The Hunting Party did have its share of good tracks, but it still wasn't as good as their glory days of Hybrid Theory or Meteora, but it was better than anything else since Minutes to Midnight. Strangely, after that album and claiming to be returning to their roots, it's quite strange and awkward for them to take this approach.

    This is straight bubblegum, top-40 pop. This is not some experimental album. This is not art. I have no problem with an band evolving, and I do not expect to hear the same sound for almost 2 decades. This album is bad because it could really be seen as a companion album to The Chainsmokers new album. It's just so simple-minded, cliched, and derivative, and even for pop music, it's pretty bad. Chester's vocals don't even sound right and most of the songs sound similar. And even for a pop record, it never even comes near anything fun. It's all kinda mellow and slow and this theme recurs through every single track here, making it an extremely dull and boring listen, almost like listening to a country-pop album.

    Now, I'm not bashing anyone for liking this. If you love it, that is great, but for me, I just can't make it through another listen. It's just absolutely terrible. The last track is alright, so therefore I won't give it a 0, but it's pretty darn close.
  27. May 19, 2017
    The problem with this album is not being pop, the problem is that they are no where near how good they can be. There's no Linkin Park magic in it. It's a lazy work after keeping fans waiting for 3 years. What's worse is that they don't care at all about fan's opinions these days at all.
  28. May 19, 2017
    Knowing that Linkin Park likes to evolve and change with each album, I have always tried to listen with an open mind every time they come out with new material. Unfortunately, One More Light does almost nothing for me.
    The biggest complaint I have is two-fold. First, the album is completely filled with slow- and mid-tempo songs. Nothing here has any kind of drive or force. Normally this
    Knowing that Linkin Park likes to evolve and change with each album, I have always tried to listen with an open mind every time they come out with new material. Unfortunately, One More Light does almost nothing for me.
    The biggest complaint I have is two-fold. First, the album is completely filled with slow- and mid-tempo songs. Nothing here has any kind of drive or force. Normally this in and of itself wouldn't necessarily be bad. However, and the second problem, is the songs don't feel overly new. I've heard these sounds from other artists already, so nothing feels fresh.
    I understand they are trying to get a more pop-oriented sound, but at least make it feel innovative and new, instead of sounding like a rehash of other bands.
  29. May 20, 2017
    wow, I just listened to this and I'm now ready to resell my tickets to their Citi field concert. I loved Hunting Party, don't know how they came up with this garbage, sounds like a poor Pop band.
  30. May 20, 2017
    I am not even going to talk about why this is an all Pop album instead of rock/metal. Problem is their pop songs sound so bland and boring and they are going against heavy hitters in the pop industry who keep spitting out hot singles 24/7. This album, these songs will be forgotten in a years time. Some rock stations arent even playing the new singles because....well this isnt rock and ifI am not even going to talk about why this is an all Pop album instead of rock/metal. Problem is their pop songs sound so bland and boring and they are going against heavy hitters in the pop industry who keep spitting out hot singles 24/7. This album, these songs will be forgotten in a years time. Some rock stations arent even playing the new singles because....well this isnt rock and if they are going after the top 40 pop chart, good luck. Korn likes to experiment, they did a dubstep album and guess what it sounded great. If LP made all songs in the style of In The End, no problem if they want to go softer. But this record is just utter **** This album is great for elevator music in NYC skyscrapers. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 7
  2. Negative: 3 out of 7
  1. May 30, 2017
    One More Light sees the band embracing its melodic core, and offering no apologies as they expound upon it.
  2. May 22, 2017
    A muddled mess of a record from a band that completely abandoned any sense of identity.
  3. May 18, 2017
    The issue isn't that it's a pop effort; indeed, they get points for a brave attempt so outside of their wheelhouse. The problem is that much of One More Light is devoid of that visceral charge that previously defined much of their catalog. It's a provocative challenge that ultimately fails to satisfy.