• Record Label: Numero
  • Release Date: Nov 10, 2017

Universal acclaim - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 12
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 12
  3. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Magnet
    Dec 22, 2017
    As impressive as Savage Young Du is as a musical release--69 remastered songs over nearly three hours--it's equally impressive as a historical document. ... One of 2017's essential releases, no matter how you cut it. [No. 149, p.61]
  2. The Wire
    Dec 19, 2017
    Fans will find things to love here, I’m sure. But Savage Young Dü won’t be making any converts. [Dec 2017, p.69]
  3. Dec 14, 2017
    This beautifully curated set covering their earliest years. ... It often feels like you’re listening to the birth of something more than a band: the contradictions at Hüsker Dü’s heart would fuel American alt-rock for years to come, from the Pixies to grunge to emo.
  4. Dec 8, 2017
    Savage Young Du contains nothing less than the foundation of that towering legacy.
  5. Dec 7, 2017
    Savage Young Dü aches breadth and depth.
  6. Mojo
    Nov 13, 2017
    A thorough pre-history, ending just before the release of first studio album, Everything Falls Apart. [Dec 2017, p.104]
  7. Uncut
    Nov 13, 2017
    Savage Young Du stands as some testament to his [Grant Hart's] wild creativity, and the protean energy of the band that first brought his songs to the world. [Dec 2017, p.34]
  8. Nov 13, 2017
    Even for longtime fans, Savage Young Dü is revelatory, charting a young band's progress as it achieved its potential for greatness.
  9. Nov 13, 2017
    Even in unvarnished recordings, some of the earliest tracks here--the innocent teen angst of Hart’s “Can’t See You Anymore” and “Sore Eyes,” the handclap-abetted “The Truth Hurts,” and Mould’s studio outtake “Writer’s Cramp”--show an attention to and ease with pop songcraft that later became a hallmark. ... By the time the set gets to the 1983 studio debut Everything Falls Apart, it’s a little like Dorothy stepping into Technicolor.
  10. Nov 13, 2017
    A painstaking labour of love for all concerned, Savage Young Dü is--at last--the kind of archival release fans of these transcendent punk-pop pioneers have long since craved.
  11. 100
    Extensive, charming and compelling--Savage Young Dü is one of the best archival compilations of the year.
  12. Nov 13, 2017
    Like most bumper collections of this nature, Savage Young Dü is not a starting point. Sensibly, one should swot up on Hüsker Dü’s complete 1984-86 output first, then dig into this box and its wealth of eyewitness anecdotes and photos of puppy-fattened band members. Historical context suitably delivered, toast the lifespan of a great rock band and burn one for the guy who didn’t see this release hit the shelves.

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