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Universal acclaim- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 2 out of 20

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  1. [Anonymous]
    May 9, 2006
    The donnas can rock and party, but that's both this album's strength and weakness. It's a consistent batch of rockers, but there's little variation. And because of its partying premise it's fun, but you might outgrow it the next day, and it's questionable whether you'll remember it years from now. A greater, epic, resonating premise would be a good match The donnas can rock and party, but that's both this album's strength and weakness. It's a consistent batch of rockers, but there's little variation. And because of its partying premise it's fun, but you might outgrow it the next day, and it's questionable whether you'll remember it years from now. A greater, epic, resonating premise would be a good match with their talent. Expand
  2. JoanneG
    Apr 18, 2005
    This is a must for every rock n roll lover. It will surly be a classic. Buy it!!
  3. MikeD
    May 1, 2003
    T he Donnas Have Come Along Way,And Now It's Their Time To Shine!!"Go Bret A."No More Boy Bands There's To Many Now. Let The Girls "Rock-Out" Now.Remember Guy's "Lita Ford" Huh.? The Donnas Deliver Pure Hard Rock-n-Roll The Needs To Come Back To Main Stream "Rock" Spend The Night Album Proves This That They Can And Will Deliver What Has Been Missing For Some Time Long Over T he Donnas Have Come Along Way,And Now It's Their Time To Shine!!"Go Bret A."No More Boy Bands There's To Many Now. Let The Girls "Rock-Out" Now.Remember Guy's "Lita Ford" Huh.? The Donnas Deliver Pure Hard Rock-n-Roll The Needs To Come Back To Main Stream "Rock" Spend The Night Album Proves This That They Can And Will Deliver What Has Been Missing For Some Time Long Over Due. Good Old "Rock-n-Roll" Collapse
  4. Lestat
    Apr 30, 2003
    Best cd i ever bought.. classic rock is back..
  5. KirbyS
    Mar 5, 2003
    THis cd rocks! Finally an all girl band who doesn't need dance moves and a mini skirt to sell albums! Rock on!
  6. KellyM
    Feb 23, 2003
    This is the best record to date but I like them better as the Electricutes
  7. Ames
    Jan 16, 2003
    There old stuff is way better.
  8. Penny
    Dec 19, 2002
    These Girls can rock! I got this album of of curiousity & am glad that I did! They Rock! ~~Peace!!
  9. MissKitten
    Dec 7, 2002
    The Donnas keep getting better and better. They now sound like a true 70's rock band. More Kiss than The Ramones.
  10. garys
    Dec 6, 2002
    The donnas are a great band that bring punk rock back to the way it was
  11. RedP
    Nov 14, 2002
    Get their old records. This one is trying too hard; a real disappointment
  12. frankv
    Nov 13, 2002
    Spend The Night is Rock and roll at it's best. Fun album fast and short.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. If this disc has a weakness, it's in the somewhat "samey" feel of a couple of the songs, but at just under 40 minutes it's no biggie.
  2. Blender
    They're like the best party band at the best party you can imagine. [#11, p.130]
  3. There's something comforting about this raucous four-girl group's dependence on the tight, hard riff and its vision of heaven as a 7-Eleven parking lot.