• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Mar 9, 2010

Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Think of Quarantine the Past as a cousin to Hot Rocks or the Red and Blue Albums: it doesn’t tell you everything you need to know, but as a primer, it’s hard to beat.
  2. It all clicks into gear by the end, and it perhaps bodes well that they appear to have worked out how to finish things on a high.
  3. Quarantine The Past: The Best of Pavement comes after a decade of constant re-releases, bonus discs and live albums, so it shouldn’t surprise that it comes off as a final, all-encompassing victory lap. Luckily the tracks chosen reach deep enough to make it at the very least a respectable ‘best of’ compilation.
  4. In other words, it’s exactly what a Pavement retrospective should be - a heavily slanted, palpably enchanted slab of richly flawed anarcho-pop.
  5. 91
    It’s a nice cross-section of material that highlights why Pavement was such a darling of the alt press, but Quarantine fails to truly capture the greatness.
  6. Diehards will lob all the complaints about sequencing and omissions, but if we're being honest here, what this compilation isn't leaves no blemish on the quality of what it actually is.
  7. Mojo
    The quality across this neat primer demands the high star rating. [Apr 2010, p.112]
  8. In short, Pavement's influence will continue to be felt for years to come, and this compilation admirably explains why.
  9. The ore of modern Pitchfork rock is here, laid out in all its flawed-diamond beauty. For a canon so flagrant in its faults, Quarantine is all-but faultless.
  10. The album contains some indisputable classics (Here, Summer Babe, Shady Lane) but aims to dig deeper than the hits.
  11. Mixing deathless classics (“Here,” “Gold Soundz,” “Range Life,”) with a few non-album gems (“Frontwards”), it’s a near-ideal primer on the savviest slacker-rock band ever.
  12. 100
    Quarantine the Past doesn't replace the albums, but it's a highly listenable alternative that is as much a treat for nostalgic older fans as it is a valuable gateway for new listeners.
  13. Q Magazine
    Quarantine The Past, a 23-track Best Of, blazes their reunion trail, working as either a tremendous primer for the uninitiated or a dizzying reminder of their remarkable abilities. [Apr 2010, p.124]
  14. Uncut
    This new 23-track compilation, cherry-picking the back catalogue from 1989's "Box Elder" through to 1999's "Terror Twilight," might help resolve the band's final enigma. [Apr 2010, p.102]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 24
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 24
  3. Negative: 2 out of 24
  1. Jul 28, 2012
    Pavement is one of the best bands of the 90s. Pure American rock that defines it's generation, along with Pixies, GBV, Dinosaur Jr and more.Pavement is one of the best bands of the 90s. Pure American rock that defines it's generation, along with Pixies, GBV, Dinosaur Jr and more. Listening to every one of those songs makes me wanna go back to those gold sounds. Full Review »
  2. Sep 3, 2019
    I missed the whole Pavement thing when it was going on so got a hold of this as I thought it might be a nice introduction to a criticallyI missed the whole Pavement thing when it was going on so got a hold of this as I thought it might be a nice introduction to a critically acclaimed band. To be honest I'm not as blown away as I had hoped I would be. No doubt influential etc etc but if so then those they influenced took what they did and made it better from what I can hear. It might be the mix of material from different albums but it's not the most coherent collection and the vocals, while cool are not standout. The guitar licks are very memorable and pretty good but at times the songs are just a bit all over the shop. There are very few tunes on here that I'd put on and turn up loud. I guess I was expecting more college rock anthems rather than weird stoney indie stuff. Some good stuff but ultimately my expectations weren't met. I'll look into some of the bands albums as perhaps this is one of those cases where individual tracks just don't translate across to a "Best Of", or perhaps its just a case of "you had to be there". I do dig Stephen Malkmus' solo stuff though. That is more refined and rocking. Full Review »
  3. Oct 3, 2018
    This is Pavement, so of course it deserves high marks. But really, what are you doing? Go ahead and actually listen to Pavement's albums. GoldThis is Pavement, so of course it deserves high marks. But really, what are you doing? Go ahead and actually listen to Pavement's albums. Gold sounds, people. Full Review »