• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Nov 27, 2020
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  1. Nov 27, 2020
    Miley se reinventando como sempre, o que torna ela muito unica atualmente, onde o generico grita demais
  2. Nov 27, 2020
    é ela e ngm acima dela, miley prova novamente pq sempre vai ser a maior da sua geração em questão de versatilidade e bom gosto.
  3. Nov 27, 2020
    Álbum incrível, o melhor dos anos 70/80 com o 2020, o melhor álbum do ano e um dos melhores da Miley, letras fortes e impactantes, som único e muito a cara da miley. “Angels Like you” minha preferida, Miley está na sua melhor fase agora.
  4. Nov 27, 2020
    An amazing album with the combination of 3 genres: pop, rock and country. Her voice fits beautifully this rock infused album while narrating being a mess, being sad, being a confident independent woman even if lonely sometimes. Some of the best ballads ever made, amazing collabs and in general the best album released this year and her best album for sure! Miley Rocks!
  5. Nov 27, 2020
    This is by far her best album , she got that solid voice from day one she never changed she only got better this album is a mix of rock and pop songs .
    Bangerz and ballads .
    And old vibe and new futuristic vibe This deserves a grammy!!!
  6. Nov 27, 2020
    One of Miley’s best, this album shows off her voice at its finest. Her voice was made for rock music and this album proves it. Songs are individual and don’t sound samey but the album as a whole is cohesive. Overall, a brilliant album, dare I say one of the best of 2020.
  7. Nov 27, 2020
    Álbum maravilhoso assim como a própria cantora, apresentando ao longo do álbum a dicotomia entre sentir ou não amor por alguém.
  8. Nov 27, 2020
    this album is the best i've heard in years, miley cyrus did everything that many artists dream of. true artist
  9. Nov 27, 2020
    Best album of 2020. Every single song is a masterpiece. No skippers on this one. So happy to have this album.
  10. Nov 28, 2020
    Miley nos ha dado su mejor álbum, pero me deja pobre de hits. Me gusta mucho más este rollo de Miley y la producción me ha sorprendido para bien después de ver lo que acostumbró con Younger Now. Ojalá siempre la Miley de Midnight Sky, Nothing Breaks Like a Heart y Slide Away.
  11. Nov 27, 2020
    BEST MILEY ALBUM YET!!!!!. This album mixes the edgy and fun persona on Bangerz and DeadPetz with 80s synths, rock sounds and more mature lyrics and subjects. She seems to have found her sound and style with this incredible album. The features are very well balanced, with the raspy vocals of Billy Idol to the rock aesthetic of Joan Jett and the deep and mature voice of Dua Lipa. AlthoughBEST MILEY ALBUM YET!!!!!. This album mixes the edgy and fun persona on Bangerz and DeadPetz with 80s synths, rock sounds and more mature lyrics and subjects. She seems to have found her sound and style with this incredible album. The features are very well balanced, with the raspy vocals of Billy Idol to the rock aesthetic of Joan Jett and the deep and mature voice of Dua Lipa. Although the base sound of this album is rock and pop, she still manages to include various different sounds and keep the record consistent. Miley Cyrus definitely did not disappoint. Expand
  12. Nov 27, 2020
    El álbum es bastante renovador en lo que ha venido trabajando la cantante Miley Cyrus .
    Con este trabajo demuestra que ha evolucionado y madurado en cada era que ella saca sin duda este es uno de sus mejores trabajos y es muy recomendable escuchar este trabajo qué ha hecho ella junto a su equipo de trabajo.
  13. Nov 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Incredible album, all of the songs are great and it doesn’t sound repetitive! Each song is unique! Miley did a great job (as always, but people are only recognizing this time) Expand
  14. Nov 27, 2020
    The Evolution. She has evolved into her final form and nailed her sound. It’s raw. Gritty. Soulful. Nostalgic. She is Miley Cyrus.
  15. Nov 27, 2020
  16. Nov 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Miley found her style and the album shows it beautifully. Night Crawling w/ Billy Idol is such a powerful song, influenced by punk, one of the best, also Never Be Me I consider one of the biggest on her career. Miley's best album so far. Expand
  17. Nov 27, 2020
    This work touched my heart. He tells a love story that didn't have a happy ending. Each song is connected. He has cohesion, love, bread and a lot of sincerity. I can feel everything she's feeling. Never be me, algels like you. I'm thrilled. Perfect!
  18. Mar 20, 2021
    It's her best album! WTF Do i Know is the best opening track I've ever heard! I'm speechless!!! And Never Be Me... OMG!!! I just... It's perfect.
  19. Nov 27, 2020
    this is her best album. the way she incorporated the gram rock influences, and make this wonderful piece of work. Miley created amazing songs.
  20. Apr 18, 2021
    Her best album of all time, periodt!!! Rock really is Miley's genre. Angels like you is one of the best songs I've ever heard in my life. This album deserves multiple grammy nominations
  21. Nov 27, 2020
    This is absolutely a work of art! Miley's best album so far! From WTF Do I Know to Golden G String, it's possible to recognize how mature, evolved and confident Miley is as an artist! I've been a fan since 2008 and I believe this is the most complete piece of work she has ever done! Super proud!
  22. Mar 20, 2021
    her best album deserves a grammy next year queen of pop and now of rock.....
  23. Mar 20, 2021
    perfect sooo much i loveeeee u miley masterpiece wonderful brilliant everything
  24. Nov 27, 2020
    This album is perfect! The best of the year. Congrats Miley for this amazing disco

    Ps: 2 years after my review i still loving the whole vibe of the album. It's so authentic, Miley brings the rock again and made it a trending on industry. She's a big artist. And deserves the most of recognition for the masterpieces she's creating lately.
  25. Nov 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I was in middle school when Miley first rose to the public eye on Hannah Montana. I'm 26 now so you can say I grew up with her music. I've been a casual fan ever since. When I stumbled on her Heart Of Glass cover something changed. This woman was made for the kind of music she's creating now! After going on a Youtube rabbit hole and finding not only a lot of music from her I didn't know until now and started to appreciate, I also found out she's actually been doing rock covers since her Can't Be Tamed days, when she was still on Disney, which is kind of wild if you think about it. I strongly believe she truly found her sound with this record. It not only shows how strong her voice actually is, but also her songwriting skills, best showcased on the track Angels like You. The amount of pain she experienced in the last couple of years are put into art in such a beautiful and emotional way. The production of every song is simply incredible, you can tell how much blood, sweat and tears were put into it, not only by her, but all of the producers and writers. Vocally it's the best she's ever sound, so much soul, you can feel and believe every word she's singing. The way she turned her pain into such an amazing body of work is just so mesmerizing to witness as a listener, or better yet, as an official fan now. Also, there's not a single song on this record that makes me want to press the skip button, which nowadays is very rare, considering a lot of artists don't make true albums anymore, and more of a compilation of quick number one singles for radio that everyone forgets about in a couple of months. She shows she's beyond that fase now, owning her artistic freedom by delivering one of the best (if not the best, too soon to tell yet) albums of 2020. How many of her peers can say they have Billy Idol, Joan Jett or Stevie Nicks (my favorite artist of all time) on the same record? I believe this album will serve as a way to people that are more used to mainly pop music and haven't experienced with other sounds as a first step towards exposing themselves to other kinds of music, which is such a great feeling, discovering other stuff you also connect with that you never though you would. It's very hard as of now to choose my standout tracks but right now my top 5 is WTF Do I Know, Angels Like You, Night Crawling, Plastic Hearts and High. WTF do I know is the perfect album opener, the aggressiveness grabs you by the ear, almost literally, and keeps you craving more. Plastic Hearts is just very honest and unapologetic. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to own it. Angels Like You shows her best as a songwriter. It's about her divorce and it's as heartbreaking as it is beautiful. The crescendo at the end makes me very emotional every time I listen. Prisoner is probably the most comercial/pop song on the record, which isn't by any means a bad thing. Miley and Dua compliment each other incredibly well, it sounds like a true duet, their chemistry is just great. Also the bass on this, I believe it's Andrew Watt playing it, who also produced the majority of the record, deserves a shout out because it really improves the song to a whole other level. Gimme what I want is classic Miley, she does whatever and whenever she wants. It shows how confident and independent she is in her skin and as a woman in general. Nigh Crawling! My mouth dropped the first time I heard it. Billy Idol shows how much of an icon he still his and takes the song, as Dua on Prisoner, to another level. Such an odd combination, yet it's literally perfect. It sounds like vampires on a night out on Halloween. Midnight Sky and that subtle yet essencial Edge of Seventeen sample never gets old. Very relatable song, super well produced, it represents the theme of the album quite well, not surprising it was the 1st single. High is stunning. Miley and Mark Ronson did everything right on this. I hope they collab more in the future because it's a musical match made in heaven. Hate Me is another great moment on this record where she wonders what would happen if she died. Missing that somebody but knowing they don't miss you, very relatable and heartbreaking, once again. Bad Karma. Joan Jett. Such a sexy song about admitting you're a cheater. What and odd yet amazing concept. The moans throughout the song give it that extra edge. Never be me is another brutal honest moment. She knows how the situation will end yet she can't be someone she isn't. Lastly Golden G String, a more laid back and acoustic moment, serving as a good album closer. The songwriting style reminds me of her stuff on Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Petz in the way it's very autobiographical "I was tryin' to own my power/Still I'm tryin' to work it out/And at least it gives the paper somethin' they can write".
    In conclusion, Miley turned me into a fan with this record and I can't wait to see what''s next for her. Also, it's time to stop judging her for her past and recognize her incredible talent.
  26. Nov 27, 2020
    Miley finalmente se encontrou. Apesar de ser boa em tudo que faz, podemos dizer que ela finalmente se encontrou nesse álbum. Todas as musicas são boas, não sinto vontade de pular nenhuma. Artista extremamente talentosa e versátil
  27. Nov 27, 2020
    Just one word: AMAZING. From the begging and the end, the album is a masterpiece.
  28. Nov 27, 2020
    Plastic Hearts is Miley’s best album and probably is the album of the year
  29. Nov 27, 2020
    A masterpiece of versatility. Can’t wait for the singles choices to come.
  30. Nov 27, 2020
    Just perfect! I have no words. I love it so much! I can't decided what's my favorite music of this album!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
  1. Dec 9, 2020
    Despite the unnecessary concessions to conventionality, Plastic Hearts still manages to reveal even more layers to Cyrus’ ever-expanding musical palette, proving she can take on whatever genre she desires and give it her own unique sense of flair.
  2. Dec 9, 2020
    If only Plastic Hearts followed Midnight Sky’s lead, we’d have an album of disco-rock that felt true to Cyrus’ strengths.
  3. Dec 4, 2020
    Passionate and self-aware, Plastic Hearts is easily the finest incarnation of Cyrus' music yet.