
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Mar 29, 2012
    This loose, adventurous collection of songs is more vital than many of the other overcooked projects that Rocket Juice's main players have been involved in during the 2000s and 2010s.
  2. Mar 22, 2012
    A genuinely enjoyable find.
  3. Jun 25, 2012
    An 18-track adventure into the joyous heart of classic African funk as colorful as the jacket it is dressed in.
  4. Mar 28, 2012
    The result is a highly enjoyable album of Afrobeat music accented with edgy bass and artsy guitar/synth melodies.
  5. May 2, 2012
    This album doesn't suck... it's just boring.
  6. Mar 28, 2012
    Trim away the fat, and you're left with a strong nine-or-ten-track album, or (better yet) an absolutely stellar EP.
  7. Mar 22, 2012
    Rocket Juice & the Moon feels like a decent record, but an unfocused, meandering one.
  8. May 4, 2012
    It's easy to see how one could criticize the album for being somewhat formless or aimless at points, but that just feels like missing the point. The loose grooves and improvisational feel are what it's all about... It's still a great listen, and a great time.
  9. Apr 19, 2012
    May be the most forward-looking music you hear all year.
  10. Mar 27, 2012
    With a supporting cast that includes Erykah Badu and low-end czar Thundercat, the resulting 18-song album is a shockingly listenable mixtape session of the gods.
  11. Mar 22, 2012
    The musicality and effervescent spirit are the qualities that abide.
  12. 80
    It all comes together more fruitfully on the ensuing "Hey, Shooter." [...] From there, it gets more fecund than ever.
  13. Uncut
    Apr 6, 2012
    This debut album sounds as charmingly casual as its inception. [May 2012, p.80]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Oct 4, 2022
    The album is OK but lacks a proper structure with the bass lines sounding very repetitive. The album also lacks any contribution from DamonThe album is OK but lacks a proper structure with the bass lines sounding very repetitive. The album also lacks any contribution from Damon with him only singing on 2 songs. A lot of the songs are way too short. Could have been better. Full Review »
  2. Mar 26, 2012
    This album lacked a lot for me... It could have been very promising if there were more intricate elements added to the sound of each song. ForThis album lacked a lot for me... It could have been very promising if there were more intricate elements added to the sound of each song. For me, the bass line in most of the songs were very repetitive and there were way too many filler songs in between. I also thought that Damon Albarn would be singing more of the songs (instead of two!). So, overall... it's not a bad album, but it could be much better. Full Review »