
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Stone Roses fans who haven't tracked Brown's musical progress after that band's breakup will find much to love on Solarized, another mini-masterpiece that perfectly balances mood and melody.
  2. Paste Magazine
    At times convoluted, Solarized can be a bit of a puzzle, but there are precious few pieces missing from this set. [#14, p.115]
  3. Filter
    The entire disc is marked by diversity and ingenuity. [#13, p.96]
  4. Solarized is unlikely to win or lose Brown many fans, but the world of music would certainly be a duller place without him.
  5. Q Magazine
    Musically and lyrically, this has the same hazy, starry-eyed feel [as Music Of The Spheres]. [Oct 2004, p.121]
  6. Yet another endearingly eccentric document: one that will largely support his growing reputation as a talented, contrary, and mischievously erratic artiste.
  7. Mojo
    There's a freshness uncommon to fortysomething men two decades into their career. [Oct 2004, p.110]
  8. Uncut
    He falls well short thanks to a dated, home-cooked sound and and the earth-bound mundanity of his collaborators. [Nov 2004, p.119]
  9. Too mystical by half, perhaps, but streets ahead of former Stone Rose John Squire's plain-Jane rock.
  10. Brings to mind an image of someone stuck on a treadmill who has been fooled into believing that he's actually moving forward.
  11. Under The Radar
    The strongest and most ambitious record of Ian Brown's solo career. [#8, p.105]
  12. Most of Solarized sounds like a so-so Portishead record with perfect cheekbones, an expensive haircut and rock-star airheadedness even Noel Gallagher couldn't manage.
  13. Solarized finds Brown regaining the melodic sense that eluded him on most of [Music Of The Spheres].
  14. Urb
    Has more in common with Oasis than anything else. [Mar 2005, p.110]
  15. The album's production, particularly the insistence on pinning Brown's hazy croon way on top of the mix, too often dulls any punch the music would otherwise have.
  16. Though one can't help but miss the complementing presence of Stone Roses guitarist/songwriter John Squire, "Solarized" is a strong and enjoyable offering from this Manchester icon.
  17. There's nothing terribly new to the electro-psych sound he's worked up for himself-- it actually throws back quite a bit to the Roses-- but here he has a clutch of great melodies for him to hang his honey-dipped voice on, and he delivers those nicely.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 26
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 26
  3. Negative: 4 out of 26
  1. RobertB.
    Jun 28, 2007
    In a class of his own!!!!!!
  2. NorthFreedomFighter
    Apr 5, 2005
    This album isn't overly fresh or uniquely original, it isn't going to blow anyone away outright, and it won't likely win any This album isn't overly fresh or uniquely original, it isn't going to blow anyone away outright, and it won't likely win any critics awards, but if you take it for what it is, a solid record made by a man who just has a knack for good sound, I gurantee you will love it. Use it to chill out to, use it to spice up your day, but always realize that this record does what it has meant to do. . . keep you listening. Full Review »
  3. patc
    Mar 28, 2005
    I loved his first album, then loved his second album, his 3rd was pretty good it had a few decent songs, and this one is #3 on my list, very I loved his first album, then loved his second album, his 3rd was pretty good it had a few decent songs, and this one is #3 on my list, very good album. Full Review »