• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Mar 26, 2021

Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Mar 26, 2021
    tUnE-yArDs haven't sounded this infectious since Nikki Nack, and Sketchy. captures the inflection point where frustration becomes positive action in funky, happy, angry, and inspiring ways.
  2. Apr 1, 2021
    sketchy. may not be their out-and-out best work, but it’s proof that they still have the guts and the songwriting ability — as well as their ever-present, obvious earnestness and candor — to do what endeared their work to so many in the first place.
  3. Mar 25, 2021
    Though unlikely to win over those who weren’t already fans, ‘sketchy.’ is a more mature offering than previous Tune-Yards records though still retains much of the tripped-out whimsy that first made them so infectious.
  4. Mar 24, 2021
    Though drumming on tracks like "make it right." and "hypnotized" occasionally overpower the songwriting, the songs are redeemed by Garbus' vocal wizardry. In the verses, she meanders all over the scale in an offhand way, but dishes out a cathartic climax of soaring harmonies that make for some epic choruses.
  5. Mojo
    Mar 24, 2021
    By opening up melodically as well as rhythmically, Garbus and Brenner better reveal the big heart at the centre of Tune-Yards. [May 2021, p.87]
  6. Mar 25, 2021
    Tune-Yards are always going to be an acquired taste for some people, and while this album mixes the accessible with the avant-garde, there will probably be people who are left cold by the restless energy and sometimes overtly meandering melodies. There are more than enough moments on Sketchy though to show that Garbus and Bremmer can strike musical gold when they want to.
  7. 80
    ‘Sketchy’ takes the best, feral pulses from tUnE-yArDs’ DIY material and the richest sounds of later records in its doubling down on societal crises. If Garbus was worried about finding inspiration, she needn’t have been.
  8. Mar 24, 2021
    Tune-Yards continue to make meaningful and joyful art after the watershed moment of reckoning on their last album.
  9. Apr 16, 2021
    Several songs address contemporary issues concerning race, personal responsibility, and generational guilt in oblique ways that make one think while having a groove on. It is meta-funk without the heavy bass and other genre tropes. The music is more experimental and strange, even while being rhythm-heavy. And the lyrics are avant-garde and innovative.
  10. Rolling Stone
    Apr 6, 2021
    It's her incisive songwriting that makes her fifth LP a treat. [Apr 2021, p.73]
  11. Mar 26, 2021
    Sketchy is not that perfect marriage of progressive political messaging and musical pleasure – an elusive holy grail, that, or a contradiction in terms? – but it is a daring, fascinating and frequently very enjoyable attempt to square the circle.
  12. 80
    Sketchy is a bold album in so many ways but it’s also incredibly, comfortingly Tune-Yards: High energy, offbeat movements, looped vocals, powerful cries, incredible rhythms, a belief that fighting for what is right is the only option. It’s life affirming.
  13. Mar 24, 2021
    Despite its name, there’s nothing ambiguous about Tune-Yards’ return. They’re back with bombast and the permission to take a breather if it all gets too much.
  14. Uncut
    Mar 24, 2021
    The record itself isn’t angry, fizzing instead with a creative fire. There’s a looseness and joy to songs like “Make It Right” and “Homewrecker”, rooted in the extended jam sessions in which Garbus and bassist Nate Brenner birthed the record, the bold lyrics an extension of that passion. [May 2021, p.32]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
  1. Mar 27, 2021
    A caconofia sonora característica de Merrill Garbus atinge novos patamares em Sketch. Guiado por coros, cores e composições delicadas, este éA caconofia sonora característica de Merrill Garbus atinge novos patamares em Sketch. Guiado por coros, cores e composições delicadas, este é o trabalho mais delicado e acessível do projeto até hoje. Destaque para “hypnotized”, “silence pt. 1” e “hold yourself” (certamente uma das melhores faixas de 2021 e da carreira de Garbus). Full Review »
  2. Jul 24, 2021
    Amazing as always! I love how Merrill and Nate try something new. Maybe the older fan don't like this new direction, but i think this is theAmazing as always! I love how Merrill and Nate try something new. Maybe the older fan don't like this new direction, but i think this is the most Tune Yards thing ever!! Don't only the musics are amazing, but the lyrics talk about important matters too, making your think about the world. I'm so addicted of this album, and the music clips are amazing too. Highlights for Be not afraid, Silence PT1, Nowhere man, Homewrecker, hypnotized and Hold yourself; Full Review »
  3. Apr 5, 2021
    This is looney, I‘m a fan.. the lead singer has a black voice but she‘s white.. and some of their other music is so technical its just looneyThis is looney, I‘m a fan.. the lead singer has a black voice but she‘s white.. and some of their other music is so technical its just looney the tunes the tunes yard smashes you with Full Review »