• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jul 16, 2021

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jul 27, 2021
    Sob Rock is a pleasant album whose thematic '80s affections add some stylistic flair to Mayer's laid-back songs.
  2. Jul 15, 2021
    From its picture-perfect album cover on down, though, “Sob Rock” — Mayer’s eighth studio LP and his follow-up to 2017’s “The Search for Everything” — is so crisply rendered that it achieves an almost art-project-like quality that transcends those emotional and commercial circumstances.
  3. 80
    It is by all means a stimulating body of work with ample substance, but it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Less focused on his innate individuality, it’s a John Mayer passion project that toasts to the good old days, when musicians were more inclined to follow instincts and feelings than clicks and likes.
  4. Jul 16, 2021
    The truth is he could have amped it up in both departments—more hunger to prove himself beyond his influences, more fearlessness to work outside his comfort zone. Even if this is one of his stronger albums, the whole thing feels self-consciously minor.
  5. Jul 15, 2021
    Uniting these different moods, and the different styles in which Mayer dabbles, is the effortless warmth in his voice, which never puts too much weight behind his heartbreak or his happiness. He sings like a man who knows his place in the world.
  6. 60
    It’s genuinely enjoyable. Fairly forgettable. A pleasant enough middle-lane trip down what Mayer – with knowing cliché – calls “the highway of dreams”.
  7. Jul 21, 2021
    In places, like “Carry Me Away,” the triumph of the arrangement is potent enough to cloak the brittle lyrical bones it sits upon. But in general, Mayer’s songwriting is resistant to even the most thorough gussying up. And even at its most robust, “Sob Rock” is placid, never doing more than winking.
  8. Jul 16, 2021
    Mayer’s songs about bruised male egos, damaged hearts and hard-earned life lessons conjure up slow motion sequences from a long-lost John Hughes movie. It really is Some Kind of Wonderful.
  9. Jul 16, 2021
    His performance style is just affectless enough that he’s always tended to be more of a heart-tugger than tearjerker. And yet there’s a real pathos at the bottom of these era-specific arrangements that lends itself to the idea that a lonely boy might seek solace from the troubles of today in the musical comfort food of the yacht-rock era. All of which is to say: The damn thing kind of works.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 40
  2. Negative: 4 out of 40
  1. Jul 16, 2021
    From the track listing to the order of the songs. Everything fits in perfectly. This is a movie more than an album. "Shouldn't Matter But ItFrom the track listing to the order of the songs. Everything fits in perfectly. This is a movie more than an album. "Shouldn't Matter But It Does" hits so good, and just sets you up to feel the pain and sob rock. Full Review »
  2. Jul 16, 2021
    Amazing! 40 minutes long but it is not enough. I could hear it over and over again.
  3. Jul 16, 2021
    Not a bad album. Kind of sounds like a standard John Mayer album but it does have some nice little flourishes. I just hoped that it wouldNot a bad album. Kind of sounds like a standard John Mayer album but it does have some nice little flourishes. I just hoped that it would deliver something a bit more exciting Full Review »