
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. So did Do Make Say Think actually intend to attach this level of conceptualism to 'Do,' 'Make,' 'Say,' and 'Think?' Probably not, but it sure is fun to listen to that way.
  2. This is what we’ve been waiting for; we always knew they could do it.
  3. It’s not often you find music that lives and breathes with such conviction that you find itself swept away in the charm of it all. That Do Make Say Think have achieved this lofty standard yet again shouldn’t come as a shock, yet it’s testament to their enduring talent that, at every turn, Other Truths continues to surprise and enthrall in equal measure.
  4. The ride is fun enough, better than average for the masses, but for this band it’s an off-day: once it’s over, you don’t even think to wonder why it was fun.
  5. They sound more like a live band than they have since their debut, and this relaxed natural quality suits them perfectly.
  6. The interplay here is more complex than You, You're a History in Rust, showcasing restraint and more subtle shifts.
  7. Unlike the quintet’s last effort, You, You’re a History in Rust, the most rewarding moments of Other Truths are often the most tempered.
  8. Far from a unified artistic statement, Other Truths refuses to pin itself down, and marks itself simply and modestly as a showcase of some of the best talent in genre. A minor miracle, if you will.
  9. While Other Truths seems like Do Make Say Think’s attempt to re-articulate these active, forward-looking principles, they instead end up stagnating, reaching an unfortunate dead-end.
  10. Q Magazine
    Presenting a more elegiac, frigid sound than recent albums, the songs, notably the Mogwai-meets-Morricone Make, show rhythmic agitation and conversing guitars finding resolution in horns and massed voices. [Jan 10, p. 119]

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