• Record Label: EMI
  • Release Date: Sep 8, 2009
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 130 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 8 out of 130

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  1. Stephen
    Sep 14, 2009
    Best Wu album in years, great production, great verses and sounds like an album rather than a set of tracks.
  2. DumildeR
    Sep 15, 2009
    Instant Classic. I bought this album on the same day I bought Jay-Z, and it was like a saturday family day. OB4CL2 is like a special occasion family meal (ThanksGiven works best for an American analogy), no matter how determined you are to eat and taste everything, your mind will never be satisfied on the following day. You will that you missed something, or didn't quite get enough Instant Classic. I bought this album on the same day I bought Jay-Z, and it was like a saturday family day. OB4CL2 is like a special occasion family meal (ThanksGiven works best for an American analogy), no matter how determined you are to eat and taste everything, your mind will never be satisfied on the following day. You will that you missed something, or didn't quite get enough of something else. And fortunately on OB4CL2, you can come back countless times. I listened to it 2 hours straight the first time around. Great production, lyrics, storytelling, ensemble, cameos, etc... I already love this album but it's still growing on me. I feel like I have only touched the surface after about 5 playthroughs. Expand
  3. JamieJV
    Sep 30, 2009
    The great album ! the best sequel to first work...the best real hip hop album of the year.
  4. AlexW.
    Nov 30, 2009
    Easily one of the best albums this year. be sure to cop the Wu-Massacre commin out Feb 9th 2010.
  5. LeS
    Oct 18, 2009
    Can't stop listening to this album! "Put all the other LPs back on the shelf" It is great to hear a hip-hop artist take the concept of an album seriously. Not some half ass mixtape album or "Look at me, and my new friends" Jay-Z album. This album is so on point it's scary, you can tell someone put their work in. BUY IT, it's not half ass. Like the rest of Hip-Hop right now Can't stop listening to this album! "Put all the other LPs back on the shelf" It is great to hear a hip-hop artist take the concept of an album seriously. Not some half ass mixtape album or "Look at me, and my new friends" Jay-Z album. This album is so on point it's scary, you can tell someone put their work in. BUY IT, it's not half ass. Like the rest of Hip-Hop right now including Jay-Z, I don't care how many features his album has, there's no concept to his new album, just a bunch of singles. Anyway enough badmouthing, go smoke one and listen to Raekwon's new masterpiece! Expand
  6. raz
    Oct 4, 2009
    Not better than OBFCL 1 but OBFCL 2 is best hip hop album of 2009.
  7. MamurA.
    Sep 16, 2009
    This is definitely now of the best Wu solo releases to come out yet. Yes, it's up there with Return to the 36 Chambers, Ironman, Tical and even Liquid Swords & the original Cuban Linx. This is a classic, lyrically and production wise, a must have for all true Hip-Hop heads.
  8. ChrisP
    Sep 16, 2009
    it's definitely classic!an album that is different from all the pop influenced albums.all the tracks are dope(there 22 tracks!!)and of course the production list is amazing.Wu-Tang Forever!
  9. Stalks
    Sep 17, 2009
    Raekwon pulled off the impossible & kept to par with the original, it's like watching the best gangster movie you have ever seen in your life it's so visual, roll a blunt get comfortable & get ready for only built for cuban 2 it takes off right where the 1st one left off, i don't want to fu.k it up for you get the album the 2 albums belong together.
  10. VikramK.
    Sep 17, 2009
    A modern day classic, captures the essence of the wu domination that took place in the 90's. This album shows shows that Wu Tang still "ain't nothin to fuck with" and Raekwon is still the kingpin of "criminology" rap.
  11. PabloE.
    Sep 23, 2009
    What true New York hip-hop should sound like... Rae delivered on his promise this time around.
  12. EmielJ.
    Sep 24, 2009
    I'd say 9,5. It's been a long time since I actually ran out to the music store on the date of release for an album. This is the real deal. Deserving of both its metascore and userscore. Masterpiece. Also check for the bonus tracks (Europe) "Walk Wit Me" and "Badlands", they are not to be missed.
  13. LexD.
    Nov 25, 2009
    This album is amazing. The production, lyrical imagery, and overall feel of it just had me shook. Best CD of 2009.
  14. AdrianM.
    Sep 12, 2009
    Soulful and invigorating, we finally have a real Wu-Tang album that fires on all cylinders, reminiscent of their solo projects from the golden era. All the bits and pieces you would expect are there and the production is top notch all the way around. Best of all it stands up to multiple listenings, as the layers of complexity are peeled back like an onion.
  15. MichaelW
    Sep 15, 2009
    This album follow the old and mix with the new vibe of the wu. I was excited to hear from raekwons new album that he made. This one tops it!
  16. DeniseD
    Sep 16, 2009
    Best of 2009 without a doubt.
  17. DerekC.
    Sep 18, 2009
    Instant classic...even better than the first. Great production, great lyrics, very balanced. Best album of 2009 so far.
  18. JamieJ.
    Sep 21, 2009
    The best real classic hip-hop album of the year undoubted!
  19. stevev
    Sep 24, 2009
    probably one of THE BEST hip hop albums in the last few years, there is not one bad song on the album each song is done perfectly in production and rhyming. Definitely best hip hop album of the year.
  20. Aug 18, 2010
    Great, great hip hop. One of the albums that we were waiting for too much, but it certainly paid-off. Raekwon (and the rest of Wu) at it's best. Must have for any old school rap fan.

    P.S. I hate when people give score of 0. I believe that no music can be that bad and if people just put artist' hard work in to equation for review score it can't be less than 3,4 or maybe a 5.
  21. NJR
    Nov 3, 2010
    Simply brilliant, Raekwon has shot himself back in to relevance with this one, the production on the album is second to none and all of the guest spots are perfect, everyone really stepped up their game for this one. EASILY the best Hip-Hop album of 2009.
  22. Oct 28, 2011
    Great album. Raekwon simply keeps it true. Not better than first part, but it definitely greater than most of the hip-hop albums nowadays. RZA, J. Dilla keeps it on the same level. Plus nice beat from Dr.Dre. Which shows how much respect Raekwon has.
  23. Mar 28, 2017
    This is a hip hop masterpiece. Incredible scope and crystal clear narrative among stellar production and flows. You can't beat this for late 00s' LPs' a must have for any music fan.
  24. Kingfish
    Oct 6, 2009
    Outstanding. He brings hip hop back to the front stage, and uses lyrics and rhyme to teach the suckers how its done.
  25. ScottH
    Oct 22, 2009
    The flow is sickeningly tight. the beats are classic Wu-Tang style. this album is just loaded. could do without some of the interludes, but beyond that I have no complaints.
  26. MycroftW
    Oct 7, 2009
    Deducted one point for the 14-year wait, other than that it's flawless.
  27. LanceK
    Sep 11, 2009
  28. StevenG
    Sep 12, 2009
    A great album, not as good as the first but that's understandable seeing how OB4CL is one of the greatest hiphop albums of all time. Raekwons lyrics are spot on, there's a great selection of guests, and the production is PHENOMENAL; they did a great job of keeping that Cuban Linx sound. This is easily one of the best hiphop albums of the past few years and a must-buy for A great album, not as good as the first but that's understandable seeing how OB4CL is one of the greatest hiphop albums of all time. Raekwons lyrics are spot on, there's a great selection of guests, and the production is PHENOMENAL; they did a great job of keeping that Cuban Linx sound. This is easily one of the best hiphop albums of the past few years and a must-buy for Wu-Bangers and fans of hiphop everywhere. Expand
  29. EdS
    Sep 26, 2009
    This is the sort of album I wish Jay-Z would make at this stage in his career. Raekwon isn't worried about competing with the Drakes and Cudis of the world. He's simply making mind-blowing, street-level hip-hop that challenges the listener from every angle. Some of these songs ("Pyrex Vision", "New Wu", "Surgical Gloves","Broken Safety" and a few more) are instant classics and This is the sort of album I wish Jay-Z would make at this stage in his career. Raekwon isn't worried about competing with the Drakes and Cudis of the world. He's simply making mind-blowing, street-level hip-hop that challenges the listener from every angle. Some of these songs ("Pyrex Vision", "New Wu", "Surgical Gloves","Broken Safety" and a few more) are instant classics and there are several other near classics. I only wish they had cut the Dr. Dre productions. Dre's sound is too polished and neat to fit in on this sort of grimy album. It's like a girl who has a beautiful French pedicure on all her toes except for the right big toe which is just big nasty ball of fungal infection. It's outta place. Otherwise, great album. Buy it. Expand
  30. AndreM.
    Sep 16, 2009
    Classic follow-up.
  31. MarkC
    Sep 23, 2009
    In terms of sequels, this is up there the with Godfather 2, Aliens and Terminator 2 It is not just one of the best WU albums in years - it is one of the best Rap albums of the decade. Dont expect to take it all in on your first play.

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. This sequel may have little to do with the original, but if the title helps to point out this is the Shaolin poet's best work since 1995's Pt. 1, then so be it.
  2. One can't fairly make the claim that "Pt. II" picks up right where the original left off, but this is the best Raekwon we've heard lyrically and musically in a long time, and barring a late entry this should be the best Wu-Tang related album of 2009.
  3. 70
    While the songs may lack the original’s wild-eyed narrative, they still contain some of his most rewind-worthy bars in years.