
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Aug 12, 2016
    Stretching beyond SremmLife, their party-starting choruses are squeaked, squawked and shouted; mellower stuff can get a Makonnen-esque broken falsetto ("Swang"); "By Chance" succeeds with a haughty Dana Dane accent.
  2. Aug 17, 2016
    SremmLife 2 is by no means a sophomore slump but just doesn’t quite fill the same space as the first installment did last year.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 56 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 56
  2. Negative: 11 out of 56
  1. Aug 16, 2016
    trash album trash rappers trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trashtrash album trash rappers trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash Full Review »
  2. Aug 19, 2016
    Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful PlainPlain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Full Review »
  3. Aug 16, 2016
    If you're listening to hip hop, especially hip hop like this, for lyrics, then you're a **** dusthead who needs to get with the times. SubjectIf you're listening to hip hop, especially hip hop like this, for lyrics, then you're a **** dusthead who needs to get with the times. Subject matter is very preferential anyways and not indicitive of talent. The bottom line is, Mike Will's beats are good, the mixing is good, Swae's melodies are insane, the charisma is there, and there is a lot of experimentation here. It's a very good album Full Review »