• Record Label: Big Dada
  • Release Date: Sep 9, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Sep 11, 2014
    Perfect Hair contains all the usual reasons Busdriver is wonderful, just with a little more sugar baked in.
  2. Sep 16, 2014
    The rollercoaster ride of his delivery makes it an enjoyable experience rather than a textbook headache.
  3. Sep 12, 2014
    The album does have its share of absurd, tangled, almost impenetrable lines, nasally sung patches that could definitely be called an acquired taste, and mutated, oddball production that’ll raise more than a few eyebrows.
  4. Sep 9, 2014
    A few duds abound, like the wearisome "Eat The Rich," but the album ends strongly with the sci-fi-flavoured "Colonize the Moon."
  5. Sep 9, 2014
    Although this album is at times a difficult listen, you can’t help but admire Busdriver for his innovation and general wackiness.
  6. Sep 9, 2014
    Perfect Hair is no doubt a great album, but its tendency to fidget between ideas leaves it the idea of cohesion in a shallow grave.
  7. Sep 9, 2014
    He has a release that bifurcates between sparkling, let-it-rip takes, over to a self-antagonistic, ball of constructed chaos.
  8. Uncut
    Sep 10, 2014
    Rapid-fire delivery often make catching his drift difficult, but when spaces allow it, as on the hallucinogenic "Upsweep" or pointed "Retirement Ode," Busdriver's wit and wisdom flash through. [Oct 2014, p.69]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Feb 28, 2015
    Fantastic album. This album peers more into Busdriver's thinking, which, for the most part, isn't for the feint of heart. Taking basicFantastic album. This album peers more into Busdriver's thinking, which, for the most part, isn't for the feint of heart. Taking basic situations and turning into complex and insightful poetry is where Busdriver really excels at. Full Review »