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Generally favorable reviews- based on 1891 Ratings

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  1. Aug 10, 2018
    This album was her best ever period. Its better than cardis **** album too and Lil Kim's pitiful attempt for a comeback. If you wanna argue you that you can @ me on instagram @nickiminajoverload **** Nicki spent four years on making sure this album was her best one and have all the factors a good album needs and you salty, petty, nicki minaj haters wanna come on here and biasely rate herThis album was her best ever period. Its better than cardis **** album too and Lil Kim's pitiful attempt for a comeback. If you wanna argue you that you can @ me on instagram @nickiminajoverload **** Nicki spent four years on making sure this album was her best one and have all the factors a good album needs and you salty, petty, nicki minaj haters wanna come on here and biasely rate her album? Foh. Its wild how you cardi fans and lil kim fans like to call us messy and malicious but youll go on here and do this **** **** . Theres more of us barbz than both of youe fanbases combined. The rating will stay in the green. Expand
  2. Aug 11, 2018
    how can you listen to this sh*t, WAKE UP!! And last thing, don't call this rap, because it's pop-rap/electropop. Worst songs are "Super Bass", "Your Love", "Fly", "I'm the Best" and "Dear Old Nicki"
  3. Aug 13, 2018
    lol wtf ya'll talking about? this album is **** terrible xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  4. Aug 16, 2018
    This is just full of overrated and generic garbage. I will never respect a pathetic and talentless hack that is Nicki Minaj. *snore*
  5. Aug 13, 2018
    The album is not good, sorry. After 4 years, why would you give your fans an album like this?
  6. Aug 13, 2018
    I’ve been Nicki fan since the start, but I can’t lie. Her album is a complete disaster, nothing compares to prior albums. I really tried liking it, Barbie Dreams is a good album track, not a single. It’s really the best song off the album, and it’s very disappointing.
  7. Aug 14, 2018
    Well, it's her worst album of his entire career, it started well with the first two-three songs and then it became so horrendous, repetitive lyrics, sounds that had already been heard, an album with lots of stuffings, the truth is very bad and very disappointed.
  8. Aug 17, 2018
    Ganja Burn es la unica canción que me gusta del disco.
    Cardi B rules this year !
  9. Aug 17, 2018
    I just didn't really enjoy this album, none of the songs really jumped out to me and made me think that this was a good album, love Nicki though.
  10. Sep 11, 2018
    A horrible album made for Kektina. 0/10 album of the trashcan. Doesn't deserve even half of its sales
  11. Nov 3, 2018
    Nicki Minaj being a pioneer for female rap is still caring on her legacy as one of the greats Mc’s of all time. Queen brought so much hardcore lyrical content and the cohesiveness of the project was everthing. I’m not giving her a 10 because I’m a fan. I’m giving this protect a 10 because it’s what it deserves.
  12. Aug 10, 2018
    Esta de la witness este álbum, muchas colaboraciones nada nuevo, lo mismo de siempre, sera un fracaso, su peor álbum diria yo.
  13. Aug 10, 2018
    This album is no cohesive at all... it is far too long and it seems like she is searching hard for hits
  14. Aug 10, 2018
    Nicki Minaj at his worst, worst album
    nothing commercial, all surface to appear to be a rapper she is not
    nothing commercial, talking vulgar or futile things to sell as it did when I was crazy outfits and wigs roses
    trying to be Katy Perry or Lady Gaga
    nicki, on your next album will make you an alter ego or will turn white as iggy? so you can get a number one on the billboard
  15. Aug 10, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I don't know how she calls herself Queen, this album is so boring, totally hated it. Expand
  16. Aug 12, 2018
    Horrible álbum, no highlights whatsoever. It’s truly sad that Nicki has come to this.
  17. Aug 10, 2018
    The same method used in Pink Friday: Roman Reload. In one half of the album, she is a **** in another she's the Pop/Rap's Princess. It's obvious that I like the track "All Things Go" opening the work and the other songs like "Pills and Potions" and "Bed of Lies". "Get on your Knees" and "Feeling Myself" let me down. And I hated the masturbation wheel in "Truffle Butter".
  18. Aug 10, 2018
    Boring. Heard this a million times! A couple good songs and one wasn't even her own flow. Seriously, she is okayish lyrically but her beats were trash.
  19. Aug 13, 2018
    This is a big no no. I was expecting much more by the way she hyped this album out.
  20. Aug 14, 2018
    The album is not good. Just seems like she's trying so hard. She wants to prove she's the "Queen" when really she ain't it. She really needs to retire she's to old to be rapping about 2010 stuff.
  21. Aug 12, 2018
    What happened to Nicki? At what point did she start doing **** music? This album is wack af!
  22. Sep 9, 2018
    This is just horrible. I still don't understand why Nicki MInaj is famous because she clearly doesn't deserve it. Overrated and disgraceful.
  23. Aug 10, 2018
    good musics, but it is not the best album her, for me is the WORST, 'The Night Is Still Young' is the best music, pop/hip-hop, but she keeps looking like a prostitute. I like her, but, Nicki needs change
  24. Aug 13, 2018
    After I heard what Nicki said about Drake on her album I will never support her again. The fact that she had to diss all these people on her song just to make a "hit" is sad. Please Nicki think twice before mentioning the King.
  25. Aug 10, 2018
    Disappointed. This album is gross and sexist. Very vulgar. The song anaconda is the worst. Objectifying men, really???? and yet you want to win awards for this? i dont know anymore.
  26. Aug 24, 2018
    Um trabalho único e exclusivo. Nicki Minaj explora muito bem o álbum. Excelente trabalho.
  27. Aug 28, 2020
    Bed with Ariana Grande is the only good song because Ariana saved the song!
  28. Feb 19, 2019
    This album is terrible on every sides. Minaj's lyrics are full of disgusting meaning of slut shaming women and sexual intentions and the music makes ears bleed.
  29. Jul 20, 2019
    Lixosa. Tenho nojo eterno dessa escrota. Vai queimar no inferno flopada. Escorada do capeta
  30. Aug 5, 2019
    Horror pasando la witness con este album, ya toda Jola jola jola okei jola quedó

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 10, 2018
    On Queen, Nicki spends a lot of time ordering beheadings--which are fun, but get old quick--rather than showing us why she is and should be queen. Here's to hoping the next album gives us a more earnest, more raw glimpse of the head that wears the crown.
  2. Aug 20, 2018
    When Minaj leans into her untouchable strengths as a rapper, things get really exciting and an album of tracks as strong as "LLC" or "Barbie Dreams" would be one for the books. As it stands, however, Queen is another chapter of Minaj's good but largely meandering and inconsistent full-length album output.
  3. Aug 20, 2018
    Queen's title implies it's meant to function as a coronation for one of the biggest rappers ever, but it's more the sound of Minaj fighting to keep that crown on her head.