• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Jan 13, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 37 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 37
  2. Negative: 1 out of 37
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  1. Jan 15, 2017
    An incredible album that keeps the listener engaged and expertly fuses the beats and synths of modern EDM and electronic music with the old-school melodies of the blues.
  2. Jan 18, 2017
    Upon my third listen my ears were used to the thick, surreal, full, and busy synth tones that filled my listening space. This is Sohn's sophmore release, and I couldn't be more pleased. From painful blues style vocals to vocals that sound like a menacing android from the future, Sohn delivers. Check out my favorite tracks: Conrad, Signal and Dead Wrong. I can't wait for the next albumUpon my third listen my ears were used to the thick, surreal, full, and busy synth tones that filled my listening space. This is Sohn's sophmore release, and I couldn't be more pleased. From painful blues style vocals to vocals that sound like a menacing android from the future, Sohn delivers. Check out my favorite tracks: Conrad, Signal and Dead Wrong. I can't wait for the next album to drop.

  3. Jan 16, 2017
    First impression: eh. Tremors was already quite minimalist, but this takes that minimalism to the next level. There's no real equivalent of the somewhat louder and more climactic standouts on Tremors (Bloodflows, Artifice), and the extensive vocal sampling (Tempest, The Wheel), one of my favourite aspects of SOHN's music, is pretty much gone. Sure, there are a few highlights on here, and aFirst impression: eh. Tremors was already quite minimalist, but this takes that minimalism to the next level. There's no real equivalent of the somewhat louder and more climactic standouts on Tremors (Bloodflows, Artifice), and the extensive vocal sampling (Tempest, The Wheel), one of my favourite aspects of SOHN's music, is pretty much gone. Sure, there are a few highlights on here, and a few songs take surprisingly great turns near the end which save them from being boring, but while SOHN seems to have found a style to call his own, and although he has certainly grown as a producer, he seems to have lost some of the magic that made his debut special. Expand
  4. Feb 22, 2017
    It's foreseeable that Sohn will become one of the most welcomed music festival guests for his stronger and stronger personal label. However following his same suit makes the boredom take over from time to time.
  5. Mar 25, 2017
    This album builds on previous work by SOHN, but here SOHN has brought it all together, filled with strong tracks. While Hard Liquor and Proif have caught the early attention of the public, Conrad should be the anthem for those fighting on the streets in the battle to slow climate change. Proof also brings in some strong anti-system messaging. The lyrics of this album show growth of SOHN asThis album builds on previous work by SOHN, but here SOHN has brought it all together, filled with strong tracks. While Hard Liquor and Proif have caught the early attention of the public, Conrad should be the anthem for those fighting on the streets in the battle to slow climate change. Proof also brings in some strong anti-system messaging. The lyrics of this album show growth of SOHN as a songwriter, although the Previous album (Tremors) was rife with message-filled lyrics. The album Rennen is my current addiction and has been for about six weeks. FYI, I am writing from the perspective of a 61yo female. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Mar 15, 2017
    Vienna-based English producer/songwriter Christopher Taylor breathes more life into his glitch-filled indie R&B on strong sophomore full-length Rennen.
  2. Feb 6, 2017
    It’d be nice to hear voice and production crack and cut loose even more--but he’s heading in the right direction.
  3. 42
    It’s well-produced, clean and unobjectionable. Rennen fits this bill nicely, if that’s what you’re looking for. But regardless of whether it’s something you want, it’s nothing you need.