
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Feb 27, 2020
    As a whole, Printer's Devil is both stronger and sweeter than their prior sets, likely resulting in a more lasting impression for casual listeners and a surefire hit for established fans.
  2. Feb 27, 2020
    ‘Printer’s Devil’ is the sound of a band who seem to have had a significant boost in their sonic confidence, even if Julia’s words are as fraught as ever.
  3. Feb 27, 2020
    With their songs, Ratboys document an ongoing search for stability amid a feeling of unstoppable motion and upheaval — whether that means finding a shoulder to lean on, a memory to relive, or a place that really feels like yours. But if being Ratboys is as much fun as "Alien With a Sleep Mask On" sounds, that's some good company to have along for the ride.
  4. Feb 27, 2020
    Reacquainting oneself with the band now that they’ve found a new identity as a quartet is the work’s initial pleasure, the Easter egg hunt of picking out reference points being the second. The third—deciphering the meaning—is the most important, of course, and the one that’ll determine where Printer’s Devil ranks in Ratboys’ discography. In the meantime, just enjoy hearing Steiner, Sagan, Neumann, and Nuccio take the band in new directions.
  5. Mar 2, 2020
    Steiner fills Printer’s Devil with half-remembered snapshots of adolescence—sprints down hills in the summertime, a ride on an airplane simulator at the mall—juxtaposed with images of overgrown grass, vacated lots and other innocuous signifiers of the passage of time that carry weight only in the rare moments we pause to consider them. The effect is comforting and sobering all at once.
  6. Mar 3, 2020
    If the first half of Printer's Devil shows the band flexing its muscle, the latter half puts their versatility on display.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Mar 18, 2020
    There is something incredibly delightful and equally haunting as you listen from track to track. This album feels insanely personal whichThere is something incredibly delightful and equally haunting as you listen from track to track. This album feels insanely personal which creates a sense of belonging for the listener.

    9 out of 10

    Full Review »
  2. Mar 2, 2020
    Se me hizo un álbum de indie rock fresco y divertido para pasar el rato. Tiene varias canciones pegajosas con buen ritmo. También me agrado laSe me hizo un álbum de indie rock fresco y divertido para pasar el rato. Tiene varias canciones pegajosas con buen ritmo. También me agrado la voz de la vocalista. Full Review »