
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Mar 14, 2018
    While this is also an explicitly more cathartic album than past releases, Schrader’s words sometimes are either difficult to fully parse or don’t pack the oomph they could. These flaws aside, Riddles required Schrader and Rice to take a gamble, and it’s one that paid off.
  2. Mar 9, 2018
    In dealing with the inevitable change that loss engenders, Ed Schrader’s Music Beat and Dan Deacon have crafted a memorable and eclectic record.
  3. Mar 9, 2018
    Riddles is easily his grandest work yet.
  4. Mar 9, 2018
    By lacing arms with Dan Deacon, the duo throw themselves into an auspicious zone, creating an album that remains introspective even at its wildest moments.
  5. Mar 9, 2018
    In the end, Riddles neither betrays Schrader's cacophonous vision nor bends its will toward a more polished effort. Instead, it continues to construct the band's reputation built on unpredictability and danger.

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