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  1. Aug 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The Queen is really back. This album so perfect with yours beats, many flows and bars. Queen Nicki always slay. Expand
  2. Aug 13, 2018
    I love this album , the beats are so fresh
  3. Aug 13, 2018
    Nicki Minaj delivered the best album of the year and showed the world why she is the Queen of Hip Hop. Her skill level, flow, bars, and talent is unmatched.
  4. Aug 13, 2018
    Minaj comes back swinging although I'm not a huge fan of this era this album makes up for every mistakes they way she's able to be versatile through out the entire project and give me different content that is mature yet youthful it's refreshing to hear he crazy persona witty bars and metaphors with quality production this is absolutely her best project to date and I'll definitely beMinaj comes back swinging although I'm not a huge fan of this era this album makes up for every mistakes they way she's able to be versatile through out the entire project and give me different content that is mature yet youthful it's refreshing to hear he crazy persona witty bars and metaphors with quality production this is absolutely her best project to date and I'll definitely be listening to it again I thoroughly enjoyed this album although I prefer her to sing a bit less in the future she's proved why she's the Queen imo Expand
  5. Aug 13, 2018
    IT is the best Nicki's album. Atlantic and killed Ccardi Bi buy bad reviews. They suck.
  6. Aug 13, 2018
    After many "Rap" & "Hip Hop" albums in the past few years, none have taken the time to focus on what those two Genre's are at their core. Nicki has the knowledge and skill to deliver a Classically Hip-Hop album with elements that are heavily featured in today's climate. Not only does she use the elements, she does them better than any current artists within the space. This is truly anAfter many "Rap" & "Hip Hop" albums in the past few years, none have taken the time to focus on what those two Genre's are at their core. Nicki has the knowledge and skill to deliver a Classically Hip-Hop album with elements that are heavily featured in today's climate. Not only does she use the elements, she does them better than any current artists within the space. This is truly an expression of what Hip-Hop is and a reminder of what is lacking in Hip-Hop's Mainstream artists & music. Expand
  7. Aug 13, 2018
    From start to finish, this embodies the best of Nicki Minaj. The intro is beautiful, the ending of Barbie Dreams is excellent. This entire album is a work of art. Her best work to date.
  8. Aug 13, 2018
    This album is amazing. There are tracks for heartbreak, tracks to shake your butt to, tracks to listen to when high. This album has it all! Nicki's best body of work.
  9. Aug 13, 2018
    Great album with great music. Feels fresh, classic & hard rap that makes you listen to this album again and again.
  10. Aug 13, 2018
    Though I'm unsure where it stands in her catalog, Queen surpassed expectations. As a result of her sometimes confusing rollout and the stark difference between official singles "Chun-Li" & "Bed", I was unsure of which direction Nicki would take for her 4th swing at the bat. Sticking to true to Dancehall & Rap influences, Queen stands as her least Pop-Influenced album. Not as confessionalThough I'm unsure where it stands in her catalog, Queen surpassed expectations. As a result of her sometimes confusing rollout and the stark difference between official singles "Chun-Li" & "Bed", I was unsure of which direction Nicki would take for her 4th swing at the bat. Sticking to true to Dancehall & Rap influences, Queen stands as her least Pop-Influenced album. Not as confessional as 2014s The Pinkprint, Queen sees her sharing aspects of her personal life while also keeping the braggadocios swagger about her that fans have come to love. The Mike-Will-Madeit produced "Good Form" will definitely pick up where "Anaconda" left off, while tracks like "Run & Hide" are reminiscent of "I Lied". Though tracks like "Chun Swae" run a little too long, Queen features the best aspects of Nicki from throughout the years. Album standouts are "Ganja Burns", "Barbie Dreams", "Run & Hide", "Nip Tuck", "Come See About Me" & "Coco Channel". Expand
  11. Aug 13, 2018
    Album. Of. The. **** Year. Music lovers are shook! She delivered!!!!!! PERIOD
  12. Aug 13, 2018
    This album is solid. I love how she proves her self as queen through her dynamic flows, witty verses, metaphors, personality, wordplay, and versatility. Although, personally I would have liked to see her capitalize on her album Title with the selected songs (excluding majesty). She out rapped every previous album, at the end of barbie dreams the emergence of roman definitely got me way tooThis album is solid. I love how she proves her self as queen through her dynamic flows, witty verses, metaphors, personality, wordplay, and versatility. Although, personally I would have liked to see her capitalize on her album Title with the selected songs (excluding majesty). She out rapped every previous album, at the end of barbie dreams the emergence of roman definitely got me way too excited. It showed that she was having fun with this album and that she's happy. Personal Faves - Barbie Dreams, LLC, Ganja Burns, Good Form, Chun Swae, and Nip Tuck. Expand
  13. Aug 13, 2018
    This is one of Nicki's best album to date. She realizes that the music industry wants her gone, and proven that she can not be replaced by some medicore rapper that cannot write her lyrics. My favorities tracks were Good form, Hard White, Majesty, Babrie dreams, Chun Swae, Maimii, LLC, and Chun Li.
  14. Aug 13, 2018
    Nicki Album was Amazing! She came down do what she had to do. her lyrics is unmatched and better than any female artist ever out! They way she speeds up her flow is amazing! This album gives your everything! Hype songs, songs that make you want to cry and lyrical ! THIS KS WHAT HOU CALL AN ALBUM ! if you hate on this album you have a bad taste in music.
  15. Aug 13, 2018
    After nearly four years Nicki Minaj has finally shared with the world what is clearly her best body of work! This highly anticipated album completely reassures the world that her own game is unmatched. This album has no skips on it, it is so refreshing to here because almost every other album that’s been released thus far undoubtedly sounds the same. Nearly all “HIP HOP” fans of thisAfter nearly four years Nicki Minaj has finally shared with the world what is clearly her best body of work! This highly anticipated album completely reassures the world that her own game is unmatched. This album has no skips on it, it is so refreshing to here because almost every other album that’s been released thus far undoubtedly sounds the same. Nearly all “HIP HOP” fans of this generation are on the trap music/lit bop wave. I’m s sad majority of people don’t listen to music for the artistry or the lyricism anymore just the sound of the beat and how popular it is on the chart. Thankfully Minaj doesn’t let anyone of that influence her and her music as a true artist! She has shown so much growth and has proved herself to be the BEST in the game time and time again. She has continuously defied the odds and will continue to do so. Thank you for this album Nicki is what very much needed by many to remind them what real music is outside of what’s popular/trending. Expand
  16. Aug 13, 2018
    This album is such a phenomenal piece of work nicki delivered.from the flows To the amazing beats to the bars such a good album
  17. Aug 13, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The new album ''Queen'' by Nicki Minaj is seriously phenomenal, it really grow on you every time you hear it!
    She has bangers left and right like LLC, Good Form, Chun-Li, BARBIE DREAMS,Majesty and many others, Give it a chance and you won't regret it
  18. Aug 13, 2018
    This album is a work of art. Well done to Nicki. She really went hard and did that.
  19. Aug 13, 2018
    QUEEN proves even more that Nicki will always reign i listen to this album every day this is the Best Rap Album of the Year hands down I hope she wins a Grammy it's we she's too talented and have done so much for female rap .. 2018 is her year her best album yet 100/100 PERIOD
  20. Aug 13, 2018
    This is a perfect. Bu kadar ben türküm ing bu kadar xjzkxkxkxjlskxjxkskcjdjdkjsdjsjd
  21. Aug 13, 2018
    Queen, lyrcially is Nicki Minaj's best album to date. She's proves to her predecessors that she is a force to be reckon with in the hip hop game. Congradulations Queen!
  22. Aug 13, 2018
    "Queen" is worthy of a true majesty of Hip-Hop / Rap, note 1.000.000 for this magnificent album
  23. Aug 13, 2018
    Such a huge improvement production wise from the past three albums. Geat mix of music.
  24. Aug 13, 2018
    Queen of rap snapped with the album damn
  25. Aug 13, 2018
    This album is **** Amazing and anybody who dislikes it is a hater and doesn’t understand Nicki Minaj
  26. Aug 13, 2018
    This is her best album. Her flows are umatched she uses word play and metaphors effortless. She is indeed Queen. She is top 5 rappers not female rapper but rappers period.
  27. Aug 13, 2018
    This album clearly showcases Nicki’s artistry and versatility. People who were expecting an album of generic turn up hype songs werent being realistic. Nicki was both spitting bars and showcasing her vocals. Nicki reinvents her sound on every album and the quality of her projects always gets better everytime!
  28. Aug 13, 2018
    Queen OfQueen Of Rap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  29. Aug 13, 2018
    This album is jaw dropping. It’s a new and refreshing sound mixed with old hip hop sounds that come together so well. The witty word play and beautiful melodies she was able to present to us was the icing on the cake. Everyone know Nicki Minaj is capable to make a hit song that can sky rocket on the billboards but this album proves much more than that. It shows her ability as a song writerThis album is jaw dropping. It’s a new and refreshing sound mixed with old hip hop sounds that come together so well. The witty word play and beautiful melodies she was able to present to us was the icing on the cake. Everyone know Nicki Minaj is capable to make a hit song that can sky rocket on the billboards but this album proves much more than that. It shows her ability as a song writer and rapper. This is easily one the best albums of the year and the best album from a female rapper in the past decade. Nicki Minaj proved why she is the Queen of rap. I suggest listening more than once to catch the word play bevcause it’s something you can’t find anywhere else. Although there were a few song made that I felt were too lengthy and just filler songs it still didn’t take away from how great this album was. Expand
  30. Aug 13, 2018
    Best album of the 2018, Queen Minaj,thank you nicki for the album and good work,the barbz are with you everytime!!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Sep 10, 2018
    On Queen, Nicki spends a lot of time ordering beheadings--which are fun, but get old quick--rather than showing us why she is and should be queen. Here's to hoping the next album gives us a more earnest, more raw glimpse of the head that wears the crown.
  2. Aug 20, 2018
    When Minaj leans into her untouchable strengths as a rapper, things get really exciting and an album of tracks as strong as "LLC" or "Barbie Dreams" would be one for the books. As it stands, however, Queen is another chapter of Minaj's good but largely meandering and inconsistent full-length album output.
  3. Aug 20, 2018
    Queen's title implies it's meant to function as a coronation for one of the biggest rappers ever, but it's more the sound of Minaj fighting to keep that crown on her head.