• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Sep 11, 2001
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 49 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 49
  2. Negative: 4 out of 49

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  1. Dec 14, 2019
    The greatest album I’ve ever listened to. That’s all I have to say about this incredible album
  2. SpeedyG.
    Jul 5, 2007
    An unbelievable album - just like songs for silverman, but still fightng it, the luckiest and fred jones are the best songs i haev ever heard.
  3. LeifS
    Jan 14, 2007
    Although this album was good, I felt it wasn't to the best of Ben Fold's potential.
  4. ginaf
    Dec 31, 2006
    I can't believe I waited so long to buy it.
  5. daven
    Sep 22, 2006
    Along with most Ben Folds 5 fans, I miss the band as a whole. When Fear of Pop, Ben's first solo release, was released, I was disappointed and was ensured that was the end of Ben Folds career. After this CD was released I realized how I wrong I was. This is the BEST CD in Ben Folds entire catalog including Ben Folds 5. It shows his growth as a songwriter and his maturity (although Along with most Ben Folds 5 fans, I miss the band as a whole. When Fear of Pop, Ben's first solo release, was released, I was disappointed and was ensured that was the end of Ben Folds career. After this CD was released I realized how I wrong I was. This is the BEST CD in Ben Folds entire catalog including Ben Folds 5. It shows his growth as a songwriter and his maturity (although the title track is his attempt at hanging on to his humorous side). I still do miss the 5, but with a CD as aexceptional as this it makes it that much easier to let go. Expand
  6. Crista
    Jul 13, 2006
    At first the use of a person's name in the title of almost every track was bothersome, but this album will grow on you until you love it. Not his best, but still a great album by one of the great singer/songwriter/performers of our day.
  7. DavidF
    Apr 14, 2006
    Amazing, simply amazing album
  8. FredJ
    Mar 21, 2005
    One of the greatest albums ever made. It has everything, slow romantic to fun rocking... rock.
  9. MaryO'
    Mar 18, 2004
    Ben Folds write beautiful music, and plays it beautifully as well. The lyrics and meanings in the music are all very inspiring (although some songs are sad, and they almost make you cry.) Ben Folds's track has made a large impression in my life.
  10. AshleyD
    Nov 19, 2003
    A great CD, good mix of songs...unpredictable, and the perfect CD to listen to anyime.
  11. AndrewE.
    Feb 13, 2002
    no, this is NOT ben folds' best album . however, it is still very good, because it is ben folds. anything ben folds releases automatically receives a complimentary 300-400 plays in my CD player, at least. however, i must be honest (as i doubt all those who gave it a "10" above me were) : the melodies aren't as good and occasionally border on campy (see "Losing Lisa"), the no, this is NOT ben folds' best album . however, it is still very good, because it is ben folds. anything ben folds releases automatically receives a complimentary 300-400 plays in my CD player, at least. however, i must be honest (as i doubt all those who gave it a "10" above me were) : the melodies aren't as good and occasionally border on campy (see "Losing Lisa"), the piano-playing is dumbed down (presumably to be more pop-accessible???), the whole "sound" that BFF put out is just not there; way too sterile, way too subdued... anyway, i am just being hyper-critical because i know what the man is capable of. trust me, nobody likes ben folds more than me. maybe i just "don't get this album", but i don't think so. look into your heart, it's really, honestly, not as good as the others. i'll still buy anything the man makes the instant it comes out, and i'll be in the front row right in front of his piano keys every time he comes to town, but something's wrong with this picture. listen to his other albums. Expand
  12. Renee
    Nov 11, 2001
    Cool Shit
  13. MR
    Nov 8, 2001
    I was not impressed with the album when I first heard it, but like all other BF albums with the F, The more and more I listen to it, the more and more I hear new things, and it just gave me a good feeling inside, like the kind you get from a 5 dollar, nevermind, anyway, great cd, best I've heard since Doggystyle
  14. AlexK.
    Oct 31, 2001
    This CD kicks!
  15. SpencerB.
    Oct 24, 2001
    One of the absolute best albums of the year, even track a melodic single-in-waiting. Classic stuff.
  16. LozW.
    Oct 7, 2001
    It's grand. Buy it.
  17. garycalkins
    Sep 21, 2001
    Intelligent pop/rock in an unintelligent era....stupid people will hate it.....
  18. JeanD.
    Sep 20, 2001
    rivals BFF albums of past
  19. LoganE.
    Sep 18, 2001
    59? This CD has gotten a 59 as of yet? This is unbelievable to me. Why can people stop bieng critics long enough to see the beauty of this CD. Ben Folds is a talented musician first off, a brilliant song writer secondly. Im mainly a fan of Underground Hip Hop but this stuff is amazing to me, i cant stop listening. Annie waits, not the same, and ascent of stan alone are worth the 13 bucks. 59? This CD has gotten a 59 as of yet? This is unbelievable to me. Why can people stop bieng critics long enough to see the beauty of this CD. Ben Folds is a talented musician first off, a brilliant song writer secondly. Im mainly a fan of Underground Hip Hop but this stuff is amazing to me, i cant stop listening. Annie waits, not the same, and ascent of stan alone are worth the 13 bucks. Please dont sleep, this is a great CD. Expand
  20. Elliot
    Sep 13, 2001
    Great album
  21. ChrisH.
    Sep 13, 2001
  22. WesW.
    Sep 13, 2001
    This is the best representation of Ben's skill as a songwriter so far. No kidding, this is one of my favorite albums to date! Any bad reviews come from people who either don't get his sarcasm, or fault him for not fitting in with the one dimensional/generic music that has taken the music business by storm (aka. new metal and pop)
  23. [Anonymous]
    Sep 12, 2001
    One of the best albums of the year

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. But for all of its snickers, ''Suburbs'' is serious business -- a pop fantasia that seals Folds' rep as the Cole Porter of underclass underdogs.
  2. The new Ben Folds is a lot like the old one: as unpredictable as he is talented.
  3. Folds seems to want to please everyone on the disc, making the listening experience a bit haphazard, if not a little predictable.