• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: May 31, 2019
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Universal acclaim- based on 1708 Ratings

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  1. Jul 21, 2020
    This album is not too bad. But it's bad. Miley shows too much of her bad and sexy, vulgar side. I hate her style and the vulgar lyrics in this album. "Cattitude" is the worst song ever. I don't understand why she has to destroy her old Hannah Montana image to be this bad of a girl. "Mother's Daughter" is the only good song here.
  2. Dec 14, 2021
    This is not THAT BAD but I'm still giving it a 0 to fix the EP's rating since it's obvious that now stan twitter has found out about metacritic and they're just automatically giving their idols the highest rating possible whether it's a good project or not, despite making no critical analysis whatsoever.
  3. Jun 5, 2019
    This is not THAT BAD but I'm still giving it a 0 to fix the EP's rating since it's obvious that now stan twitter has found out about metacritic and they're just automatically giving their idols the highest rating possible whether it's a good project or not, despite making no critical analysis whatsoever.
  4. Jun 5, 2019
    This ep of Miley is one of the worst, its work has turned just mediocre, of the 6 songs we can just save 2 of them, the other ones were just bad.
  5. Jun 4, 2019
    Literally the worst album I’ve heard in years.
    A regretful compilation of the most meaningless and vapid subject matters, meets trashy, vulgar lyrics, meets half-done aternative-wannabe production that fails to impress every time and leaves me regretting that I was ever excited for a new release from an artist whose older bodies of work I used to enjoy.
    The ep reaches it’s sadly low peak
    Literally the worst album I’ve heard in years.
    A regretful compilation of the most meaningless and vapid subject matters, meets trashy, vulgar lyrics, meets half-done aternative-wannabe production that fails to impress every time and leaves me regretting that I was ever excited for a new release from an artist whose older bodies of work I used to enjoy.
    The ep reaches it’s sadly low peak in the somewhat listenable songs like The Most, Mother’s Daughter and Unholy and its lowest of lows on glorified noise like Cattitude.
    Hard to believe an artist who once put out such an incredible ep like Time of Our Lives could ever come out with one this impressively bad.
  6. Jun 4, 2019
    o ep é muito bom, porem a fã base toxica foram dar zero para outro álbum apenas por inveja, por isso o zero.
  7. Jun 4, 2019
    probably the worst **** i've ever heard, every single song of this album is terrible, it seems like hip hop is no longer a culture of misogyny for her
  8. Jun 4, 2019
    I expected a Time Of Our Lives 2.0 and instead got a downgraded version of Bangerz meets Dead Petz that is practically unlistenable.
    So disappointed...
  9. Jun 4, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum chato, confuso, apelativo e com um lirismo básico. Parece até que a Miley Cyrus fez esse álbum no banheiro ao invés de ser no estúdio. Expand
  10. Jun 3, 2019
    It’s just bad, I don’t like it, it’s very repetitive and long, plus it’s very sexual
  11. Jun 3, 2019
    Bored, its really bored and so so so stranger, dont Cool, dont want listen beber
  12. Jun 3, 2019
    I have been listening to Miley for a long time and I've been waiting for this release for a long time but this is a huge letdown. Mother's Daughter is the only song I liked.
  13. Jun 3, 2019
    The worst album of 2019. Just “Mother’s Daughter” saves this trash. All of my expectations fully failed.
  14. May 31, 2019
    I'm not a hater, i had good expectations. Miley Cyrus was born to the country style. In a move of desperation, the singer has released an ep with similar songs, trap style and hip hop so poorly produced that it looks like an alternative album (maybe The Neighbourhood style). In some songs, you can imagine how such a track could be if it were with the sonority of Younger Now, predecessor ofI'm not a hater, i had good expectations. Miley Cyrus was born to the country style. In a move of desperation, the singer has released an ep with similar songs, trap style and hip hop so poorly produced that it looks like an alternative album (maybe The Neighbourhood style). In some songs, you can imagine how such a track could be if it were with the sonority of Younger Now, predecessor of this work. "The Most" is proof that the country is the right style that the singer should follow and hone. Content? The EP is extremely poor. No captivating lyrics such as "Thinkin" and "Younger Now," no striking lyrics like "She's Not Him" and not even pretty statements like "Miss You So Much" and "Inspired." Miley Cyrus, please stop and find yourself. Expand
  15. Jun 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not to good to listen. simple and basic productions. dull letters with apology to drug addiction i dont think this ep its a bop Expand
  16. Jun 1, 2019
    this album is being way overhyped it’s absolutely trash and i adore miley, hope her next is better i’m so disappointed ☹️
  17. Jun 4, 2019
    Repetitive beats and nonsense lyrics, a disorganized ep that could be much better
  18. Jun 3, 2019
    Eu falo rainha do pop e vocês falam Miley Cyrus! Não só do pop como de todos os estilos músicais! Estou apaixonado por esse trabalho incrivel!
  19. Jun 1, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Mais uma vez entregando um trabalho horrível, isso seria novidade vindo de artistas que são levadas a sério como Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift e Beyoncé, mas vindo da Miley Cyrus, isso não é chocante. ela nunca entregou, nem nunca irá entregar algo digno. Com este EP ela provou mais uma vez será uma HIPÓCRITA que não segue o que diz, ja falou mal da cultura hip-hop, e com este EP, usou hip-hop para se escorar, também usou batidas trap porque está em alta. "She Is Coming", esse título não faz o menor sentido nesse festival de promessas apelativas, afinal ela NÃO veio, e, eu espero que ela não venha.
    Miley não é uma artista que entrega qualidade, Miley é apenas um produto fabricado que se contradiz o tempo inteiro e está sedenta para voltar a vender, uma pena, pois nem se escorando em Hannah Montana, que por sinal, a mesma já falou horrores e agora voltou a usar pra chamar atenção, vai conseguir voltar a vender.
    Esse EP é uma caçamba de radiação.
  20. Jun 3, 2019
    "She Is Coming" pois não vejo a hora de ela ir embora novamente, não é chocante para mim a mediocridade do novo trabalho de Miley Cyrus, não é como se alguém, além de seus fãs da época de Hannah Montana, estivesse realmente interessado nisso ou até mesmo esperando algo de qualidade, afinal originalidade e qualidade nunca foram o forte da mesma, depois de tentar algo conceitual com o"She Is Coming" pois não vejo a hora de ela ir embora novamente, não é chocante para mim a mediocridade do novo trabalho de Miley Cyrus, não é como se alguém, além de seus fãs da época de Hannah Montana, estivesse realmente interessado nisso ou até mesmo esperando algo de qualidade, afinal originalidade e qualidade nunca foram o forte da mesma, depois de tentar algo conceitual com o vergonhoso “Dead Petz” e tentar limpar sua imagem com o ainda mais medíocre “Younger Now” chega a hora de Miley reinventar o conceito de fracasso sonoro com seu novo EP, indo de batidas trap, que estão em alta no mercado, até um hip Hop vergonhoso com RuPaul, o novo EP de Miley é exatamente aquilo que deveríamos esperar dela, confuso, ruim e apelativo, tentando de todas as formas ter o seu lugar na nova era da indústria, o streaming, "She Is Coming" poderia até ter o seu espaço porém é ruim demais para isso, as referências a cultura pop e artistas influentes não soaram naturais muito menos foram inteligentes,como sempre Miley promete algo e não consegue cumprir, “She IS Coming” e um comeback vergonhoso ao cenário musical, algo que claramente só perderia ser lançado por Miley Cyrus Expand
  21. Jun 2, 2019
    i love Miley but, this EP is trash, cattitude ia the wrost song of the decade. I need a new bangerz.
  22. Jun 1, 2019
    This highly anticipated album was worth the wait. Cyrus portrays excellent emotion and revives her "Bangerz" era Miley, while also keeping her content true and honest. The production is amazing. Overall, this tops anything she has put out.
  23. May 31, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Parece que dessa vez a ex protagonista de seriado da disney resolveu juntar todas as suas personalidades em um só trabalho; e como nada do que ela fez até hoje teve qualidade, agora não seria diferente. She is coming é um grito de desespero... O grito mais alto da sua falta de identidade artística.
    Miley Cyrus por anos tentou se livrar da imagem de hannah montana, mas seria melhor se voltasse a ultilizar das vantagens de ser uma artista amada por todos. La, mesmo sem qualidade, seus trabalhos vendiam sendo impulsionados pela empresa onde trabalhava. Bem diferente dos dias atuais, que nem apelando pra perda de seus animais de estimação ela consegue ter um álbuns com vendas decentes.
    O que resta agora, após a horrível experiência de ouvir esse EP completo da loirinha usuária de cannabis sativa, é nos perguntar se algum dia a mesma se encontrará artisticamente e entregará algo de qualidade aos poucos smilers que ainda restam. Enquanto isso não acontece, devemos continuar apreciando e consumindo o incrível trabalho de artistas talentosas como Ariana Grande e Taylor Swift.
  24. Jun 4, 2019
    meh..... catitude is the worst song ever!!! this ep is just ok. we know miley can do better than that
  25. Jun 4, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. So that's the **** that was coming? Well... I would rather have blue balls. Expand
  26. Jun 4, 2019
    real bad, no shade.
    Everything seems so pushy and not original. Cattitude sounds so forced to appeal the LGBTQ community. I don't buy it.
  27. Jun 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I didn’t understand the theme or why she has to sing about drugs or putting drugs in a guys drink, disappointing I thought she was over it. She’s back to where she was. Expand
  28. Jun 4, 2019
    Meh. One okay song. Cattitude is bad even for a RuPaul song. I like Miley and she has great songs in her discography, but this didn’t carry that on, with the one exception of Mother’s Daughter which is okay
  29. Jun 4, 2019
    No offense to the smilers I love Miley but this album just isn’t the quality we’ve come to expect from her, and it seems like it was just a series of trashy songs with a few good standouts like Mother’s daughter.
  30. Jun 3, 2019
    Nada bueno

    Sigue colgandose de la cultura negra Eso no es pop es mas Hip hop Cattitude un cuelgue de las drag

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Jun 17, 2019
    The most surprising thing about SHE IS COMING is how detached she sounds on it.
  2. Jun 10, 2019
    Regardless of its intention, whether vapid or passive-aggresively referrential, SHE IS COMING is really, really fun. It bounces from eye-roll-inducing to warmly dazzling without asking whether or not it should.
  3. Jun 7, 2019
    She Is Coming is an unkempt little EP that tries to cram her wild oeuvre, from molly to Mark Ronson, into just six songs. That said, you can’t deny Cyrus remains a freak of pop nature.