• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 21, 2013
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  1. May 21, 2013
    After 3 years of silence, the noise has finally returned. The rightful kings of EDM (Electronic-Dance Music) are back and in full swing with their new album. The tracks ooze through the speakers with such magnificence, you will have to brace yourself to endure the exhilarating experience. The songs intertwine together, tied tightly together with a bow, and handed to you to open and enjoy.After 3 years of silence, the noise has finally returned. The rightful kings of EDM (Electronic-Dance Music) are back and in full swing with their new album. The tracks ooze through the speakers with such magnificence, you will have to brace yourself to endure the exhilarating experience. The songs intertwine together, tied tightly together with a bow, and handed to you to open and enjoy. I must say that Daft Punk may have lost some of their electronic side in the transition period, but those are minor details. It seems as if comparing Human After All with Random Access Memories is like comparing apples to oranges. Yes, they're both fruits, but they're nothing alike.

    Even from the beginning, Daft Punk make their message clear. They are trying to "Give Life Back To Music". They, unlike all pop music today, have emotion. They have rhythm and soul. So, maybe these cold, metallic robots do have hearts after all. They seem to show love and want to spread it with their music. The feel good tracks such as "Get Lucky" and "Lose Yourself To Dance" get their audience into a hypnotic state of being, mesmerized by the entrancing beats. One song in particular caught my attention. The track "The Game of Love" is a heart-wrenching masterpiece with a similar feel to "Something About Us" from Discovery. This lyrics, despite being distorted by a robotic voice, express a deep lamentation and exclamation of love.

    The first half of the album is flawless. The songs are smooth and errorless. When you slowly transition into the second half, it seems as though the songs become more ambient. They would be perfect if they were played in the background of a party, but not as frontline tracks. I'm not saying that they are bad tracks, but they lack the emotion and funkiness that is set-up in the first half. However, I am slightly disappointed with "Doin' It Right". This track features the genius vocalist/drummer Noah Lennox (or better known as Panda Bear). He is a member of one of my favourite bands, Animal Collective, and has made a splash in the electronic spectrum. I figured that the rhythm behind Animal Collective would create a heavenly collaboration with two electronic gods. I was sadly mistaken when I heard the lack-lustre track. It's not all bad, but I really expected something with a little more "oomph".

    Despite a few minor setbacks, Daft Punk have created one of the most enjoyable albums this year and continue to surprise us with new tricks up their sleeves.
  2. May 22, 2013
    Daft Punk's most intelligent and deepest album to date, absolutely phenomenal. The scale of song's such as 'Touch', 'Giorgio by Moroder' and 'Contact' prove that Daft Punk are STILL ahead of the curve. Personal favourites are, 'Give Life back to Music', 'Touch', 'Instant Crush', 'Get Lucky', 'Doin' it Right' and of course the epic 'Giorgio By Moroder'.
  3. May 22, 2013
    It is a great album and a great disappointment for Daft Punk fans, especially those who expected something like Discovery or Human After All. For me every song felt like wtf. I wanted an album full of Alive 2007 level tracks. However, after listening to that Random Access Memories for several hours I realised that it is absolutely brilliant. Daft Punk were criticised for having lifelessIt is a great album and a great disappointment for Daft Punk fans, especially those who expected something like Discovery or Human After All. For me every song felt like wtf. I wanted an album full of Alive 2007 level tracks. However, after listening to that Random Access Memories for several hours I realised that it is absolutely brilliant. Daft Punk were criticised for having lifeless robotic songs and they've shown that they can put soul in their tracks. Expand
  4. May 23, 2013
    I really love this album. I haven't been a hardcore Daft Punk fan but i REALLY love this album.... It is excellent, the mastering and recording is T O P NOTCH!!!!!!! Quality. And i love the jazzy/rocky/electronic/funk/retro music..... Fine music, i love it.

    There is a few songs i dont particularly like so much, but every song is IMO at least OK! It's close to perfect.

  5. Aug 2, 2013
    I'm a HUGE Daft Punk fan and finally the new album is out, and it's amazing. But it's not perfect, and here is why. There are 3 kind of Daft Punk songs on the album: commercial 'singles' (Get Lucky, Lose Yourself to Dance, Give Life Back to Music & Fragments of Time), mellow 'slow' songs (Game of Love, Within, Beyond & Horizon) and general Daft Punk songs (the remaining 6 songs). NaturallyI'm a HUGE Daft Punk fan and finally the new album is out, and it's amazing. But it's not perfect, and here is why. There are 3 kind of Daft Punk songs on the album: commercial 'singles' (Get Lucky, Lose Yourself to Dance, Give Life Back to Music & Fragments of Time), mellow 'slow' songs (Game of Love, Within, Beyond & Horizon) and general Daft Punk songs (the remaining 6 songs). Naturally most people like the commercial songs the most whereas die-hard fans want that electronic Daft-sound.

    There is something for everyone on this album and you can't ignore the fact that it's an amazing achievement to make an 'electronic' album with hundreds of live intstruments. You can hear the quality of this 5 year in the making album. A bit less 'mellow' and 'commercial' songs and more pure Daft sound and it would be a 10/10 from me. Discovery has the perfect balance and still is their best album.
  6. May 21, 2013
    Random Access Memories is certainly surprising. Daft Punk have broken my expectatives, i expect something different but the results are very much better. Is a personal work, a headphones album, with great coherence, a strict sense of narrative in some songs of the album. Is great to hear the way that electronic music converts in an album with a several symphony arrangements. I rememberRandom Access Memories is certainly surprising. Daft Punk have broken my expectatives, i expect something different but the results are very much better. Is a personal work, a headphones album, with great coherence, a strict sense of narrative in some songs of the album. Is great to hear the way that electronic music converts in an album with a several symphony arrangements. I remember 70's albums of Pink Floyd, Queen, works with a common line, telling us a musical story. Is my favourite since Discovery, and Giorgio By Moroder is a little master piece, and Touch a curiously and complex work that will divide listeners. You may not dance, but if you have sensitivity, you'll feel and you can't stop listening. Expand
  7. Jun 7, 2013
    Para los que creían que Daft Punk habían llegado a un bache, vuelven con toda, se reinventan y llegan con este refresco de muy buena música, alejados como siempre del mal gusto comercial que es lo que alegra. y haciendo un viaje por la buena vibra setentera y ochentera.
  8. May 24, 2013
    I have no idea what to classify this album under. That's the cool thing about Daft Punk, they're always evolving and adapting. There's collaborations with old and young artists of all styles, and they way they blend with Daft Punk is simple astounding and unique. No two songs sound much alike, and most of them are fantastic. There are a few tracks that don't stand as tall as the others,I have no idea what to classify this album under. That's the cool thing about Daft Punk, they're always evolving and adapting. There's collaborations with old and young artists of all styles, and they way they blend with Daft Punk is simple astounding and unique. No two songs sound much alike, and most of them are fantastic. There are a few tracks that don't stand as tall as the others, but are solid songs in their own right. The track "Lose Yourself to Dance" alone made me buy, this album, and I've had the distinct pleasure of listening to it, in it's entirety and adding other songs like Instant Crush, Doin It Right, and others to that list. Expand
  9. Jun 1, 2013
    Four words: Album of the Summer

    With nary a bad track throughout the entire 74 minute journey, RAM brings disco back into the mainstream. While underground artists continued to play with disco (in various forms) since the 70s, daft punk bring life to an otherwise dead sound.
  10. May 31, 2013
    Daft Punk uses their past to create the future, something that alot of musical formations seem to not even dream about in their naughtiest of dreams. The hype has been working in their favor as well, but that's not the discussion here. The album sounds like Daft Punk has never gone away. Another thing that it let me see, however harsh this may sound, Justice was merely a fill-up for theDaft Punk uses their past to create the future, something that alot of musical formations seem to not even dream about in their naughtiest of dreams. The hype has been working in their favor as well, but that's not the discussion here. The album sounds like Daft Punk has never gone away. Another thing that it let me see, however harsh this may sound, Justice was merely a fill-up for the return of Daft Punk. If you dare admit, the first time you heard Justice, you thought it was the new Daft Punk.

    Filled with gorgeous landscapes (Giorgo by Moroder), Within which serves as a stretched intro to Instant Crush (containing lush digitalized guitar sounds that Julian Casablancas ironically wished to see the daylight on his own band's Angles) and the instant Summer hit Lose Yourself to Dance (it makes you shake your hips AND clap your hands) this album is pretty much layed out. The rest of the songs resonate these feelings and wrap up the album pretty good. The ending track, Contact, felt like an epic veil falling over the stage. Like you go see an opera, they have one last song that takes up everything and just lifts the piece to this whole other level so you are left with this feeling of amazement, curious for the next adventure.

    With this album almost clocking in at 73 minutes (only 10 seconds longer than Homework), this is their longest album released to day. Unlike previous albums, I'm surprised by the amount of strong and interesting songs on this album, which undoubtedly due to all the collaborators they've had on RAM. I only got bored/skipped at one or two songs and even then I sorta felt bad because they felt like part of the experience.

    If Music gives you Life, give Life back to Music.
  11. Jun 4, 2013
    Draft is back! Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first DP album to not have a movie with it since homework. Not as good as discovery, but not too shabby. This is the thing to me with them they have created many masterpieces, so that comes with the typical hype. I think what we have here is just a good chill record. Its hard to follow super massive success, and I feel like they justDraft is back! Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the first DP album to not have a movie with it since homework. Not as good as discovery, but not too shabby. This is the thing to me with them they have created many masterpieces, so that comes with the typical hype. I think what we have here is just a good chill record. Its hard to follow super massive success, and I feel like they just said it let's have fun, I support them and this album all the way. My top 3 probably give life back, Giorgio, and get lucky. Just chill and let it grow on you if you expect anything, you already expect to much. Good one guys you won't ever let us down! Now get in you're pyramid and tour!!! Haha Expand
  12. May 29, 2013
    This album is a little more mellow and laid back than their previous work, but the more you listen, the better the songs get. The collaboration and effort to perfect this album is excellent. Any future remixes should also be excellent.
  13. May 21, 2013
    A great and ambitious album thats not afraid to be softer at times. Nothing on this album feels like its on a grid like most music today especially electronic music. It flows completely different genres into one another beautifully. Daft Punk definitely nailed the emotion they were going for which is refreshing but the only problem this triumph of an album has is that it lacks the energyA great and ambitious album thats not afraid to be softer at times. Nothing on this album feels like its on a grid like most music today especially electronic music. It flows completely different genres into one another beautifully. Daft Punk definitely nailed the emotion they were going for which is refreshing but the only problem this triumph of an album has is that it lacks the energy some people would expect from electronic music. The hype for this album is just met but not exceeded. Tracks like Beyond and Game of Love can make you feel sleepy but dancing to them definitely wasnt the intent. This album wont make you feel like you got off a roller coaster but rather like you just saw the grand canyon. Expand
  14. May 21, 2013
    Daft Punk were in danger of becoming a musical norm, the dowdy ordinary, the discarded gold standard, a flaking blueprint packed away in the archives, never to be consulted again. Until they create an album like Random Access Memories, possibly the world’s most misunderstood album ever recorded.

    RAM is a bold and unashamedly gushing love letter to disco. Whether this is good or bad
    Daft Punk were in danger of becoming a musical norm, the dowdy ordinary, the discarded gold standard, a flaking blueprint packed away in the archives, never to be consulted again. Until they create an album like Random Access Memories, possibly the world’s most misunderstood album ever recorded.

    RAM is a bold and unashamedly gushing love letter to disco. Whether this is good or bad thing, time and repeat listens will decide.

    A lot of critique of the album during the initial frenzied clamour to define or, more often than not, to deride Daft Punk’s intentions here, were about the sound of RAM it doesn’t sound like a real Daft Punk album, more akin to being labelled as a derivative disco record. Some unjustly comparisons went as far as likening it to a collection of lost Steely Dan demos and a bad Michael McDonald album. Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I like Steely Dan and Michael McDonald, I wish there were more records like them, unapologetic fluffy pop-jazz-funk hybrids with great competent live instrumentation that’s not always showy, but full of interesting ideas. RAM is an album that fits that description.

    Giorgio By Moroder featuring, naturally, Giorgio Moroder on spoken word, reminiscing on the origins of his long musical career and overall aesthetic philosophy, while around it, like faithful disciples, Daft Punk build a little epic 9-minute sonata that segues from pulsing synth modulations into dinner party disco funk, then, unexpectedly, a sharp right turn into triumphant orchestration for an underdog movie and then straight down into a solid bass, drum and guitar stadium sized jam anthem, all the while Uncle Giorgio explaining his musical raison d'être, and indeed the overall message of Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories:

    “…once you free your mind about the concept of harmony and of music being correct, you can do whatever you want…nobody told me what to do, there was no preconception…”

    *edited from full review available at bizarrojerri.wordpress.com
  15. May 21, 2013
    This album is good, yeah if you’re some kind of Daft Punk purist you’re going to have some issues, Its ok tho, there’s some stuff you’ll like. For everyone else, its a rich rewarding listen. A funky guitar laden, synthesizer based ode to music and love. It’s slow at times, but that pace allows you to enjoy the freedom with which the band experiments with sounds and textures. This albumThis album is good, yeah if you’re some kind of Daft Punk purist you’re going to have some issues, Its ok tho, there’s some stuff you’ll like. For everyone else, its a rich rewarding listen. A funky guitar laden, synthesizer based ode to music and love. It’s slow at times, but that pace allows you to enjoy the freedom with which the band experiments with sounds and textures. This album isn’t revolutionary, Daft Punk no longer is trying to establish a sound. This is just them doing what they do best. Expand
  16. May 21, 2013
    I knew this album would be brilliant. I knew the moment the 90-minute teaser was shown at Coachella. I knew the moment Pharrell appeared in an interview for the album and described the band as “gracious robots” whose purpose is to enhance the lives of those on “this oblong rock that we call home.” Despite the veritable blitzkrieg of marketing, ads, press, interviews, teasers and snippets,I knew this album would be brilliant. I knew the moment the 90-minute teaser was shown at Coachella. I knew the moment Pharrell appeared in an interview for the album and described the band as “gracious robots” whose purpose is to enhance the lives of those on “this oblong rock that we call home.” Despite the veritable blitzkrieg of marketing, ads, press, interviews, teasers and snippets, no one seemed to get sick of seeing the masked heads of Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo plastered on walls all around the world.

    Gone are the grinding drums and the grating bursts of synth. In their place are lush strings and astonishingly delicate live drumming. The robot voices have been softened to sound less alien, and more alienated. It’s all tied up by the hyperkinetic guitar work of Nile Rogers, the legend behind “We Are Family,” “Freak Out,” and “Let’s Dance.” This album is funky, groovy, soulful, and has a distinctive human touch. This isn’t music you do the robot to; the ‘robo-boogie’ Flight of the Conchords sing about in “The Humans Are Dead” is more appropriate.

    The album’s opening track is “Give Life Back To Music,” a beautiful four minutes of muted guitars. From the outset, it’s clear that Daft Punk are using real musicians–instead of working from technology as they did before, they recruited some of the best session musicians in LA, New York, Paris and London to really bring their music to life. The song’s title is in keeping with Thomas Bangalter (the silver-masked robot)’s statement regarding the band’s shift away from computers: "In a computer, everything is recallable all the time, but life is a succession of events that only happen once,” he proclaimed. This song (and indeed, the rest of the album) has warmth and human fallibility that is conspicuously absent from standard electronic music.

    The best songs on the album are the ones that most subvert our expectations of Daft Punk. “Giorgio by Moroder” is a freak-out of synths and drumming so intricate that it wouldn’t be out of place on a free jazz album. Flea-esque bass solos are thrown in for good measure, alongside some scratching that furthers the song’s ‘live’ feel. Passages of spoken word outlining the history of disco (during which the whole track slows down and adopts a hushed tone) are interspersed with this frenetic backing track. Mesmerising.

    “Instant Crush” features Julian Casablancas from The Strokes, and sounds like what the Strokes’ latest album could’ve sounded like if the rest of the band didn’t hate the 70s so much. Casablancas is predictably mournful but his voice is pitch-shifted upwards and sounds as though it has been pieced back together slightly out of sequence, lending the song a jagged, disjointed sound that perfectly suits its mood.

    The two tracks featuring Pharrell are brilliant. “Lose Yourself To Dance” has a beat that’ll see your toes tapping and shoulders jerking as you listen to it on the bus, and the ubiquitous “Get Lucky” is a perfect synthesis of every classic disco song ever made. It’s on these two songs that Nile Rogers’ pure funk shines through. “Doin’ It Right” featuring Panda Bear (from Animal Collective) is infectious: the song starts with the robots’ voices, slowly adding a tapping cymbal, followed by the snare and bass drums. It’s the only song that feels truly processed.

    The main criticism of ‘Random Access Memories’ seems to be that Daft Punk has not made a Daft Punk album. Some hard-core fans long for the harsher electronica of the duo’s earlier work, and don’t really like the way we can actually sing along to these songs. There’s no denying that songs like “Da Funk,” “Around The World,” and “Harder Better Faster Stronger” were beautiful. They had a coarse, sparse, circular quality but in my opinion, grew tiresome after a few listens. “Random Access Memories” is a more conventional album of ‘normal’ songs. While it’s going to turn off some fans, it’s definitely going to allow the duo to win a new audience–an audience that I’m proudly part of. Plain and simple, Daft Punk have made a brilliant album. It is a piece of art that should be treasured, listened to repeatedly, remixed and covered by every bedroom virtuoso in the world.
  17. May 22, 2013
    Daft Punk went on by a different and more difficult way !And in my opinion this succeed It is something that comes back to the roots and during the entire album has a history and a sense. It is not an album that people will love at the first listening. But when you enter the story it becomes more and more addicted...to the sound. I do not give a 10 because a thing the album it a bit tooDaft Punk went on by a different and more difficult way !And in my opinion this succeed It is something that comes back to the roots and during the entire album has a history and a sense. It is not an album that people will love at the first listening. But when you enter the story it becomes more and more addicted...to the sound. I do not give a 10 because a thing the album it a bit too long But ...definitely something fresh Expand
  18. May 23, 2013
    Absolutely gem of an album. It's lush, upbeat, emotional, exciting all at once. I listen to it in the morning and in the evening and then just about @all other times. This is what disco music should be and this is what will be relevant even a decade from now.

    Hard to pick favorites but I love Giorgio by Moroder, Instant Crush, Doin' It Right, Beyond, Lose Yourself to Dance... I really
    Absolutely gem of an album. It's lush, upbeat, emotional, exciting all at once. I listen to it in the morning and in the evening and then just about @all other times. This is what disco music should be and this is what will be relevant even a decade from now.

    Hard to pick favorites but I love Giorgio by Moroder, Instant Crush, Doin' It Right, Beyond, Lose Yourself to Dance... I really could go on

    The likes of Madonna need to work with artists as Daft Punk to take their talent to the next level.
  19. May 24, 2013
    I've seen a lot of people saying "Emperor's New Clothes", but that story has no place here. He was naked, and this album is certainly not. Compared to most modern Dance Albums, this is wearing a thick coat. So much detail has gone into this album, so much more than other Daft Punk albums. One More time is the only Daft Punk song that doesn't rely heavily on samples. Which isn't meI've seen a lot of people saying "Emperor's New Clothes", but that story has no place here. He was naked, and this album is certainly not. Compared to most modern Dance Albums, this is wearing a thick coat. So much detail has gone into this album, so much more than other Daft Punk albums. One More time is the only Daft Punk song that doesn't rely heavily on samples. Which isn't me insulting daft punk, they created the whole dance sample thing to a degree, but this album proves their talent. Each Song except maybe two, are very unique and can stand alone, however as a package it works so well. The grandeur in this album almost places it in a soundtrack position, and it wouldn't go amiss in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Which is a huge compliment musically.

    Be aware however, i grew up under my dad who was part of the Disco era, and thus may be biased due to what i have listened to throughout my life.

    That said, give it a listen, first album for a long time I have been able to just listen to throughout without wanting to skip.

    Stand Out songs;
    Instant Crush
    Get Lucky
    Giorgio By Moroder
    Doin it Right
  20. May 24, 2013
    Daft Punk's RAM is a bit of an enigma. I've decided to call it Disco Prog. There's a lot going on here. After repeated listens, it's obviously an Album (with a capital 'A') meant to be listened to in full, in one stretch, to fully appreciate. And not just for the excellent production, which is top-notch, warm and inviting, but also for the musicianship and sequencing; winsome andDaft Punk's RAM is a bit of an enigma. I've decided to call it Disco Prog. There's a lot going on here. After repeated listens, it's obviously an Album (with a capital 'A') meant to be listened to in full, in one stretch, to fully appreciate. And not just for the excellent production, which is top-notch, warm and inviting, but also for the musicianship and sequencing; winsome and melancholic in places, upbeat and breathtaking in others, it slowly builds throughout to the epic, soaring closer, "Contact". I think by now it's well understood (for both revelers and detractors) that RAM is not at all expected, and yet, ultimately, all the better for it.

    Highlights include: "Instant Crush," "Giorgio By Moroder", "Motherboard" "Doin' It Right" and, last, but certainly not least, "Contact". A few tracks (e.g. "Within", "Beyond"), while not quite as special by themselves, easily find their charm in sequence among the whole.
  21. May 25, 2013
    Don't walk away from this album just because it's not the rhythmic EDM masterpiece that everyone said the album would be.

    This album is different. I agree, it's not our usual daft punk, but this album does a great job at what it does. Not only is it Daft Punk's thank you to the genre that opened so many doors for EDM today, but it's also a story of the duo getting in touch with a more
    Don't walk away from this album just because it's not the rhythmic EDM masterpiece that everyone said the album would be.

    This album is different. I agree, it's not our usual daft punk, but this album does a great job at what it does. Not only is it Daft Punk's thank you to the genre that opened so many doors for EDM today, but it's also a story of the duo getting in touch with a more human side of their music.

    Overall, I really appreciate this compilation of music. Admittedly, I don't enjoy every song on the album as much as most of their previous music, but I agree with the critic that said along the lines, it's an important part in Daft Punk's music making legacy.
  22. May 27, 2013
    Random Access Memories is Daft Punk;s fourth studio album and this time the electric dance duo tries something quite different then anything they have ever released. After dropping the perfect single Get Lucky" fans went wild within minutes the whole world knew about this new album and everyone and their mothers were anticipating it. Finally the album dropped for the whole world to listenRandom Access Memories is Daft Punk;s fourth studio album and this time the electric dance duo tries something quite different then anything they have ever released. After dropping the perfect single Get Lucky" fans went wild within minutes the whole world knew about this new album and everyone and their mothers were anticipating it. Finally the album dropped for the whole world to listen and like millions of others i decided to give it a listen and i have got to say i love it and would really like to see Daft Punk take this new sound a grow on it. This album is super fun to listen to and is full of new sounds and new genre experimentation from genres like Jazz, Soul, Funk, and more, However it may sound different but it;s still Daft Punk and that;s why so many people love it. The opening rack Give Life Back to Music" is the best way to begin this album. It just makes you think and it makes you want to give your life to music. i also loved "Giorgio by Moroder" which has a an awesome beginning it really keeps you listening when the music slowly builds to the end of the speech and then it kicks and thats when i really start to enjoy this track. Another favorite track of mine is "Doin' it Right" probably my favorite track on this record it;s just so catchy and has a super cool beat with beautiful vocals. The song "Contact" is a incredible way to end the record and makes you wish more tracks were like it on this record. If this album had more songs like "Get Lucky" and Doin' it Right" and less of tracks like "Game of Love" and "Within" this album would've been perfect. Overall this album is amazing and a highlight of 2013. i give it a solid 9 out of 10 Expand
  23. Jun 3, 2013
    This album has been a long time coming and Daft Punk doesn't disappoint. Like a tossed salad, all the sounds of the past 50 years are beautifully mixed throughout the entire album. Disco. Swing. 80s. Techno. R&B. You name the genre, it probably has it.

    I don't know if I remember the last time each track in an album sounded so different from the others. I'd personally prefer a bit more
    This album has been a long time coming and Daft Punk doesn't disappoint. Like a tossed salad, all the sounds of the past 50 years are beautifully mixed throughout the entire album. Disco. Swing. 80s. Techno. R&B. You name the genre, it probably has it.

    I don't know if I remember the last time each track in an album sounded so different from the others. I'd personally prefer a bit more electronic sounds, but overall, a great album.
  24. Jun 1, 2013
    ‘Get Lucky’ the first single and perfect earworm from ‘Random Access Memories’ grabbed me instantly and wouldn’t let go, I championed it to everyone I knew advising them to ‘get on board as it will get you in the end anyway’. I couldn’t wait for the album and then I heard it. The first time I listened to the record was when it streamed on ITunes I had high expectations and was thoroughly‘Get Lucky’ the first single and perfect earworm from ‘Random Access Memories’ grabbed me instantly and wouldn’t let go, I championed it to everyone I knew advising them to ‘get on board as it will get you in the end anyway’. I couldn’t wait for the album and then I heard it. The first time I listened to the record was when it streamed on ITunes I had high expectations and was thoroughly underwhelmed and disappointed. The second time I was walking home at night in the rain and still reeling from the fact it didn’t contain 13 songs anything like ‘Get Lucky’ I was yet again left thinking what the hell is this MOR Avant jazz rubbish. A few friends had already got the album and kept telling me to give it one more go but I was hesitant on wasting yet more time on something that I couldn’t see ever getting. And so the third listen was in the garden and in the sunshine, glass of wine in hand as background music until I realised I was actually being drawn to it, it was forcing its way into the foreground, I was hearing things I’d clearly missed before like strange time signatures and chord changes hidden in the songs in plain sight. How the hell had I missed all this the first few times? It suddenly dropped and I couldn’t believe how good it actually was, I had to keep listening over and over again. I’m still listening. ‘Give Life Back To Music’ with its robot voice and disco beat, ‘Giorgio by Moroder’ with its spoken word story before kicking in with its ferocious live drumming and strange sounds, the eighties feel of ‘Instant Crush’ with the Strokes Julian Casablancas on vocals, the Television sitcom theme style of ‘Fragments of Time’, the closer ‘Contact’ which builds to a glorious crescendo there is so much here to love. Daft Punk have somehow taken influence from every decade in pop and made it into something new, as Alexis Petridis said you think the songs sound like something else until you go to your record collection to try and find it and cant. Now all of the songs are in my head fighting to be the one I catch myself humming or singing and at any point I’m never sure which one will win out. I’m so glad I stuck this this record and eventually succumbed to its power because if I hadn’t I wouldn’t now be in love with its oddly perfect pop genius. Try it and if you don’t like it try it again, try a few times in the sunshine and eventually I’m sure when you have the moment where it clicks you will, like me, be pleasantly surprised. Expand
  25. Jun 6, 2013
    Another excellent album from the french house duo, coming fresh off their last project of movie scoring, I find this album a great step into the exploration of music and it's history. The 60's and 70's themes are predominant throughout the entire album, and Daft Punk goes so far as to interview the producer they collaborated with in the album. The third song, 'Giorgio by Moroder' I seeAnother excellent album from the french house duo, coming fresh off their last project of movie scoring, I find this album a great step into the exploration of music and it's history. The 60's and 70's themes are predominant throughout the entire album, and Daft Punk goes so far as to interview the producer they collaborated with in the album. The third song, 'Giorgio by Moroder' I see mostly as an explanation for the album, bringing in one of the godfathers of the type of dance/pop music that naturally evolved into what we know now as electronica.

    Definitely give the album a thorough listen through, as many of the themes in the album clearly dictate where the sound that Daft Punk is so famously known for has come from.
  26. Jun 12, 2013
    Daft Punk revitalises their EDM vibe into something completely fresh and exotic. Emotions range from creepy, operatic, funk, soul, rock, dance, and so much more. With tracks such as "Touch (Feat. Paul Williams)" and "Giorgio by Moroder", Daft Punk wraps and warps their style, managing to fit into places it shouldn't. You get the feel of Daft Punk, that urge to tap your feet and move, allDaft Punk revitalises their EDM vibe into something completely fresh and exotic. Emotions range from creepy, operatic, funk, soul, rock, dance, and so much more. With tracks such as "Touch (Feat. Paul Williams)" and "Giorgio by Moroder", Daft Punk wraps and warps their style, managing to fit into places it shouldn't. You get the feel of Daft Punk, that urge to tap your feet and move, all the while enjoying every note along the way. Expand
  27. Oct 13, 2013
    Random Access Memories can easily be described as Daft Punk's finest material to date and one of the most memorable moments of 2013. The lead single, "Get Lucky", was a summer smash and could be considered a contender for being one of the finest pop songs of the 2010s thus far. Although its 70s disco and funk throwbacks might not charm all audiences, it's certainly a welcoming album toRandom Access Memories can easily be described as Daft Punk's finest material to date and one of the most memorable moments of 2013. The lead single, "Get Lucky", was a summer smash and could be considered a contender for being one of the finest pop songs of the 2010s thus far. Although its 70s disco and funk throwbacks might not charm all audiences, it's certainly a welcoming album to anyone even remotely interested in escaping the electro craze that's done nothing but dominate the top 40 in recent years. The vocoders have since become their signature sound, but are more than welcoming in the opening four tracks "Give Life Back to Music", "The Game of Love", and the 'robo-gloom' ballad "Within", which both alienate younger audiences whilst still remaining the listeners in their comfort zone. "Giorgio by Moroder" magnificently narrates listeners through the process of becoming a musician whilst "Instant Crush", featuring The Strokes' lead singer Julian Casablancas, somehow manages to channel the same melody found in the Christmas classic "Last Christmas" and could easily make it into the soundtracks of the duo's punk fans. "Doin' It Right" channels late-70s synthpop and sends euphoric chills into listeners through its mesmerizing use of the vocoder and Panda Bear's effortless vocals. Overall, the album may be overhyped in the media and some may not fall for its worldwide charm, but RAM honestly earns all the hype its given and has the charm to make its way into about every listener's iTunes. The hiatus may have seemingly lasted forever, but it was damn sure worth the wait. Expand
  28. Jun 29, 2013
    It's not supposed to be Homework or Discovery. And as such, people should stop reviewing it as if it was either of those two albums. The only song that sounds remotely like anything on either of those albums is Contact, and that's only because they wrote a primitive version of the song at the same time as those other albums and never released it. I understand the disappointment some feelIt's not supposed to be Homework or Discovery. And as such, people should stop reviewing it as if it was either of those two albums. The only song that sounds remotely like anything on either of those albums is Contact, and that's only because they wrote a primitive version of the song at the same time as those other albums and never released it. I understand the disappointment some feel in its dissimilarities with earlier Daft Punk albums, however, it is wonderful in its own way. Expand
  29. Dec 12, 2013
    Daft Punk managed to incorporate powerful emotion, playfulness, and melodic funk in what is arguably one of the best releases of 2013, hearkening back to the 'sounds of the 60s and 70s'.

    EDIT: I originally gave this album a 5/10. I realized I didn't give it the fair listen it deserved.
  30. Oct 3, 2013
    This album brings back what music was founded on: art. This is, to date, Daft Punk's most personal album. The hard work put into this paid off. Daft Punk did something extremely difficult: Make an album not only can you dance to, but can be listened to solo in a darkened room. The progressive Pink-Floyd-like appeal of Contact, the Disco-Electronica Get Lucky, and the Dance MJ-like songThis album brings back what music was founded on: art. This is, to date, Daft Punk's most personal album. The hard work put into this paid off. Daft Punk did something extremely difficult: Make an album not only can you dance to, but can be listened to solo in a darkened room. The progressive Pink-Floyd-like appeal of Contact, the Disco-Electronica Get Lucky, and the Dance MJ-like song Lose Yourself To Dance; This album will please most. Expand
  31. Jul 31, 2022
    Can listen to this over and over and never gets old. One of the many albums that takes me back to a specific time and place in my life. Love it
  32. May 15, 2014
    Daft Punk have continued to provide us with mellow beats and good songs. This is an album that I could lose myself in whether on my way home or anywhere else. Thumbs up!
  33. Dec 29, 2013
    Is a perfect album, maybe isn't the typical album that all the fans expected from Daft Punk, but it's still an excellent album.
    Ps: for the simple fact that it is not the same style as the previous album, does not mean it's bad.
  34. May 5, 2014
    Random Access Memories is full of amazing songs, especially contact. The one complaint I do have is that the song Motherboard is really lacking, and not as memorable as the others, such as touch, giorgio, and contact are.
  35. Feb 11, 2014
    I don't why people now say that they miss the old daft punk.Sure Get Lucky was more of a mainstream type of pop music but I think the whole album together is just a a revision of their albums and to me it's an excellant dance music,electronica and with some songs like Touch and Within It just adds some soul to make a well rounded album and all the people givbing a score of 7 and below wellI don't why people now say that they miss the old daft punk.Sure Get Lucky was more of a mainstream type of pop music but I think the whole album together is just a a revision of their albums and to me it's an excellant dance music,electronica and with some songs like Touch and Within It just adds some soul to make a well rounded album and all the people givbing a score of 7 and below well they're just people who listen to Katy Perry and Justin bieber whole day ........well Prism is okay.......good perhaps. Expand
  36. Feb 12, 2014
    Love Random Access Memories because the record fuse digital instrumentation.
    The tribute to Giorgio Moroder is superb. I've listened the album dozens of times.
  37. Mar 31, 2014
    8 years since their last album (I would not count Tron), the robots finally get their groove back. Literally. From start to finish, Random Access Memories reminds us how great 70's music is to the modern listeners. There's a homage to Giorgio Moroder in there which really brings back the late 70's early 80's disco-electro vibe, the addition of Nile Rodgers, and of course the fabulously8 years since their last album (I would not count Tron), the robots finally get their groove back. Literally. From start to finish, Random Access Memories reminds us how great 70's music is to the modern listeners. There's a homage to Giorgio Moroder in there which really brings back the late 70's early 80's disco-electro vibe, the addition of Nile Rodgers, and of course the fabulously addictive Pharrell-featuring Get Lucky. RAM plays well accordingly. From the first song all the way to the epic ending that begs your mind to start the journey all over again. In fact, when I got the album the first time, I could not stop playing it repeatedly. There are a few drawbacks though such as the fact that some songs sound nearly similar one another. Overall though, a great comeback from the duo and the one of the best albums of 2013. Expand
  38. Jul 2, 2014
    This album blew me away but I was wasn't expecting to hear this new wave of Daft Punk music. The new Daft Punk has now incorporated more radio friendly songs and excellent disco-tech that will keep you grooving into the wee hours of the night. Random Access Memories is an excellent album that surprised many loyal Daft Punk fans. Some will be turned off by the new style Daft Punk hasThis album blew me away but I was wasn't expecting to hear this new wave of Daft Punk music. The new Daft Punk has now incorporated more radio friendly songs and excellent disco-tech that will keep you grooving into the wee hours of the night. Random Access Memories is an excellent album that surprised many loyal Daft Punk fans. Some will be turned off by the new style Daft Punk has incorporated but I for one am in awe by how groovy and slick this album actually turned out being. Expand
  39. Nov 18, 2014
    Solid album. Giorgio is really good. I don't think i dislike any of the songs although Fragments of Time is kind of weak. Daft Punk should make a remix album of this. There are some good remix albums of RAM out there.
  40. May 27, 2015
    After eight years of staring at a particularly noticeable Daft Punk-shaped hole in the electronic dance music industry, Random Access Memories arrived, and Daft Punk made a dramatic return onto the scene with an album... that seemed to lack any electronic dance music. Save for one track (the brilliantly catchy "Doin' It Right", featuring Panda Bear), the entirety of Random Access MemoriesAfter eight years of staring at a particularly noticeable Daft Punk-shaped hole in the electronic dance music industry, Random Access Memories arrived, and Daft Punk made a dramatic return onto the scene with an album... that seemed to lack any electronic dance music. Save for one track (the brilliantly catchy "Doin' It Right", featuring Panda Bear), the entirety of Random Access Memories was recorded with live instrumentation - and it is all the better for it. Perhaps not a concept album so much as a journey through the heart of the seventies, Daft Punk's best work so far opens with the terrifically uplifting "Give Life Back to Music", before dissolving into quieter, more poignant pieces such as "Game of Love" and "Within". It is not until "Touch", the track the producers describe as the 'crux' of the album, and perhaps the track that truly represents what the album is trying to present, that Random Access Memories bursts into a roaring crescendo, with the catchier "Get Lucky" and "Fragments of Time" staying with the listener long after the CD has stopped playing. Random Access Memories will not appeal to everybody, and the evolution Daft Punk have undergone with this record explains this; but if you've followed them from their acid house beginnings, not giving this album a chance could be one of the bigger mistakes you'll make. Expand
  41. Aug 9, 2016
    9.5 nine point five
  42. Dec 25, 2017
    Random Access Memories is a great throwback to the soulful tunes of the 70's. Funky, spacious, groovy, thematic, and gorgeously arranged, Daft Punk made an amazing album without a single dud, proving they deserve their spot as some of the best producers of our generation. just sit back, put some headphones on, and enjoy the damn music.
  43. Jul 11, 2019
    Throwback!! This is a fantastic album, with so many great songs in it. Within is so sad, Touch makes me want to cry. Giorgio is great, Get Lucky is one of the most catchy beats ever, Contact is epic, and you really Lose Yourself to Dance! Daft Punk states its mission right off the bat with "Give Life Back to Music" and do they bring disco back!!! Very creative, nicely streamlined, almostThrowback!! This is a fantastic album, with so many great songs in it. Within is so sad, Touch makes me want to cry. Giorgio is great, Get Lucky is one of the most catchy beats ever, Contact is epic, and you really Lose Yourself to Dance! Daft Punk states its mission right off the bat with "Give Life Back to Music" and do they bring disco back!!! Very creative, nicely streamlined, almost flawless... An all-timer no doubt. Plus, if you haven't - check out the Japan bonus song "Horizon", where Daft Punk goes full Pink Floyd. Expand
  44. Dec 1, 2020
    Альбом собраный, стильный, с свежим EDM звучанием. Некоторые из песен абсолютно гениальные, однако, всеми любимый Get Lucky и Lose Yourself to Dance явно слабейшие песни с альбома. Больше всего впечатлили Instant Crush, Touch. НО, и это большое НО. После их последнего альбома этот альбом - шедевр.Альбом собраный, стильный, с свежим EDM звучанием. Некоторые из песен абсолютно гениальные, однако, всеми любимый Get Lucky и Lose Yourself to Dance явно слабейшие песни с альбома. Больше всего впечатлили Instant Crush, Touch. НО, и это большое НО. После их последнего альбома этот альбом - шедевр.
  45. Mar 21, 2021
    Random access memories - truly really good memories for me! Albums has some great memorable tracks, you won't regret listening to this album.
  46. Dec 25, 2021
    It deserves all the prizes it got. It IS that good. The addition of Daft Punk in a more focused Disco style is perfect, and the features of other artists just make it better.
  47. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  48. Aug 15, 2013
    Hype is a very interesting tool in today's music scene, since it can either make or kill an album. And Daft Punk had possibly the most buzzed about & hyped album of this decade with Random Access Memories. For the record while I'm not exactly a lifelong fan of Daft Punk, I at least made sure to listen to Homework before going into this album. And honestly, despite some great tracks, itHype is a very interesting tool in today's music scene, since it can either make or kill an album. And Daft Punk had possibly the most buzzed about & hyped album of this decade with Random Access Memories. For the record while I'm not exactly a lifelong fan of Daft Punk, I at least made sure to listen to Homework before going into this album. And honestly, despite some great tracks, it didn't stick with me very much. Luckily RAM didn't have a similar underwhelming affect on me, mainly because it takes so many chances, and I was really impressed with it. You can just tell that throughout the making of this project they didn't give even a quarter of an ounce of a crap what their more closed-minded fans would think about such a radical change in style, which is always something I respect in an artist. Even though they might've put a guitar in here & there on their past stuff, here a good majority of the instrumentation is live. Included here are funky disco songs, beautiful piano ballads & weird progressive electro-jazz-rock-fusion... things. And the best part is that it wasn't just a case of throwing everything on the wall & seeing what sticks, but rather you can tell how much work was put into each track, and nearly every song has some earworm hook to draw you into the madness.

    Another aspect of this experimentation is the numerous collaborators & guest musicians featured here. Of course everyone already knows the song of the summer “Get Lucky” with Pharrell & Nile Rodgers, and to a lesser extent “Lose Yourself to Dance” with the same genre & lineup. But other notable people here include Giorgio Moroder doing an interesting storytelling monologue over the fantastic string/synth-tinged prog-rock instrumental “Giorgio by Moroder”, Todd Edwards on the charming good-time soft rock tune “Fragments of Time” (which I'm catching a bit of Steely Dan influence from), Panda Bear on “Doin' It Right”, a smooth dance track that he fits on a lot better than I was expecting, and my personal favorite Julian Casablancas of The Strokes on “Instant Crush”, which between the infectious poppy hooks, sincere & believable lyrics, and great pseudo-funk groove, basically encapsulates everything I love about this album.

    The trademark vocoders fit well with their general musical style & really works in creating a lot of these earworm hooks that repeat over & over throughout a track, but in a way that doesn't get grating & almost feels like just another instrument. However, on the more emotional tracks that use it like “The Game of Love” or “Within”, they serve a different purpose, using the presumably emotionless android personas to, in a way, emphasize the emotional impact of the lyrics. It sounds a bit goofy on paper but ends up working really well, especially for a track like “The Game of Love” that might otherwise come off cliché & phoned-in. And the album ends on an extremely climactic note with “Contact”, an expertly constructed electronic instrumental that builds & builds over with more & more melodies & an increasingly intense noise in the foreground until it explodes & dies down in the last minute. As for complaints, they aren't exactly long enough to have their own paragraph, but there's a couple. For example “Touch” with Paul Williams is for the most part a great 8-minute epic that transitions from electro to jazz fusion throughout, with a well-executed & vulnerable vocal part from Williams. The problem is the laughable, corny & vocoder-infested 2-minute intro that sounds like they sampled it from a bad 70's sci-fi flick. Also there's a couple underwhelming guestless tracks in the middle of the album “Beyond” & “Motherboard” that really do nothing but slow down the momentum & push RAM past the 70-minute mark, which definitely didn't need to happen. And same goes for the bonus track “Horizon”.

    So did RAM live up to the hype? Not entirely. It's not some musical revolution that'll change the way we all think about art & life itself for eons to come like some people were making it out to be. But that doesn't mean it's not worth listening to. In fact I'd very highly recommend it to anyone who has eclectic tastes & loves experimentation in multiple genres as well as just a great earworm hook with a feel-good groove to it. And these days, with popular dance music being a bit more robotic & lifeless, the mainstream needs an album like this to, well, give life back to music. Ironic considering this is an album by a couple of robots.

    Top 5 tracks: Instant Crush, Get Lucky, Contact, Doin' It Right, Give Life Back to Music
    Score: 85/100
  49. May 24, 2013
    I'm sure why a departure from form is bad thing, other than constant complaints from the "They Changed It, Now It Sucks" crowd. Daft Punk's earlier work always seemed like it wanted to break out into proper Funk, and the influences of the 60s and 70s come through brilliantly on this album. That isn't to say the album is without flaws, "Touch" & "Fragments Of Time" are oddly out of placeI'm sure why a departure from form is bad thing, other than constant complaints from the "They Changed It, Now It Sucks" crowd. Daft Punk's earlier work always seemed like it wanted to break out into proper Funk, and the influences of the 60s and 70s come through brilliantly on this album. That isn't to say the album is without flaws, "Touch" & "Fragments Of Time" are oddly out of place and less than enjoyable, and the album ends on a bit of a weak note. All said however, the album has a fantastic groove to it, and rather than being flashing lights, fog machines and spazmodic epileptic dance inducing, it takes you down a soulful road that makes you want to move like they did before Disco, strut and preen like it's 1976. Standout tracks are opener "Give Life Back To Music", inevitable second single "Lose Yourself To Dance" (which actually nicks a guitar riff from Cut Chemist's "The Garden", but it's forgiveable because this track is so good), and the first single "Get Lucky". Expand
  50. Jun 12, 2013
    always hard to separate the hype from the product, but especially so with a band like Daft Punk. this was not quite the 8/10, but I rounded up and I think that figure will hold over time. review sketch if you care here: here:http://simmserely.blogspot.com/2013/05/daft-punk-random-access-memories-review.html
  51. May 24, 2013
    Daft Punk returns to the spotlight by taking a step back into past and bringing the wonders of a forgotten era of disco into the modern world. A hypnotizing and engaging effort, that keeps the listener hooked time after time, despite a couple of questionable sections.

    Full review is on my blog. (http://wp.me/p36iAh-3M)
  52. Jul 3, 2013
    A great direction for Daft Punk!

    The albums melodies and general song structures are more prominent than in previous albums. Despite songs lacking bass-driving beats, the last track Contact provides a highly-energetic conclusion of the album. The eclectic instrumentation compliments the musical style which varies from disco to funk, and jazz, house and 80s synth-pop. However, I would
    A great direction for Daft Punk!

    The albums melodies and general song structures are more prominent than in previous albums. Despite songs lacking bass-driving beats, the last track Contact provides a highly-energetic conclusion of the album. The eclectic instrumentation compliments the musical style which varies from disco to funk, and jazz, house and 80s synth-pop.

    However, I would of liked to have seen more familiar collaborations, I feel Paul Williams adds a sense of a 50s sound which seems to be out of place and doesn't fit in with the vocoder or high-pitch vocals of Pharrell on Get Lucky.
  53. Jul 4, 2013
    Looking back at Daft Punk's discography, there music has varied greatly from Homework to Human After All but the main similarity was that they were all electronic albums. On R.A.M, the duo who have been at the front of French House, have taken a risk; they have used live instruments to blend a mix of the 70's and the 80's, they have captured that cross over period, and they blend the twoLooking back at Daft Punk's discography, there music has varied greatly from Homework to Human After All but the main similarity was that they were all electronic albums. On R.A.M, the duo who have been at the front of French House, have taken a risk; they have used live instruments to blend a mix of the 70's and the 80's, they have captured that cross over period, and they blend the two era's seamlessly.

    The first song is called "Give Life Back to Music", just by looking at its name you can see that Daft Punk are trying to resuscitate Music itself, despite the continuing Robot themes on the album. It's a solid start to the album and it gives you a real feel of what is to come. It's well produced and recorded, it's Daft Punk showing all their mastery.

    "The Game of Love" is one of the songs off the album that are quieter, but Daft Punk have done quiet before, look at "Make Love" and "Night Vision", they can do it well, and they do. With the vocoder vocals that are present on various tracks around the album, you get that Daft Punk feel, but even without the electronic drum kits, you know you are getting a Daft Punk album.

    "Giorgio by Moroder", a track that has Giorgio Moroder narrating his life style, and you listen in interest to hear this guy's life story, the man responsible for songs like, "Call Me" "Take My Breath Away" and "I Feel Love". Daft Punk have made a nine minute song dedicated to him; their inspiration. It's one of the highlights on the album. With a spiralling Space Disco synth pattern and a Jazz break in the middle to go back into the synths and then escalate into this epic finale with drums and strings, everything is happening in this song and it never feels crowded.

    "Within" is another slow track but it is so beautiful. A love song in essence, it gives the album emotion, and Guy-Manuel says that the album has more soul then the technical Human After All. It's not just a beautiful song, but it's one of the first really catchy songs, I feel this goes well with "The Game of Love" and it just feels so smooth, as do all the songs.

    "Instant Crush" featuring Julian Casablancas feels robotic, but I like that. I like that in this song because, whilst you can say it feels detached, it's welcome, it's not out of place because it keep the album moving at a good pace, not to say it's a filler because it isn't. The song is good in its own right, I just feel it doesn't hold up to the songs that came before, and that's the album's flaw. Some songs are just so good, the album can't keep it up for it's long length of well over an hour.

    "Lose Yourself to Dance" follows and I can't just feel disappointed with this song. It's definitely one of the weaker ones on the album because of Pharell's singing. His voice, in the higher regions doesn't sit comfortably, whereas he does a better job on "Get Lucky" which is a song that has mid-range vocals, and I think he does that well. Overall the song, apart from the vocoder parts which I like, the song, just feels there. It's just there and I can't place it properly, it feels too much like a combination of other songs on the album, I'm sure people like it, the song just doesn't want to make me dance so to speak,

    "Touch" is another epic song on the album, a sound that Daft Punk have really done well on this album, creating long Progressive Rock type songs on an album with so much Funk and Disco elements and I'm glad to see this. The song starts with a very futuristic sound, a sound which is almost the semantic field of the album, but Daft Punk, taking that Moroder influence, can be said to have always had that futuristic feel to them.

    And then we have "Get Lucky". In comparison to the rest of the album, whilst having and insanely catchy hook and chorus, is actually one the weaker songs on the album. I feel it get's a bit repetitive over six minuets, yet I prefer it to the Radio Edit because there is more to it, so maybe they could have gone halfway between the song mixes.

    "Beyond" is enjoyable but just sits there, I still think it deserves to be on the album though, as well as "Motherboard" which is completely instrumental and takes you back to Discovery. Whilst it feels slightly disjointed I still think it flows well, although, whilst I do love the song, I wish that the track has electronic drums on it because I just feel that it would have given the song more substance because they actually seem a bit weak to me on this song.

    "Fragments of Time" is by far the weakest song. I just don't like it too much, it feels too cheesy, too much. Now, "Doin' it Right" took me some time to like. At first I thought R.A.M fell apart at the end, but it doesn't. "Doin' it Right" featuring Panda Bear on vocals is so catchy. The vocals don't deter from the song but they add to the song, they make it even better. It works really well together and Daft Punk have just added another strong song to the collection. I also feel that the song is, dynamically, far from the 70's veering more towards the 80's and electronic music from era's after, and I think that might be because of Panda Bear's vocals. I even get slight Homework vibes, it's great.

    And then, we reach "Contact". This, is how you close an album. It's just so good. It's a six minute crescendo. It just builds and builds and it screeches and the drums are rolling and it's electronic chaos. I can really see this to become a closer for future live sets.

    Overall, Daft Punk have taken a risk, and it worked. It may have it's flaws, it could do with being shorter, maybe ten, eleven songs instead of thirteen, but I'll make do with I've got because I love this album. I think this album will be listened to and appreciated even more by this generation for years to come, and then the next generation will discover it. I think our love will continue to grow for it, it has that potential because they haven't done anything revolutionary. What Daft Punk have done, is an homage to music of old, and they have done it masterly, but they have still kept it current.
  54. May 29, 2013
    A really nice blend of commercial hits and experimental club dance; the hits, such as 'Get Lucky' and 'Lose Yourself to Dance', allow the album to be popular in the mainstream, and the experimental material will hopefully open the minds of the mainstream to new and exciting sounds, which do not hit into the formula they are used to. However, some of the tracks, which are innovative andA really nice blend of commercial hits and experimental club dance; the hits, such as 'Get Lucky' and 'Lose Yourself to Dance', allow the album to be popular in the mainstream, and the experimental material will hopefully open the minds of the mainstream to new and exciting sounds, which do not hit into the formula they are used to. However, some of the tracks, which are innovative and artistic, such as 'Giorgio by Moroder', I find difficult to listen to as they are somewhat too 'outside of the box', but that is just my own closed mindedness and I'm sure after listening to the album a couple more times, I will appreciate its creativity and innovation much more. Worth buying. Expand
  55. May 29, 2013
    Remember when Daft Punk announced that they wanted to do something different? Well this is the album they were most likely talking about. RAM is definitely NOT for everyone and if you are a "Discovery" fan then you might feel a little disappointed in this album. This of course does not imply that the album is bad. On the contrary, in my opinion, the album is good to an extent and is greatRemember when Daft Punk announced that they wanted to do something different? Well this is the album they were most likely talking about. RAM is definitely NOT for everyone and if you are a "Discovery" fan then you might feel a little disappointed in this album. This of course does not imply that the album is bad. On the contrary, in my opinion, the album is good to an extent and is great relaxation music.

    The jazzy tunes, the slow-dance music. Compared to previous albums this is probably the mellowest (if that's even a word) album of them all. There is no "deep" lyrics, is basically like taking a trip back to the 70s/80s and just having good old fun.

    If you are looking to get your EDM, Super party mode on, this album is not it. But if you are tired of always listening to the bass drop and want to soothe your ears then by all means check out RAM.
  56. Jun 7, 2013
    I lay no claim to being a fan of Daft Punk, but have now listened to RAM at least 12 times in the past 72 hours and am quite sure it is right there with the best albums that I've sat and listened to. It's a combination of Kool and the Gang and Sgt Pepper meets Popcorn, which I heard in Spain as a kid--- if that's possible. Apparently, it is. The key to it is the sound. I get what it'sI lay no claim to being a fan of Daft Punk, but have now listened to RAM at least 12 times in the past 72 hours and am quite sure it is right there with the best albums that I've sat and listened to. It's a combination of Kool and the Gang and Sgt Pepper meets Popcorn, which I heard in Spain as a kid--- if that's possible. Apparently, it is. The key to it is the sound. I get what it's reminiscent of but have never heard anything sound like like this tonally. Amazing record. Expand
  57. Jun 7, 2013
    Daft Punk's first album in years doesn't disappoint its fans one little bit. People were skeptical that they couldn't recreate the revolution they sparked back in the 90s, but they surely did. I have to admit I don't adore every song on this album, but I love most them. My favorites include, Get Lucky, Lose Yourself to Dance, and Fragments of Time. They have amazing artists featured in theDaft Punk's first album in years doesn't disappoint its fans one little bit. People were skeptical that they couldn't recreate the revolution they sparked back in the 90s, but they surely did. I have to admit I don't adore every song on this album, but I love most them. My favorites include, Get Lucky, Lose Yourself to Dance, and Fragments of Time. They have amazing artists featured in the songs of this album, they add the perfect touch to these already spectacular songs, such as Pharrell Williams, Todd Edwards, and Julian Casablancas. This isn't my favorite Daft Punk album, but it already is and will most likely stay my favorite album of 2013. Expand
  58. Apr 1, 2016
    I love how Daft Punk really experimented with their sound on this album. It's also something that a long time Daft Punk fan might hate. Personally I found the tunes to be catchy with some great features.

    The opening track has a nice mantra and a great beat with some nice drumming. There are love songs on here like "Instant Crush" which are decent, but the real stand-outs are the more
    I love how Daft Punk really experimented with their sound on this album. It's also something that a long time Daft Punk fan might hate. Personally I found the tunes to be catchy with some great features.

    The opening track has a nice mantra and a great beat with some nice drumming. There are love songs on here like "Instant Crush" which are decent, but the real stand-outs are the more epic songs. "Contact" is a fantastic closing song and "Doin' it Right is another incredibly catchy tune. "Within" is a slow jam with some great emotion behind it.

    While some songs aren't as good as others, (like Instant Crush and Lose Yourself to Dance), I came away from this album very impressed. Experimentation in music is always risk, but I think the risk paid off on this album.
  59. Jun 16, 2013
    I've always loved Daft Punk since their Homework album. When Random Access Memories came out, I rushed to the store to pick up the CD. I can say that I enjoyed the album. To truly experience this album you must put the CD in your stereo and just let the whole thing play out. Some songs I came across I did not like as much as others, but it's songs like "Touch", "Giorgio by Moroder",I've always loved Daft Punk since their Homework album. When Random Access Memories came out, I rushed to the store to pick up the CD. I can say that I enjoyed the album. To truly experience this album you must put the CD in your stereo and just let the whole thing play out. Some songs I came across I did not like as much as others, but it's songs like "Touch", "Giorgio by Moroder", "Fragments of Time", and many more that pull this album together. Expand
  60. Jun 18, 2013
    Very solid album by Daft Punk. Still great after 5-7 listens, but unfortunately after those 5-7 listens the album gets pretty boring. A good album is the type that gets better after you listen to it more and more, not saying this album is bad in any way, but RAM lacks in playback value.
  61. Jun 20, 2013
    I wouldn't say this album is a masterpiece, but I do say it is remarkable. I like to think about it as the extension of some of their 'less popular' songs like "Veridis Quo". It doesn't mean that Daft Punk gave up their willingness to make people dance as they used to do, this time they wanted to make people think about their emotional B-side.
  62. Jul 21, 2013
    Daft Punk once again surprises us with a new disco themed album that represents the light at the end of the dark tunnel in the modern music industry. It's a hit or miss, but when it hits, it really hits.
  63. Jan 18, 2014
    Daft Punk's first album in years doesn't disappoint its fans one little bit. People were skeptical that they couldn't recreate the revolution they sparked back in the 90s, but they surely did. I have to admit I don't adore every song on this album, but I love most them. My favorites include, Get Lucky, Lose Yourself to Dance, and Fragments of Time. They have amazing artists
    Daft Punk's first album in years doesn't disappoint its fans one little bit. People were skeptical that they couldn't recreate the revolution they sparked back in the 90s, but they surely did. I have to admit I don't adore every song on this album, but I love most them. My favorites include, Get Lucky, Lose Yourself to Dance, and Fragments of Time. They have amazing artists featured in the songs of this album, they add the perfect touch to these already spectacular songs, such as Pharrell Williams, Todd Edwards, and Julian Casablancas. This isn't my favorite Daft Punk album, but it already is and will most likely stay my favorite album of 2013.
  64. Oct 5, 2013
    Never listened to any other Daft Punk albums, but I like this entire album very much, and goes beyond the radio hit "Get Lucky" which is not even close to the best song on the album! I think touch is a great song. The vocoder voice can get old on some songs, but it works very well on others.

    Many people here with bad ratings insist that this is not as good as previous work, or that they
    Never listened to any other Daft Punk albums, but I like this entire album very much, and goes beyond the radio hit "Get Lucky" which is not even close to the best song on the album! I think touch is a great song. The vocoder voice can get old on some songs, but it works very well on others.

    Many people here with bad ratings insist that this is not as good as previous work, or that they some how sold out. I disagree. You should take every album on it's on merit, and it should not be rated based on how you feel it should be, but based on how it effects you emotionally, and how you connect with it. If it didn't do it on a level as others, that's one thing, but your preconceptions should be immaterial to a rating.
  65. Oct 9, 2013
    While It's not my favorite Daft Punk album, (Discovery, Human after all) It does have a selection of great songs like Get Lucky, Doing it Right and Giorgio by Moroder. There are a few songs I cant stand like The Game of Love and Instant Crush. But overall, a very good album and I can strongly recommend.
  66. Mar 20, 2014
    Random access memories is definitely hands down the best album of the year. Finally, some music that actually feels fresh. Daft punk's new album really gives you a sense of the 70s/80s EDM and a really funky vibe. I must admit it doesn't feel like the same Daft Punk from 10 or so years ago, but is great nonetheless. A solid 8/10.
  67. Jan 17, 2014
    Franzosen im Disco-Electro Vibe

    Daft Punk – Random Access Memories Vor 21 Jahre bis sie ihre erste Single „The New Wave“ veröffentlicht hatten, waren Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo und Thomas Bangalter nur zwei electronic Musiker aus Frankreich. Durch ihre Instrumental Covers von freien Künstlern haben sie auch in ihrer folgenden Single „Da Funk“ gezeigt, dass sie von House–Techno bis
    Franzosen im Disco-Electro Vibe

    Daft Punk – Random Access Memories

    Vor 21 Jahre bis sie ihre erste Single „The New Wave“ veröffentlicht hatten, waren Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo und Thomas Bangalter nur zwei electronic Musiker aus Frankreich. Durch ihre Instrumental Covers von freien Künstlern haben sie auch in ihrer folgenden Single „Da Funk“ gezeigt, dass sie von House–Techno bis Funk–Hiphop eigene Klangperspektiven beherrschen. Obwohl sie in den 90'er Jahren sehr gute Verkaufszahlen hatten und auch weltweit Bekannt wurden, hat ein Verlag sie als Daft Punk „Dumme Punk“ bezeichnet.

    In 1997 haben Daft Punk ihr erstes Album „Homework“ veröffentlicht und haben mit dem Song „Arround the World“ in den Klassikern der 90'er Jahre ihren Platz eingenommen.

    In 2001 sind sie mit dem „Discovery“ Album wieder in die Öffentlichkeit gekommen und haben in den Charts den zweiten Platz erreicht. Danach wurde das Album für den Anime Film „Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem“ als Soundtrack verwendet. Im gleichem Jahr wurde ihr live Album „Alive 1997“ veröffentlicht.

    Vier Jahre später wurde das neue Album „Human After All“ in sechs Wochen aufgenommen und veröffentlicht, wobei das große Feedback ausblieb. Nach einer Woche der Veröffentlichung des Albums wurde „Musique Vol. 1: 1993-2005“ als „Best of Album“ veröffentlicht.

    Ihr zweites live Album „Alive 2007“ wurde in 2007 produziert und veröffentlicht.

    Daft Punk hat ihre Zuhörer seit 2007 und jetzt wieder mit der Veröffentlichung im Jahre 2013 durch das neuntes Album „Random Access Memories“ für sich gewonnen. Zwischen 2008-2012 aufgenommene 13 Songs wurden in fünf verschiedene Studios aufgezeichnet. Das Album hat eine Spielzeit von 74 min. 24 sek.. Sieben Songs wurden als Featuring von sieben international bekannten Künstlern, darunter Giorgio Moroder, Julian Casablancas, Pharrell Williams, Nile Rodgers, Paul Williams, Todd Edwards und Panda Bear begleitet. Das Album ist für die Disco-Electronic Genre produziert, und wurde von Columbia Records veröffentlicht. Die verwendeten Musikelemente laufen nicht nur auf Samples wie man es von Electronicmusik gewöhnt ist, stattdessen wurden der Großteil der Instrumente live eingespielt, wobei auf Synthesizer nicht verzichtet wurde. Das von Mick Guzauski abgemischte Album wurde von Bob Ludwig und Chab (Antoine Chabert) gemastert. Für die Songs „Get Lucky“ und „Lose Yourself to Dance“ wurden Musikvideos gedreht und in über 20 Länder im Fernsehen veröffentlicht.

    Die Erweiterung der akustischen Instrumente im Album haben ihre Musikrichtung beeinflusst und ein schöne akustisch–elektronische Synthese gebildet. Durch die Featurings und die gut aufeinander abgestimmte Verteilung der Songs wird das Album auch bei langem Zuhören nicht langweilig.
  68. Feb 28, 2014
    One of the best album of the year do by the bests artists of electro it's good to see french to have succes! but I have something to say for my -2 point. For me this is not realy Daft punk because this to pop.
  69. Apr 16, 2014
    Mesmo que esse disco não lembre em nada os seus antecessores, ''Random Acess Memories'' é um album que possui muito conteúdo. Com tracks mais comerciais como ''Get Lucky'' e ''Lose Yourself To Dance'', Daft Punk atinge o publico mais popular, mas ao mesmo tempo consegue chamar atenção do publico com gosto mais refinado com faixas que fazem referencia a musicas antigas. Tudo isso sem perderMesmo que esse disco não lembre em nada os seus antecessores, ''Random Acess Memories'' é um album que possui muito conteúdo. Com tracks mais comerciais como ''Get Lucky'' e ''Lose Yourself To Dance'', Daft Punk atinge o publico mais popular, mas ao mesmo tempo consegue chamar atenção do publico com gosto mais refinado com faixas que fazem referencia a musicas antigas. Tudo isso sem perder a magnitude do começo ao fim do disco e mostrando uma inovação da dupla francesa, rendendo ao album com o titulo de um dos melhores de 2013. Expand
  70. Mar 11, 2015
    Lorsque la nouvelle d’un nouvel album est apparue dans les médias, j’ai été frappé d’un grand vertige. Après le semi-flop-et très décevant projet pour le film Tron, le groupe pionnier de la musique électronique française devait absolument frapper fort et juste, particulièrement avec la campagne de promotion dont RAM a fait l’objet. Ce sont de grandes et belles surprises que RAM nousLorsque la nouvelle d’un nouvel album est apparue dans les médias, j’ai été frappé d’un grand vertige. Après le semi-flop-et très décevant projet pour le film Tron, le groupe pionnier de la musique électronique française devait absolument frapper fort et juste, particulièrement avec la campagne de promotion dont RAM a fait l’objet. Ce sont de grandes et belles surprises que RAM nous apporte. Sur les 13 pistes (incroyablement mixées) offertes, le son des synthétiseurs, les techniques de boucle (Loop) et les sonorités technos auxquelles le groupe nous avait habitués laissent maintenant de la place à des tonalités et des sons plus sophistiqués. Le duo a grandement travaillé sur l’aspect musical en instaurant des rythmes parfois très jazzy en passant bien entendu par le funk, le disco, le pop progressif, la sonorité motown , ambiante et psychédélique. Le tout est appuyé par des artistes de choix pour porter les textes brillamment écrits.Les textes de RAM reflètent une différence majeure entre l’époque de One More Time et celle de Random Access Memories. RAM est méticuleusement et mathématiquement façonné ce qui crée une expérience auditive plus riche et complète. Harder, better, faster, stronger est, entre autres, remplacé par des textes saisissants et réfléchis; Touch, sweettouch You’ve given me too much to feel Sweet touch You’ve almost convinced me I’m real I need something more (extrait de la pièce touch). Si les textes créent une nouvelle ambiance, les arrangements et les mix restent d’une qualité exceptionnelle. Sur Giorgo By Moroder, le groupe s’est permis un long enchaînement de cordes pratiquement classique. C’est une des grandes forces de RAM. Entre les mouvements électroniques, Daft Punk insère de longs moments mélodiquement agencés au reste de la pièce. C’est le cas de la piste Beyond. C’est à partir d’une introduction épique que la chanson prend forme. L’introduction laisse place à un agencement Drum N’ Bass particulièrement efficace.Dans l’ensemble, Random Access Memories offre une expérience nouvelle et audacieuse. C’est un contraste magnifique entre le vieux Daft Punk et le groupe actuel qui a su garder son blason doré malgré la pression dont l’album faisait l’objet. RAM est une rencontre d’aujourd’hui avec le passé. Expand
  71. Dec 29, 2015
    Daft Punk's R.A.M. helped me in a transition phase of sorts, where I had to have a better understanding on myself and where I fit into this crazy world. There are a few songs I could listen to on repeat for several hours...Wait. I've already done that.
    Daft Punk's R.A.M. is a C.D. to experience with headphones, alone in your room with nobody watching, where you are free to let your mind
    Daft Punk's R.A.M. helped me in a transition phase of sorts, where I had to have a better understanding on myself and where I fit into this crazy world. There are a few songs I could listen to on repeat for several hours...Wait. I've already done that.
    Daft Punk's R.A.M. is a C.D. to experience with headphones, alone in your room with nobody watching, where you are free to let your mind and body go with the flow of each song.
  72. May 26, 2016
    It's a shame that most people only recognise this thing because of "Get Lucky", because it has a lot of wonderful tracks that are much better. "Touch" being my favorite btw.
  73. Dec 21, 2017
    Great Album, I really enjoy almost every song on this album. I love how it all sounds so unique and, different. If you had told me the name "Daft Punk" before I heard this album I would've jumped to Get Lucky (The worst song on this album in my opinion). However, I love how each song emulates a different era a music. It's also so impressive how single phrases can be turned into entireGreat Album, I really enjoy almost every song on this album. I love how it all sounds so unique and, different. If you had told me the name "Daft Punk" before I heard this album I would've jumped to Get Lucky (The worst song on this album in my opinion). However, I love how each song emulates a different era a music. It's also so impressive how single phrases can be turned into entire complex songs. My biggest problem is some of the songs don't transition into others better. Regardless of that minor issue I recommend the album for anyone who listens to any music just to get a different sound out of music. In the words of Daft Punk bring life back to music. Expand
  74. Jul 24, 2018
    Random Access Memories sounds really, really good. The combination of live instrumentation and electronic music works effortlessly throughout the entire album. Music-wise, nearly every song is great. "Giorgio" sounds really, really great, and the story told in the song is fascinating. It's a great song. "Crush" sounds great, and I keep coming back to it. "Touch" is very interesting,Random Access Memories sounds really, really good. The combination of live instrumentation and electronic music works effortlessly throughout the entire album. Music-wise, nearly every song is great. "Giorgio" sounds really, really great, and the story told in the song is fascinating. It's a great song. "Crush" sounds great, and I keep coming back to it. "Touch" is very interesting, original, and well-made. It's utterly entertaining and successful. "Beyond" has fantastic, cinematic opening music that's easily one of the best moments of RAM. "Time" and "Right" have great music and vocals. The final song has vast, impressive music.

    Lyrically, RAM isn't much. Most of the lyrics are shallow and artificial. "Lose Yourself," "Lucky," and "Right" have dull, shallow lyrics about partying and sex. Still, RAM is one of the most entertaining and well-crafted electronic albums ever created.
  75. Dec 20, 2021
    Dazzling 80's synth masterpiece in a catalogue overwhelmed with career best. Equally pop and experimental it delivers a fulfilling sometimes obscure journey through a night disco you never want to end. It doesn't reach new heights or push boundaries for the duo but rather shows off what they've mastered throughout these years cementing them not jist as icons in their genre but in music in general.
  76. Jan 15, 2023
    After so many years, I finally found an album that again gave me a new sense of mindlessness.
  77. Apr 10, 2021
    this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8 this album is a 8
  78. Jul 3, 2013
    I have been listening to Daft Punk since the first record. Of enjoyed how their music has grown and changed. I was a little disappointed by this album because when you stack it up against their previous efforts it's...just a really big departure in a lot of ways. It's catchy, some of the songs have great hooks, and they're not afraid to dabble and experiment a little bit as well.I have been listening to Daft Punk since the first record. Of enjoyed how their music has grown and changed. I was a little disappointed by this album because when you stack it up against their previous efforts it's...just a really big departure in a lot of ways. It's catchy, some of the songs have great hooks, and they're not afraid to dabble and experiment a little bit as well. However, if you play this album after one of their previous ones, it's almost like a different band at times. However, I hear say they may be doing a "Daft Punkier" mix of this album. Now that is something I would like to hear. In the end, I am glad that the album is not forgettable or terrible, it's merely a lot more pop orientated. I think that they will actually find they gain a lot of new listeners with this album that may not have cared for them as much in the past? Expand
  79. Jul 26, 2013
    I have to applaud Daft Punk for doing something a little different than their previous albums. Random Access Memories is not necessarily one of my favorites from them, but it's solid. Get Lucky is a killer track. However, I was not crazy about Giorgio by Moroder. It's a bit long. And after a while I found myself skipping it to go on to the next track.
  80. May 26, 2013
    I give this a 7 because I like the album from a generic pop record standpoint. However, as a Daft Punk lover myself, I can't say I'm not disappointed. Some of the songs on here lack any kind of substance, musically or otherwise. Others are very well developed, in particular "Within" and "Instant Crush", which are very appreciated creations. Others, like "Lose Yourself to Dance" and "GetI give this a 7 because I like the album from a generic pop record standpoint. However, as a Daft Punk lover myself, I can't say I'm not disappointed. Some of the songs on here lack any kind of substance, musically or otherwise. Others are very well developed, in particular "Within" and "Instant Crush", which are very appreciated creations. Others, like "Lose Yourself to Dance" and "Get Lucky", are miserable songs that not only drag and lag, but also have little to no quality. A mixed bag of good and songs, but overall, as much as I wanted to give it a higher rating, and even if I don't give it a lower score, I'm sore at this. In all honestly, I hate this new Daft Punk approach, which is now Daft Disco. I want my old French House/Disco/Electronica back, because this doesn't cut it. I'm a fan, but I can only bear so much. Expand
  81. May 21, 2013
    I'm about as hardcore a daft punk fan as you can get, yet after listening to this album about six times straight I still can't make my mind up about it.
    In my mind the two Parisians are still about the only artists that know how to use a vocoder properly, and by this album they have almost perfected it to an art rather than just bluntly using it as a weapon to mask a singer's inability
    I'm about as hardcore a daft punk fan as you can get, yet after listening to this album about six times straight I still can't make my mind up about it.
    In my mind the two Parisians are still about the only artists that know how to use a vocoder properly, and by this album they have almost perfected it to an art rather than just bluntly using it as a weapon to mask a singer's inability by making them sound like a robot, they go for making a robot sound almost human. The fact that they add vocoder to proven singers' performances (extra points if you know who I mean!) just reinforces this point.
    However, I have to admit I never experienced the pure joy I got from listening to Discovery for the first time, the overwhelming and spine tingling inspiration from Tron Legacy or the unbridled enthusiasm from Homework with this album. The amount of time, effort and relish the Daft Punk boys put into this album are clear, but in the end it's not something that really sweeps me away like (most of) their previous releases do.
  82. May 31, 2013
    This review is false, so I give only 70 to balance the scales, is an exaggeration, over 80!
    the music business annoys me, the magazines deceive people can do whatever they want with an album, and metacitic do this, choose the most appropriate magazines to give them most covem score. If they want to lower the value of an album, just go pick up some magazines which gave a low review, and
    This review is false, so I give only 70 to balance the scales, is an exaggeration, over 80!
    the music business annoys me, the magazines deceive people can do whatever they want with an album, and metacitic do this, choose the most appropriate magazines to give them most covem score. If they want to lower the value of an album, just go pick up some magazines which gave a low review, and avoid the magazines that give good quote, this is and I do not go there.
    A good exempo are QOTSA, choose magazines that give a very low value and avoid putting magazines that give good quote.
      More Light-Primal Scream is a good example, revisions of the latter album are very evident, where are the magazines or websites that give more than 80%. They do not exist? Does Allmusic.com there for example? But the magazines that give reviews below 70, there are already!
  83. Jun 13, 2013
    I'm usually not in to the roboty techno stuff, but this was pretty okay. Daft Punk on my terms was pretty trash up until this album. One of my least favorite songs is Around the World, but then again Lose Yourself to Dance is now one of my favorites. This album has a strange old school vibe to it that most people in there right minds would enjoy. And this album was really a "happy" releaseI'm usually not in to the roboty techno stuff, but this was pretty okay. Daft Punk on my terms was pretty trash up until this album. One of my least favorite songs is Around the World, but then again Lose Yourself to Dance is now one of my favorites. This album has a strange old school vibe to it that most people in there right minds would enjoy. And this album was really a "happy" release and a good one to keep my hopes in today's music to a maximum. Expand
  84. May 21, 2013
    When I first listened to Random Access Memories, I had a blast. Sure, there were a few tracks I didn't like, but I enjoyed a damn good portion of it, and after spinning it a few times, I realized that I didn't care about it anymore. Daft Punk's homage to 70's disco, jazz fusion and soft rock is an interesting direction to choose, but it's only meant to be loved once.
  85. May 21, 2013
    This album isn't bad but it just isn't what I was expecting. RAM has it's moments that make you just want to get up and dance, but its missing that true Daft Punk feel of their prior albums. I think it stems from the use of other vocalists, it really takes away from the album to the point where some songs do not even sound like they are Daft Punk. Songs I love: Give Life Back To Music,This album isn't bad but it just isn't what I was expecting. RAM has it's moments that make you just want to get up and dance, but its missing that true Daft Punk feel of their prior albums. I think it stems from the use of other vocalists, it really takes away from the album to the point where some songs do not even sound like they are Daft Punk. Songs I love: Give Life Back To Music, The Game of Love, and Contact. Expand
  86. Jul 23, 2013
    Let me start by saying the promotion of this album was first-class, awesome and it raised my expectations. I can't say the same about this album though. It starts off with an over-the-top guitar line, which gets you curious about what's ahead. What comes after it is a decent song. The second song (within)
    , and weakest point on the cd, is one that you probably want to skip. The
    Let me start by saying the promotion of this album was first-class, awesome and it raised my expectations. I can't say the same about this album though. It starts off with an over-the-top guitar line, which gets you curious about what's ahead. What comes after it is a decent song. The second song (within)
    , and weakest point on the cd, is one that you probably want to skip. The pianoplaying of gonzales is good, but i just don't want to hear vocoder-vocals for a whole verse & chorus. The same thing counts for the songs the game of love and beyond. Get lucky is, ofcourse, a nice song. Lose yourself to dance gets boring after a whole though, and shows that pharrell isn't exactly the best singer. Fragments of time is okay, but not special.
    I'm not saying that the whole CD is worthless though. Giorgio by moroder is, although the talking part is a bit long, a masterpiece, just like contact. Touch and motherboard are just beautiful songs with great melodies, and i like the emotional vocals on touch. But overall, this album just isn't as good as what i expected.
  87. Sep 24, 2015
    While grossly overrated, Random Access Memories is still a good album with many high points, but also suffers from a bloated ego that doesn't seem like the same duo that made Homework and Discovery. Though, "Within" and "Contact" are strokes of pure genius.
  88. Jun 8, 2020
    I listened to the whole album and I think it's OK. It did gives me lots of disco vibes and it brings me back to the 80s. (although I wasn't born in the 80s, I was born in 2003 LOL). Anyway I think I like this album. But I don't understand why this album won over Red by Taylor Swift at the Grammys, which at the end, as considered one of the best albums of the decade of 2010s.
  89. Aug 14, 2022
    Quite good, with some great tunes, but it is also one of the best albums from Daft Punk
  90. Jun 12, 2013
    Some of the tracks sound like covers of tunes by the New Zealand comedy duo, Flight of the Conchords (especially Get Lucky it's a spoofed spoof! (trademark is mine ;o). And as much as I enjoy the Conchords I don't need a Daft Punk version.... There are a few tracks I enjoy (Contact, Motherboard, Within, Giorgio by Moroder, The Game of Love) but far too much of the album reminds me ofSome of the tracks sound like covers of tunes by the New Zealand comedy duo, Flight of the Conchords (especially Get Lucky it's a spoofed spoof! (trademark is mine ;o). And as much as I enjoy the Conchords I don't need a Daft Punk version.... There are a few tracks I enjoy (Contact, Motherboard, Within, Giorgio by Moroder, The Game of Love) but far too much of the album reminds me of the disco I hated when it was fresh! Where is LCD Soundsystem when you really need 'em..... Expand
  91. May 27, 2013
    Vanilla. Not a bad album by any means but RAM really lacks a lot of the little auditory surprises I enjoy so much in their older work, especially Discovery. I don't know if that's BECAUSE they purged out sampling in this album, or it just happens to be the case on an album that has next to no samples, but the whole thing feels disappointingly safe and pedestrian. I'm used to DP makingVanilla. Not a bad album by any means but RAM really lacks a lot of the little auditory surprises I enjoy so much in their older work, especially Discovery. I don't know if that's BECAUSE they purged out sampling in this album, or it just happens to be the case on an album that has next to no samples, but the whole thing feels disappointingly safe and pedestrian. I'm used to DP making clever little aural twists by mashing up 80s disco; this is... just 80s disco.

    I can definitely see these tracks as being baseline material for some great remixes, but on their own I feel little urge to listen to them more than once.
  92. May 21, 2013
    With this album, the highs are extremely high and the lows are quite low. Tracks like "Instant Crush" are far too poppy for my liking, but then tracks like "Give Life Back to Music" and "Within" are exquisite. Too hit-and-miss as an overall project, unfortunately.
  93. May 31, 2013
    This is the case of the hype much, deliver tush. This album may be different but it doesn't mean it's ground-breaking or amazing. In these days of generic pop tracks, everyone jumps at sounds by famous musicians which do not sound generic but are not necessarily good, and exaggerate their qualities. Don't get me wrong, the melodies are not bad or anything, they just aren't something peopleThis is the case of the hype much, deliver tush. This album may be different but it doesn't mean it's ground-breaking or amazing. In these days of generic pop tracks, everyone jumps at sounds by famous musicians which do not sound generic but are not necessarily good, and exaggerate their qualities. Don't get me wrong, the melodies are not bad or anything, they just aren't something people would 'lose themselves to dance' to. The tracks are too dull to be dance records and not bright enough to be pop. Too fast to be r&b/soul and too tame to be rock. This album just stands in-between and reaches for nothing. I honestly believe that Daft Punk of all people could have found some better ground to build an album after more than 8 years. I knew from the start that critics would hype and acclaim this album just because it is not your usual Rihanna or Pitbull album, but at the same time we gotta ask ourselves: Is different necessarily good? What makes RAM a good album? Is it because it does not sound the same as what's on the radio or because it actually gets you moving irresistibly just like 'One More Time' did? If the answer to the latter is 'no' then this album can be considered mediocre. Collapse
  94. May 21, 2013
    Good album, but, by the expectations, nothing really original. nothing like discovery or human after all. Some of the songs reminds to Tron album, and the best songs are very similar: similar base and rhythm.
    Despite the non-originality fact, Random access memories still an enjoyable album, well done and with a good potential. that's the 4th albume relased by the most famous electro music
    Good album, but, by the expectations, nothing really original. nothing like discovery or human after all. Some of the songs reminds to Tron album, and the best songs are very similar: similar base and rhythm.
    Despite the non-originality fact, Random access memories still an enjoyable album, well done and with a good potential. that's the 4th albume relased by the most famous electro music artist in the world. If the next album will be like this, the wave of criticism will be higher, so be careful, daft punk!
  95. May 21, 2013
    This is a very good album. It's just not the album I expected (or really wanted) from Daft Punk.

    Daft Punk has become known for their electronic stylings and for virtually inventing the French House electronic music genre. None of that is in evidence here. Furthermore, the 1:45 interview in a crowded restaurant with Giovanni Giorgio is interesting the first time and ridiculous every
    This is a very good album. It's just not the album I expected (or really wanted) from Daft Punk.

    Daft Punk has become known for their electronic stylings and for virtually inventing the French House electronic music genre. None of that is in evidence here. Furthermore, the 1:45 interview in a crowded restaurant with Giovanni Giorgio is interesting the first time and ridiculous every time after that.

    That being said, if you love jazzy electric guitar riffs that were in vogue 30-40 years ago, this album is for you.
  96. Jun 3, 2013
    Nice music but sorry to say that, no one would have notice this album without the "Daft Punk" label on the cover. Neat and sweet but I was expecting better from this band, 8 years after Human After all.
  97. Jun 4, 2013
    Random Access Memories is a return to form for Daft Punk, however the focus on having cameos and guests on many of the tracks ruins many of the songs. There's almost a uncanny, cheesy feel to most of the album as it features Microsoft Sam singing many of the backing vocals. Nevertheless, there are half a dozen songs here that I truly enjoyed, which is more than I can say for most of DaftRandom Access Memories is a return to form for Daft Punk, however the focus on having cameos and guests on many of the tracks ruins many of the songs. There's almost a uncanny, cheesy feel to most of the album as it features Microsoft Sam singing many of the backing vocals. Nevertheless, there are half a dozen songs here that I truly enjoyed, which is more than I can say for most of Daft Punk's albums. Expand
  98. Jan 4, 2017
    While this is not a bad album at all, it's far from being the masterpiece people usually say it is.
    Here we are, a few years after its release and its legacy it's nothing - besides being headachingly overplayed over 2013 and 2014.
    An album recorded without passion, it has nice soft funky songs that lack something more, a more original edge to deliver the delightful experience a
    While this is not a bad album at all, it's far from being the masterpiece people usually say it is.
    Here we are, a few years after its release and its legacy it's nothing - besides being headachingly overplayed over 2013 and 2014.

    An album recorded without passion, it has nice soft funky songs that lack something more, a more original edge to deliver the delightful experience a high-scoring album should.

    Daft Punk gathered some great composers of our time in order to create obvious songs that are perfect for some loungy-bar where people won't even notice it's Daft Punk playing.

    After all, not releasing any new album for 8 years and recording an obvious album seems a good marketing strategy. The one that Justice should follow after failing to achieve the same buzz they did with Cross.
    A ver.
  99. May 21, 2013
    By no means a bad album. It's just one that settles for having little ambition. The album has a much different sound compared to any of Daft Punks earlier work, which depending on whether you like or disliked their past albums could be a good or bad thing. RAM is a solid album for what it is trying to be, which is a throwback album to the 70's-80's. Many of the songs sound as if they hadBy no means a bad album. It's just one that settles for having little ambition. The album has a much different sound compared to any of Daft Punks earlier work, which depending on whether you like or disliked their past albums could be a good or bad thing. RAM is a solid album for what it is trying to be, which is a throwback album to the 70's-80's. Many of the songs sound as if they had been recorded in that era, which shows the respect the duo clearly have for the genre. Unfortunately, this is also a con. I found myself getting songs confused, as they sounded so similar to one another. And with this being a Daft Punk album, I was hoping for a fresh, almost revolutionary sound, similar with what they did to orchestrated soundtracks with Tron Legacy. But they didn't alter the sound they were trying to recreate, which was probably their choice. Song highlights of the album would probably be Doin' It Right and Get Lucky. So to recap, if you are a huge Daft Punk fan or enjoy what genre they went into with this album, you will love it. But for those expecting something revolutionary with a older fashioned Daft Punk sound, you will probably be disappointed, especially if you saw the incredibly high critic reviews, which I admit had me excited. Either way, a decent album by a great duo. Expand
  100. Jun 12, 2013
    Quite boring compared to their previous efforts. Fast songs are ok, slow songs are all a bit meh. Due to all the hype I was expecting a classic listening experience but it's actually really dull, and if it didn't have "Daft Punk" on the cover I think a lot more people would think the same way.


Universal acclaim - based on 47 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 47
  2. Negative: 0 out of 47
  1. Jul 12, 2013
    As a record standing almost entirely on nostalgia, sure, it gives schmaltzy ’70s dance music a fine, not-sacrilegious update and sets it to a pleasant neon glow, but it’s a trip through history that’s almost more educational than immersive.
  2. Jul 3, 2013
    RAM has the immediate appeal of disco, but never overstuffs with candied hooks, even when we want it to.
  3. Jun 26, 2013
    They've wisely chosen to not compete with the younger generation of DJs, and shown the upstarts the roots of dance music. They've also proven that they are not one-trick ponies who can only build beats on samples. They do just as well with a completely different sonic pallette.