• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 2, 2019

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Aug 2, 2019
    Every aspect of the band's sound coalesce on a series of stunning songs that have massive melodic grace and power. [Aug 2019, p.84]
  2. Aug 2, 2019
    Volbeat have long been superstars in their native Europe for quite a while, but this album should go a long way to establishing them as festival headliners across the rest of the globe.
  3. Aug 2, 2019
    Volbeat have produced another fun and eclectic album with a plethora of potential hit singles. They don’t stray far from their established formula, but do push the limits enough to keep things interesting.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Sep 5, 2019
    One of the best albums of 2019 and we're only halfway thru. So proud of how much this band has grown.
  2. Aug 3, 2019
    Top to bottom this is a pretty solid album. Other than the singles, "Die to Live", "Sorry Sack of Bones", "Maybe I Believe", and "TheTop to bottom this is a pretty solid album. Other than the singles, "Die to Live", "Sorry Sack of Bones", "Maybe I Believe", and "The Everlasting" are some of the better songs. Only reason I didn't go higher was because the choruses are pretty uninspiring, but overall a damn good album. Full Review »
  3. Feb 6, 2021
    An awesome Volbeat album that brings us more than a lot of life and fun to ears in moments when you listen to them.

    It has catchy or i
    An awesome Volbeat album that brings us more than a lot of life and fun to ears in moments when you listen to them.

    It has catchy or i would say even addictive riffs and choruses. And im not mentioning great features including Gary holt and Neil Fallon in songs. Michael Paulsen has absolutely amazing voice and every song from this album suites to this voice perfectly. I can hardly find anything negative there.

    Simply 9/10
    Full Review »