
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Overall, the Recover EP is a perfect stepping stone in Chvrches’ brick road.
  2. Mar 28, 2013
    Stop what you’re doing and get this EP, and keep going.
  3. Mar 27, 2013
    The trio’s past experiences may explain how it manages to exercise a seasoned talent for both variety and control.... The two “Recover” remixes, by Austria’s Cid Rim and U.K.-based Curxes, are filler. They’re pleasant on their own, but neither can hold up to the original.
  4. Mar 27, 2013
    Expectations are high, sure, but the group has reassured their true believers with a solid cornerstone of an EP.
  5. Mar 26, 2013
    [Title track "Recover" is] so freakishly great, there’s no way Chvrches can follow it--at least not on this EP.
  6. Mar 25, 2013
    The band turns more toward heartfelt pop. [Mar-Apr 2013, p.103]
  7. Mar 25, 2013
    Chvrches makes prickly early-’80s synth-pop that recalls fellow revivalists Robyn and La Roux.
  8. 80
    Chvrches are effortless and close to svblime.
  9. Mar 25, 2013
    They're still honing the edge that's going to set them apart. But for the time being, the hooks are enough to convert plenty of true believers.
  10. Mar 25, 2013
    While Recover may not be a religious experience itself, it’s a pretty divine couple of minutes and, hopefully, an omen of things to come from the icy Glaswegians.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. May 5, 2013
    The Mother we Share is such a great song that it deserves to be added to the annals of all time great pop songs not just great hooks andThe Mother we Share is such a great song that it deserves to be added to the annals of all time great pop songs not just great hooks and beats but an emotional quality throughout, lyrics, Lauren's voice that makes you want to dance and cry at the same time. It deserves a higher rating because if you read the Rolling Stone review, it seems the person who turns it into a score has misread it. Instead of 60 it should be 80. It's a good review. This happens a lot unfortunately. Buy the EP. Love it. Full Review »