• Record Label: Polydor
  • Release Date: Oct 13, 2023

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Oct 18, 2023
    Paint My Bedroom Black succeeds in further elevating Humberstone to higher artistic echelons, each track indicative of a tremendous musical talent.
  2. Oct 17, 2023
    The only outright misstep is “Cocoon,” where a generic 2010s-indie rock arrangement flattens some of the record’s most intense lines (“I’ve become a taxidermied version of myself”). Throughout the rest of the album, the production only elevates her writing.
  3. Oct 16, 2023
    It’s a debut album that’s been well worth the wait.
  4. Oct 16, 2023
    If the lyrical content often favours navel-gazing, nearly every song comes with an expertly crafted, big pop chorus or a sonic gear-change – Flatlining, for example, shifts from warm synths to a four-to-the-floor beat and tumbling electronics.
  5. Oct 13, 2023
    It’s clearly a liberating piece of work, and Humberstone’s honesty and alluring delivery is bound to resonate with listeners near and far.
  6. 80
    In pursuit of an authentic sound, Humberstone proves that she’s not only inhabiting her own space – and beckoning listeners in – but also building out the walls.
  7. Oct 12, 2023
    Paint My Bedroom Black is a shiny and haunted — but unwaveringly hopeful— collection that sees her carve out her own kohl-liner rimmed space in the modern pop pantheon.
  8. Oct 11, 2023
    At once escapist and heavily personal, it’s a dark, pop-perfect, melancholic fantasy.
  9. Oct 11, 2023
    While the 23-year-old’s outward aesthetic is dark and gothic, her catchy pop songs are bright, upbeat and radio-ready. Humberstone depicts her neediness in a way that feels authentic.

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