
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Jul 14, 2020
    So When You Gonna... sets Dream Wife up nicely as a radical band their day, actively engaging with the major issues at hand, progressive in their sound and statements, and making the case for re-evaluating how gender is viewed in the music industry and beyond.
  2. Jul 9, 2020
    It’s a bold step forward in developing a more sophisticated sound and refusing to retread old ground. However, the lack of Alice Go’s epic power riffs does deprive it of some of the raw power and explosive energy that has made them one of the most thrilling live units in the UK.
  3. Jul 6, 2020
    Though it's very different from Dream Wife, So When You Gonna… is just as genuine, and the duality in Dream Wife's music only makes them a more interesting, and more relevant, band.
  4. Jul 6, 2020
    Dream Wife have tapped into that certain je ne sais quoi that makes for a compelling emotional outlet, even if their energy is slightly dampened on So When You Gonna…. Their vulnerability shows strength and playfulness are the best weapons against malaise on their new record, proving themselves to be a much-needed balm in 2020.
  5. Q Magazine
    Jul 2, 2020
    Dream Wife may borrow from the best, but are indefatigably joyfully their own. [Aug 2020, p.113]
  6. 85
    There are one or two slightly lacklustre moments, such as "Hold On Me", which doesn’t feel like it belongs, but they are far outnumbered and outshined by the groove of songs like "Old Flame" and the smart, questioning lyrics of "Validation". It’s a record that challenges complacency
  7. Jul 2, 2020
    With a limitless blend of genres, there are songs that your pop princess can access alongside her punk sister, uniting them in their struggle.
  8. Jul 2, 2020
    Full of prodigious riffs, intoxicating vocals and a narrative you just can't ignore, So When You Gonna… exemplifies just what happens when talent meets passion.
  9. With so much honesty packed into the 11 tracks, the album is an invitation and a challenge to go after what you want – without apologising for it.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 3, 2021
    ( 74/100 )

    "Dream Wife" (2018) fue una bienvenida introducción a la carrera de este trio de chicas no binarias. Ese debut demostró que
    ( 74/100 )

    "Dream Wife" (2018) fue una bienvenida introducción a la carrera de este trio de chicas no binarias. Ese debut demostró que todavía necesitaban crecer pero que dar un paso atrás sería difícil. De alguna forma, como parte de conocerse a si mismas, "So When You Gonna..." resultó ser ese paso hacia atrás. Disfruto mucho la furia en su Punk y Garaje Rock, sin embargo esa furia está apaciguada y distante en este álbum. Aquí se toman las cosas con un poco más de Pop, Indie y tranquilad, y está bien, hasta cierto grado han logrado expandir el tamaño de su público, pero no encontraremos aquí la determinación y la imagen que prometieron en su debut. Producido por Marta Salogni, el valor más grande de este proyecto es el espacio dedicado a la voz de Rakel, que se luce con belleza, sensibilidad y fuerza. Solo queda esperar a ver si retoman la energía de un principio o si le dedicarán más tiempo a explorar su propio espectro, lo cual está bien.
    "Dream Wife" (2018) was a welcome introduction to the career of this non-binary trio. That debut shows that they still needed to grow but giving a step backward would be difficult. Somehow, as part of knowing themselves, "So When You Gonna..." turned out to be that step backward. I enjoy a lot the fury in their punk and Garage-Rock, however, that fury is appeased and distant in this album. Here they are taking things with a little more of Pop, Indie, and ease, and that's cool. To a certain degree, they have managed to expand their public, but we won't find here the determination and image promised in their debut. Produced by Marta Salogni, the biggest value of this project is the space dedicated to the voice of Rakel, which shows off with beauty, sensibility, and strength. It only remains to wait and see if they decide to retake the energy of the beginning or if they will spend more time exploring their own spectrum, which is fine.
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