• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: May 16, 2000
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 518 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 67 out of 518

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  1. anglrc
    Jan 3, 2004
    yes britney is the best pop queen out there
  2. MauroA
    Mar 13, 2005
    Oops! it´s the best album of pop of the last decade!
  3. ericr
    Oct 4, 2004
    oops i did it again is a great song!!! i have all briitneys albums I rate it a #10
  4. SaIroS
    Oct 25, 2005
    Definitively one of the best pop albums of all time!
  5. gusm
    Jun 18, 2004
    i loved it, it really made me enjoy her work
  6. LuisE.
    Aug 16, 2007
    a excelent HP
  7. Dec 23, 2011
    Honestly This Is A OK Album! Most Of The Songs Are OK The Best Songs Are Ops... I Did It Again, Stronger, Dont Go Knocking On My Door, & Lucky...
  8. Sep 10, 2011
    Many 1990's kids childhood is in these sweet, well-produced catchy songs. This album is so inspiring and this was our Queen's best period. 1,319,000 copies in one week... not even Gaga selling her album for 99 cents could beat her. Hà!
  9. Oct 27, 2011
    ...Baby One More Time made Britney a worldwide pop-star, but Oops!... I Did It Again made her the supreme Princess of Pop. Maybe is too similar to the previous album, but Britney stills can do great with pop music. The beats and the lyrics were great for those times (and they still good for these times). This album is one of her best works at all.
  10. Apr 14, 2012
    ...Baby One More Time and Britney have two completely different sounds, and this is the transition album. A few of the tracks hit the line right between dance and 90s pop perfectly, like Oops!...I Did It Again, Stronger and Crush, but others like Don't Come Knocking On My Door are perfectly horrendous. One could do without this album, but it definitely wouldn't bother one's ears.
  11. Mar 23, 2012
    Nice album, a lot of beautiful balads, her most underrated album!
  12. Jul 19, 2013
    Un album lleno de hits, letras inocentes y buen ritmo. es gracias a este album que logra ser una de las artistas más influyentes de los últimos años..
  13. Apr 10, 2016
    Simplesmente o melhor álbum da Britney, não tem como não gostar dessa sonoridade pop do fim dos 90's início dos 00's. Além do mais as baladas dele são simplesmente perfeitas, o ritmo, as letras, a voz...
  14. Jun 21, 2014
    O segundo álbum de estúdio da princesinha do Pop, impecável, faixas perfeitas, sendo algumas com uma bela mensagem, vários covers integram o álbum, todos muito bons, minha faixa favorita é Oops I Did IT Again, esse álbum é um dos melhores vale a pena ouvir.
  15. Oct 21, 2019
    an album with a somewhat loose concept, the same as we saw in "Baby One More Time" but at the same time better produced and with a common thread that makes you think it's a story.
  16. Oct 17, 2015
  17. Feb 9, 2017
    Um dos melhores álbuns pop adolescente de todos os tempos. Lindas melodias, letras, voz e músicas marcantes na vida de muitos. Oops...! I Did It Again é um dos melhores trabalhos de Spears.
  18. Mar 5, 2016
  19. Jun 8, 2019
    Many people say this is her best album.
    Probably right when she hit her peak.
    Proved she is no one-hit wonder but also did so much more..
  20. Aug 26, 2016
    i love this album, because is super profisional, and her voice are so perfcet in when your eyes say it and don't let me be the last to know, this album is te best album oo's surelly
  21. Sep 26, 2016
    Absolutely incredible. Many influences, songs for dance and relax. A really great job. I think that 00's never be the same without this amazing pop album.
  22. Sep 10, 2016
    Oh the fresh teen pop songs of the early 2000's. I think this album is incredible, it is a transitional album between the teenager from Baby One More Time and the grown woman from Britney. The album includes some dance hits and some love song ballads, it is catchy and sugary, just amazing Britney.
  23. Nov 7, 2016
    Sem dúvida, esse é o melhor álbum da carreira inteira da Britney! Ótimas músicas, com essa voz que dá um ar de inocência para a nossa Brit Brit, essa sonoridade, esse aspecto adolescente, AH! Nem tenho mais palavras, esse é o melhor álbum da Britney.
  24. Aug 12, 2017
    Este álbum no solo marco mi infancia y parte de mi adolescencia, sino de millones de personas más alrededor del mundo, es simplemente genial, los sonidos, las letras, marcan un pop perfecto y desde sus raíces es simplemente lo mejor de la carrera de Britney Spears.
  25. Jul 26, 2017
    Arte ArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArteArte
  26. Jul 29, 2017
    AMAZING from beginning to end. Very catchy pop songs. Britney at her best. You can listen to this all the time and never get tired of it. This record influences a lot of new popstars outthere.
  27. Dec 18, 2017
    This is a masterpiece of glory. Britney knows how to do good music, it's fact! Lucky says so much about Britney's life, everyone needs to listen it. Love U girl!
  28. Feb 5, 2018
    para ser un album adolescente esta increible, todo mundo debe tener este disco en su estantería
  29. Aug 31, 2019
    Oops!... I Did It Again sin duda es una biblia del Teen Pop siendo tan perfecto, aunque con el sonido parecido a su antecesor, demuestra porque es tan grandioso, con excelentes canciones como One Kiss From U o Heart. Sin duda nunca me cansaré de escucharlo.
  30. Jun 14, 2019
    This is Britney's best album, every song on it is amazing. It's one of the best pop albums ever made.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Spears' new album does sound exactly like her last one.
  2. It has the same combination of sweetly sentimental ballads and endearingly gaudy dance-pop that made One More Time.
  3. This time it's the cover of '(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction' that grabs the headlines. The surprisingly credible version limbers into life with Britney chatting away to her pals on the phone.