
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Aug 15, 2016
    Hotter singles make their debut a better buy, but for a group pegged as a one-hit wonder early on, SremmLife 2 dispels that myth with style.
  2. Aug 17, 2016
    SremmLife 2 may not pack the punch of its predecessor, but it shows that the brothers are growing musically. Far from one-note, Rae Sremmurd have the chops to sustain a long and varied run going forward.
  3. 67
    Even a battery of Mike Will’s topshelf beats can’t save SremmLife 2 from feeling emotionally hollow at times.
  4. Aug 15, 2016
    A rarely relenting party with more substance than the last.
  5. Aug 16, 2016
    Sremmlife 2 is worthwhile (and much needed) bid for album of the summer. It’s top heavy, “By Chance,” “Look Alive,” and “Black Beatles” feeling a lot like one of the best three song stretches of the year, but Swae brings a promising sense of experimentation to the entire project.
  6. Aug 11, 2016
    Throughout the album, the duo is still working with Mike Will Made It and his stable of producers, who provide Rae Sremmurd with infectious beats set at precisely the right shoulder-rocking tempo.
  7. Aug 15, 2016
    SremmLife 2 collects all of the quirks in the margins of its predecessor and develops them; more than anything else, SremmLife 2 is the ultimate middle finger to grouches who think this brand of rap can’t be complex.
  8. Aug 11, 2016
    There are pleasures to be found on SremmLife 2 once you adjust your expectations and realize that it’s not a “No Flex Zone” sequel. Instead, it charts a different but still familiar path: Every youth explosion is eventually tempered by the grind and hard-won rewards of grown-man work.
  9. 75
    There are real signs of musical development on Sremmurd 2 that point to longevity for the duo.
  10. Aug 11, 2016
    Rae Sremmurd is particularly well-suited to the carnival sounds of its debut, but in many places here feels as if it’s getting squelched.
  11. The Wire
    Nov 8, 2016
    Most of SremmLife II’s successes are confined to its front half, but the brothers have a strong enough pop sensibility to reward your attention even when they’re on autopilot. [Oct 2016, p.65]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 56 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 56
  2. Negative: 11 out of 56
  1. Aug 16, 2016
    trash album trash rappers trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trashtrash album trash rappers trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash Full Review »
  2. Aug 19, 2016
    Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful PlainPlain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Plain awful Full Review »
  3. Aug 16, 2016
    If you're listening to hip hop, especially hip hop like this, for lyrics, then you're a **** dusthead who needs to get with the times. SubjectIf you're listening to hip hop, especially hip hop like this, for lyrics, then you're a **** dusthead who needs to get with the times. Subject matter is very preferential anyways and not indicitive of talent. The bottom line is, Mike Will's beats are good, the mixing is good, Swae's melodies are insane, the charisma is there, and there is a lot of experimentation here. It's a very good album Full Review »