• Record Label: Eardruma
  • Release Date: May 4, 2018
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 53 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 53
  2. Negative: 9 out of 53
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  1. Apr 6, 2021
    this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7 this album is a 7
  2. May 27, 2018
    While it can be a long listen and something you have to invest your time into, SR3MM may feel long, but never boring. The duo of Swae Lee and Slim Jxmmi have finally seemed to find their own sound. With that being said both can carry their own tracks and when they come together, gives listeners the feel of two independent rappers collaborating rather than two rappers who rely on oneWhile it can be a long listen and something you have to invest your time into, SR3MM may feel long, but never boring. The duo of Swae Lee and Slim Jxmmi have finally seemed to find their own sound. With that being said both can carry their own tracks and when they come together, gives listeners the feel of two independent rappers collaborating rather than two rappers who rely on one another like on previous Sremmlife entries. While long, if looked at as three independent listens as intended, this is a strong entry and one that sees the duo finally find their independent sounds and shows just how bright each’s future is in the rap game Expand
  3. May 26, 2018
    Amazing album swaecation was my least fav of the three but still amazing jxmtro was very good and almost best but when they are together they are truly unbeatable 10/10 album best songs changed up, rock and roll hall of fame and every other song lol
  4. May 23, 2018
    SR3MM is a solid third album by Rae Sremmurd. The album is the usual sound from them. The songs are catchy. And the production is high quality. But all of this is also a flaw. This is the third album from them and it's pretty much the same as the first two, just not as good. In the end, this is a decent third album.
    Swaecation is a decent debut album from Swae Lee. This album was
    SR3MM is a solid third album by Rae Sremmurd. The album is the usual sound from them. The songs are catchy. And the production is high quality. But all of this is also a flaw. This is the third album from them and it's pretty much the same as the first two, just not as good. In the end, this is a decent third album.
    Swaecation is a decent debut album from Swae Lee. This album was very clearly more pop influenced than the other projects. The songs are okay, but they aren't anything new. They aren't really all that catchy. The production is fine. In the end, this is an okay album but could've been better.
    Jxmtro is a pretty good debut album from Slim Jxmmi. To be honest, this album was better than Swaecation from Swae Lee. The songs on this album are more trap influenced than other projects but it works with him. In the end, this was a pretty solid debut.
  5. May 9, 2018
    Rae Sremmurd gave the best of them. It gives to realize that they have put much effort in each track of the album and its musical evolution is remarkable.
  6. May 9, 2018
    A pretty solid effort, reminiscent to Outkast's legendary Speakerboxx/The Love Below, from one of the most charismatic and promising hip hop groups of the last few years. Both Swae and Jxmmi do pretty well carrying their own respective projects in the triple disc set.
  7. May 8, 2018
    is all work no sleep from the boys coming in with 27 bangers, you gotta love it

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. The Wire
    Jul 13, 2018
    Exactly how delicately balanced their chemistry together is becomes apparent on the two solo albums that round out this three disc set. Both are decent in their own right but pale in comparison to the group disc. [Jul 2018, p.62]
  2. May 18, 2018
    Taken as a whole--SR3MM is nearly two hours long--the album is a serious time investment. However, broken up into three parts as intended, it provides a trio of easily digestible bites that gives Swae Lee and Slim Jxmmi freedom to indulge their own artistry while maintaining their bond as a duo.
  3. May 11, 2018
    By nature the album highlights their aesthetic differences, but at no point makes a strong argument for their separation. Still, it’s a bit of an awkward listen, with each of the three discs displaying obvious charms but none following through on its promise completely.