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  1. Aug 28, 2021
    Pure Heroine captura de una manera muy buena lo que es la adolescencia; esta etapa tan complicada para muchos, donde las emociones pueden llegar a abrumarnos.
  2. Jul 9, 2022
    This album is something special. It has a true sense of identity paired with beautiful vocals. Perfect in every single aspect.
  3. Sep 9, 2022
    For a new artist, it is very talented to make such an album. Obviously, critics underestimated the album, and even the picky David Bowie said that she was "the future of music".
  4. Aug 21, 2022
    She was 15 when she started crafting this and the fact that it changed music forever has a lot to say about Ella's talent. 10/10 album
  5. Oct 27, 2013
    I should put a little disclaimer here: this review is gonna be a bit positively biased, because as annoyed as I am by it basically becoming a selling point for her, she's 16. And considering both that I'm her age and that I'm an aspiring musician myself, I can't help but be particularly happy about her sudden success. And aside from that, her mainstream breakthrough single Royals isI should put a little disclaimer here: this review is gonna be a bit positively biased, because as annoyed as I am by it basically becoming a selling point for her, she's 16. And considering both that I'm her age and that I'm an aspiring musician myself, I can't help but be particularly happy about her sudden success. And aside from that, her mainstream breakthrough single Royals is easily one of my favorite pop hits of 2013. It basically talks about being sick of the annoyingly recurring themes of excess & wealth that have plagued a lot of pop & hip hop music on the radio over the last decade or so. But one other thing I appreciate about it is how this sentiment is handled. This song could've easily been nothing but preachy & obnoxious pseudo-hipster drivel. But weaved within this bashing of music lacking substance & relatability is an admission that she'd love to be able to live that kind of lifestyle, but is just annoyed by these people feeling the need to brag about their possessions in the music they're selling to the masses. And now we have her debut album Pure Heroine, which could be one of my top albums of 2013 by year's end.

    Royals combines a lot of Pure Heroine's best traits. One interesting thing going on consistently musically is how sparse the production is. On a good majority of the album there's nothing in the instrumental mix but an electronic beat, an atmospheric synth & occasionally some self-backing vocals with great harmonies. I get how on paper for some people this might result in an album that's boring, monotonous & void of variety. Fortunately though, things are kept interesting by incredibly catchy melodies & various tempo changes from song to song. If anything this kind of minimalist approach helps to emphasize the album's main appeal, the vocals & lyrics. But again that's not to say there's nothing interesting in what's surrounding it. Ribs has a very creative structure, starting with an ambient minute-long intro before going into a back-and-forth switching between speeds Lorde sings some of the verses in, which helps bring out a mix of emotions in the lyrics being repeated. The thing to pull it all together is Lorde's great voice, which manages to gets the ideas being expressed across effectively without the need for obnoxious belting or showing off, which are common crimes in a lot of music where the voice is the main attraction. Not only that, but nothing here is forgettable, and there's never a filler moment in this concise, 10-track, 37-minute listen.

    Lyrically the main 2 themes being portrayed are biting social commentary & vivid thought processes in dealing with newfound fame. With the former, it's tackled from a few different angles. Aside from Royals & the similarly themed Team, there's tracks like Buzzcut Season and Glory And Gore, which talk about the mainstream news media's 2 opposite problems: covering pop culture & celebrity gossip instead of the real problems in the world, and exaggerating & exploiting these problems to the point where people watching either become paranoid pessimists or don't take these issues as seriously as they should. They're messages that contradict each other on the surface but make sense when you really think about it. On the more personal side of things you have tracks like Tennis Court, Still Sane & A World Alone, which detail Lorde coming to terms with her seemingly out-of-nowhere popularity. Now in most cases for me this would be questionable, since how can you talk about your big-time success on your debut album? But you have to think about the context; in New Zealand Royals was already #1 back in March, making her a very big deal in her home country by the time this album was being written. There's talk of getting on planes to tour, dealing with the pressures of scrutiny & criticism, and fearing that she'll end up just another trashy egotistical pop star. One other track worth specifically mentioning is White Teeth Teens, which details O'Connor's disinterest with being one of the perfect popular kids. Fortunately though, like “Royals”, it avoids the typical pitfalls of that kind of message. It doesn't portray these people as one-dimensional villains, but as just a different class she tried to & later gave up being a part of. And all of these themes get the messages across clear while never resorting to illiterate spoon-feeding.

    I can really say nothing negative about this album. It keeps a consistent & distinct sound while never letting tracks bleed together, the lyrics are sincere, on-point & relatable, and the best part is that her song is #1, which is just another sign, if not the defining one, of balance finally being restored on the pop charts in terms of quality. If you're into these traits & have an appreciation for great pop music with some electronic influences, listen to this ASAP.

    Top 5 tracks: Royals, Tennis Court, Still Sane, A World Alone, Ribs
    Score: 94/100
  6. Feb 21, 2016
    I always liked this album, but I'm only now coming to truly appreciate it. I really can't believe she was only 16 when this came out. A cohesive, engaging album.
  7. Oct 10, 2013
    The very simple and minimalistic beats mix extremely well with her voice. Its good to see someone singing from the heart and not conforming to the mainstream. Good to see pop is headed in a good direction.
  8. Dec 1, 2013
    Lorde's debut album "Pure Heroine" serves much more delighting messages than having sex and doing drugs and partying all the time. The one most impressive (from countless positive messages) is being yourself and don't hope for much than you have it could turn against you, like her most successful song that grabbed most of the critics and people "Royals". "Royals" was called as racy,Lorde's debut album "Pure Heroine" serves much more delighting messages than having sex and doing drugs and partying all the time. The one most impressive (from countless positive messages) is being yourself and don't hope for much than you have it could turn against you, like her most successful song that grabbed most of the critics and people "Royals". "Royals" was called as racy, stupid, weird, dumb. NO. It is actually very unique in style and rich on content. Not all of Lord's songs are perfect but they are either rated as "Really Good" "Different (in a good way)" or all of the above plus "Perfect". Pure Heroine is rather the album of the year. Expand
  9. Oct 25, 2013
    Very interesting, very likable, Lorde makes her mark with this album. Very mature and serious, these songs are nice to listen to if you want a relaxing time. These songs have a deeper meaning to them than most of what is released these days. In a world full of hits and misses, this album is definitely a hit.
  10. Oct 2, 2013
    Lorde is still very young, and so, yes, there are some oversights, but I am so incredibly impressed by the imagery and the mood she lays down so easily. Disturbed suburbia, too-good-to-be-true bland teenage years. What a specific thing, but it's such a triumph. Buzzcut Season is my favourite.
  11. May 18, 2014
    It's the album that the music industry as required for a long time...while it's musically not all that impressive, it's definitely the image and views of Lorde which put the majority of the music industry to shame with the lack of talent and creativity which has been spread like wildfire for the last fifteen to twenty years. Lorde is the Marilyn Manson of the new age, just not with theIt's the album that the music industry as required for a long time...while it's musically not all that impressive, it's definitely the image and views of Lorde which put the majority of the music industry to shame with the lack of talent and creativity which has been spread like wildfire for the last fifteen to twenty years. Lorde is the Marilyn Manson of the new age, just not with the attempts of offensiveness. Expand
  12. Nov 16, 2013
    I love her so much and this is a fantastic album!! Some songs sound the same but it's ok!! I love the raspiness that she brings out in her voice. She has a bright future ahead of her
  13. Nov 13, 2013
    Probably the best album of 2013. Lorde's sound can not be matched as she proves at 16 she is a true original. Download: Glory and Gore, Team, Tennis Court, 400 Lux.
  14. Mar 20, 2014
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. After hearing Royals, and with all the hype surrounding this release, I had to give it a listen. And I can proudly say it is now one of my favourite albums of all time. From the awe-inducing minimalist hip-hop production and her bold vocals to the catchy and captivating lyrics this album is full off and the fact that Lorde is still only a teenager really left me completely dumbstruck. The only thing I can say about this album is LISTEN TO IT! Expand
  15. Feb 28, 2014
    I love this album. Lorde is definitely one of my favorite musicians. Her voice is very relaxing and distinct and her songwriting is very expressive, although it may take some time to realize what she is talking about in her songs.
  16. Apr 6, 2014
    This album is my first review on Metacritic. The composition of this album is clever and clear. Her voice cuts through the instrumentals and electronics. I thoroughly enjoyed this CD from start to finish. One of those albums to close your eyes and shut out the world or put in the car and roll the windows down. Most of these songs are very catchy and you will find yourself singing orThis album is my first review on Metacritic. The composition of this album is clever and clear. Her voice cuts through the instrumentals and electronics. I thoroughly enjoyed this CD from start to finish. One of those albums to close your eyes and shut out the world or put in the car and roll the windows down. Most of these songs are very catchy and you will find yourself singing or humming one or two of them. There isn't a song on the album that I didn't enjoy.

    That being said it's not perfect. There are times where the bass punches a bit too much for my taste. Also, her voice may not appeal to all comers. She has a breathy and airy quality to her voice which has been heard before. Some lyrics flow better than others and at times if you listen carefully you can notice that they echo that she still is just a teenager.

    For a debut album this is a strong release. I look forward to hearing what comes next from Lorde. If you are on the fence based on what you've heard on the radio, she is definitely worth a listen the entire album through.
  17. Apr 12, 2014
    This album is very surprising at how excellent it is compared to other "Pop" artists today.

    When first hearing Royals, I thought that Lorde was another person who had one hit and slowly lost their popularity. But as more singles came out, I knew that she was different and unique. So I took a chance and bought this album. Boy, did I make a good decision. The theme of this album is
    This album is very surprising at how excellent it is compared to other "Pop" artists today.

    When first hearing Royals, I thought that Lorde was another person who had one hit and slowly lost their popularity. But as more singles came out, I knew that she was different and unique. So I took a chance and bought this album. Boy, did I make a good decision.

    The theme of this album is actually about going AGAINST the pop machine and artists who are popular because of their looks. The songs in this album are addicting, some highlights are Ribs, White Teeth Teens, and The Love Club.

    If you like alternative music or anything like that, this album is a must for you. I am excited to see what Lorde puts out next.
  18. Oct 16, 2015
    A juventude poética. Esse é o semblante do "Pure Heroine". Refrescante, porém obscuro na medida. Um som diferente, um álbum sólido do começo ao fim, onde mostra a sua proposta e não tem medo de concretiza-la.
  19. May 9, 2014
    I love his voice very skillful, very good songs and a good pace, very good to be still very young Lyrics, Est album is great Although you name two ways, and very simple cover a little more effort would have been improved.
  20. Jun 30, 2014
    This album is great. All (except two) songs on this album are flawless. Lorde has explored a new side of pop music and I'm a fan. I could listen to this all day - and I do.
    The best songs are : Ribs, White Teeth Teens, Buzzcut Season, Bravado and Royals.
    I love Lorde :)
  21. Oct 27, 2014
    Lorde made her debut with the critically-acclaimed number one hit "Royals" and had impacted, and simultaneously challenged the pop mainstream culture with her work that is not only amazing sonically, but also lyrically, at a very young age. This platinum-selling and Grammy-award winning record depicts Lorde and her friends's life in New Zealand, her criticism, and thoughts of pop culture,Lorde made her debut with the critically-acclaimed number one hit "Royals" and had impacted, and simultaneously challenged the pop mainstream culture with her work that is not only amazing sonically, but also lyrically, at a very young age. This platinum-selling and Grammy-award winning record depicts Lorde and her friends's life in New Zealand, her criticism, and thoughts of pop culture, which shows honesty rarely seen before in this era, and therefore, is reaching a new plateau for the pop world.
  22. May 27, 2016
    Songs like "Tennis Curt", "Royals", "400 Lux", "Glory and Gore", "The Love Club" and more, are really hard to get them out of the head. I hope something much better in her next work.
  23. Jan 2, 2016
    Pure Heroine é um dos melhores álbuns de 2013. Ele é espetacular. Quase todas as músicas desse álbum são perfeitas, só tendo algumas bem "mais ou menos".

    Pontos altos: A World Alone, Glory And Glore, Tennis Court
    Pontos baixos: Biting Down, Swingin Party, White Teeth Teens
  24. Oct 8, 2017
    Lorde shook the entire pop industry with her earth-shattering debut single Royals. consisting of a minimalistic beat, a catchy chorus, haunting harmonies and profound lyrics, Royals was the ultimate "step it up y'all" to fellow pop musicians.

    it could very well be argued that no other mainstream musician on today's charts possesses the brilliant poetic/lyrical consistency of Lorde. at
    Lorde shook the entire pop industry with her earth-shattering debut single Royals. consisting of a minimalistic beat, a catchy chorus, haunting harmonies and profound lyrics, Royals was the ultimate "step it up y'all" to fellow pop musicians.

    it could very well be argued that no other mainstream musician on today's charts possesses the brilliant poetic/lyrical consistency of Lorde. at 16, she released both The Love Club EP (which includes Bravado, which I like to think convinced Bowie to call her "the future of music") and this stunning debut.
    the album starts with another delicious slice of humid, minimalist art pop, entitled Tennis Court. the album only gets better and better, with each new song feeling like a rush of cool air permeating many a teenager's hoodies as they leave their favorite smoke spot. 400 Lux and Buzzcut Season are immediate highlights, showcasing Lorde's talent for translating youth, angst and the zeitgeist into glittering, timeless bangers. one of the most refreshing details about this record is that every single song is as good if not better than the first single. there is so much to love about Lorde, and from here on out, her sharp lyricism and knack for creative melodic direction only gets better. a true pop icon in the making.
  25. May 4, 2016
    Lorde states "We live in cities you'll never see on screen / not vert pretty but we sure know how to run things" in the song "Team" With a profusion of wonderful tracks "Royals" and "Team" in particular, this is one of the most essential albums of the 2010s decade. She creates "a different kind of buzz."
  26. Sep 1, 2017
    Very good start for a debut album, back in 2013 i remember hearing Royals in the radio, it was my jam, but then Team and Tennis Court got a place in my heart. It is very catchy and honest, really good
  27. Jun 24, 2017
    In early 2014, I thought of Pop music for some reason to check for from 2013. Lorde happened to be one of several artist/bands that had a stellar debut. Her pop music when listening to it doesn't come off a catchy, it seems as if the lyrics drive for people to keep singing a verse or a memorable chorus. A song that made me wanna listen to here was "Glory and Gore" because of the showIn early 2014, I thought of Pop music for some reason to check for from 2013. Lorde happened to be one of several artist/bands that had a stellar debut. Her pop music when listening to it doesn't come off a catchy, it seems as if the lyrics drive for people to keep singing a verse or a memorable chorus. A song that made me wanna listen to here was "Glory and Gore" because of the show Vikings on A&E. This album has a good sense of being different and by her being 15/16 around the time of making the album you would think she would go the bubblegum pop route of the late 90s. This isn't that and she for sure stands out. Her cadence and how she attacks a record is definitely rap influenced but not a stab to discredit that. For her lyrics matter to her, and for me that also makes this album a listen for people outside the Lorde circle.

    Favorites: Tennis Court / 400 Lux / Team & Glory and Gore.
  28. Jul 25, 2017
    La clásica vieja Lorde se refugia en este álbum. Con algunas canciones, el gusto fue espontáneo, con otras no tanto, pero la estética y lírica de Lorde es algo que se destaca mucho en este álbum. Las letras de Pure Heroine son mucho más profundas y poéticas que las repetitivas en Melodrama, por ello creo que este álbum guarda un sentimiento muy especial. Para cualquier persona que pasó laLa clásica vieja Lorde se refugia en este álbum. Con algunas canciones, el gusto fue espontáneo, con otras no tanto, pero la estética y lírica de Lorde es algo que se destaca mucho en este álbum. Las letras de Pure Heroine son mucho más profundas y poéticas que las repetitivas en Melodrama, por ello creo que este álbum guarda un sentimiento muy especial. Para cualquier persona que pasó la adolescencia y no se sintió identificado con las letras de Lorde (Escuché Ribs en mi peor momento y me ayudo muchísimo) creo que simplemente no entendió de todo de qué trataba. Expand
  29. Sep 24, 2018
    "Pure Heroine" é um trabalho muito bom feito por Lorde e pelo seu produtor e uma "pequena" prova do talento de Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor. As letras de Lorde são pensativas, maduras, agradáveis e inteligentes. Sem dúvida, um dos melhores álbuns de 2013.
  30. May 27, 2019
    pure heroine its such a paradise for musical production, all the musics complete themselves, Lorde did an amazing work selecting them in the middle of you highest pitch of fame with “Royals”.
  31. Aug 23, 2019
    Дебютный альбом, Грэмми, первые строчки в чартах, качество - это все про этот релиз. Кто в таком раннем возрасте написал бы такую качественную работу? Конечно же Лорд.
  32. Jun 5, 2020
    Pure Heroine is beautiful and honest. This album represents Lorde's teenage life and teenage love. I love this album. The lyrics, the sound, the production... all are amazing.
  33. Sep 7, 2020
    te amo lorde esse álbum é surrealmente bem escrito e bem produzido,nem acredito que ela tinha 16/17 anos na época
  34. Sep 2, 2020
    un álbum perfecto, y adelantado a sus años. lorde es realmente una muy buena cantautora, sabe escribir y componer. las canciones tiene un tono oscuro y es lo que hace al álbum bueno. nunca había escuchado un álbum igual a ese y eso lo hace realmente destacable. mis canciones favoritas son 400 lux, tennis court y buzzcut season
  35. Nov 3, 2020
    Brilliant break through for an artist, specially because Lorde was just 15 while making it. It's hard to imagine how that young person can write such a serious lyric as one for the 'Buzzcut Season' which might be the best track on the record (with her sister 'Ribs' and the main single 'Royals').
    Lorde shows us how the world looks like from the eye of a teenager on this record, and Pure
    Brilliant break through for an artist, specially because Lorde was just 15 while making it. It's hard to imagine how that young person can write such a serious lyric as one for the 'Buzzcut Season' which might be the best track on the record (with her sister 'Ribs' and the main single 'Royals').
    Lorde shows us how the world looks like from the eye of a teenager on this record, and Pure Heroine really is a teenage record that EVERY teenager should listen.
  36. May 7, 2021
    Lorde's debut album is a beautiful work. It shows the simplicity and grandeur of the performer, even though she is from a God-forsaken New Zealand town. Lorde demonstrates the power of his thinking, reasoning about all sorts of topics at such a young age. The sound of some tracks has failed, while the text component is made at the highest level.
  37. Aug 26, 2021
    Amazing album. Highlights for me are team, 400 lux, bravado and glory and gore.
  38. Aug 2, 2021
    A monumental and historic debut from my favorite artist of all time. I am biased as Lorde was my first real venture into music in general. She was the first to teach me that music could be more than the vapid and shallow earworms that the radio was endlessly spewing out. Being at the age of 11/12, I learned that music could go deeper, that romantic love and sex were not the only thingA monumental and historic debut from my favorite artist of all time. I am biased as Lorde was my first real venture into music in general. She was the first to teach me that music could be more than the vapid and shallow earworms that the radio was endlessly spewing out. Being at the age of 11/12, I learned that music could go deeper, that romantic love and sex were not the only thing music had to offer and speak on. Abstract, unconventional production, thoughtful lyrics, mystery, and the enigma that Lorde presented to the mainstream was something I had never seen before. For that, I owe this album a lot. Looking in retrospect, this album screams teen angst. It is rebellious and displays a lot of attitude and naïve charisma. There are songs that I revisit more often than others, but this is a strong debut and a clear indicator and message of what kind of musician Lorde plans to be. Expand
  39. Jun 4, 2022
    gets better with every listen. this album got me through middle school. still confused as to why it was split up between pure heroine and love club ep though.
  40. Mar 2, 2023
    An album that grows in stature with every listen. Teen angst told so maturely.
  41. Jan 1, 2014
    Despite her only 16 or 17 years old, Lorde has shown a piece of brilliant creativity. She could easily be the beginning of a new generation of adolescents that go directly to the core of the real music. The New Zeland girl doesn't hide her real desires about a change of a world full of "crystal, maybach, jet planes, islands or tigers on a gold leash". Sincere and genuine, there's no doubtDespite her only 16 or 17 years old, Lorde has shown a piece of brilliant creativity. She could easily be the beginning of a new generation of adolescents that go directly to the core of the real music. The New Zeland girl doesn't hide her real desires about a change of a world full of "crystal, maybach, jet planes, islands or tigers on a gold leash". Sincere and genuine, there's no doubt that Lorde won't give her arm to sprain. Although she's just starting and there's a lot of way to go, "Pure Heroine" will always be a peculiar piece of pop that our eardrums will always be disposed to listen to. Expand
  42. Nov 18, 2013
    Every year a new upcoming artist hits the scene and hopes to make it big in the music industry. This year's big surprise is a sixteen year old from New Zealand named Lorde. After her smash hit "Royals" which was a surprising real take on how not everyone wants the Riches of celebrities, she releases a now hit album titled "Pure Heroine". Lorde's debut is a very promising one withEvery year a new upcoming artist hits the scene and hopes to make it big in the music industry. This year's big surprise is a sixteen year old from New Zealand named Lorde. After her smash hit "Royals" which was a surprising real take on how not everyone wants the Riches of celebrities, she releases a now hit album titled "Pure Heroine". Lorde's debut is a very promising one with refreshing Pop songs about the youth and other issues for people my age, which helps Lorde stand out among the huge crowd of Auto-Tuned Pop Starlets. The album is about Ten Songs long which is a problem, I wished there was more, because the songs just felt so refreshing and I wished the story could continue on, also since this is very different from the usual Synth Beat heavy Pop music, it won't peek everyone's interest, at first listen I felt a little off put with what was going on. Still there's plenty to appreciate, the songwriting is excellent with themes about what we want in life and how it's not always about having the best, most expensive, items in the world. The Sound in particular is also refreshing with simple beats and sounds, and it all sounds great. Lorde also packs a punch with the singing, flowing along perfectly with each song, though around the end she goes a little too far. Pure Heroine could've been longer, but for right now it's a great start for Lorde, and I hope to see more music from her in the future. Expand
  43. Apr 30, 2014
    Lorde is 16, though she definitely sounds older and more mature that most 30-year-old pop stars out there. Since "Royals" we knew this hipster twist on the rap and pop marriage would deliver an outstanding album, full of equally as catchy songs. Lorde delivered "Pure Heroine", a title that fits perfectly because the album feels like a drug: Eccentrically weird and psychedelic journeyLorde is 16, though she definitely sounds older and more mature that most 30-year-old pop stars out there. Since "Royals" we knew this hipster twist on the rap and pop marriage would deliver an outstanding album, full of equally as catchy songs. Lorde delivered "Pure Heroine", a title that fits perfectly because the album feels like a drug: Eccentrically weird and psychedelic journey through the mind of a real, down-to-earth teenanger. If that is what Heroine tastes like.
    The album opens with the "explicit" (I put it between punctuations for a reason) "Tennis Court", a song that already opens up for the lyrical masterpieces the album, as Pure Heroine is mainly beautifully composed. Sometimes, the marriage between the ironic poetry and the synth beats do not work ("Still Sane" and "400 Lux" are perfect examples. They are not bad, but they feel seriously under-produced in comparison to the other songs).
    Of course the anti-pop queen delivers killing phrases. "I am kind of over being told to throw my hands up in the air" she shouts at the ultra-catchy "Team", and guess what, I'm kind of over too! In "Glory and Gore" maybe, the album slips from the catchy into a more metal hip hop fusion of savvy "Ohhs" and filters.
    "Pure Heroine" is a unique debut album that doesn't play safe but doesn't excel in quality. Lorde, with her ominous vocals, delivered an album full of hipster propaganda, heavenly choirs and dark, gothic rythms ready to swallow like a pill. It is real suburban teenagehood, and it is as good as as it gets.
  44. Apr 6, 2014
    It might be considered cool to not like Lorde and be a "non-conformist' but in reality, Pure Heroine is a very well made album and proves Lorde's un-denying talent as a young artist. It's a nice stray from the generic pop music we all hate.
  45. Dec 15, 2014
    Lorde, Lorde, Lorde... Hay Lorde... eres sorprendente, sacas tu primer album y ¡WOW! nos demuestras lo madura y profesional que puede ser una chica de 18 años como cantante... Letras profundas y un pegadizo ritmo pop minimalistico, excelente trabajo!
  46. Oct 4, 2013
    I've had this on repeat for a couple of days. Lorde's debut is great and fairly unique (although I'd compare it to Lana del Rey and Florence the Machine probably). The songs are very catchy.
  47. Nov 9, 2013
    The sound's so refreshing. It's a vacation from pounding beat and sick dubstep. Some of the lyrics are dark, but you can still notice the childish of Lorde's voice with very mature lyrics.
  48. May 8, 2014
    To put it simply, Pure Heroin is rather too stripped down for it to be a total mind-blowing pop album, however what Pure Heroin IS in fact is an album of meaningful lyrics and great tunes at their own steady pace that Lorde decides to take. And at no point, does it overdo itself.
  49. Jun 1, 2015
    No está nada mal para ser su primer álbum, en especial por sus letras, que me han parecido lo mejor del álbum. El disco puede llegar a sonar en monótono en algunas ocasiones, pero tiene varias canciones que lo redimen.
  50. Nov 18, 2021
    Can't believe she was 15 when she wrote this, 16 when it came out. 400 Lux has my heart.
  51. Apr 10, 2017
    De mis albumes favoritos, logro adentrarme en la atmósfera fresca que tiene.
    Lo único que no encaja es 'Royals' será que ya cansa y no siento nada nuevo al escucharlo en el álbum, por lo demás, fantástico, y uno de los mejores albumes alternativos contemporáneos,
  52. Apr 8, 2018
    un album increible, realmente es muy bueno. ninguna cancion sobra en este album
  53. Jan 29, 2018
    It is crazy to think just how young Lorde was when she made this album. Great career ahead of her!
  54. Jul 18, 2017
    great album........................................................................................................................................................................
  55. Nov 3, 2017
    Despite feeling rushed/skeletal due to high musical demand. Lorde's debut album is an astonishingly grand spark of potential for her future career. The lyrics possess song writing ability far beyond her age and the minimalist approach she has taken is very interesting mixed with the dark lyrical personality.

    Favourites: 400 Lux, Glory and Gore, Tennis Court, A World Alone, Ribs, White
    Despite feeling rushed/skeletal due to high musical demand. Lorde's debut album is an astonishingly grand spark of potential for her future career. The lyrics possess song writing ability far beyond her age and the minimalist approach she has taken is very interesting mixed with the dark lyrical personality.

    Favourites: 400 Lux, Glory and Gore, Tennis Court, A World Alone, Ribs, White Teeth Teens, Team.

    Eh: Still Sane

    These aren't that good...: N/A
  56. Aug 31, 2019
    This girl never produced bad and meaningless songs. She was just 17 and brought the storm from New Zealand.
  57. Jul 21, 2018
    Each of the songs on this album are pleasant to the ear. Lorde makes an iconic debut and screams that it is a legend of alternative music and not just for placing the single lead of this work in # 1 of multiple charts.
  58. Feb 3, 2020
    Um clássico do pop! Só em pensar que uma adolescente de 16 anos criou uma obra prima dessas é maravilhoso...
  59. Aug 7, 2020
    At first it seemed a little monotonous but in general it was a different and fun experience.
  60. Jan 20, 2022
    Minha nota para cada faixa, inclusive a versão estendida: Pure Heroine (Extended) 1. Tennis Court - 10
    2. 400 Lux - 7
    3. Royals - 9 4. Ribs - 10 5. Buzzcut Season - 10 6. Team - 10 7. Glory And Gore - 8 8. Still Sane - 8 9. White Teeth Teens - 9 10. A World Alone - 10 11. Bravado - 8 12. Million Dollar Bills - 8 13. The Love Club - 7 14. Biting Down - 7 15. Swingin Pary - 8 Amo a
    Minha nota para cada faixa, inclusive a versão estendida: Pure Heroine (Extended) 1. Tennis Court - 10
    2. 400 Lux - 7
    3. Royals - 9
    4. Ribs - 10
    5. Buzzcut Season - 10
    6. Team - 10
    7. Glory And Gore - 8
    8. Still Sane - 8
    9. White Teeth Teens - 9
    10. A World Alone - 10
    11. Bravado - 8
    12. Million Dollar Bills - 8
    13. The Love Club - 7
    14. Biting Down - 7
    15. Swingin Pary - 8

    Amo a sonoridade e como esse álbum proporciona um momento de paz e energia.
  61. Apr 11, 2022
    Este es uno de los mejores debut albums en toda la industria, la gente dice que el album es básico y aburrido pero si se dan cuenta ella tenia 12 años cuando empezó en esto y como una niña de abajo de 15 años podría crear tan buen album?? Lorde es increíble
  62. Oct 2, 2013
    Pure Heroine is good, but I don't like every song. Team is notably the best. I give Lorde credit for bringing out such a unique sound, even if to somewhat mixed results. Look forward to new stuff.
  63. Oct 17, 2013
    Lorde has seemingly became an overnight success (at least in her home country, Australia, and North America) and that's neither deniable or shocking. Lorde attains the gift of being merely short of seventeen and being more mature than many musicians in the industry decades older than her. The New Zealander's calm vocals and beyond her years songwriting skills as well as Joel Little's chillLorde has seemingly became an overnight success (at least in her home country, Australia, and North America) and that's neither deniable or shocking. Lorde attains the gift of being merely short of seventeen and being more mature than many musicians in the industry decades older than her. The New Zealander's calm vocals and beyond her years songwriting skills as well as Joel Little's chill production help solidify Pure Heroine as an anthem for the youth that's neither tamed nor rebellious. The lead single, "Royals", calmly defeats that idea that not all teenagers are 'trippin' in the bathroom' or 'trashing the hotel room' and has since made Lorde the first solo New Zealander to reach the number-one spot on the Billboard charts. Although Pure Heroine primarily treads on new wave, "Ribs" reassures that Lorde can step into more mainstream synthpop territory without contradicting her completely natural vibe whilst "Team" channels a more vintage Motown sounds. Pure Heroine's only weakness is that it's too short and sweet. But that taste we get in our headphones only teases and anticipates us even more for whatever this upcoming unintentional A-list songstress has to offer. Make no mistake: Lorde is NO one-hit wonder and we'll hear more from her very, very soon. Expand
  64. Oct 6, 2013
    There is a general backdrop of claps, basic synths and vocal backups that make the album quite predictable. It almost feels they've just put different lyrics onto the same song.There is an odd sense of wisedom in the lyrics, despite the young timbre of the vocals. However the incessant self-referencing is somewhat unbearable.The music is generally minamilistic.
    Tennis court is a stand
    There is a general backdrop of claps, basic synths and vocal backups that make the album quite predictable. It almost feels they've just put different lyrics onto the same song.There is an odd sense of wisedom in the lyrics, despite the young timbre of the vocals. However the incessant self-referencing is somewhat unbearable.The music is generally minamilistic.
    Tennis court is a stand out. Following that is 400 Lux. That slightly husky voice breaking from singing to speech and soft percussion and touches of electronica.

    Royals has more dynamicism in the vocals, but still that non-chalant percussion. The lyrics are fine. She's cracked the code to life, and she's not like other musos who constantly talk about diamonds and vodka. However, one would question that she talks about having no money. Sure bruh, sure. Don't look into it but it might come off as a little hypocritical It's definitely a song the audience can identifiy with though.

    Ribs has a beat to it, defo more electro. With mainstream lyrics it doesn't immediately stand out, but it's definitely on the stronger side musically, a break from the first three songs which have a similiar formula. The bridge in this dance song is particularly great.

    Buzzcut season has an army/war theme to it. Again the matter of friendship comes to hand. Her and her friend live in a ethereal journey, where everything is good. 'Reality is the one who wins, so join it' say the men. But they have other things on their mind. It has a generic, yet cool little beat to it. The vocals swell with the imagery.

    Team starts out with a good vocal intro, a bit of lyrical repitition and even vocal effects. yay. Then those claps come in again. She sings about growing up in a different world, and the unity of the people who have done this. Did they Control C V those synths? The verse and chorus are not too much different from eachother, inbetween is this little bit:

    'Dancin' around the lies we tell
    Dancin' around big eyes as well, oh...
    Even the comatose, they don't dance and tell'

    There are fightin words in Glory and gore, four hundred and thirteen of them. I'm beginning to feel as if their should be a label, Warning: References of self-references. This one talks about how they're gladiators and the audience lusts after blood between famous people, but the only reason they're famous is because they are in the ring...and they secretly love it. This is where my anger kicks in. From a lyrical stand point, this gets no rapport. I can't identify with this, not many can. To do this constantly is very annoying and not one of the hallmarks of any great writers, or many good ones even. To those who consider it a lyrical masterpiece, please consider.

    Still sane starts out with some soft bass, and finally a few hits on the ride. Uncreative keyboard eigth notes come in later. However the penultimate verse has some of the nicer percussion of the album.You can guess what the songs about, based on the title. They're still sane even after becoming famous. Cool man. In general the lyrics are bit less image-focused, more vague.

    White teeth teens- This is a stand out. It's nice to have a change of pace. It could be about dating or it could be about the cool group at school, and I'm more inclined to think the latter. It's a smidge faster and the drums come in not long after you press play and it just seems different. This along with the last track provide a different sound for the end of the album. I particularly like the outro, check it. There are some XX rhythmic vibes in the bass and kick.

    A world alone Slightly melancholy guitar starts. Then singing. Then it comes to life.The lyrics speak of a friendship amongst people who just talk. There is a starkness to the lyrics, but also love. A fav.

    Good: A few good hooks really make this album, mostly in Royals and Tennis court. The vocals are quite well done and nothing seems out of place within any of the songs.
    Bad: Their sound gets very predictable. I'm looking at you Synths, Vocals, and Percussion. Also there is fistfulls of melodrama that smack you in the face, I also hear Lana is abusive.
    Themes: friendship, anti-money, you're place in the world
    Favs: Ribs (although lyrics a little ho-hum) and a word alone, Buzzcut season also a five star rating.
  65. Dec 30, 2013
    This album is very good but the music is sometimes weird. Weird is not always a good thing. However, it is nice that someone is trying something original and is actually decent, (However, I don't like how this girl is mouthing off to other artists)
  66. Mar 7, 2014
    My favourite songs are 'Royals', 'Team' and 'Tennis Court'. Dark themes. Healthy lows. It has been an amazing year for Lorde, with at least 4 of her songs charting on the Billboard Hot 100, the current new song charting in the Hot 100 being Glory and Gore. However, as much as I loved the three songs listed above, I still have my reservations. I refuse to give her 10/10 because all herMy favourite songs are 'Royals', 'Team' and 'Tennis Court'. Dark themes. Healthy lows. It has been an amazing year for Lorde, with at least 4 of her songs charting on the Billboard Hot 100, the current new song charting in the Hot 100 being Glory and Gore. However, as much as I loved the three songs listed above, I still have my reservations. I refuse to give her 10/10 because all her songs are dark. She needs to make light-hearted songs and not be a Lana Del Ray number 2. Expand
  67. May 4, 2014
    I think this album would be even more superb if she let her vocals expand more. It seems like Ella is capable of having a strong voice as she demonstrates in "Royals". Either way, the songs are meaningful, relatable to a teenager like me, and the singer behind it all has an awesome personality. Diamond in the rough for pop music.
  68. Jun 8, 2017
    Sonido fresco con letras interesantes y una voz muy pero el álbum suena repetitivo y al final ya llegas cansado de la monotonía del sonido del material.
  69. Sep 17, 2020
    Es increíble que Lorde a su corta edad por aquel entonces haya hecho un álbum tan sólido y bien estructurado, sin embargo, ninguna canción logró capturarme del todo.
  70. Mar 14, 2021
    This us a great debut from the new Zealand native. The dark pop songs and skilled lyricism create a purely original output that will stand the test of time and act as a precursor of the greatness that is to come. From the cross over hits to the scathing critiques of pop culture this is a zietgist of an entire generation. Favourites: 400lux,buzzcut season, world alone
  71. Mar 15, 2023
    For many the beginning of the alternative, for me the end of adolescence and the entrance to maturity.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Feb 4, 2014
    It’s the music here, not the sharp-toothed lyricism, which sets the record so far apart from the rest of the field.
  2. Q Magazine
    Nov 22, 2013
    It isn't perfect but it adds up to an intimidatingly assured opening shot from a major new talent. [Dec 2013, p.108]
  3. Nov 1, 2013
    Whilst Lorde’s world creates its own incredibly distinctive atmosphere, it feels accessible and open to maturing.