• Record Label: Yep Roc
  • Release Date: Aug 2, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
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  1. Q Magazine
    Sep 21, 2011
    Quality control lets down power-poppers' fifth effort. [Oct 2011, p.117]
  2. Sep 15, 2011
    Unlike the trio's livelier breakthrough, 1997's Apartment Life, the rest of All Hours is functionally pleasant but largely unmemorable background music for restaurants with exposed ceiling beams.
  3. Aug 19, 2011
    No doubt they know to bury weaker material; the last few songs are less memorable.
  4. Lulled into a formalistic revery by their catchy choruses, you assume their content is as null as their groove. But in fact they're so girl-shy it's thematic, and refreshingly empathetic about women with problems.
  5. Uncut
    Aug 18, 2011
    FoW's impeccably assembled works rarely stir little more than fond memories of their obvious influences. This is largely true of Sky Full Of Holes, though there are moments of irresistible sticky sweetness. [Sep 2011, p.84]
  6. Alternative Press
    Aug 18, 2011
    Musically, Sky Full Of Holes is simply gorgeous. [Sep 2011, p.112]
  7. Aug 16, 2011
    FOW just seem go through the motions. No sweat. No tongue in cheek either.
  8. Aug 11, 2011
    Sky Full of Holes is the perfect sound of a band staying within their comfort zone while not forgetting the power of the almighty hook.
  9. 60
    Collingwood's nasal vocals–part charming limitation, part annoying affectation–can wear thin, even when sweetened by pristine guitar arrangements and perfect backing harmonies.
  10. Aug 9, 2011
    Sky Full of Holes finds Fountains of Wayne back at the top of their game.
  11. Aug 8, 2011
    'Someone's Gonna Break Your Heart' goes some way to harking back to their former glories but moments like these are in all too short supply.
  12. 75
    Even when Fountains of Wayne are phoning it in, they're never less than professional. Think of this as a thoughtfully-written greeting card of an album.
  13. Aug 3, 2011
    Yet, something's missing. An emotional engagement, perhaps, because they sometimes seem positively embarrassed to play from the heart.
  14. Aug 3, 2011
    Chris Collingwood and Adam Schlesinger's specialty as songwriters has always been turning a trope inside out, finding ways to freshen or invert convention, and while they haven't lost that knack, the directness of Sky Full of Holes turns their tunes into something approaching standard-issue.
  15. Aug 2, 2011
    Fountains Of Wayne dutifully settles into adulthood on Sky Full Of Holes.
  16. Aug 2, 2011
    Right on cue comes Sky Full of Holes, which continues the identity crisis that began on the flailing "Traffic and Weather.''
  17. Aug 2, 2011
    On Sky Full of Holes, Fountains of Wayne is what we thought they were: some of the best songwriters this side of Big Star, who occasionally indulge their less populist impulses.
  18. Aug 2, 2011
    Perhaps Sky Full of Holes will be that album to some impressionable youth whose idea of power pop revolves around Justin Bieber ballads, but for longtime fans it just sounds tired and dusty. Fountains of Wayne are still doing what they've always done, but I think I've finally grown up.
  19. Unless you have a natural predisposition towards the enjoyment of self-consciously nerdy vocals and jangling harmonic songs taking a 'sideways looks' at life, Sky Full Of Holes will leave you completely unmoved.
  20. 75
    It's a remarkably consistent album, full of snappy arrangements, surprising chord changes and tasteful instrumentation, but Collingwood's voice embodies its true appeal.
  21. 80
    Fountains of Wayne's music has its heart in the 1970's of the Eagles, Bruce Springsteen, Stealers Wheel and Nick Lowe, full of strummed acoustic and electric guitars, repeated octaves on the piano and wordless vocal-harmony choruses.
  22. Aug 1, 2011
    Sky Full of Holes, the band's fifth release, doesn't stray from their foundation of fitting rhymed schemes amidst archetypical power pop chords.
  23. Aug 1, 2011
    The juvenile wordplays, ironic pop-culture references, and narratives about sad-sack folks undone by mundane, everyday minutia that are among the band's trademarks remain fully intact: The content of the songs on Sky Full of Holes is, by and large, as wry and idiosyncratic as their songs have ever been.
  24. Jul 29, 2011
    They know what they do well and they accentuate that time and time again. While the stories can get drawn out at times, there is still enough here to sustain a solid listen.
  25. Jul 29, 2011
    Gone are the massive arena rock choruses that were the sugar on their tart character sketches; this time the New York powerpop band have eschewed the power in favour of a more sedate sound, the dominant texture being acoustic guitar overlaid with muted electrics.
  26. 91
    The beloved power-pop veterans dial down the big guitars and slick synths of yore on Sky Full of Holes, a relatively rootsy effort.
  27. Jul 26, 2011
    The songs are filled with jokes - but the punch lines often turn into epiphanies.
  28. Jul 19, 2011
    Sky eschews the occasional decade-hopscotching of 2007's Traffic and Weather, reaching a new, raw sincerity and cohesiveness.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Aug 12, 2011
    Fountains of Wayne never fails to disappoint. Although this is not their best album (Welcome Interstate Managers still reigns supreme), theyFountains of Wayne never fails to disappoint. Although this is not their best album (Welcome Interstate Managers still reigns supreme), they continue to rule their genre. The tempo is slowed down for this one, and there is an obvious melancholy note to many songs, but this is a very good album that is worth listening to. Right now. Do it. Full Review »
  2. Jun 9, 2012
    I believe FoW have lost it, or are in the process of losing it. I put it down to age. I own every album of theirs to date and I can say thisI believe FoW have lost it, or are in the process of losing it. I put it down to age. I own every album of theirs to date and I can say this is the one I was least excited about. Even their collection of B-sides was better than this. The overall quality has gone down, from the melodies to the lyrics to Chris Collingwood's voice (which has deteriorated into an almost annoying nasal whine.) Only one of the songs was immediately catchy ("The Summer Place")--which is a rare thing for a FoW album. That said, the album does get better at a very quick rate on repeated listens. And even though I feel it's their worst album, I still think it's decent on the whole and better than a lot of the other stuff out there. Full Review »